However, as a woman of Bai Ye, she will show the attitude of a little woman from time to time, such as acting like a spoiled child to Bai Ye at the right time, and this is very pleasing to Bai Ye.

The huge sunshade was enough to accommodate three people, and the sumptuous lunch made the people around them constantly gulping. Of course, maybe they weren't because of the food, but because the two women didn't agree.

However, when the three people in the white night are enjoying a good time with no one around, there will always be some guys who don't have long eyes who feel that they are stupid, and then think that all the beautiful things in the world should be disturbed by his idiots.

The thick gold chain shows two words, that is rich.

Bai Ye never thought that he would encounter such a bloody plot one day, after all, what era is this, and idiots like this are really rare, okay... "Hi, the two of you Beauty, are you interested in coming to my yacht to have fun? There will be a very luxurious banquet on my yacht today."

Bai Ye is not surprised that there are often hated people, but Bai Ye really thinks it is rare to find people who can hate as much as the guy in front of him.

He is like the ones in the hell dimension... Maggots are disgusting himself, if it is not for Bai Ye's mood and cultivation, then he will not mind killing the other party directly.

On the other hand, neither Wanda nor Diana said a word. Instead, they both looked at Bai Ye with a smile on their faces. It seemed that they also liked the way their lover was jealous of others.

Woman, even if she has the power to destroy everything, she is no different from those...ordinary women at this time..."Sorry, we are not interested, please leave ."

Bai Ye first sighed, and then he said to the other party in the tone he thought was the most kind.

However, the white night here proves how correct the sayings that have been circulated in the eastern kingdom are true. People who are good are deceived by others, and Ma Shan is ridden by others.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the other party first glanced at him contemptuously, and then he said to Bai Ye in a very disdainful tone: "Sorry, I didn't intend to invite you either."

As the other party's words fell, Bai Ye's little temper came up. This is shameless for his face. He really thought he was a mess, but before Bai Ye could teach him a lesson, he saw a few people wearing The guy in the black suit with the words "I'm an agent" written on his face quickly ran over.

What happened next made even Bai Ye a little speechless, these guys are not ordinary people, they are S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... is a special agent who is specially responsible for solving all the ordinary people around him who may annoy him for Bai Ye.

The man was taken away before he knew what had happened, and what he will face next will definitely not be a pleasant thing.

At the same time, when Bai Ye was speechless S.H.I.E.L.D.


When these guys of .... had this trick, Gu Yi, who was originally in Kama Taj, was summoned by eternity. When she saw eternity in the different space, eternity also transmitted something very special. information to her.

Annihilation, also as one of the five gods, is also the strongest of the five gods, he is actually brewing something at this time.

And Eternal hopes that Gu Yi can go to investigate, he does not want Annihilation to do anything to endanger the entire dimension... Lu

Chapter 234 Thanos Strikes 【For automatic subscription】

No one was notified of Gu Yi's departure, not even Doctor Strange. On the other hand, Bai Ye, on the other hand, after a little episode during the day, still spent another day leisurely.

But just when Bai Ye planned to bring the two girls home to continue a night of romance, an inexplicable throbbing flashed across his heart.

This is not the first time Bai Ye has experienced this feeling, but unfortunately, every time I have this feeling, nothing good will happen.

Looking at Bai Ye's suddenly changed face, Diana and Wanda also asked in a relationship, "What happened, dear?"

Hearing what the two of them said, Bai Ye also stroked their delicate faces apologetically, and then said, "You go home and wait for me first, I have something to deal with first."

Bai Ye left Hawaii, and when he reappeared, he was already in the New York Temple, and now it has become the domain of Doctor Strange, as the third supreme mage on earth except Bai Ye and the ancient one, Doctor Strange Live here at this time.

Doctor Strange was very surprised by Bai Ye's arrival. After all, in his opinion, Bai Ye would never appear in the temple if he was okay.

"Did something happen?"

Doctor Strange said directly and clearly.

"Where's the teacher?"

Bai Ye is also very concise. He is very clear that nothing happens on the earth today, and he has also seen the timeline of the future. Although some things will happen in the future, it will be the premise that he leaves the earth. in the case of.

The future is changeable, this is very clear to Bai Ye, but these... The future is not without a trace, at least after Bai Ye peeks into the future, it is discovered that no matter...

What will happen to the earth, but they will all have a premise, that is, they will leave the earth by themselves.

Otherwise, the earth will still be as calm and peaceful as it used to be, at best, it's just some small things that some unsightly guys make and then be solved by the Avengers.

But if you leave the earth, it will be different. In that case, there is no doubt that the earth will encounter a great crisis.

