However, Doctor Doom is not a fool after all, and he also understands that even if he targets the two women again at this time, it will not be in the world.

After all, he didn't have an accurate judgment on the strength of the two women, and he couldn't estimate how much power he would have to use to successfully tie the two women back.

So Doctor Doom shifted his target. Judging from the information given by the top U.S. imperialists, it was not only the two women who had something to do with Bai Ye.

Iron Man in the Avengers also seems to have an inseparable relationship with Bai Ye. If he takes action against the Avengers, it will undoubtedly be much easier.

As soon as he said it, almost instantly, Doctor Doom's mind had produced a plan that could be called a perfect plan for the Avengers.

To move the Avengers, the easiest way is to lure them with false information. As long as they reach the location they set in advance, everything will be a foregone conclusion, and this point, Doctor Doom can use the US imperial leadership to Do it easily.

Three days after Earth Day, Captain America and other Avengers received a mission, saying that someone had stolen a terrorist-level weapon and wanted to carry out a large-scale massacre in a certain city.

Of course, they didn't know that the top U.S. imperialists who issued this mission had already joined forces with Doctor Doom.

So everyone came to the location he pre-designed under the step-by-step calculations of Doctor Doom... The Avengers are very strong, there is no need to deny this, especially when they are fighting together, their strength is even stronger. It can reach a daunting level.

Near a remote unfinished building complex in Queens, after scanning the entire building on Friday, Tony couldn't understand that no living objects were found here.

However, just when he was about to communicate with others whether there was any abnormality, the mutation suddenly occurred... Tony's methods mostly rely on battle armor, but because of Bai Ye's relationship, he has more battle armor at this time. There is a magic element in it.

Originally, this would be a very good improvement for him, but in fact, it has become the easiest weakness to attack for Doctor Doom.

Don't forget, Doctor Doom is also proficient in magic, and it is worth mentioning that because his mother is a witch, Doctor Doom's practice of magic is much deeper than Tony.

And there is another point, Doctor Doom is also a technical armor, maybe he and Tony are walking on different paths, but as the saying goes, they reach the same goal by different paths. Although there are some things, the end point is roughly the same.

"Welcome to the Iron Man I prepared for you."

Doctor Doom hovered in front of Tony, but just when Tony was about to start, he suddenly found out that no matter what...

Whether it's his armor or his magic, all of them can't be used.

"Why do you feel so surprised and incomprehensible?"

"You're still too young, in fact, no matter what...

Whether it's magic or armor, they're all just a figurative existence, as long as I can control this figuration, everything you rely on will become a joke."

Doctor Doom spoke to Tony aloofly.

On the other hand, after several attempts, Tony finally determined that he was indeed unable to use magic and armor, but he also found clues from the words of Doctor Doom.

So I just listened to Tony say: "Very good magic, you are the first magician I have seen except... Kama Taj, I didn't expect that there is such a method in this world. "

"Let me think about it, it's not mind control, no, if that's the case, you should be able to kill me easily."

"Is it some kind of magic like hypnosis? And it's not just that. In reality, you don't have the confidence to kill me in an instant, so you haven't attacked all the time."

Iron Man is worthy of being Iron Man, and he has such high attainments in magic and technology, it is not just talking about it.

In just a few minutes, he had already figured out all this, but in fact it was as he said, in the outside world, Tony stood there and didn't move, he seemed to be asleep.

At the same time, Doctor Doom, who was far away in an unfinished building, squinted his eyes. Just like the last time he attacked the two women, his attack on Iron Man was also an accident.

In fact, he thought he could easily solve Iron Man, after all, he himself also considered himself the strongest in technology and magic.

It has become impossible to shoot at Iron Man. Doctor Doom knows very well that if he shoots at Iron Man, the armor on his body will respond instantly, and Iron Man will wake up from this special hypnotic magic.

In desperation, Doctor Doom had to choose the second target.

This time, the Avengers are all here except... Thor, but it is worth mentioning that Hulk, who was supposed to be with Thor, also returned early because of Bai Ye's relationship. Earth.

And with the help of Bai Ye, he and Banner have merged into Dr. Green.

Looking at Dr. Green, who was wise and yet powerful, Dr. Destruction pondered for a while and still didn't do it, not for other reasons, he was really unsure.

