They ran towards each other, but just when the two of them were about to approach, something that seemed to appear under the Yinying Man unexpectedly.

"Be careful."

Mr. Marvel warned loudly.

They have very little information about this silver shadow man, but it is not completely absent, at least they know that all the attacks of this silver shadow man will be launched from the surfboard under their feet.

On the other side, after the Silver Shadow Man launched an all-round attack to fly away the Hulk and the Stone Man, he actually stood in place and remained silent again... Norin Ladd, this is a familiar Looking at his silver body, countless memories appeared in his mind.

He remembered it, remembered the fact that he was an astronomer on an alien planet. After his home planet was chosen as food by the Planet Devourer, he begged the Planet Devourer to let go of his motherhood at the cost of He himself became his apostle, seeking other food for him.

After thinking about it for a while, the Planet Devourer decided to agree to Norin's request, so he gave Norin his power, and at the same time deprived Norin of his memory, good and evil, conscience, morality, etc... .....Since then, Norin has completely become the apostle of the Planet Devourer, and he is constantly looking for a planet as food for him in the universe.

Originally, Norlin should have lived the rest of his life in such a daze, but who would have thought that something seemed to touch his heart after being knocked flying by Bai Ye just now.

On the other side, looking at the people whose situation was not quite right, they didn't understand what was going on, but when they were about to continue, a huge figure slowly appeared in the universe outside the earth. ...... Bai Ye carried his hands on his back, facing the Planet Devourer, one of the five gods, without the slightest fear.

In the long river of time, Bai Ye has seen all possible accidents.

Planet Devourer, the only survivor after the destruction of the [-] universe, and one of the five creation gods of this universe, his original name was Garan.

His ability is extremely strong, in the state of omnipotent strength, he can easily lift the weight far exceeding a star.

And this is nothing, he has a perverted body, an extremely powerful mental perception, and the terrifying power that can easily destroy any single universe after energy saturation.

As the saying goes, the simplest things are often the most effective, and this is reflected most vividly in Planet Devourer.

Of course, the Planet Devourer is very strong, but Bai Ye is also not a muddy person. Since the beholder's exile, Bai Ye has never fought seriously.

Even if it is a fight with Matthew, it is only a warm-up level.

As for the value obtained after beheading Matthew, it is far from being comparable to the existence of the beholder.

"System, presumably solving this guy should be able to get a good value."

Values ​​are the powerful foundation of Bai Ye, as long as there are enough values, Bai Ye even dares to say that he can surpass everything.

"Sorry, I can't estimate the other party's value."

As the voice of Bai Ye fell, the system also spoke rarely.

On the other hand, on Earth, Nolin's memory is recovering, and the Avengers and the Fantastic Four are not idle. After they attacked the Silver Surfer again and again, they finally found something wrong. .

"He seems to be thinking"

Mr. Marvel was the first to speak.

At first, they were caught up in the turbulent flow of time and space after fighting the Silver Shadow Man, but at that time, this guy didn't seem to think at all.

To put it simply, this guy is like a robot, he has nothing else but... that kind of... instinctive action.

And now, he actually appeared as if he was thinking.

"Stop attacking."

Hearing Mr. Surprise's words, the US team also gave orders decisively, things have turned for the better, and he is not willing to expand the situation.

And it was at this moment that the Yinying Man suddenly spoke up... Beg for flowers or something, Lu

Chapter 216 The Great War Swallowing the Star 【For automatic subscription】

he came."

This is the only word that the Silver Shadow Man has said so far, and after hearing his words, Captain America and the others are all lost in thought.

"who is coming"

Mr. Surprise asked in a low voice.


This is the answer of the Silver Shadow Man... On the other hand, in the universe, Bai Ye finally faced the Planet Devourer face to face. Looking at this behemoth in front of him, Bai Ye was not only not afraid, he was even eager to try it.

"You are the night"

In the battle to banish the beholder, the name of Bai Ye was known to almost everyone in the universe at a higher level, and that battle made many strong people understand that there was still a monster as powerful as Bai Ye in this world.

