As mentioned earlier, Matthew has a very powerful mind power, and he has also shown that he easily broke those high-rise buildings, but compared to the present, it was really not on the same level. superior.

The whole city was shaking, that kind of... the feeling of the earth shaking as if the whole world was overturned, and then an even more shocking scene appeared, and even the earth, the whole ground began to slowly levitate.

"go to hell."

In fact, Matthew's strength is far more than that. As long as he is willing, he can even make the entire planet look like a city at this time. Omega-level mutants are already a terrifying existence that can rival the single-universe level powerhouse.

However, Bai Ye is also very clear about this, and Bai Ye has a good habit when fighting, that is, he never underestimates anyone.

It was a wise decision to pull the whole city into another dimension, and because of this, all Matthew could influence was this city.

In order to break through the isolation of the white night, he, Matthew, does not have the ability... The huge city began to levitate, and then with the rage of Matthew, it blasted towards the white night. Originally, Matthew thought that this would be enough If he can't kill Bai Ye, at least he should be able to kill all the Avengers and the police, but in fact he thinks too much.

The city turned into blue butterflies, as if they were deliberately avoiding the white night, they flew towards both sides of the white night.

As for the Avengers and the police, they were all suspended in the air at this time.

"Is that all that matters?"

This is the ability of the Reality Gem, but it is more powerful than the original Reality Gem deduced by the system.

After all, gems are foreign objects, but the power itself comes from Bai Ye himself.

"how can that be"

Since Matthew's awakening, this is the first time he has encountered such absurd things, and he is used to it. Facing this sudden blow, Matthew is completely collapsed.

In fact, the power of mutants comes from their own hearts. If their hearts break down, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Just like Matthew in front of him, when he collapsed, the power around him also went berserk... Lu

Chapter 212 The Fantastic Four [For automatic subscription]

Matthew's power went berserk, and under the terrifying force that was so powerful that it could almost destroy the universe, the surrounding space began to shake faintly.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye also indifferently stretched out his right hand.


With a sound like glass shattering, the whole world seemed to be shattered immediately, and together with the power of Matthew's berserk, everything was shattered... Shattering magic, which is the most commonly used in Baiye One of the few magics, simple but very effective.

Matthew didn't expect that he would die like this. Of course, at the moment before his death, he knew very well that he had no chance of winning in the face of Bai Ye. For him, Bai Ye was not an opponent that could be defeated.

Everything was over, Bai Ye sent this square world back to its original place, and at this moment, as the dark red light flashed by, the world that had been completely unrecognizable once again returned to its original appearance.

The power of the Reality Gem is against the sky, and after Bai Ye steals this kind of ability through the system, he can almost be said to be a god-like existence.

Matthew's body began to dissipate on the ground, and so did the corpses of the...dead mutants. Looking at the scene in front of him, those...still alive The mutants also chose to surrender.

Just kidding, Matthew is dead, and you still expect yourself and others to escape. "Actually, you should have come back earlier, you don't know how tricky this guy is."

Tony is still the same, but in front of the white night, he doesn't dare to speak out.

"Something happened, so it's late."

As for Tony, Bai Ye rarely treats him with a normal heart. There are not many people he knows well, and Tony's words should be counted as one.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, let alone Tony, even the US team and even the police became curious. It must be known that there are really not many things in this world that can make Bai Ye's heart, not to mention that they can hold him back.

"I'm curious as to what's even holding you back, is it convenient to talk about it?"

Tony looked at Bai Ye in shock and said.

And hearing Tony's words, Bai Ye, who killed Matthew, was obviously in a good mood, so he just smiled and said, "It's okay..."

......Time goes back to one day ago, Bai Ye, Gu Yi, and Doctor Strange 3 were suspended in outer space. In front of them, the silver light burst out as bright as the sun.

At the same time, several figures burst out from the silver light.

Almost subconsciously, Doctor Strange has entered a state of battle.

I saw that the cloak behind him was automatic without wind, and there was a mysterious magic circle on his hands. By this time the time has changed.

Four people flew out of the silver light, but rather than flying, they were thrown out.

With the flash of red light, it seemed that one of them was incarnated into a fire man, and then he first grabbed a large person, and that... large person grabbed the person next to him.

But at this moment, the last one left... was completely thrown away, but when Doctor Strange saw this person being thrown away and planned to use magic to pull him first, something even weirder happened. .

A hand seemed to be infinitely elongated, and just like that, it held a figure that was already hundreds of meters away.

"These guys are from another planet"

Doctor Strange said with a big head.

"Not like, but anyway...they're not normal people either."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly. At this time, he already had a general guess in his heart. If he remembered correctly, what are these four guys called? The people are none other than the Fantastic Four, but according to the current timeline, they shouldn't be here at this time.

It can be seen that this is the butterfly effect, perhaps because of his own relationship, the time line at this time has obviously changed.

"Reed, there's someone there."

Just when Bai Ye and others were still there: while watching, a woman's voice suddenly rang.

"Haha, how could there be someone here, Susan, did you hurt your head just now?"

This voice was a bit of a joke, and the person who uttered it was the one... who was covered in flames.

"Jonathan, there are real people over there."

The big man said, his voice was a little gruff.

"Let's go and have a look. If it goes well, maybe we can know where this place is."

"Jonathan, it's over to you."

This voice seemed relatively calm, and he seemed to be the leader of the group, because as his voice fell, that guy who was covered in fire also pushed a few people over.

