The American Empire is very open in this regard, especially in this so-called high-level occasion, but after a while... Diana and Wanda did not know how many people's invitations to dance together, and Bai Ye was even more exaggerated. There was already a lot of beauty around him.

Of course, these... are just a little episode, what surprised Bai Ye was that he actually met Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, on this occasion.

Feeling that Bai Ye was slightly stunned, the two women also smiled and looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I met a rather unexpected person."

Bai Ye shook his head. Just now, he has seen tens of millions of futures. In fact, peeping into the future is very boring. When you already know what will happen in the future, you will not hold anything. There is hope, this is a very uncomfortable feeling, so Bai Ye usually seldom watches the future and the like.

However, Bai Ye always has a very strange feeling, but wherever there are these superheroes, all kinds of strange things will inevitably happen, and this time is the same... Since it is a charity auction, then Naturally, there must be something to put up for auction, and this time it is convenient to auction these.... The scientific research results of cutting-edge students are used as an excuse, so Peter will appear here.

Looking at the males who were constantly planning to get close to the two women, Bai Ye also made an amazing move after frowning slightly.

At the moment, the auction has reached the auction of a tensioner, which is a relatively promising scientific research achievement, and has been auctioned for a high price of two million dollars.

However, just when these... males were going to show off their wealth in front of Wanda and Diana, Bai Ye suddenly shouted: "Ten million..."

As soon as Bai Ye’s words came out, it was earth-shattering. The previous auctions had never been played like this, jumping from [-] million to [-] million directly, this must be so rich in an instant, those... The male who tried to get close to the two women immediately retreated. That's how the people of the US emperor are. They bully the soft and fear the hard. As Bai Ye's [-] million exits, they instantly wither.

However, at this time, with the "Boom"

There was a loud bang, and a strange man in a strange flight suit rushed in, and his target was the puller in the center of the auction venue... Green Goblin, the chairman of the Ao Shi Group That's all, Bai Ye had already figured out everything about him just now.

As Bai Ye held Diana, who was about to shoot, a red figure suddenly appeared in the venue, and went to the green devil to fight together...

Chapter 225 Evil Knight 【For automatic subscription】

The battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin was soon fought outside the banquet center, and later in the blink of an eye to other blocks.

I have to say, in terms of fighting ability, if Spider-Man had not taken care of the safety of ordinary people, the Green Goblin would have been captured by him long ago.

"Aren't you going to take care of it?"

Diana held Bai Ye's right hand charmingly and said with a smile.

And with her smile, the people around her suddenly looked like a spring breeze, and even what happened just now seemed to be forgotten.

"Sorry, sir, what about the puller..."

The person presiding over the auction was in a cold sweat at this time, and the tensioner was snatched by the Green Goblin. Although this thing can be made again, no one can guarantee that this... the gold master will still want it.

When they heard the host, everyone also turned their attention to Bai Ye. Ten million is not a small number. In everyone's opinion, Bai Ye should not want it anymore.

"It doesn't matter, things, you can send them directly to this address. As for the auction fee, someone will pay after the things are delivered."

No waiting: Bai Ye spoke, and Wanda, who was beside him, said with a smile.

At the same time, she also brought paper and pen from the waiter on the side, and wrote down an address.

Watching the host take this address away with suspicion, Bai Ye walked to Wanda's side with a smile and said, "You can also see the extraordinary thing about that..."

Tensioner, the name is very general, but it has a great effect. Of course, it depends on who uses it. Anyway... Bai Ye also intends to give Tony to improve his armor, and he doesn't need these things.

On the other hand, although some unpleasant things happened at the banquet, it was finally resolved. With the end of the banquet, when Bai Ye and the others were about to leave, Bai Ye also saw Peter's figure returning to the banquet.

And in the backpack behind him, Bai Ye saw the puller that had been stolen by the Green Goblin.

Seeing Peter running quickly to Bai Ye, then just when he was about to speak, Peter was stunned.

During the Dr. Destruction incident in the unfinished building, although Peter was far away, he was sure that he could see the person clearly, but he did not expect that he would see him here again... "Mr.. …”

Spider-Man seemed a little nervous, but before he could finish speaking, Bai Ye whispered to him and said, "Well done, give this thing to the organizer, and they will deliver it to where it needs to go, and if it is convenient for you If so, can you help me take care of it yourself?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Peter immediately understood that Bai Ye had recognized him. At the same time, this indescribable sense of trust also made Peter happy, and Yu said excitedly, "No problem, sir."

