But this reminded Stark of a scene. It seems that this guy named Killian found himself once a few years ago, and then let his pigeons go... The one who came out always had to pay it back. ,,,Although Stark is a lot more mature now, when he was young and frivolous, he did a lot of offending people, and now, the other party came to him for revenge... just pretend to be Stark When Ke was thinking about what the other party was going to do, his best friend Colonel Lord suddenly called him.

I saw a lot of people about the Stark Tower incident. After all, this is in the heart of New York, but in order not to cause panic, all this was described by Stark's public relations department as a brand new holographic projection. 33 shows.

Of course, this kind of lie can solve most people, but it will never include the official of the US imperialists.

"Tony, what happened to you, are you alright?"

Although Rhodes wanted to know what happened, he was more concerned about whether Stark was safe.


"I'm all right, but Rhodes, please help me check this person's information. I'm in a hurry, so let's hang up first."

Stark casually sent Killian's information to Rhodes, and he himself wanted to get more information through other channels.

However, when Stark left home alone to find some clues, the top management of the US Empire also changed abruptly... Iron Patriots, this is what Stark thought he would die and gave to Rhodes A small gift.

It is independent of Stark's other armors, and later it has been improved by the US government in many aspects, and it has become a new model that is completely different from Stark's armor.

The U.S. military has always regarded this thing as a card, so it is used in many important occasions: it is the president's bodyguard.

However, this time, it was precisely because of this thing that it came out of a big basket... Gangta patriots actually kidnapped the president of the United States on Air Force One, this is really hell, if not Stark finds something wrong with Killian's base somewhere and arrives in time, and everyone on this plane will die.

For a time, the US imperialists fell into panic, and the vice president, as the first person in charge of the operation of the US imperialists during the absence of the president, was also protected by the military for the first time.

Bai Ye, who was in the hotel's top suite, also frowned when he heard the sound of the siren that had not stopped since it sounded.

"Sir, the Secretary of Defense has requested to speak with you."

Ultron's voice sounded in the room, and since the president was kidnapped, the top management of the American Empire has been trying to contact Bai Ye.

These... The guys who were controlled by Bai Ye's mind gem ability because of the Doctor Doom incident would actually ask Bai Ye for help at this time.

"in spite of....


Bai Ye decisively refused, what could the Minister of Defense do, give him a face and say that they are their own people now, but if they say it badly, they are just their own dogs.

When did he become so merciful, that this group of bastards had the courage to ask him for help after encountering something, and he was not their bodyguard.

Bai Ye wondered if he was going to issue an order to these guys that would not allow them to actively seek him out, otherwise the American Empire would be in trouble every day, and if something happened, it was either a terrorist attack or an alien invasion.

Maybe these guys will look for themselves as soon as they make a move, so what is the difference between them and the signing of the Sokovia Agreement. However, when Bai Ye was about to give them an order that they were not allowed to contact him, Diana and Wanda on the side were that. At the same time, he walked behind him and hugged him.

Bai Ye did not hide the fact that he had controlled all the high-level officials of the American Empire.

"I think you should go and have a look, otherwise the president's death won't do you any good."

"Also, Strange said that the time line seems to fluctuate again, and there may be other dimensions in it. Teacher Gu Yi is not there. As his disciple, you should have some snacks."

Diana smiled and looked up at Bai Ye, to be honest, she was simply beautiful at this time.

And as Diana just finished speaking, Wanda on the side also said with a smile: "The earth today is a rare peace, the two of us are still waiting for you to take us to continue to play, you don't want to be disturbed by these things. in a good mood, right?”

"Go, go and come back, we'll wait for you."

Perhaps it was because they saw that Bai Ye was a little tired to accompany them these past few days, so the two women persuaded Bai Ye to go out and have a good time.

And hearing the two women say this, Bai Ye smiled bitterly, and then said to Ultron, "Tell those guys, I will shoot."

For Bai Ye's departure, the two women did not feel the slightest worry, because they knew very well that their man was the most powerful person on this earth, no, it should be said to be the most powerful person in this dimension... Lu

Chapter 230 Desperate Virus 【For automatic subscription】

Somewhere on the coastline of the United States, Killian looked excited when he saw the little pepper tied to the test bench. He was able to tie this very important person to Stark. Killian Also very satisfied.

"Get ready, and don't forget to inform that guy, I can't wait to see him on top."

Little Chili's mouth was sealed with a strip of cloth, so she could only send out "woohoo" in desperation

On the other hand, Stark almost went crazy after receiving the news that Pepper was also kidnapped... Unlike the original book, at this time Stark still has the power to fight. , and he was very vigilant towards... Killian, so when he was in action, he almost always took a sneak stance instead of attacking directly.

Rhodes is already in custody. The reason why Killian didn't choose to kill him is because he thinks this guy is still useful. After all, someone should be held responsible for kidnapping the president.

There are not many people guarding Rhodes, only two people, but both of them are armed with live ammunition, and they are also the existences who have been injected with the desperate virus. Even if there are only two of them, if they really fight, it may not be a special team. will be their opponents.

However, in the eyes of rabbits, wolves are powerful predators, but in the eyes of tigers, they become prey again.

