
This is the sound of the armor being torn and smashed by Killian and thrown to the ground at will.

At this time, he seemed very excited, and he didn't know how much pain he paid for today.

"Tony, is there something wrong with your armor? What is that big guy?"

Just when Stark followed the magic power and fell safely to the ground, I don't know when Rhodes put on the Iron Patriot again, and even the President was rescued by him and sent away from here.

"That thing is not... I made it, help me send the little pepper away, and I will deal with it here."

That... The guy named Murdoch is really amazing, it didn't take much time to get rid of his armor, if he let it go, he wouldn't be able to wear it.

However, as soon as Stark's words fell, the little pepper said directly: "No, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here with you."

Stark didn't expect Little Pepper to be willful at this time, but just as he was about to speak, one of Killian's subordinates jumped down from the height of the gang and rushed towards Stark.

Seeing this, Stark wanted to shoot, but before he could do it, the little pepper on the side shot first... The red body burst out with terrifying power, and I saw that the slender hand ran through this The man's body was thrown aside by the little pepper... "Huhuhu..."

Little Pepper panted and looked at Stark, and when Stark saw this, he hurriedly said, "Okay, if you want to stay, just stay."

As Stark's words fell, the battle broke out again, but this time Stark's side became three people... "It's interesting, isn't it?"

On the other side, Killian looked at the three of Stark and said to Murdoch who had finished solving Stark's armor.

"Remember what you promised me, you must do it to kill these three guys, otherwise I won't let you go."

Murdoch glanced coldly at Killian and then rushed towards the Stark trio.


The huge force made the ground of the port dent in an instant, and Steck suddenly realized that he seemed to be underestimating this burly looking robot.

On the other side, Rhodes, who was wearing a steel patriot, also began to attack the robot frantically, but when his weapon hit Murdoch, he turned out to be completely unresponsive.

"Hehe, you are not the only one who has grown up. It seems that today you have to pay the price for what you have done."

When Murdoch was holding Chili Pepper and Rhodes in check, Killian also found Stark, and the two sides fought together again...... The battle between the two sides was extremely noisy Large, which makes it possible to clearly feel what happened here even if it is far away from the port.

And at this moment, above the sky, Bai Ye stood suspended, in fact, he had already arrived here, but he just hadn't made a move.

Looking at Murdoch who was almost beating Rhodes and Chili Pepper below, Bai Ye frowned slightly.

After all, it is impossible for the timeline to recover completely. In the original timeline, this guy named Murdoch should not have appeared at this time.

As Bai Ye's mind changed, he immediately knew everything about Murdoch... Murdoch, he was originally created by Killian.

.It's just a very mediocre technician who pays attention to memory mutation experiments under the organization.

But with the continuous advancement of Killian's experiment, this guy turned out to be crazy enough to use his own hands to do some genetic experiments, and Murdoch was the product of it.

And he also obtained the power of mutation and successfully became.

.'s new leader, of course, had already been a huge success with Killian's Extremis virus, which he had long since dropped.

. ran to prepare to deal with Stark.

Looking back on the battlefield, Murdoch's strength was not something that Rhodes and Chili Pepper could deal with. After a few near misses, Stark had no choice but to pull both of them into his battle circle. .

One-on-two, even if Stark had the blessing of magic, he couldn't take it anymore, but when he was in danger again, a crimson light suddenly shot down from the sky above them, instantly killing the three of them. 3 is cut off... Looking at Stark who is slowly walking down step by step in the sky, no matter...

Whether it was Killian or Murdoch on the side, both of them became vigilant in an instant... Lu

Chapter 232 Absolute power 【For automatic subscription】

The appearance of Bai Ye caught the two by surprise, but the two did not give up because of it. After all, for revenge, Killian believed that he had counted everything about Stark, including someone who came to help.

"According to the plan, this guy will be handed over to you."

Killian narrowed his eyes slightly, then said to Murdoch who was beside him.

"Remember what you promised, I don't need to stress it again"

Murdoch also glanced at Killian, then dropped a sentence and rushed towards Bai Ye.

Murdoch's tonnage is very heavy, so when he ran, there was a loud bang on the ground, and what made Bai Ye feel a little surprised was that when this guy was running, red light was emitted from his body.

This red light is not the same as the desperate virus. After all, as far as Murdoch is concerned, he is simply a robot like Stark's armor.

And robots can't inject Extremis, so this should be Murdoch's trump card.

As Murdoch ran, the armor on his body began to fall one after another, and the things inside the armor began to gradually reveal in front of Bai Ye... A huge disgusting thing like a sarcoma, in a piece that seemed to be transparent Wrapped in glass, this thing should be... the core that drives the action of this armor.

Although it is different from the Extremis virus, as expected, Murdoch is also a product of genetic science.

The armor has already retreated. At this time, Murdoch is more like a huge biochemical human. It is no wonder that this guy was so flexible when he solved Stark's armor. monster.

On the other hand, after Killian saw that Murdoch was serious, he also began to be serious.

There is a strong support behind Stark, which is not unexpected by Killian. Over the years, as a person who has been paying attention to Stark, Killian is almost every move of Stark. Detailed investigations have been made.

What the Avengers, what the cops, these organizations have long been included in the enemy that needs to be dealt with by Killian as a potential opponent.


The powerful and pure force exploded in the entire harbor, and the wave-like shock wave swept the surrounding containers into the air in an instant.

Murdoch is very strong, at least if the target is the Avengers, he doesn't care...

Whether it is strength or speed, it will not be worse than the Hulk.

However, it is a pity that he chose the wrong opponent. With this kind of enemy who is still in the hero class of the earth, Bai Ye doesn't even need to use too powerful force.

