Outside, in a farther place, looking at the wasteland that was constantly expanding and swallowing, the Fantastic Four and the others were all taken aback.

As early as when Hawkeye determined that the other party was Doctor Doom, S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the four of them have already been informed, and it is worth mentioning that when the Silver Shadow Man was driven away by the Planet Devourer by Bai Ye, he actually recovered his own nature.

Perhaps it is not appropriate to call him Silver Shadow Man now, because after this guy recovered his true nature, he actually had a relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the mind of joining forces.

Silver Surfer, S.H.I.E.L.D.


...that's how he was called, and this time he came to Queens with the Fantastic Four and others.

"Do you save people first?"

Invisible Woman Susan looked at Mr. Marvel and asked Reid.

Now there are two paths before them, one is taking advantage of this opportunity, and the Silver Surfer and Human Torch will start.

In this way, they will have another chance to kill Doctor Doom. Of course, if this is the case, whether the magic in Doctor Doom's hands will stop or break out, it is uncertain.

Judging from Mr. Marvel's analysis, that magic is very likely to run wild.

The other jump is relatively more difficult. It was also shot by the Silver Surfer, but this time, with the cooperation of Mr. Marvel, the Avengers were pulled out in an instant.

Of course, this is also a risk, because if Mr. Marvel can't pull a few people back, he himself is likely to fall into it.

In addition, Doctor Doom is also a great hidden danger, because no one is sure whether he can still take action now.

Mr. Marvel Reed just hesitated, and he decided to save people first, after all, it is indeed a bit difficult to kill Doctor Doom in one blow.

And it is worth mentioning that Mr. Marvel felt that if they saved people first, they might have a better chance of winning.

It was decided to do it. With the activation of Silver Surfer's ability, Mr. Surprise's body was instantly surrounded by a powerful force, and then he flew towards several people at an extremely fast speed... This is Mr. Marvel's ability, that accident made him like a rubber man, able to stretch to an extremely exaggerated level at will.

The plan went very smoothly, and under the control of Silver Surfer, that force easily sent Mr. Marvel to a few people.

And as Mr. Surprise quickly wrapped his hands around and wrapped everyone, everyone was forcibly pulled out by Mr. Surprise in an instant... "Wow, what the hell is this?"

Deadpool screamed, and the Avengers immediately realized what happened after a brief accident.

Outside, after everyone was taken out of the wasteland area, everyone also had lingering fears. I have to say that this move of Doctor Destruction is too strong, and a few people almost fell into it.

On the other hand, when Tony was attacked, his armor also responded in time, without anyone else to save him, he himself quickly left the wasteland with the help of the armor with the magic circle recorded... ......In a certain villa in Washington, there are a large number of high-level American imperialists gathered here. If there are people familiar with it, he will be shocked.

Because the people gathered here at this time can almost be said to be able to easily influence the direction of the entire American Empire.

At this time, a certain member of the Congress said: "I just said that this is the introduction of wolves into the room, that guy... what is called Doctor Destruction knows that it is not reliable at first glance, look at what he is doing now, he actually wants to Will the whole of New York fall?"

In front of everyone's eyes, everything about Queens is being broadcast on TV.

"What's the matter, have you contacted?"

Another senator asked anxiously.

Listening to him, he seems to be contacting Doctor Doom.

"I can't get in touch. I have tried all the contact information he gave, but it still doesn't work."

If at this time these......the top U.S. imperialists didn't know that they were being tricked, then they would have lived in vain for so many years.

On the other hand, although Mr. Marvel has rescued the Avengers, Doctor Doom has no intention of stopping.

With the help of this magic, he actually planned to turn the entire earth into a wasteland before Baiye returned, and he would become the only ruler in this wasteland... Seeing that the earth was about to fall into a gigantic In the midst of the crisis, outside the earth's atmosphere, Bai Ye suddenly rushed in in an extremely unreasonable manner...

Chapter 223 Killing Doctor Doom 【For automatic subscription】

Because of the violent friction with the atmosphere, a crimson halo was formed around the body in the white night.

Of course, these were all one meter away from him.

The white night at this time is like a fast-flying missile, and his target is in the wasteland that has almost swallowed half of Queens... "All personnel were evacuated immediately, as far as possible. A little farther from here."