With the end of the banquet, Bai Ye and the others did not leave the hotel. After opening the most luxurious room here, they entered with the two girls to rest.

The neon is flashing, and the prosperity of Manhattan is just beginning to show itself under the night. There are cars and cars on the streets. For ordinary people, it is time to rest, but for this special place, everything has just begun.. ....Manhattan area has countless attractive merchandise stores during the day, but at night, it also has other nightclubs and bars that are fascinated by countless young people.

As the deafening music continued to sound, countless young people dressed in fashion were dancing their limbs to the beat.

However, in this seemingly lively place, there will naturally be a lot of contemptible cowardice.

"Hey! Boy, when will you pay us the money you owe us?"

In the dark alley behind the bar, a group of young men who knew they were gangsters surrounded another man who looked a little weak and kept threatening.

However, the original plot was supposed to be that this weak man was beaten up: back press: crying and begging everyone for mercy, but in fact it was the exact opposite.

As the dark fog-like smoke continued to churn, the people who were originally surrounding the man were immediately frightened and dumbfounded, but when they reacted and prepared to escape, it was too late.

The clothes were all over the floor, but the body was nowhere to be seen. The man who was so weak seemed to have hiccups, and then stood up and looked like he was so weak just now.

But just as he was about to leave here, at the other end of the alley, a ray of light suddenly stunned him.

The engine of the motorcycle is roaring, and it is extremely shocking that this motorcycle is like a living creature, a living creature from hell... The skeleton-like shape looks extremely infiltrating at first glance. , and on its wheels, it turned out to be burning flames... Seeing this scene, the man was a little cowardly, but when he turned around and wanted to escape, behind him, a taller figure appeared. And the man in the leather jacket appeared behind him at some point.

What frightened him the most was that the man's head turned out to be a straight burning skull... In the early morning, Bai Ye still woke up from the gentle village as usual, and the sunlight outside was still a bit dazzling. , Bai Ye wore a nightgown, while enjoying the rich breakfast provided by the hotel, while looking at the urban morning newspaper in his hand.

Bai Ye likes this kind of feeling, which makes his family firmly feel that he is still an earthling, but when Bai Ye was casually reading the morning paper, a piece of news made his eyes narrow.

At night, someone saw a burning skeleton riding a motorcycle frantically on Queen's Road..."Ghost Rider?"

Bai Ye whispered softly, he naturally knew what the hell this thing was, and on the other side, also in New York City, Doctor Strange had also noticed Ghost Rider.

For him, the Ghost Rider should also belong to a magical creature, and as the Supreme Mage on the earth now, he has the obligation and responsibility to determine whether the other party will threaten the safety of human beings.

However, when Doctor Strange was going to look for the Ghost Rider's trail, his phone suddenly rang. Naturally, the person who called Doctor Strange was... Bai Ye, and the meaning of the words was very simple, Basically... leave this to him and let Doctor Strange take care of it.

"Come on, doctor."

The slightly fat Wang was ready to fight, but when he looked at Strange and said to set off, Strange said, "No need, this matter has been resolved."


Wang looked suspicious, didn't this just happen in the past few days, how could it be solved? Wang really doesn't understand... Lu

Chapter 226 But this is the case [For automatic subscription]

The appearance of Ghost Rider is not accidental, but the inevitable result of demons tempting human beings in the world.

His appearance is not the first time, but has appeared a long time ago, but this time this time is more special.

Johnny Blazer, originally a motorcycle stunt driver, met the devil Mephisto by chance in order to save his adoptive father from cancer.

Yes, it's... that... the guy who is good at playing with human souls is also the existence that imprisoned the soul of Doctor Doom's mother.

Johnny signed a contract with Mephisto, he was infused with the evil spirit Zatanus and possessed, thus becoming a ghost knight who avenged the innocent, with the power to control hellfire, and to judge everything Evil Judgment Eye.

In fact, Bai Ye is very surprised. Mephisto is doing good deeds for the world. After all, releasing an existence like Ghost Rider is just... purifying the world.

However, after Bai Ye entered the long river of time to see what happened, Bai Ye suddenly realized that this was just an accident.