And when Doctor Doom bypassed Doctor Green, he also met the target he thought when, Vision... Vision is very strong, which is known from the time they played against Ultron. .....,..., but this is precisely the easiest point for Doctor Doom to start with.

Robot, no matter how strong Vision is, his body is still just a robot.

And for today, Doctor Destruction has already done enough homework, and soon it will be a body made of Zhenjin. Don't forget, the sister of the Black Panther can temporarily passivate the vibration gold with a sonic stabilizer. How could he have no means of destroying the Doctor? Broken anti-vibration gold Vibrating gold is indeed the hardest metal in the universe, but when a strange sound wave suddenly sounded, Vision fell to the ground almost instantly.

A small sound wave resonator, this is something specially created by Doctor Doom for vision. It is true that your body is made of vibranium, but there is always vibranium in your body. Look at it and walk slowly Doctor Doom in front of him, Vision tried to raise his hand, but everything was in vain.

However, when Doctor Doom squatted down and put his hands on Vision's head to cast magic, with the flash of orange light, Doctor Doom was also knocked to a far place...

Chapter 221 Deadpool reappears 【For automatic subscription】

The battle between Bai Ye and the two gods has been over for a long time, but Bai Ye did not choose to leave, because in front of him, the court of life is still staring at him with interest, although Bai Ye does not know what he is Whatever you are looking at is correct.

However, the Life Court didn't speak, and Bai Ye naturally wouldn't speak first. Instead, the two of them just looked at one another... On the other side, Vision on Earth almost caused Doctor Doom's poisonous hand, and at this critical point At the moment, Gu Yi sensed the emergence of alternative magic and rushed to save Vision in time.

Looking at Doctor Doom who stood up slowly in front of him, Gu Yi also looked at him in surprise and asked, "Where did you learn this magic from?"

The ancient one is very confused, the earth uses magic to "heirloom"

Although there are many organizations, he has never seen someone like Doctor Doom.

Therefore, Gu Yi also became curious for a while, and she wanted to know how Doctor Doom learned this kind of magic.

"A single universe-level life? This is the Supreme Mage on Earth"

Doctor Doom said indifferently.

And as he got up, he lightly patted his chest, as if there was some dust there.


Hearing Doctor Doom's words, Gu Yi also frowned slightly, but then she suddenly turned around and said to Vision: "Sorry, I didn't see this at first..."

The ancient one disappeared, yes, just like that inexplicably disappeared.

But when Vision finally got up from the ground, he saw that Doctor Doom pulled out a dagger that didn't look very sharp from behind him.

"Although this is not a means to specifically target her, it is not a waste to use it on her. The existence of a single universe level is such a desirable realm."

As Doctor Doom walked towards Vision, he said indifferently.

"What the hell did you do"

Vision is naturally aware of the existence of the ancient one, and because of the relationship with the mind gem, vision even has a more detailed understanding of the strength of the ancient one.

However, it is precisely because of this that Vision can't understand what Doctor Doom did to make such a powerful Ancient One suddenly disappear like this.

"It's nothing, it's just a means similar to exile, but she is too strong, and it won't take long to find a way back, so I have to hurry."

The effect of the sonic resonator is obvious, and it is the best weapon against robots. At this time, Vision's body is still unable to control freely, and Doctor Doom has come to him.

The dagger pierced Vision's body as easily as a hot knife into butter, which surprised Vision once again.

However, just when Doctor Doom was about to completely solve the illusion, an object flew towards him and forced him away from Vision's side.

This is the arrow of the eagle eye. At this time, he was far away. When he saw this, he almost did not hesitate to launch an attack on Doctor Doom. Of course, he did not forget to inform others. That's it.


Doctor Doom let out a cold snort of disdain. The reason why he designed to separate the Avengers was actually... just for Vision and Iron Man.

As long as these two people are eliminated, the rest will come together. Don't forget, only the Heavenly Father-level Gu Yishang can instantly kill Dr. Green, and the Doctor of Destruction at this time is better than the Gu Yi at that time. Much stronger.

There is no need to say more about the next battle. Dr. Green arrived at the first time. After all, he almost ignored the thick concrete and broke them directly to the front of Dr. Doom.

