"Understood, let's go down."

The eyes of Doctor Doom shone with light, and as these agents retreated, Doctor Doom also took out a ball-like thing from his arms.

Objects of other dimensions can open the door of other dimensions in a short time and summon monsters that obey any order of their own.

In order to kidnap Diana and Wanda, Doctor Doom can be said to have made blood, after all, this kind of thing is not a common thing.


With a strange sound, Doctor Doom, who was already on the top floor of the building, also opened the door to the different space, and countless monsters filed out from the door and rushed in the same direction... And On the other hand, Diana and Wanda are also laughing together and strolling the streets in major shopping malls. For women, no matter...

How powerful is her strength, she is completely invulnerable to things like shopping... However, as soon as the two of them walked out of the mall, the exclamations in the distance suddenly made them wrinkle up. Brows, but not waiting: the two went over to see what was going on, and a... dark green monster rushed down at them from above them... "Bang!"

This was the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground, and on the side, the dark green monster was completely dead.

After solving the monster, the two also looked at each other, and then saw that Diana ran directly into the mall, as for Wanda, her hands were folded, and then the mirror magic instantly wiped out the entire street. All shrouded in it... Countless monsters swarmed, some of these monsters ran from the ground, some crawls like lizards from both sides of the building, and some are directly Flying directly from the sky... And at this moment, red magic suddenly appeared in Wanda's hands, these... rush towards her The monster was also fixed in the air in an instant... "Pfft..."

This is the sound of blood splattering. I don't know when Diana has changed into her fighting clothes. She is standing under these monsters fixed in the air, and the sword in her hand is dripping with disgusting liquid. ...Because the entire street was dragged into mirror magic, the two of them fought without fear.

There are many monsters, but in the eyes of the two of them, they are just some monsters with developed limbs and simple minds. Chaos magic can easily shred the flesh of these monsters.

While Diana blesses herself with speed magic, she can hardly see her figure with the naked eye... Crush, completely crush, or destroy the doctor, who will not even think of the one he sent. The army would be so vulnerable in front of the two women.

After the last... The monster was controlled by Wanda and then cut into two pieces by Diana's sword, the two also stood side by side.

"Let's go."

Diana looked at Wanda and said.

The two of them have already noticed that this attack was premeditated. Of course, the two of them don't know who the other party is for the time being, but don't forget, the two of them have Ultron, who is invincible to inquire about news. Exist... lou

Chapter 218 Death and Eternity 【For automatic subscription】

Doctor Doom's plan failed, especially when he knew that Wanda and Diana had almost no effort to completely solve the army he sent out, Doctor Doom even had some doubts about life for a while.

What is it that such a large number of different-space army was solved by two women like this. It's just that the man's woman is so strong, so how strong should the man be , and he didn't have the time to care about that kind of... level existence.

Because at this time Bai Ye has reached the place where the two gods, eternity and death, are fighting. Looking at the existence of these two five gods in front of him, Bai Ye's expression is indifferent, and there is no joy or sorrow on his face.

And the two of them felt the arrival of Bai Ye almost instantly, so both of them stopped their hands temporarily.

"The two of you, I think I've fought enough. You know how much impact the battle between the two of you will have on the universe in the future."

Bai Ye is not aimless, eternity and death are two extremes, and only God knows how much influence the rules they are fighting against will have on the universe.

On the other side, when he heard Bai Ye's words, Yong Ying was silent for a while. After all, Bai Ye was the existence he favored. No matter what, he would always sell Bai Ye's face.

However, without waiting for Eternal to speak, the death that has already fired the real fire on the other side has already started... The destination of the souls of all souls in the universe, this is not just a talk, as soon as death strikes, the boundless sense of silence It filled the surrounding area in an instant, you must know that there is a whole star field here.

At the same time, the creatures in this star field fell to the ground at the same time almost instantly, and they didn't even have the slightest life... On the other hand, after seeing death, he was also proud of Eternal. Not to be outdone, a vast and extremely powerful force burst out from his hands and flew towards death.

A truce is already impossible, both of them have already made a real fire, if they really want to stop the two, then Bai Ye will have to shoot.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is the first time that Bai Ye has seen Eternal make a full effort, and he is worthy of being one of the five gods. As far as Eternal's current ability is concerned, Bai Ye has already seen it, including modifying reality.

All the people who died just now due to the attack of the goddess of death were all resurrected at this time. This is the horror of changing reality.

There is also Eternity that seems to be able to ignore all buttons: any attack below the single-universe level, because Bai Ye saw death and tried to pull a star to kill Eternity, but it was useless.

