The scene, once again fell into silence, if it is only for mutants, then everything is okay, after all, sentinels have been proven to be able to kill these mutants easily.

But it's still the topic, Bai Ye, after all, everything needs to be resolved first in Bai Ye.

However, when everyone fell into silence, a voice suddenly sounded... "If I can help you deal with that... Bai Ye, then you also promise me a condition."

The green cloak, the metal face, and the voice of the voice were clearly murmured.

Doctor Doom, the biggest enemy of the Fantastic Four, is also the most terrifying enemy... At the same time, in the universe, the once prosperous Xandar star has fallen into a huge crisis at this time.

The purple and sturdy body, the armor that reflects the piercing eyes in the sun, the dark golden glove on the left hand, Thanos, that... The madman who wants to destroy half of the universe in order to win the goddess of death's smile has arrived.

At this moment, under the evil smile on Thanos' face, the former Obsidian [-]th and now the now Obsidian [-]th also rushed out.

Power gem, Xandar star has one of the six infinity gems, and Thanos came for this.

The slaughter is accompanied by endless blood, the sound of wailing, the sound of painful lamentation, the sound of cruel laughter, all kinds of sounds are merged into a sad song of blood and fire at this time.

Thanos is too strong, and the people of Xandar are far from his opponents, and as Thanos crushed all the enemies who dared to stand in front of him, he finally came to the power gem.

As he crushed the utensil containing the power gem, the purple power gem also fell into his hands.


This is the sound of the power gem being embedded into the infinity glove, and the first infinity original stone of Thanos is finally in hand... Lu

Chapter 214 Changes of the Five Gods 【For automatic subscription】

Thanos got the gems smoothly, and he also officially embarked on the journey of collecting infinite gems. On the other hand, there are also major events happening quietly in the depths of the universe... Eternity, the five gods of the universe One of them is also the stronger one among the five, and the great turmoil at this time is related to him.

Death is also one of the five creation gods, the source, creator and controller of all souls in the universe, representing the end of all life in the universe.

All hell dimensions are like the god of death, the king of hell, etc... the master of a series of creatures that are related to death.

In general, she represents the end of all things.

But there is a problem here. The eternal man is as his name suggests, and the law he controls is eternity, and this is undoubtedly the opposite of death, so the contradiction comes... Eternal intends to take action against death, of course, the same As one of the five gods, it is impossible for Eternal to kill death, and it is impossible to even banish him. After all, this is death.

So Eternal intends to imprison death, and this is the only thing he can do to death, so the battle between the two broke out... As a god-level existence, the battle between the two almost affected the entire universe, and As the ancient one of the eternal apostle, she also discovered this war almost immediately.

The powerful force does not know how much it has destroyed... the planet, no matter what...

Whether it was inhabited by living creatures or not, they were completely destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between the two.

In order to avoid the further expansion of the gaffe, Gu Yi took the initiative to find Bai Ye... It was still Hawaii, and the villa that had been destroyed by Matthew once again stood on the cliff. After killing Matthew, Bai Ye naturally did not This will make this cozy little nest disappear.

Looking at Diana and Wanda who were lying in the sun and bathing in the sun beside them, Bai Ye also smiled.

"Honey, what are you laughing at?"

Wanda seems to have been paying attention to Bai Ye, so when Bai Ye smiled, she immediately asked.

"Nothing, just being happy with what's going on right now."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Diana turned around, and then looked at Bai Ye with the same feeling of happiness that I felt.

"Okay, let me see, which of the two beauties needs to wear sunscreen"

Bai Ye said with a wicked smile.

However, just as he had just finished speaking, Bai Ye suddenly felt a powerful wave hitting the earth. While feeling the wave, Bai Ye frowned at first, and then his figure suddenly disappeared. In place..."Something happened."

Wanda and Diana are not weak, although they feel it a little more than Baiye, but there is no doubt that the two have felt it after all.

Outside the atmosphere, Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back, and the color was splendid, because if you ignore this fluctuation, then let alone the earth, even the entire galaxy might hit the earth in front of you, but it is just an appetizer, and the follow-up ""

That's the real highlight.

With a wave of Bai Ye's hand, the entire space suddenly fell up and down, and at this moment, the wave slammed into the glass-like barrier in front of Bai Ye's eyes.


The huge sound was like thunder, and almost the whole earth could hear it clearly.

And as the shock waves were stopped, Bai Ye's figure once again disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he was already on the edge of the Milky Way.

Different from just now, the shock wave that hit the earth just now was just the aftermath of this shock wave. Looking at the exploding planet in the distance, Bai Ye's expression also became serious.

This is already an event outside the rules. In short, it is not in the original timeline, it is an anomaly.