Of course, the Planet Eaters also know this.


"Do you know me"

Bai Ye looked indifferent, he didn't have any thoughts of respect because the other party was one of the five gods, in Bai Ye's view, the other party was just a relatively powerful creature.

"I heard some, but are you here to stop me from eating?"

The long-term loneliness has made the Planet Devourer's mind reach a high level, in his opinion, everything in this universe is measurable.

That is to say, in the eyes of the Planet Devourer, all life forms are inferior to his existence, and he does not mind swallowing or obliterating them.

"Hehe, it's kind of interesting, you want to take action on my planet, but you plan to let me stand by"

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, come on, I want to see how strong you can be as one of the five gods."

Bai Ye is not joking, how can the five gods finally rely on their strength to speak.

The mirror magic directly drags the Planet Devourer into the different space. Although his body is very large, as a multiverse level, Bai Ye can do it very easily.

With Bai Ye's first move, the Planet Devourer also immediately launched a counterattack, a fist the size of a star landed with a bang, and the surrounding mirror space also began to become unstable.

Very strong, this is Bai Ye's first impression of Planet Devourer at this time. This guy deserves to be one of the five gods, and his hands and feet are filled with endless power.

The mirror space is another real world..., and everything in it can be said to be no different from reality.

It's just that everything in the mirror space is upside down, and the huge stars exploded under the punch of the Planet Devourer. It was just a blow, and the Planet Devourer easily shattered a star.

At this time, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, and he was not frightened by the terrifying power of the opponent.

Between the hands together, the mysterious demon appeared suddenly, and at the same time, countless orange chains burst out from the magic circle in front of Bai Ye.

The chain is not an entity, but it has the feeling of being from a higher dimension.

The speed of the chain is extremely fast, it constantly shuttles through the surrounding space, and at this time, the body of the planetary devourer is actually bound... Bai Ye's combat experience is naturally very rich , he is very clear that facing the existence of the planet Devourer at this level, just relying on this level of restraint will not be able to contain the other party for long.

A purple light shone on Bai Ye's right hand, and with Bai Ye's punch, Planet Devourer flew out.

"Clang, clang..."

This is the sound of the chain shaking constantly. After taking a punch from the White Night Fusion Power Gem, Planet Devourer also felt pain.

I don't know how many years, he has been walking in every corner of the universe, seeking a star with a 1 and a 1 to make his own food.

During this period, he also encountered resistance, but under absolute strength, everything was drizzle.

In front of him, the body after being hit by Bai Ye was actually in incomparable pain, which also made the Planet Devourer feel a feeling that he had never had before.

The so-called gods are all abstract incarnations, and the Planet Devourer in front of him is no exception. Seeing that his body has shrunk from the original behemoth to almost the same as his own, the corner of Bai Ye's mouth also showed an indifferent smile.

Planet Devourer is serious, at this time he completely regards Bai Ye as an opponent of the same level.

As the chains fell, Planet Devourer also looked at Bai Ye coldly, and at this moment, he moved... As an existence that can span countless star fields, Planet Devourer's strength is naturally Needless to say, and at this moment, he really showed the strength of the five gods.

As Planet Devourer appeared in front of Bai Ye like a teleportation, his fist also shattered the mirrored space.

Bai Ye is not a fool, and knowing that the opponent is a warrior, he, a magician, will not be stupid enough to fight head-to-head with the opponent.

It was like a thick kaleidoscopic glass partitioned the space between the two, and when the Planet Devourer's fist smashed it, the sound of the glass shattering suddenly sounded.

The blue light is sandwiched with purple, and while Bai Ye has a magical magic, he also has the power equivalent to the infinite original stone.

One blow, just one blow, the Planet Devourer was knocked into the air again.

But this time Bai Ye had already seen through the attack method of the Planet Devourer, and saw a green light suddenly appear on his body. After it merged with the blue light, the time-space blade that banished the beholder appeared again in before the eyes of the world.