The appearance of Ghost Rider is not a deliberate arrangement by Mephisto, after all, the evil spirit Zatanos itself is also a threat to Mephisto.

All Mephisto was forced to, he had to let the ghost knights appear in the human world from generation to generation, otherwise when the evil spirit Zatanos returned to the dimension of hell, this guy would be a huge trouble.

Knowing everything, Bai Ye is also preparing to gradually the existence of this judgment evil soul, but because it is daytime, this thing does not seem to appear, so Bai Ye can only wait.

Times Square is indeed the most prosperous area, Bai Ye smiled and his hands were covered with all kinds of goods bought by the two women.

Just from the point of view of shopping desire, Bai Ye didn't find these... Women with super powers are any different from other mortals. Of course, if they insist on having them, then It's just that these two women have better physical strength, and they can go to more places.

The time of the day is fleeting, as night falls, after Bai Ye brought the two girls back to the hotel, he is also ready to set out to find the trace of the Ghost Rider.

It's still in a certain bar, Bai Ye doesn't understand why these... Demons have a soft spot for this kind of place.

Bai Ye ordered a glass of wine at random and drank it slowly. After a while, there will be a guy who turned into a demon, and then she will kill some people who don't have good intentions for her, and then she will attract evil spirits knight.

However, before Bai Ye could wait for the demon to come, Yingyingyanyan was already surrounded by him.

After rejecting these women again and again, the person Bai Ye was waiting for finally arrived. Seeing that she was dressed so revealing and full of temptation, those around... .

What happened next was as Bai Ye saw. After this so-called guy was taken to a dark corner by a woman incarnated by a demon, in a blink of an eye, they were only left with clothes.

look at "woman"

Leaving the bar, Bai Ye followed with a smile, but when Bai Ye followed her and left from the back door of the bar, the outside world, just as Bai Ye saw, the Ghost Rider appeared.

How shocking the burning skeleton is, Bai Ye still holds the beer from the bar in his hand, and enjoys the scene in front of him while drinking.


It was found that something was wrong, but she did not run away, but ran towards Bai Ye pretending to be panicked to seek help.

However, she chose the wrong person after all, and was just a "woman"

When she ran not far in front of Bai Ye, her originally slender waist was wrapped around a flaming iron rope...with the "woman"

Painfully wailing, her body turned into a mass of ashes, and at the same time, the Ghost Rider retracted the iron rope, and then walked towards Bai Ye step by step.

The evil spirit Zatanos is the root of the evil spirit knight. According to legend, only God can kill the evil spirit Zatanos. However, in Bai Ye's view, this is probably because this guy has a higher dimension.

To put it simply, it is that these goods are at least multiverse-level existences.


Ghost Rider is usually not completely irrational, but because of the relationship between the evil spirit Zatanus, most of his reason is used to suppress the opponent.

So in many cases, Ghost Rider is in the middle of crazy and not crazy.

Ghost Rider is an existence that judges evil, so when facing someone who is not a wicked person, he will rarely take action, but at the moment, Bai Ye is the one who broke the rules, and this has become the hesitation of Ghost Rider. The place.

On the one hand, there are no innocent lives under Bai Ye's subordinates, but on the other hand, he has indeed broken the rules of the universe.

Thinking more, based on the desire for sin, Ghost Rider still started to Bai Ye... The long iron rope seems to have some changes under the blessing of Hellfire, but Bai Ye is very clear that its powerful The place is only in the hellfire, as for the iron cable, it is simply an ordinary thing.

Bai Ye didn't move, and this level of attack didn't matter to him at all, but the iron rope couldn't get close to Bai Ye's body. Around Bai Ye's body, it seemed like there was an invisible wall blocking the iron rope.

"Is it only that much?"

Bai Ye threw the beer bottle in his hand into the trash can beside him, and then he walked over step by step under the shocking gaze of the Ghost Rider.

"The evil spirit Zatanus, the legendary existence that only God can kill, I am very interested. Are you really like the legend?"

In Bai Ye's hands, there is a magic light flickering, and it is worth mentioning that there is a purple light shining brightly in this magic.

One blow, just one blow, the flames on Ghost Rider's head shrank a lot.

"It's just that."

Bai Ye looked very disappointed. Of course, he knew that the strength of the Ghost Rider was not the only one. After all, the evil spirit Zatanos would be suppressed by the host's rationality most of the time, and his strength could not exist.

"Can you understand me?"

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