It is naturally impossible for the shock wave to hurt Bai Ye, and Bai Ye is naturally able to eliminate this shock wave.

However, the key thing is how to deal with it behind all this, and when Bai Ye solved the shock wave, Gu Yi suddenly appeared beside him.


Bai Ye looked at Gu Yi and said politely.

"Bai Ye, come with me."

Gu Yi looked at Bai Ye and said.

Kama Taj, the place where Bai Ye made his fortune, is also the foundation of his growth into what he is today.

"Eternal took a shot at death. He tried to imprison death. I want to ask you to stop the battle between them. If the fight continues like this, the universe is likely to undergo major changes."

In the event of an emergency, Gu Yi didn't say anything, but said directly.

"it is good."

Bai Ye also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded in agreement with almost no hesitation.

If you want to move, Bai Ye is very aware of the terrible consequences of fighting with all the power of the five gods, so he also intends to leave directly.

However, just when Bai Ye turned around and was about to go to the place where the two of them fought, in a lake on Earth, a huge waterspout rose into the sky, as if something in the sky was constantly sucking the water from the lake. Same.

"this is......"

Bai Ye had already appeared beside the lake at this time, looking at the pouring water, Bai Ye and Gu Yi both showed strange expressions.

Of course, this is not a natural spectacle, but someone controls all of this, and what makes Bai Ye and Gu Yi strange is that these... The lake water is not pumped into the sky gone, but really wish someone devoured them.

The silver body flashed by, but no matter how fast he was, how could he pass Bai Ye? Almost at the moment when the other party appeared, Bai Ye also disappeared in place.

With the same power as the space gem, any speed would be useless.

So Bai Ye caught him..."Boom!"

The huge muffled sound caused the ground to vibrate violently, and Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at the humanoid creature that looked like mercury in front of him.

"You are the apostle of the Planet Devourer"

Bai Ye said lightly.

The house leak happened to be raining overnight. Originally, Bai Ye planned to stop the battle between eternity and death, but now it seems that he can't go there for the time being.

The person in front of him is the apostle of the Planet Devourer whom the Fantastic Four said, and his appearance means that the Planet Devourer has come to Earth.

Looking at the lake water that was still pouring into the sky, Bai Ye was also thoughtful.

"Teacher, this guy will be handed over to you for the time being. There is a guest coming to Earth, I have to meet him."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he also asked Ultron to inform Nick Fury of all this, and asked him to notify the Fantastic Four to come...

Chapter 215 Changes in Swallowing Stars 【For automatic subscription】

Bai Ye was waiting for the Planet Devourer to arrive. He knew very well that any mistake in the face of the five gods would be fatal. As for the guy who was covered in mercury, let the Fantastic Four and others deal with it.



....'s response was extremely fast. For Nick Fury and others, they would attach great importance to whatever Bai Ye said.

The height you stand determines your vision, this sentence is not bad at all, about Baiye, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... It is clear from top to bottom that this is a person who can be compared to the gods.

in S.H.I.E.L.D.


With the full operation of ...., the Fantastic Four arrived in the shortest possible time.

Looking at the silver shadow man who was standing not far away, the four of them all showed the appearance of a formidable enemy, of course, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... of course it is impossible to just let the Fantastic Four solve it alone.

In the distance, Hawkeye had already locked on the Silver Shadow Man, he just waited for Captain America and others to be in place, and then he could attack at any time.

"Captain, I'll take my place."

Black Widow Natasha said in a low voice.

"Get ready."

Captain America is also sneaking carefully in the dense forest on the side. They don't have any more information about the Silver Shadow Man. After all, they have never fought against him. Everything is heard from the Fantastic Four.

"Hands on."

Following the command of the US team, Hawkeye was the first to shoot a special arrow... "Hey...!!"

This was the sound of an arrow cutting through the air, but just as it was about to hit the Silver Shadow Man, a wall of earth suddenly rose up on the ground.


This is the sound of a violent explosion. Each arrow crossbow of Hawkeye is specially made. He will use different arrows under different circumstances. .

"The opponent can control the ground."

Hawkeye said quickly, and then his figure moved quickly. When facing an unknown enemy, it was extremely dangerous to stay in place.

However, it turned out that Hawkeye's actions were also correct. Just as he left, a sound-like attack destroyed the place where he was in an instant.

This was just a tentative attack, but the effect was not ideal. Seeing such a situation, the Stone Man and Hulk also rushed towards the Silver Shadow Man.

Long-distance sniping has failed, and there is only one way left, and that is to solve the opponent at close range.

The Thing and the Hulk are the kind of...extraordinarily high defense and powerful beings, and it is worth mentioning that both of them are not afraid of conventional attacks. To put it bluntly, the two are... meat shields, And it has high output.


The earth was trembling, and the Hulk and the Stone Man were walking.

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