As Thanos grabbed Doctor Strange, the Time Stone finally fell into his hands. At this point, there was only one vacancy left on Thanos' Infinity Gloves, and his goal was also very clear, that is, to return to Earth. In: The Mind Stone on Vision's Head... Lou

Chapter 236 I am the destiny [For automatic subscription]

The corpse of the Six-eyed Heavenly God was quietly suspended in the air like a huge continent, and looking at the corpse that was completely devoid of life in front of him, Gu Yi also had a worried look on his face.

"It is very likely that Oblivion is behind him, and from the information passed to me by eternity, the Celestial Group is a race rather than an organization."

"There are a lot of them. If you kill their clan now, I'm afraid they will come to you for revenge in the future."

Gu Yi is very worried about Bai Ye. These days, there are many powerful beings in the universe. I don't know how many are hidden in each dimension... boss, let alone a single universe level, even if it is The existence of the five great gods is definitely invincible even if they dare not say it.

Although the Heavenly God Group was originally created by Eternity, the trajectory of life has changed since then. As far as the ancient one knows, there are existences in the Heavenly God Group that are no weaker than the five gods.

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent. In fact, Gu Yi didn't need to open his mouth, he already knew what kind of existence the Tianshen Group was.

The Celestials, actually the Celestials, have visited the Earth in the past four 44 different periods, and each of their visits has changed the history of the Earth.

Strictly speaking, this group of so-called gods is... a group of over-eating things, they are keen to change everything, and they have the taste of missionaries.

And Bai Ye has learned through the long river of time that these gods who are still in this dimension so far have a judge, a guy who is self-righteous in Bai Ye's eyes.

If he condemns a race to annihilation, he calls on the Eradicator to destroy everything, and this guy seems to be planning to make a mess of it lately.

The searcher, this is also a member of the god group, he has the ability to search for life forms, and also has the ability to change the genes of these life forms.

Eradicators, the absolute combat power in the Celestial Group who are responsible for obliterating everything, their power is extremely strong, and they can almost effortlessly obliterate most of the life in the universe.

The Collector, as the name suggests, is the existence in the Celestial Group who is responsible for collecting life samples, and it is worth mentioning that he can collect everything in life, including the soul.

There are many members of the Tenjin group. In addition to the above............, the rest are surveyors, analysts, calculators, explorers, and prosecutors. , testers, etc...many.

Strictly speaking, the existence of the Tenjin group is to play the role of missionaries of God, they are keen to change all the races they think are good, of course, they will also obliterate those...they feel bad 's race.

From Bai Ye's point of view, these guys are just... a bunch of self-righteous lunatics who completely put themselves in the role of God and try to dominate everything.

And the guy who was beheaded by Bai Ye in front of him is one of the eradicators. The reason why he is here seems to be because the judge judges the existence on this planet as "guilty"

Gu Yi's worries are not unreasonable, the powerful scriptures of the gods are enough to threaten the existence of the multiverse level.

At least if it is Bai Ye, Gu Yi can't guarantee that he will definitely win in the conflict between the two sides.

On the other hand, with the temporary withdrawal of the Thanos army, Captain America and others also brought Vision to Wakanda for the first time. Bai Ye once said that the technology here is far more developed than that of Earth.

The civilization here is from an alien planet. If there is something that cannot be solved, it is a wise choice to come here.

Every king of Wakanda is a black panther, and the black panther has also become the representative of Wakanda's strongest combat power. It is covered with extremely high purity and specially processed vibration gold armor. If it is only for defense, black Panther's armor is much stronger than Iron Man's armor.

T'Challa, now the Black Panther of Wakanda, is also the King of Wakanda.

Although the timeline has changed a lot due to Bai Ye's relationship, the same as the original timeline is that T'Challa's father is still dead.

It's just that he died in Wakanda's infighting, and because of this, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... also intervened in Wakanda's internal affairs.

Princess Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister, is also a rare genius, and at this time she is the one who fixes the vision.

Yes, because of the changes in the timeline, Captain America and others have no way to destroy the Mind Stone, so all they can do is repair the vision and fight the other side.

