Chapter 227 Carnival? 【Seeking automatic subscription】

Johnny regained his sanity. It was the first time he was so awake in the state of Ghost Rider. Looking at the white night in front of him, Johnny tried to speak several times and didn't know what to say.

At the same time, Bai Ye has also seen Johnny's future. Between him and Murphytus, there must be only one person who can live.

"When you see that guy, you can call me through this thing."

Bai Ye didn't say anything to Johnny, after all, the two of them were not familiar with each other. After Bai Ye dropped a strip of blue light, Bai Ye left.

Back in the hotel, the two women were still asleep, and they were silent all night. The next morning and night, they continued to bring the two women to and from various shopping malls, as if they had forgotten about the Ghost Rider.

On the other hand, Johnny also met Nadya and his son Danny as in the original timeline, and because Danny is the son of the devil, their mother and son are being hunted by a group of devils.

The plot is very bloody, but Johnny also played a key role at this time, and just when he was going to send Danny to the victory point that could solve everything, an accident happened... Danny was kidnapped by the monks, but Johnny couldn't defeat the large number of demons alone, and what worried Johnny most was that there was a shadow of Mephisto behind it.

As night fell, the Ghost Rider was fighting alone, while Bai Ye was happily shopping with his two girls in the lively shopping malls with neon lights.

But just after the Ghost Rider had dealt with most of the demons, Mephisto also appeared... "Bai Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Bai Ye suddenly stunned, Wanda looked at him with concern and said.

"It's okay, you two have a look around here first, I have something to do, so I'll come here."

Bai Ye didn't tell the two women where he was going, but directly found a corner where no one was around, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

On the other side, on the altar of the temple, Mephisto looked at Danny beside the Ghost Rider with a grim expression, he was Mephisto's target this time.

As long as Danny's soul is obtained, Mephisto feels that his strength can definitely rise to a higher level.

However, when he was about to do it, the Ghost Rider on the side took out a long strip with blue light, and after he crushed the long strip, Morpheus Tony felt uneasy.

As the short time passed, nothing different happened around, but just when Mephisto thought that Ghost Rider was bluffing, a voice that Mephisto would never forget was suddenly heard. In his ears... "I thought you would never step out of the status dimension, guess if you can leave alive today."

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, as long ago as Mephisto had an absolute geographical advantage, Bai Ye would have killed him long ago.

After all, it is the soul of hell, if you want to kill the other party completely, even if Ye wants to do it, it is not an easy task.

But now it's different, this earth is the home ground of White Night, this time Mephisto doesn't want to try to escape like last time.

"Do not!"

Looking at the white night that suddenly appeared in front of him, Mephisto suddenly lost his soul. He didn't know how powerful the white night was. In his opinion, the white night was definitely on the same level as Satan.

Mephisto wanted to escape, but Bai Ye had already blocked the surrounding area with the same power as space gems. Unless this guy was stronger than him, it was absolutely impossible for him to escape.

This was an unfair duel, Bai Ye was like beating a child, and he completely eliminated Mephisto without much effort.

Based on the power of Bai Ye at the moment, unless Mephisto can achieve omniscience and omnipotence, he has no chance... The battle ended faster than Ghost Rider imagined. He thought that even if Bai Ye was strong, But there should be a fierce battle between the two sides.

As for the crushing like in front of him, Ghost Rider really never thought about it.

"Is this the end?"

The Ghost Rider seemed to be asking Bai Ye, but also asking himself.

"It's just a hell-dimensional creature. Coming here is his biggest mistake. If this guy hadn't had a dog-like nose, I would have gone to hell to kill him."

Bai Ye said very calmly, but the confidence in his words was beyond doubt. Hearing his words, even the Ghost Rider couldn't even have the slightest suspicion... Bai Ye ignored the Ghost Rider. , but disappeared directly in place. When he reappeared, he had already returned to this lively shopping mall, and at this time, only ten minutes had passed... With Bai Ye's rediscovery After the two women, the three of them started shopping happily again. In fact, Bai Ye didn't understand why women always had so many things that they couldn't buy.