Captain America shouted loudly, Tony had already tried it, his magic could not have any effect on this wasteland, and at this time even Doctor Strange had come to the scene.

However, he also has no way to stop the continued expansion of the wasteland, unless he uses the time gem... The time gem is the last resort. If it is not a last resort, Doctor Strange will not use it without authorization. The consequences are very serious, he doesn't have the strength of Bai Ye... that can crush everything.

However, when everyone was at a loss, as the distant sky seemed to fall like a meteor... "Boom!"

The huge sound was accompanied by a powerful shock wave, and almost instantly turned the surrounding buildings into ashes.

And at this time, under the attention of all the people, Bai Ye slowly flew from the wasteland... The powerful phagocytic power of the wasteland did not affect Bai Ye at all. On the contrary, it was originally Doctor Destruction. The magic used to target Bai Ye was dispelled by Bai Ye raising his hand.

The witch's magic is only, although Bai Ye really doesn't understand, but he can easily travel in the long river of time, just in this short moment, Bai Ye has returned to the past and figured out all the principles of this magic.

In this universe, people who can control time and space are unreasonable beings. No matter what your methods are, they can still be easily destroyed. There is no other, just because they can go back to the past and trace the origin... The wasteland stops. It expanded, and as the dark red light flashed by, the original Queens district was restored to its original state again.

At the same time, Doctor Doom also found that he might have encountered the greatest crisis in history, and Bai Ye's power had completely exceeded his imagination.

The terrifying aura oppressed the surrounding air, and it turned out to be an air wall that could be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Dr. Terror An Nai couldn't stop, he knew very well that if he continued to wait, the possibility of his victory would be even slimmer.

Doctor Doom is indeed a magical genius, and he is proficient in many rare magics that even Kama Taj has not recorded.

However, these magical attacks are nothing but vain for..., they have all become the nourishment of the white night system... "No, this is impossible, how could there be you on the earth"

Doctor Doom is going crazy, and the reason why he knows the sky is actually because of Mephisto, Doctor Doom's mother is a witch, and she made a mistake in a certain ceremony, causing her soul to fall into the Mephisto's hands.

And the reason why Doctor Doom has come all the way to where he is today is all about taking back his mother's soul... Looking at Doctor Doom who is almost crazy in front of him, Bai Ye also raised his right hand. , it's just the existence of this level, for Bai Ye, it's just a matter of moving your fingers.

In fact, Bai Ye did move his finger, and the power of time and space mixed with the power to destroy everything burst out from the front of his finger.

It's all over.... On the other side, in the vast universe, Thanos looked at Thor in front of him, and the corner of his mouth also showed a disdainful evil smile.

The once mighty Asgard fell, lost Odin, and they were vulnerable.

Seeing that Loki was crushed to death by Thanos after giving away the space gem, Thor almost fell into despair, but when Heldham was about to use his last strength to send Thor away, Thanos didn't hesitate. The spaceship was detonated, and the second infinity stone, the space gem fell into the hands of Thanos... With the appearance of Bai Ye, it directly crushed Doctor Doom, and at this time, Gu Yi also back to earth.

But just as she came back, she went directly to Bai Ye, and told Bai Ye Eternal was calling her, and she would temporarily leave the earth for a while.

Before that, she had given the Time Stone to Doctor Strange to guard, she didn't know how long she would be away, during the time she left, Doctor Strange would be the supreme mage of the earth.

After listening to Gu Yi's words, Bai Ye also laughed helplessly. Eternal summoned Gu Yi at this time. If it was said that it had nothing to do with him, then Bai Ye would definitely not believe it.

But his teacher is the apostle of eternity after all, and he can't tell her to ignore eternity and the like, so Bai Ye is very helpless, he doesn't speak, but just watches Gu Yi leave... In the universe, Thor was also discovered by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Everything seems to be reunited with the original timeline, and Thanos is finally coming to Earth.

At the same time in Washington, in the villa where the high-level American imperialists gathered, Bai Ye did not know when to appear here.

Strictly speaking, most of this Doctor Doom disaster was caused by the greed of these guys. Coupled with the last Sokovia agreement, Bai Ye felt that he should not indulge these... ...... The guy with incompetence but insatiable desire is on the loose.

Today's Bai Ye already has the ability of time, space, power, reality and the five gems of the mind, and among them, the gem of the mind is the best way to control people.