As I said before, your strength determines your vision. Captain America and others still underestimate the power of Thanos. He was already at the sub-heavenly level before he didn't have the Infinite Gloves, and now he has the Infinite Gloves. With the blessing, he has even reached the level of the multiverse.

The war broke out in Wakanda again, but unlike the original timeline, this time the army of Thanos swept through almost everything in a crushing posture.

If Thor hadn't arrived in time at the last minute, I'm afraid everything would have ended.

The Storm Axe is very strong, which can be seen from its power against the infinite original stone...,..., but in the face of absolute power, the resistance of the Avengers is like that of powerlessness.

The scarred Captain America gritted his teeth and stood up again. He was ready to die here. Thanos is very strong, but if he wants to make himself afraid, it is absolutely impossible.

"How I want to see your beautiful face again, for this I can even kill all the creatures in the universe for you, as long as you are willing, I can give everything for you."

While talking, Thanos slowly walked towards the vision that fell on the ground and didn't move. During this period, although the Avengers tried their best, everything was in vain after all.

As Thanos grabbed Vision's head with one hand and lifted him up, a sense of despair inevitably rose in everyone's heart.

"It's just a group of ants, you dare to try to fight against God"


With a light sound, Vision's forehead was easily crushed by Thanos. Watching Thanos put the last Infinity Stone into the Infinity Glove, all the powerful creatures in the universe felt it. This kind of terror is the ultimate power.


Thanos roared loudly, and the corners of his mouth also showed an incomparably evil smile. He succeeded, and he was about to kill half of the living beings in the universe to please the goddess.

"I am destiny!"

As Thanos raised his left hand and looked down at the fallen Avengers, his left hand also snapped his fingers.

And at this time, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and I saw a 1, I don't know if it was a meteorite or something, it actually cut through the atmosphere, and then came quickly towards Thanos...

Chapter 237 The snap of the fingers does not work 【For automatic subscription】

There is a protective shield in the sky above Wakanda. This thing is so powerful that even the army of Thanos cannot easily break through.

I don't know how many huge and incomparably large battleships have been smashed and sunk under this protective cover just now? This shows how powerful this thing is.

However, with such a powerful protective cover, in this "fireball" that fell from the sky

Down, it looks like it's made of paper..."Boom!"

With a loud noise, the protective cover was directly torn into pieces, and at the same time, the tyrant who was about to snap his fingers was also hit hard... The whole earth seemed to be Countless nuclear weapons had been bombed, and the land that could not be seen at a glance turned up like the sea under such a violent impact.

For a while, the entire terrain was completely changed, and the surrounding dust was flying up to cover the sky... "Cough..."

As the dust and smoke began to dissipate, just when everyone wanted to know what happened, he suddenly discovered that a "stalwart"

The figure also appeared in front of everyone.

At this time of crisis, Bai Ye turned out to be back... The Infinite Gloves are very strong, at least so far, Bai Ye has not found anything in the universe that can be a stronger weapon than the Infinite Gloves.

Looking at the tyrant who had grown stronger in front of him, Bai Ye also had a long-lost heart to fight.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time, you say you are destiny, right?"

Bai Ye carried his hands on his back, and then walked towards Thanos step by step.

On the other hand, Thanos is in control of the existence of the Infinite Gloves after all. Although Bai Ye's blow just now caused him a lot of damage, because his body has been strengthened by the Infinite Gloves, this blow did not kill him directly. he.

"Hehe, Bai Ye is that...even a super-powerful person who is famous in the entire universe"

The green light was flickering, and while Thanos was talking, he slowly stood up, and when he stood still, the wound on his body completely recovered.

It has to be said that Thanos is indeed a genius, and the Infinity Gloves are used to the extreme by him flexibly in his hands.

It is not unreasonable for this guy to be able to dominate one side. At least compared to Odin and his like, although Thanos is a little weaker in nature, his unparalleled talent makes him more malleable.

Bai Ye rolled his eyes when he heard Thanos' extremely confident words. The Infinity Gloves are very strong, but you are swollen, purple sweet potato essence. If you didn't do it on purpose, you wouldn't even have a 1 infinity rough stone. Woolen cloth.