But Bai Ye didn't see why he left the earth in the future, which was also unbelievable to him.

With Bai Ye's current strength, not to mention omnipotence and omnipotence, at least he can know about what happened in this universe, and what can lead to his current situation, in Bai Ye's cognition, there is only one situation. , The future timeline involves an existence on the same level as oneself or even a level higher than oneself.

Only in this way can I not be able to see the existence of the other party in the long river of time in the future, and in today's earth, who can provoke people of this level, then only my teacher Gu Yi... Hearing Bai Ye's words, Doctor Strange is out. Even Bai Ye doesn't know about things. Although he is not what he used to be now, it depends on who he is compared with. At least compared to him, he is far worse.

"The teacher is not in Kama Taj"

Doctor Strange was also stunned, and when he heard his words, Bai Ye was almost instantly certain that something had happened to Gu Yi.

Bai Ye did not delay, he even told Doctor Strange to be careful about possible future crises, but disappeared in an instant and flew towards the starry sky.

Bai Ye was very sure that Gu Yi was in trouble, that's why he felt that kind of...heart palpitations, it should be a distress signal released by Gu and himself.

At the same time, in the depths of the universe, Gu Yi, who originally came to find out what happened here, was completely shocked by the scene in front of her... The constantly exploding stars indicated that Great changes were taking place in this place, and just when Gu Yi was about to investigate what was going on here, a monster with a size comparable to a star suddenly appeared in front of her.

Under the huge and red body, there is a terrifying aura, and this kind of aura is not too much even compared with Dormammu. Under the three pairs of eyes like horizontal stripes, it seems to be able to penetrate the universe... .. As he slowly turned his head and cast his eyes on Gu Yi, Gu felt that his hair was standing upside down for a while.

The huge fist like an asteroid slammed down on Gu Yi, facing the sudden attack, even Gu Yi felt a tingling in his scalp, and what bothered her most was that under this kind of attack, Gu Yi actually It is to find that his magic cannot have the slightest influence on the opponent... Gu Yi is a mage, but when a mage is facing an existence that completely ignores magic, can you imagine her despair? Bai Ye's speed is very fast Fast, with the power equivalent to the space gem, he almost traveled through the universe at an exaggerated speed.

On the other side, just like the future that Bai Ye saw, not long after he left the earth, with a huge alien warship suddenly appearing over New York City, Thanos finally came... ...The huge alien warship has caused panic among the civilians, after all, this is not the first time, and people have completely lost their expectations that the aliens are peaceful.

However, this is indeed the case. When the alien warship appeared, in the base of the Avengers, the vision that was sorting out the information was suddenly attacked.

General Deathblade's death blade claims to be able to cut through atoms, but the vibrating metal, also known as the hardest metal in the universe, can't last even a second under its sharp blade.

Vision was attacked, and the opponent came so suddenly, so suddenly that Vision had no reaction at all, and was directly penetrated through the body.


With a loud shout, the General Deathblade, who had planned to take down the Mind Stone just like this, also turned his head coldly to the person who made the shout.

Falcon, but he was not wearing or equipped at this time, but it was also thanks to him that he distracted General Deathblade, which gave time for Captain America, who also discovered something wrong, to save Vision.


Captain America's shield slammed into General Deathblade's body, causing the vision that Ben had been pierced through and lifted up to fall to the ground.

At the same time, Tony, who happened to be studying magic with Doctor Strange in the New York Temple, also discovered that something was wrong with the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them also ran out quickly, and at this time, the two of them encountered the black dwarf... The battle was about to break out, and Thanos, who had been prepared for a long time, won the The first opportunity, the crisis of the earth has come again...

Chapter 235 Infinite Gems 【For automatic subscription】

The arrival of Thanos directly caught the Avengers by surprise. With the heavy damage of Vision, the nearly-successful General Deathblade looked at the surrounding Americans, and he also decided to retreat.

On the other hand, Proxima Dark Night also took action against Doctor Strange. She is the most brutal person among the five obsidian generals, and she is very good at melee combat.

Under the cover of the black dwarf, she quietly came behind Doctor Strange... "Bang!"

The black long stick almost shattered the space, and this weapon... the weapon specially made for her by Thanos was brought to the extreme in her hands.

Proxima Dark Night's goal is the Time Gem, so Doctor Strange is useless to her at all, and she is a killer in one hand. If it weren't for the mysterious cloak of Doctor Strange, he might be dead at this time.

But even so, Doctor Strange was still a little dizzy after being beaten with a stick, and on the other hand, Stark had already fought together in the black dwarf.