However, when Bai Ye wanted to suggest that the two women find a place to eat, Bai Ye's phone suddenly rang... Few people knew Bai Ye's phone number, but all of them were familiar with Bai Ye. Looking at the three words Stark on the caller screen, Bai Ye also connected the call.

Banquets are still banquets. The so-called upper-level people of the US imperialists always like to use this kind of thing as a platform for interpersonal communication. If it is normal, Bai Ye will ignore it most of the time, but the other party is Stark, After all, Bai Ye is still willing to give him some face.

Bringing the two girls to the banquet hall of the Stark Building, the three of them once again became the object of much attention, and this time Stark personally brought Little Pepper to greet Bai Ye, seeing Bai Ye, Stark's The first sentence was..."I thought you wouldn't come."

Yes, he still knows very well about Bai Ye Stark, he knows very well that Bai Ye doesn't like this kind of social place very much.

"It's okay, I'm here with the two of them."

Bai Ye said it very directly, and at the same time, Pepper reached out to Diana and Wanda enthusiastically.

In this regard, Bai Ye and Diana separated, and when Bai Ye asked Stark to cross his shoulders and walked to the place surrounded by beauty, Stark still said in a teasing tone: "I will arrange for you tonight. A carnival night”

Hearing Stark's words, Bai Ye wanted to refuse with a smile, but as an inexplicable feeling flashed in his heart, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said, "I don't think so. , because you have guests tonight."

Under the ruddy abnormal face, this man walked to the center stage with a weird posture, and then followed the "Boom"

With a loud bang, this man actually exploded... Lu

Chapter 228 Attack [For automatic subscription]

The sudden explosion made everyone panic. Seeing that these people began to flee in a hurry, Stark immediately activated his magic.

In a densely populated place, it is very scary if a stampede occurs, so Stark completely controlled the crowd running around as soon as he made his move.

And it was at this time that a burst of applause suddenly sounded... "Clap clap clap..."

"I didn't expect you to use this weird ability now, why, is this a superpower or something else?"

The voice came from the hand of a man with a short cut head, and when Stark looked at it, he was surprised to find that the man was holding a tablet in his hand.

In the tablet computer, a very gentle-looking man was looking at Stark with a playful expression and said.


Stark was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Excuse me, who are you, do I know you?"

Maybe it's because of his own character. When Stark speaks, he has an aloof attitude. This is from his instinct, not to pretend.

On the other side, Diana and Wanda also brought Little Pepper over, and with the two of them around, Little Pepper was naturally unscathed.

"Hehe, you really still have this temperament, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, I'll let you remember it slowly, I'll give you a greeting tonight, I believe it won't be long before we meet officially. "

As soon as the man in the tablet computer finished speaking, the man with the short-cut head smashed the computer with one hand, and then he waved his hand even more, and suddenly there were a lot of guys with the same red light all around.

"Mr. Bai Ye, are you interested in doing it again?"

Stark turned his head to look at Bai Ye and said.

He believed that if Bai Ye made a move, press: These guys would definitely be killed instantly.

But to Stark's disappointment, Bai Ye refused directly.

"No, leave your business to yourself. I'm just a spectator tonight. If they don't involve me, then I won't take action."

The rules are very important, this is Stark's own trouble, if Bai Ye takes action, it can be easily solved, but there is a saying that is very good, when you are playing with time, time is also playing with you.

Bai Ye doesn't want to change the time line because of these... The waste that Stark can solve by himself. After all, it is too troublesome, and the most important thing is that Bai Ye is lazy.. .... With Bai Ye's refusal, Stark became himself, but fortunately at this time he was not a waste without battle armor.

On the contrary, in this case, the magic is much more useful than the armor.

With a powerful magic blowing a man with red light all over his body, Bai Ye even saw that the man's right hand was directly cut off by Stark.