Bai Ye's body was exuding a powerful wave, and at the same time, Thanos suddenly raised his left hand, and then snapped his fingers with lightning speed.

In the distance, Captain America and the others saw this, and their hearts sank to the bottom. Although they didn't know the reason, the purpose of Thanos was to snap his fingers to destroy half of the creatures in the universe. still know.

Thanos succeeded, he snapped his fingers terribly, but when Thanos smiled evilly and looked at Bai Ye with a victorious attitude.

Bai Ye couldn't help but give Thanos one more glance.

With the passage of time, looking at everything around him, Thanos suddenly became stunned... "What's going on?"

Thanos was very puzzled. He clearly snapped his fingers, but nothing happened around him. "Idiot, you think that since I'm already here, you can kill half of the universe with a snap of your fingers. "

Bai Ye is very disdainful. When a smart person is stupid, it is really more funny than a stupid person. At this time, there is no doubt that the tyrant is... In being stupid, clearly Ming Ye is already standing in front of him, and he also expects to fight Snap your fingers to solve everything. There is no doubt that Thanos with infinite gloves is already a multiverse level existence, but how to say this is the same as who is not a multiverse level.

Don't forget, Bai Ye's strength is also at the multiverse level at this time, and unlike Thanos who relies on foreign objects, Bai Ye is a real multiverse level existence.

Thanos is not too stupid after all, he has already reacted at this time, as long as Bai Ye is here, then it is impossible for him to achieve his goal with a snap of his fingers.

After all, things have returned to the original point. If Bai Ye is not resolved, then everything will be false... "Om!"

As the air seemed to shake, Thanos' figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Bai Ye.

The purple awns of the Power Gem filled the entire sky of Wakanda with a strange beauty, and at this time the entire sky was also rendered purple.


The deafening roar was accompanied by the lava gushing out from the ground, and Thanos actually smashed the crust with one punch... If the volcanic eruption is the end of the world for ordinary people, then there is no doubt, At this time, the rolling magma and the continuous spewing lightning have become the end of the world for superheroes.

How terrifying the Infinite Gloves is at this moment is vividly reflected here, if it wasn't for Bai Ye's shot to block a lot of energy, there is no doubt that the blow just now would be enough to destroy the earth.

At this time, on Bai Ye's right hand, there is also a flashing purple awn, and the only thing that can block the power of the infinite original stone is the power of the same level as them.

However, even this level of power is extremely rare in the entire universe... Of course, Bai Ye can definitely do it.

The Xeon battle between Bai Ye and Thanos has finally begun. Compared with before, this time Bai Ye is more serious than ever before, even if it is fighting eternity and death, it is much more serious than this time.

The two hit the air from the ground, with infinite gloves, the Thanos at this time is much stronger than the original beholder.

Just compare it with the opponents that Bai Ye has fought against. I am afraid that even the beholder is not necessarily stronger than Thanos. Maybe there are only eternity and death. Apart from these two people, the tyrant at this time is the one that Bai Ye has fought against. the strongest among them.

The two had disappeared, and everyone knew that the two of them might not even be on Earth at this time.

However, they also guessed correctly, the two were indeed no longer on Earth at this time.

Somewhere in the universe, a powerful force unscrupulously destroyed everything around it, no matter what...

Whether it's a planet or something else, under this power, it's all turned into powder.

And that's not a big deal, as the power used in the battle between the two is getting bigger and bigger, there is actually a faint early sign that some black holes are about to appear... Lu

Chapter 238 Intense battle 【For automatic subscription】

The power of the infinite raw stone is constantly raging, and under the collision of the same power, all tangible things are turned into the dust of the universe.

And as the fighting time gets longer and longer, Thanos is getting more and more alarming. He has never heard that there is a power comparable to the infinite original stone in this universe. If it is the past, then he is absolutely not. would believe this.

The purple power gem exudes a dazzling purple light. Under that kind of destructive power, Thanos punches out a thousand stars without hindrance, but whatever is in front of him, no matter...

Whether you are a star or something else, they have been smashed into pieces.

Of course, this does not include White Night.

The same purple exudes the same brilliance, but compared to Thanos' purple, White Night Purple seems to be more "stout"


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