The new armor erupted with unprecedented magical power. This time, Stark greatly strengthened the application of magic on the basis of the original.

Black Dwarf has super-dense and indestructible skin, and his racial superiority makes his strength comparable to the Hulk.

Every time the giant axe in his hand swiped, the air made a sharp sound. Facing this cold light and extremely sharp giant axe, even Stark did not dare to approach it rashly.

However, at this time, Proxima Dark Night, which had seized the opportunity, finally succeeded. Facing such a cosmic fighting world at close range, Doctor Strange had almost no chance.

But fortunately, the container for storing the time gem is blessed with magical power, and Proxima Dark Night cannot be broken for a while, and looking at the black dwarf star on the other side that has already formed a mass, Proxima Dark Night thinks about it, he Still decided to take Doctor Strange away.

As the light blue light shone down from the spaceship in the sky, Doctor Strange's body also slowly floated up, and at this time Stark also saw this scene, and he quickly flew towards Doctor Strange. , and then tried to take him away.


A sharp air-breaking sound suddenly sounded, and Stark, who was flying towards Doctor Strange, instinctively turned to the side after hearing the sound, and at this moment, the huge axe almost wiped his battle. A flew to the side.

Stark missed the chance, Doctor Strange has been taken away... "How"

Captain America is holding the Vision, the Vision at this time is different from usual, and his body seems to be constantly reverberating with electromagnetic pulses.

"No, there's something wrong with that sick weapon, it hurt the moving parts of my body, and now I can't move."

Although Vision is a robot, because of the spiritual treasure, he is no different from ordinary people at ordinary times, but at this time he feels pain because of the death blade, which is the first time since he came out.

Outside, the huge alien spaceship can be clearly seen from far away, but the US team can no longer care about it.

He knew very well that the reason for the other party's attack was... Infinity Stone, although this matter was mentioned in Bai Ye before, but he didn't expect the other party to come like this.

On the other hand, Stark finally got rid of the black dwarf and chased after the slowly ascending spaceship, and at this time, the black dwarf who was planning to continue throwing things, was attacked by Spider-Man. s attack.

The spaceship is extremely fast, and when it leaves the Earth's atmosphere it starts a space jump.

On Titan, as in the original timeline, Stark met the Guardians of the Galaxy, but this time, different from the original timeline, the two sides recognized each other as soon as they met.

Of course, this is all due to Bai Ye, because he has mentioned each other's existence to both parties before.

However, when the two sides were discussing how to deal with the tyrant, the tyrant also appeared.... In the depths of the universe, the ancient one was still constantly dodging the opponent's attack, and the When she was tired of dealing with it, with a flash of purple light, this huge body with enough stars was actually blown away.

"It's alright, teacher."

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, and when he saw the other party, Bai Ye had already seen everything about the other party.

The god group, a race originally created by eternity, but they have changed in the process of growth, and their origin has been modified by a powerful existence, and this is also the reason why eternity feels wrong.

Six-eyed god, this is the name of the huge creature in front of him, but if he is a creature, this thing seems to be more like a huge and outrageous robot.

At this time, he seemed to be hurt by Bai Ye's attack, so he was angry... The huge fist was enough to smash the planet, but how could such a physical attack be effective against Bai Ye's purple light While flickering and mixed with orange glare, the extremely powerful magic exploded with the wave of Bai Ye's hands.

Different from Gu Yi's attack just now, all Gu Yi's attacks just now were ineffective against the opponent, but at this time Bai Ye's attack almost tore apart the opponent's body.


The intense pain caused the Six-Eyed Deity to let out a huge scream, not because he was weak, but because Bai Ye was too strong.

One blow, just one blow, the Six-Eyed Deity was severely injured, and Bai Ye's attack was far more than that. The Smashing Magic shattered the Six-Eyed Deity's right arm, and the Imprisonment Magic made the Six-Eyed Deity unable to move.

With the formation of the orange magic circle on the top of the six-eyed demon, the extremely terrifying sky thunder also came crashing down on him.

For a time, with Bai Ye's attack, the entire star field at the center of the meeting here underwent dramatic changes.

Bai Ye is too strong. Under his series of attacks, the Six-Eyed God is almost powerless to resist. Everything is over. With the explosion of the planet-sized body of the Six-Eyed God, everything is over... ...On the other hand, on Titan, Stark and others also encountered a crisis.

Thanos himself is very powerful, and he already has four Infinity Stones at this time.

Strength, space, reality, soul, under the powerful abilities of these three infinity stones, Stark and others are completely incapable of resisting.

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