However, what shocked Stark was that when this guy was cut off his right arm, he actually grew a new right arm again.

There is no way, after all, magic is not Stark's best thing, but Bai Ye has already sensed that something is flying towards this side quickly.

And when Stark shot a man with a red light again, the outside world, with the sound of glass breaking, Stark's armor also arrived... Stark wearing the armor Keke was like a world apart from what he didn't wear. After Stark, who seemed to be at a disadvantage just now, put on the armor, the battle situation was reversed in an instant.

And these.... The red light guys are not stupid. They have never attacked the guests around them just now, but this time is different. They obviously can't beat Stark. He was about to use the surrounding guests as a threat.


With a crisp sound, and then a blue light instantly covered the entire banquet hall, and then these.... The people who were blazing: the red light suddenly discovered that the There's no one left..."You go on."

Bai Ye said lightly.

He won't take action to solve these... The guy who is braving: red light and spitting fire, but that doesn't mean he will watch other people around him die.

So just when these people were about to use other people as threats, Bai Ye decisively took action to save them.

"damn it."

The man with the short-cut and flat head cursed, and then he asked the other people to surround him, but when the others really listened to his words and surrounded him, Bai Ye suddenly saw that this guy had escaped.

As the battle continued, the red light on these people's bodies became more and more bright red.

Then, after one of them was so red that even his eyes and noses could not be seen clearly, Bai Ye decisively took the girls and disappeared in place in an instant.


The huge explosion caused the entire Stark Building to begin to tilt. This building, which had never collapsed after the alien invasion, actually began to collapse at this time.

On the square outside Stark, with a flash of blue light, everyone who was originally in the banquet hall appeared here.

At the same time, from the endless fire in the building, Stark also flew out.

The Stark Building was about to collapse, and Bai Ye frowned when he saw this. Originally, he didn't intend to take action today, but now it seems that he can't do it.

The blue light is still flashing, but this time it directly wrapped the entire Stark Building, and then I saw that the original burning flame disappeared in an instant, and then a red light also shone. The whole venue.

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the Stark Building, which was intact as before, appeared in front of everyone once again. It seemed that it had not been attacked at all, and it was still so dazzling.

"Let's go."

Bai Ye said lightly, and then under his leadership, these guests... who still didn't understand what happened, just walked back one after another.

It was still a peaceful atmosphere, but everyone seemed to be in a dream-like state, and Stark had already changed his armor, and he walked to Bai Ye and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

As a person who has witnessed all this from beginning to end, Xiao Chili treats Bai Ye like a god at this time. In fact, what Bai Ye did just now is no different from a god.

Chapter 229 What sounds good is a human being, and what sounds bad is a dog 【Seeking automatic subscription】

I'll leave it to you here, and we'll go back first."

After such a thing happened, Bai Ye and the two girls also lacked interest. It is better to go back early and enjoy the world of three people alone. As for the next thing, Bai Ye is no longer interested.

This is the downside of being able to predict the future, a future where one layer remains unchanged or more accurately all variables are under your control is very boring.

So unless it's in combat, Zhe Baiye rarely uses this ability to peek into the future.

The banquet is still going on, but everyone doesn't know that there are three very important existences missing... As the banquet finally ended successfully, after everyone left, Stark also locked himself up in the room.

He was very angry, his home was almost completely destroyed by others, and it was worth mentioning that he didn't even know who the other party was.

Rich people just want a lot of convenience, and under Stark's lifetime orders, all his resources have begun to operate crazily.

Tonight those guys... who are blazing: red light, spitting fire and exploding will definitely not appear out of nowhere, just for a few minutes, everyone who attacked them tonight The information has already been placed in front of Stark.

Aldrich Killian, originally a biological scientist who seemed to be a huge fan of himself, suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason.

There is very little information about the other party. This guy named Killian seems to have disappeared suddenly, even if Stark used S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the database did not even find more.

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