The orange halo caught the eyes of the two, and just when the two were about to sound the alarm, Stark had appeared behind them at some point, and then saw that Stark kicked the two into the In the aperture, it disappeared immediately.


"How did you do it, the one just now..."

As Stark untied the handcuffs that bound Rhodes, Rhodes also asked very curiously.

"Okay, I'll talk about it later, do you know where the little pepper is?"

Stark put his armor into alert mode, and he himself took Rodra to the side window. From here, the two of them could clearly see that they were hanging in the air like prey in a spider web. President of the United States of America.

"I don't know, but listening to their conversation just now, it's probably there."

Rhodes had already seen the president, but he didn't say much, but pointed to the control center of the aircraft on the side.

In addition, there are no less than thirty enemies that can be seen outside the port at this time. These guys are not only armed with live ammunition, but each of them has already been injected with the Extremis virus.

"Very good, then the president will be handed over to you, and I will go to Little Pepper. If everything goes well, everything should be resolved today."

Stark glanced at the location of the control room, and then said after letting Friday roughly estimate how many enemies there were.

"You don't want to deal with these monsters alone. Don't blame me for not reminding you. The people you see now are only half of their number at most. Do you understand what I mean?"

The desperate virus is not without risks. If you want to gain any power in this world, you must bear the corresponding risks. It doesn't matter...

Wherever it is placed, it is very invariable.

Although Killian's subordinates are not good now, both of them may break down today: here.

"Well, so what?"

Stark said without mind.

Seeing Stark's appearance, Rhodes wanted to persuade him not to be self-willed at this time, but when he was about to speak, Tucker suddenly looked at the distant sky with a tight voice.

And when Rhodes looked in the direction Stark was looking at, in the dark sky, there was actually a light... "This is..."

Looking at the fire in front of him, Rhode was so familiar, but even so he was not sure, because the fire in front of him was too much.

"Yes, it's time for a party, and Merry Christmas."

As Stark's voice fell, the fire in the distance also flew in front of him. It was countless battle armors, countless battle armors made by Stark himself... The war broke out again, but this time it was just like the original As Tucker said, he was ready.

It's just a round of attacks, these... The people who were injected with the desperate virus were beaten by Stark's armor, and in the control room on the other side, the basic Rian looked at everything outside, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

..."Killian, I'll only say it once. If you surrender with your hands raised first, I promise I won't do anything to you."

Stark was suspended in the air outside the control room, but shouted loudly to the control room.

"Clap clap clap..."

This was a burst of applause, and with this applause, Killian walked out of the control room slowly.

"As expected of Iron Man Stark, to be able to make such a grand scene, you have really grown compared to the beginning."

Killian combs this smooth big back, plus the white shirt on his body and the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he is really a gentle person, like a successful person.

"Finally willing to come out? What did you do to my baby?"

Stark raised his right hand towards Killian and said.

"Oh oh oh!"

"You have to be careful, your baby is right behind me, you'd better watch it when you attack, or be careful to accidentally hurt your baby, you know, she doesn't have your battle after all First."

Killian made a gesture of surrender, but from his obviously joking tone, Stark could hear that this guy was completely fearless.


It was a loud noise, and along with this loud noise, a pair of armor rushed into the control room from a blind spot.


Seeing this scene, Killian also frowned. Also as a scientist, Killian knows very well that even the best artificial intelligence cannot be as adaptable as a human being. It's not big, if you forcibly break in like this, it's very easy for things to happen.

"Are you not afraid of her death in front of you?"

Killian looked at Stark in front of him and said.

"You don't have to worry about this. Next, you should worry about yourself. After all, I said just now that if you are willing to surrender, then I will not shoot you."

Stark's words rang again, but this time it turned out to be in the control room... Look at the little pepper that has been embraced by Stark, and then look at the still floating in front of him " Stark"

How could Killian not know what was going on.

Chapter 231 Murdoch 【For automatic subscription】

"It's a very good voice, as I said just now, you have indeed grown up."

Killian is still the kind of... fearless tone, it seems that he is not worried that Stark will do something to himself after saving Pepper.

On the other hand, Stark frowned after seeing Killian's appearance.

It's not right, it's very wrong.

This is what Stark is thinking now. Through the investigation in the past few days, he is very clear that this Killian belongs to the kind of person who likes to control everything in his hands.

The situation in front of him should obviously have exceeded the other party's expectations, but his appearance, it can only prove one point, Killian has a backhand.

"Hehe, if you find it, then stop playing, Murdoch, do it."

As Killian's words fell, a robot that was obviously bigger than Stark's armor rushed out of the ground.

And as soon as it came out, it tore the armor around him into a pile of scrap iron... "This is"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Stark was also stunned, but he knew very well that this robot was not the same as the armor he made, and it seemed to be more "human".


Just when this robot named Murdoch attracted Stark's attention, Killian on the side also did it. What made Stark concerned was that this guy was also injected with the Extremis virus, and his desperate situation The virus seems to be far more powerful than his subordinates.


With a loud bang, Stark was directly punched in the chest by Killian, but in order to protect Little Pepper, Stark actually chose to take it hard... "Go!"

As Killian's red arm became hotter and hotter, his right arm actually melted Stark's armor directly, and at this time, Stark also broke away from the back of the armor. Come out, and then quickly jumped aside with a small pepper in his arms.

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