Just using magic, Bai Ye will play with the other party, and in the applause, the planet-level enemy, Bai Ye has long been ignored.

Seeing Murdoch being beaten by Bai Ye like a sandbag at will, Killian was also very surprised. Originally, his plan was not like this.

In desperation, Killian gave up Stark in front of him, and jumped towards Bai Ye... "Too weak."

Bai Ye didn't care about the high temperature caused by the desperate virus on Killian's body, but he stretched out his hand and pinched Killian who jumped up, and then slammed him to the ground.

"It's really weak."

Bai Ye looked indifferent, with no sadness or joy on his face. There was a huge gap between the strengths of the two sides, which made Bai Ye feel no sense of accomplishment even if he defeated the two of them.

As Bai Ye's left hand slowly stretched out, a purple awn burst out from between his index fingers towards Killian in an instant.

The desperate virus does give people an exaggerated self-healing ability, but it all depends on whether the opponent's attack exceeds that critical point.

Obviously, Bai Ye's attack completely exceeded the self-healing speed of the Desperate Virus, and the attack that was mixed with the power gems destroyed the Desperate Virus in Killian's body almost instantly.

"how can that be"

Killian's eyes widened, he couldn't imagine that he would end up in such a way, he was very unwilling... Killian died, and it was a simple, powerful virus that did not kill him. Provide continuation of his life, under Bai Ye's hands, he is like an ant.

On the other side, seeing Killian's death, Murdoch was also in shock. His whole person was more like a mass of sarcoma, and there was no such thing as facial features.

So even Bai Ye doesn't know what the principle is that he can watch all this, but Bai Ye doesn't bother to know, anyway... For... Bai Ye, now the battle is over.

"damn it."

Murdoch let out an angry roar for some unknown reason, but these....it's not important, the important thing is that he was already in a desperate situation at this time.

Bai Ye is really too strong, so powerful that he has no chance of winning at all, and even running away at this time has become an extravagant hope, and at this time, Bai Ye also raised his right hand towards Murdoch.

The same Zimang also exudes the breath of death, Murdoch wants to escape, but his speed seems to be still in Bai Ye's eyes.

Zimang came as scheduled, and the two who almost made the famous Iron Man die in the hands of Bai Ye.

"Can you hear me Ultron?"

Looking at the puddle of minced meat on the ground, Bai Ye said lightly.

And as his words fell, the broken helmet of a battle armor made by Stark suddenly lit up, and then the helmet made the sound of Ultron... "I'm here, gentlemen."

Ultron is indeed the most powerful artificial intelligence in human history, and it easily invaded the system of the armor made by Stark.

Seeing this scene, while Stark was extremely shocked, he also felt extremely lucky. He couldn't imagine what kind of crisis Ultron would bring to the earth if it wasn't for Bai Ye's shot... However, At this time, Bai Ye didn't think about those..., but said directly: "Go and investigate this name immediately.

.'s organization, especially this guy named Murdoch, I want to know his details."

There is a saying that, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are paper tigers.

And this sentence is not wrong at all. In front of Bai Ye, everything the other party does will be false. For example, this guy named Murdoch, the meat in front of him is not his real body. If he is someone else, he will definitely not be able to find it, but unfortunately he is facing the white night...

Chapter 233 Leisure time 【For automatic subscription】

"Are you OK"

After solving the two, Bai Ye finally turned his head and said to Stark.

"It's okay, I can't die for the time being, I owe you one more time."

Stark is arrogant by nature. Originally, he planned to solve this incident by himself, and Killian, who had a clear understanding of him, originally thought that this time would be a battle between the two, no matter what...

Whether it was Killian or Stark, neither of them thought that Bai Ye would suddenly appear.

Stark's mind Bai Ye was very clear, but he didn't say much, just after confirming that Stark was really all right, and then his figure disappeared in place.

"My darling!!, this Mr. Bai Ye is really fierce, how to solve the crisis like this"

At this time, Rhode was extremely shocked. He was different from Stark who often dealt with Bai Ye. Although he also knew that Bai Ye was very strong, he had no idea how strong Bai Ye was.

"Okay, let's settle the aftermath first. I'm afraid it's not so easy to hide what happened tonight."

For .. Stark, this incident is the price he is paying for his former pride, and with what he has done before, even he himself cannot guarantee that it will be the last time.. ....On the other side, Bai Ye returned to the arms of the two women again, Hero Tomb of Beauty Township, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive me.

At this time, Bai Ye wanted to have a good night's sleep in the arms of the two women, but seeing his rather rogue appearance, no matter what...

Whether it was Wanda or Diana, neither of them said a word.

Good times are always short, Bai Ye wakes up as soon as dawn, watching the two women wearing their original shirts preparing breakfast for themselves in the room, Bai Ye's mouth also showed a happy smile.

What saves mankind and saves the universe, whoever wants to go now can go, anyway... I want to enjoy the moment.

In the white night, there is a light shining in his eyes, which is his deep love for the two women... The beach in Hawaii was once called one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, of course, this is even It is also recognized as a white night that can roam freely in the universe.

The blue sky and white clouds, the blue sea, with the waves after waves, stirred up the blooming white waves.

Bai Ye was wearing beach pants with a naked upper body, and his solid but not bloated muscles under his handsome appearance made him look quite a male god.

On the other hand, Diana and Wanda in bikinis are so beautiful and moving... The three of them are playing on the beach, and this kind of beauty is deeply branded into the minds of other tourists. At this time, some people even raised the drawing board, as if they wanted to record the scene in front of them forever... "No, I'm tired."

After a while of playfulness, Diana said while laughing and making a sign of surrender all night.

Of course, this is why Bai Ye likes Diana. In fact, if it's true, with Diana's ability, she won't feel tired even if she runs like this for a year.

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