One hit, just one hit.

Although Doctor Doom can't knock out Banner's soul like the ancient one, it's not a problem to make Doctor Green unable to move him for a short time.

As for Hawkeye, when he wanted to attack Doctor Doom from a distance again, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into some strange place.

When it comes to long-range attacks, the magician is the first... With the arrival of Captain America and Black Widow, a surprising scene suddenly appeared. Vision is not dead yet, but that is not the case. It was Doctor Doom who showed mercy, but the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him really appeared by coincidence.

"I said buddy, I can't imagine how ugly your mother gave birth to you, so that you wear such an ugly iron mask."

It's still the same vicious tongue as always, still the same bitch as always, Deadpool, this guy suddenly appeared here... Yes, it's ridiculous, when Deadpool was going to seek revenge on Matthew, However, when he hadn't seen Matthew, he was invisibly thrown into the alien space by Matthew's subordinates.

But fortunately, this guy is immortal, even though he has been floating in a different dimension for so long, anyway... it's right that he can't die.

Just now, Doctor Destruction discovered that Gu Yi actually had the strength of a single universe. He used a witch magic weapon from ancient times when he knew that he was not an opponent of Gu Yi.

He didn't come easily to this magic weapon, but one thing was certain, it could instantly banish people to a different dimension.

So a coincidental scene appeared, Doctor Doom exiled Gu Yi, but at the same time as opening the alien space, Deadpool was saved.

Deadpool still knows a thing or two about the Avengers, so the moment he saw Dr. Green on the ground, he already understood that Dr. Doom in front of him was not a good person.

Deadpool is good at melee combat. Rogan, the steel wolf, once said that if Wade can close his mouth, he must be the best warrior in the world.

This sentence is not a compliment, but just to illustrate the fact that Deadpool's close combat ability is really strong. As he drew out the double knives on his back, Doctor Doom was almost completely suppressed by him. .

Don't forget, Doctor Doom is not just a man who relies entirely on magic, the armor on his body is also not inferior to the existence of Iron Man's armor.

But even so, he was still at a disadvantage.

However, the house leak happened to rain overnight, and Doctor Doom on Deadpool's side has not been settled yet. Outside the unfinished building, a guy also dressed in red suddenly fell from the sky, and almost instantly kicked Doctor Doom away.. ....lou

Chapter 222 Continue to die 【For automatic subscription】

If there is anyone in the Marvel universe that cannot be ignored, it must be Spider-Man, and because of the relationship between multiple universes and timelines, Spider-Man in each universe will be different.

Seeing this Spider-Man who was obviously a high school student in front of him, everyone was stunned.

"Hey, are you imitating me?"

Looking at Spider-Man, Deadpool immediately started talking again.

"How is that possible, let's not say anything else, just look at the greasy and bloodstained body on your body, I said, you shouldn't have come out of some garbage dump, right?"

If it were someone else, then he would definitely not be able to pay attention to a cheap guy like Deadpool, but Spider-Man is different. Although he is not cheap, he talks a lot.

No, as Dead Servant opened his mouth, the two immediately began to fight each other.

On the other side, Doctor Doom, who was kicked away by Spider-Man, also stood up slowly, and then followed him with a roar... "Enough, this thing was originally prepared for that guy... Bai Ye, But now it seems that you have to enjoy it first."

As the words of Doctor Doom fell, a dark black light ball appeared in his hand. Seeing this, Dead Servant couldn't help but said: "Excuse me, are you trying to put the child to sleep? the colorful lights?”

The dark black light exploded, not to mention the people here, even the entire unfinished building area was sunk in, and Spider-Man and others were all drawn into it.

The witch's magic, the land of fall, this is a very strong and vicious magic, as long as it is displayed, the whole land will become a wasteland.

And it is worth mentioning that if you are in this area, unless you are proficient in this way, you will sink into it forever.

Originally, Doctor Doom wanted to use this trick to deal with Bai Ye. After all, if an ambush was laid in advance, it wouldn't matter...

Whoever it is, the chances of getting hit are very high.

But now it seems that it is impossible to wait for the white night to come, after all, the current situation has begun to gradually get out of Doctor Doom's control.

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