Moreover, it seems that the eternal speed can no longer be used for movement, and the various cosmic rays he shoots at will are also very powerful.

To put it simply, as seen in the white night, he has the ability to modify reality, move faster than teleportation, shoot all kinds of cosmic rays that are powerful enough to easily destroy stars, space domination, time manipulation, and all kinds of magic. Wait, wait... It can be said that the Planet Devourer, who was just beaten away by White just now, is weak compared to Eternity.

Of course, Eternal is very strong, but as his opponent, death is also not very hot. From her, Bai Ye also saw a terrifying ability to the extreme.

She seems to be able to kill all creatures in the universe, which is what Bai Ye has analyzed from her attack, and at this time Bai Ye is already making the system begin to analyze the ability of death more specifically.

"Analysis begins, the level of numerical consumption is unknown."

Hearing the system's words, Bai Ye was also slightly stunned, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing that the consumption value was unknown.

In the past, the system would give a consumption value even for things at the level of infinite rough stones, but the ability to analyze death in front of them was unknown. Every step forward is extremely difficult.

In the acquisition of numerical values, many times he did not obtain what would satisfy him, even if he had just beaten the Planet Devourer away, the numerical value given by the system was only a little over [-] million.

Don't look at [-] million, it looks like a lot, but don't forget that the other party is one of the five gods, and he is already almost the top existence in this universe.

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched his own values ​​fly by at an exaggerated speed.

The numerical value is not easy to obtain, but isn't this a good opportunity in front of me? As soon as I think of this, Bai Ye's figure suddenly disappears in place.

On the other side, in the middle of the battlefield of eternity and death, two diametrically opposed forces also collided fiercely, and when the spatial turbulence was about to erupt, a blue light suddenly appeared, that The power that had already collided disappeared without a trace... Bai Ye shot, his purpose is very simple, to prevent the two from fighting and to obtain and obtain the values ​​on them.

Looking at Bai Ye who was standing in front of her, Eternal stopped temporarily, but Death on the other side still had no intention of stopping at all, and she even planned to kill Bai Ye together now.

It is impossible to describe in words how powerful the gods are, but there is a dead silence in the universe just from the moment of death, which is enough to prove from the side how terrifying their existence at this level is.

If you don't move, you can easily affect the universe. This is the god... Looking at the attack of death, Eternal will naturally not sit still. Even if he is optimistic about Bai Ye, he has already made a real fire at this time. He also couldn't care less.

The battle begins again, but this time is different from before, because this time Bai Ye also joined the battle group.

Facing the two great gods at the same time, Bai Ye naturally wouldn't be careless, so almost the moment he joined the battle group, a terrifying wave of extreme terror erupted on Bai Ye's body.

Green, blue, orange, purple, dark red, and five colors bloom, this is the first time that the white night has stimulated these to such a degree... The power of the Infinity Stones.

And in the same way, when Bai Ye's body erupted with such fluctuations, both eternity and death suddenly stopped... Of course, this is not because the two do not plan to fight again, but in front of them at this time. The white night has completely reached a level that makes them all have to be afraid...

Chapter 219 End [For automatic subscription]

"I said one last time, stop and stop fighting."

No matter what the night is...

Whether in momentum or strength, he is not weak at all in eternity and death.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Yong Ying never opened his mouth, but he was already expressing his attitude without continuing.

But the death on the side is different. The cause of today's incident is that Eternal intends to imprison her, and it is the battle that Eternal initiates first. Although there is a variable like Bai Ye now, she is the one who is so easy to persuade Death Ray, A terrifying ray that can attack other life across dimensions.

If it is hit by a death ray, let alone an ordinary planet or the like, even a galaxy can easily obliterate its existence.


Seeing death's attack, Eternal also snorted coldly. He wanted to sell Bai Ye's face, but that didn't mean he would really let death attack because of Bai Ye.

The battle started again. This time, Eternity, which has completely fired the real fire, has completely ignored Bai Ye, and in the same way, death has no intention of taking Bai Ye into consideration. Various powerful death laws attack everything indiscriminately.

On the other side, compared to the two, the attack on Bai Ye, who was caught in the middle, was the most terrifying, but on Bai Ye's face, there was no trace of fear at this time.

I saw his hands clasped together, and then a stalwart power suddenly came to him, and then, blue light instantly enveloped the place where the three people were... As the five gods, no matter...

Whether it is eternity or death, they all exist beyond time and space, and time and space have no meaning to them.