"Do you want to start?"

Seeing the other party flying towards him and others, Doctor Strange said nervously.

At this time, he is still in the learning stage, and his combat experience is not rich, so it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous in the face of this kind of thing.

"No need for the time being, wait for them to come over."

Gu Yi said something, and she seemed to have seen something.

As the four people 4 approached, the two sides officially met... The next thing is naturally a conversation. The Fantastic Four first revealed the origins of themselves and others, and in the same way, Gu Yi also negotiated with them. Know who you are and others.

However, when the Fantastic Four and the others heard that Gu Yi and others were the first guardians of the earth, the four of them were also ecstatic.

I just listened to the leader, Reed, who is nicknamed Mr. Fantastic, and said, "Although it's presumptuous, can you please help us find someone?"

"He is extremely dangerous, and if left unchecked....

If so, it will likely lead to the destruction of this world."

Mr. Fantastic said that he also took out his mobile phone and opened it, only to see that on his mobile phone, there was a picture of a strange person covered in mercury.

The next thing is even simpler. After confirming that this incident is probably an accident, Bai Ye first went back to Earth to find trouble with Matthew, so the scene just now happened... Hear Bai Ye If this is the case, Captain America and the others are also frowning, and it is a major event that can threaten the earth. It seems that any individual can destroy the earth these days.

However, the US team still contacted Nick Fury, and then the next step was to gather all forces to find each other.

Chapter 213 Thanos' Gem Journey 【For automatic subscription】

Bai Ye's ability to restore the face of the city in an instant is astonishing. For everyone who has witnessed all this, those mutants who have lost the battle have already respected Bai Ye like a god.

Of course, for Tony and the others, although every time they see it, they will be very shocked, but they also know very well that Bai Ye can do far more than this......

On the other side, in the depths of the universe, Eternal Mark, one of the five gods, is quietly suspended in the universe. In fact, strictly speaking, he himself is an abstract embodiment of countless universes.

"Eternal, are you sure that guy really went to Earth"

The person who spoke was the infinite, one of the five gods, and at this time, there were only two of them here.

"Well, his apostles are taking him to eat constantly. Judging from the current direction they are walking, they are heading for the planet called Earth."

Eternal speaking seems to always be unhurried and unhurried, which makes people sound very awkward.


"I remember that Earth was that guy's planet, right?"

Infinity also said very calmly.

"Well, it is the planet where Bai Ye is located. If there is no accident, it will be the next feeding target of the Planet Devourer."

Speaking of this, it is rare for Eternal to have some emotional fluctuations, because Bai Ye exiled the beholder last time, so even Eternal does not dare to underestimate Bai Ye's strength.

However, as the topic they talked about, the Planet Devourer, who is also one of the five gods, has already moved towards the earth. If there is no accident, then there is no doubt that the Planet Devourer will face the white night.

Undoubtedly, this is a terrible consequence. From the name, we can tell how terrifying the strength of the Planet Devourer is. It is a monster that eats planets.

Of course, Bai Ye is also not easy to provoke. After all, he is a monster that can banish the five gods and cause headaches. If the two of them fight, it will inevitably collapse. will collapse.

The conversation between the two ended here. From their words, the two did not seem to intend to stop the Planet Devourer, and in the same way, Eternal did not intend to inform the ancient one, and everything was in silence.

On the other side, on Earth, although the city was completely restored to its original state by Bai Ye, those in the city...killed by Matthew and his party could not be resurrected.

As the saying goes, life and death matter, Bai Ye did not intend to break the time limit for this, after all, when you play with time, time will also play with you. Breaking the rules for the sake of a city will have extremely serious consequences. There may be more deaths.

Of course, there are still many survivors in such a big city. With the recovery of the city, these survivors also took to the streets one after another.

Looking at all the ordinary things around, everyone thought that the situation just now... Matthew's incident was over, but the consequences were very serious. The number of deaths this time was as high as: hundreds of thousands, of which there were many Few people are rich merchants.

In the face of this kind of natural disaster, everyone is equal... Washington, the high-level American imperialists have already gathered together, and everyone has long been aware of and shocked by such a big incident.

Watching the congressmen take their seats one by one, almost all the high-level officials of the U.S. imperialists have already arrived at the same time.

"I once said that you have to limit these... Freaks are chaotic, but you retreated because of a small blow, now it's good, the population of a city has died by [-]% % or more, it's the work of those... freaks."

Some congressmen roared angrily, the city happened to be the state under his jurisdiction, and his loss this time was huge.

As the congressman's words fell, the surrounding area fell into silence. It was not the first time that a bill on superheroes and mutants had been proposed.

But in fact, there is really no good solution for everyone. After all, most of these people have already surpassed the existence of mortals, and even from the eyes of mortals, they are comparable to gods.

However, at this moment, someone finally broke the peace and said, "It's easy to say, then you're going to... Tell me how to restrict them."

"Have you forgotten about the Sokovia Agreement? Don't say that the Avengers are unanimously opposed, just say that... the monster called Bai Ye, who do you think can deal with him?"

Bai Ye, this is already a hurdle that everyone can't get around. Last time, he just moved his hands at will, and all the special forces on the American side that were set up to target these superheroes were defeated.

There is also the so-called world's top fighter 22, which makes other countries unforgettable, but in front of Bai Ye, they are no different from toys.

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