Although these people are all high-level people of the US Emperor, they are strictly speaking only a group of mortals, so the process of Bai Ye's control of them is very easy, and it takes almost no effort. under control.

Time flies by like a stream of water, and after solving the guys who might cause trouble to Bai Ye in the future, Bai Ye started to live a leisurely life with the two girls again.

I have to say that Bai Ye is really lazy. In Wenrou Township, he almost enjoys all the happiness in the world. The two women obey him in every way. Here he is the only emperor... A new day At the beginning, the day was rising, and Bai Ye was slowly waking up under the soft weeds of the two women, but before he could embrace the two of them, Ultron's untimely voice rang... "Sir, you have an invitation card saying that you are invited to attend a banquet this afternoon. Will you agree to the other party?"


Chapter 224 Charity Gala 【For automatic subscription】

In fact, Bai Ye has always been a very low-key person. He doesn't follow Tony's style. No matter what he does, he likes to attract attention. Bai Ye only likes to live his own life.

However, with his performance during this time, regardless of...

Whether Loki invades the Earth, or whether Doctor Doom was dealt with not long ago.

Although Bai Ye didn't care, he finally fell into the eyes of everyone.

Coupled with Tony's intentional publicity, although Bai Ye is not well known today, there are always a lot of people who know him.

Moreover, the person who invited him this time was a charitable organization, and its main purpose was to invite the wealthy and wealthy in the United States, that is, the legendary cast a net.

Bai Ye's villa is very unique, it is built on such a cliff, and it also occupies the most beautiful coast in Hawaii. Even a fool knows that the owner of this place is a super rich man.

Looking at the content of the invitation card in his hand, Bai Ye was speechless because the invitation card was sent out a week ago, and this guy Ultron only gave it to himself now.

Of course, this is not because Ultron is incompetent, and Bai Ye has seldom come back during this time, plus this kind of thing is indeed dispensable, so Ultron has never told Bai Ye.

"What's the matter, my dear."

Diana woke up, and the bright sun shone on her, which turned her into a dazzling beauty.

"It's nothing, it's just an invitation, ignore it."

Bai Ye is indeed not interested, what kind of charity auction, this is obviously... a money-making activity, but it is just a game of a group of so-called upper-class people.

"Can you show me?"

On the other hand, Wanda also woke up from her sleep. Naturally, she heard the conversation between the two just now, so she said so.

As the two took the invitation to the side and talked mysteriously for a while... What gave Bai Ye a headache was that these two playful guys unexpectedly asked Bai Ye to take them here to participate in this banquet... Bai Ye never thought that it would be such a hassle for a woman to go out. Ever since the two women asked to attend this banquet at the same time, Bai Ye was dragged by them to all the clothing stores in Hawaii.

With one suit after another being put on and replaced by Bai Ye, Bai Ye really would rather have a fight with the Court of Life than try on these clothes.

After a whole day of tossing, Bai Ye was liberated only when the two women nodded.

With the transfer of space, the three people 3 also came to one of the most prosperous districts in New York... Manhattan is the largest of the five districts in New York. There is the world-famous Times Square, which also has the world's most prosperous district. The name of the golden land.

The prosperity here is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. If you listen to some words, if you just throw a brick when you go out, you might be able to hit a millionaire.

However, in such a place envied by the world, Bai Ye felt that he was so bored that he was about to explode.

Manhattan Hotel, a hotel named after the Manhattan district, as its name, you can already roughly guess how expensive its consumption is.

Watching one after another of luxury cars drive into it and are respectfully introduced by the doorman, Bai Ye and the two women walking on foot looked a little shabby.

"Or I'll get a car too"

Bai Ye didn't have any interest in this banquet, but in order to take care of the emotions of the two girls, he still said.

This kind of occasion is very pompous. Simply put, whatever car you take will become a sign of your status. Of course, if Bai Ye thinks about it, let alone a luxury car, he can easily get a spaceship, but It was a little annoying to try on clothes just now, so Bai Ye ignored the first point.

"No, we'll be fine if we have you."

Diana and Wanda are both beautiful, and they are the kind...the kind that strike the soul directly, so as soon as the three of them entered the venue, everyone involuntarily focused their attention on them.

As for Bai Ye, he also has a unique temperament, which makes him the focus of many female guests in the venue.

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