But right now, with the blue light on Bai Ye's body, the two people's attack that was supposed to ignore the space turned out to be distorted, from attacking the opponent to attacking themselves..."Hmm"

Seeing this incredible scene in front of them, both of them snorted in surprise.

On the other hand, after Bai Ye distorted the attack of the two with the power equivalent to a space gem, he did not stop attacking.

The dark red light flashed by, and the entire universe immediately began to subvert. The power of the reality gem was integrated into magic by Bai Ye, and at this time, the entire universe was completely copied by Bai Ye's mirror magic.


This is a hum of questioning, and the one who hums is not someone else but Eternal. As the people behind Gu Yi, it can be said that the source of their magic, including Bai Ye, comes from Eternal itself.

Mirroring magic is not difficult, and Eternal himself can do it, but even he can never completely duplicate a universe. You must know that duplicating a street is easy, duplicating a city is not difficult, even if it is duplicating a planet, for. .Eternity is nothing.

But if you want to copy a galaxy or a star, it is not an easy task.

At least for... eternity, if it's just magic, even he might do it.

The death on the other side also found something wrong. Bai Ye's power far exceeded her expectations, but she had no plans to stop, and was eager to try Bai Ye.

How wide the battle of the three people is, especially when Bai Ye copied the entire universe with mirror magic, in the depths of the universe, a big man who rarely shows up also appeared... Life Court , If there is anyone in the universe at this time who can easily surpass the five gods, it is no different from... the one in front of me...

The ability of the Life Court is a mystery, at least so far, no one in the entire universe has seen this shot with his own eyes.

A huge golden humanoid entity with three faces on its head, corresponding to justice, need and revenge, while the fourth face is blank.

The Tribunal of Life is extremely powerful, and he is an almost omnipotent and omniscient being.

And it is precisely because of this that at the moment when Bai Ye broke out, he immediately knew... On the other hand, the battle returned to the battlefield of the three-man 3. Facing Bai Ye, who had already erupted with terrifying power, no matter what. ....

Eternity or death is very serious.

Unlike just now, even Eternal wants to measure how strong Bai Ye is, so the battle situation has turned into a very strange situation.

It was originally three people fighting each other, but now it has become eternity and death, and the main energy is put on Bai Ye.

The power of the time gem imprisoned everything, and the power of the space gem reversed the attack of the two, and with the blessing of the mind gem, Bai Ye's thinking was almost detached at this time.

In addition, the power of the power gem also gave Bai Ye the capital to tear apart the two attacks with his bare hands. In addition to the magic that has been integrated with the reality gem, Bai Ye was not only able to handle the attacks of the two, but even faintly. Having the upper hand.

"So strong."

This is the word of another god.

Infinity, also as one of the five gods, he and Eternal have always been very optimistic about Bai Ye from the beginning. In their opinion, Bai Ye is an indispensable existence for them to go further.

But to really wait until that day, in the eyes of Infinite, it should have taken a long time, but the strength displayed by Bai Ye at the moment really makes Infinite feel inspired.

Strong, very strong, this is the only evaluation of Infinite's Bai Ye at this time, at least he feels that if he and Bai Ye's positions are reversed, he can't achieve a slight advantage with one enemy and two.

Seeing that all the attacks he made were nullified by Bai Ye, no matter what...

Eternity or death are frowning, they have never encountered such a thing that their own attacks are ineffective.

However, just when the two of them were going to increase the intensity of their attack, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the mirror space... The Life Court came, and with the Life Court's When they appeared, the three of them finally stopped, facing the existence above the five gods, the three of them were still a little afraid.

But to the surprise of eternity and death, since the life court appeared here, his eyes never left Bai Ye's body.

In fact, it stands to reason that eternity and death are far more famous than Bai Ye, but that is for ordinary people, at least for the Court of Life, he cares more about Bai Ye than eternity and death. .

"That's it, the three of you don't fight anymore."

Just when Bai Ye was wondering if there was something wrong with this guy's brain, the Court of Life said lightly.

Hearing the words of the Life Court, Yong Yong glanced at Bai Ye with interest, and then he turned around and left after nodding to Bai Ye.

And death is the same, she glanced at Bai Ye with a very strange look, and then she turned and left... Lu

Chapter 220 Doctor Doom

The departure of eternity and death brought the battle to an end, but although there was no clear winner, it was an undeniable fact that Bai Ye had the upper hand.

However, while the night was still there: while fighting to death with two gods in the universe, on Earth, Doctor Doom was furious after failing to kidnap Diana and Wanda.

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