"Not enough... ah."

Bai Ye whispered softly, and as his words fell, in Bai Ye's hands, the purple light also lit up again, and then it merged into the blade of time and space.

Blue represents the power of the space gem, green represents the power of the time gem, and purple represents the power of the power gem. With the fusion of these three abilities, the Planet Devourer also perceives danger... On the other side, in the depths of the universe, Eternity and Death, who were still fighting, also stopped fighting, because at this time they sensed that a force that could threaten them was gradually merging.

However, just when the two gods were suspicious of what this was, Bai Ye also took action... The mirror space has been smashed by the Planet Devourer, and in order not to affect other planets, Bai Ye seems to be in the original He casually waved the weapon in his hand.

And it was just this random look that made Planet Devourer's face change drastically... The time and space were distorted, and a deep visible bone wound turned out to traverse down Planet Devourer's chest. Of course, the planet What flows in the Devourer's body is not blood like human beings, but strange things like countless galaxies...

Chapter 217 The Growth of Scarlet Witch and Diana 【For automatic subscription】

The wound on his body was aching faintly, and the Planet Devourer looked at the white night in front of him with incomparable fear, and was especially wary of the weapon in his hand that looked like a sword but not a sword.

As one of the five gods, Planet Devourer naturally has two brushes, but with the current situation, he already understands that he has no chance of victory.

The way of thinking of high-dimensional creatures is naturally different from that of ordinary people. When they are sure that they have no possibility of victory, they will decisively give up the fearless battle.

Looking at the Planet Devourer whose body shape began to slowly merge into the void, Bai Ye also knew that this guy was planning to escape.

"Very wise choice."

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, and of course he would not think of unrealistic ideas such as killing the Planet Devourer. After all, the other party was one of the five gods, and it was possible to defeat it, but it was impossible to kill it.

Bai Ye did not pursue, because it was just useless work, and now he has more important things to do, after all, the battle between eternity and death is not over yet... On the other side, on the earth , Doctor Doom has already begun to prepare to deal with Bai Ye, but as he continued to obtain Bai Ye's information from the top management of the US Empire, he suddenly realized that he was taking it for granted. The Avengers Alliance , These two almost the most powerful organizations on earth have an inexplicable relationship with him.

And that’s fine. There have been several major crises on Earth in the past few years. Although the Avengers also contributed a lot, but if it really counts, it seems that Bai Ye solved all these matters alone, and it’s still that. It's kind of... breezy.

Doctor Doom is not a fool. His birth name is Victor Von Doum. He was born in Latvia. In fact, he does not have any superpowers himself. Out of control.

And there is another point worth mentioning. While this guy is proficient in studying magic, he has also developed a battle armor that is not weaker than Tony. It can be said that the road he takes is almost the same as Tony. It is the fusion of technology and magic. road.

It's just that Doctor Doom did not have the guidance of a good teacher, so he continued to deviate from the path of pursuing power, until finally Doctor Doom would pursue the mystery of the universe itself at all costs.

"A tough opponent."

Looking at the various information about Bai Ye placed in front of him, Doctor Doom not only did not feel afraid, but became even more excited.

Because he suddenly discovered that there are many mysterious powers in Bai Ye's body for him to tap. If he can obtain these powers, maybe he can see the universe more clearly.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the knock on the door, several agents in colored suits also walked in, and then only one of them said: "Doctor, you let the person we're staring at show up.

From the data, Doctor Destroy has found that Bai Ye is impossible....He is a head-to-head opponent, so through these huge data pairs, the Doctor finally found a weakness that is not a weakness in Bai Ye.

Diana and Wanda, according to the data, both of them are women of White Night, if they can be caught... Doctor Doom's idea is very simple, catch Diana and Wanda to threaten White Night , No matter how bad it is, you can attract Bai Ye to a place that is beneficial to you.

No matter when....

No matter how strong Bai Ye is, the initiative will be in his hands.

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