As the two forces collided with each other, the center of that force exploded violently again... "What the hell is this?"

At this time, Thanos no longer had the confidence he had at the beginning, and things had gone beyond his expectations. He didn't understand what Bai Ye's power was, and he had never heard of it before.

"Want to know?"

Bai Ye had a great time playing, so it was inevitable that he was in a very good mood at this time.

It was indeed a wise decision not to kill Thanos directly at the beginning, man, there are always challenges in life.

At this time, Bai Ye was obviously a little excited. His physical function had reached the peak. If he could continue like this, maybe he would be able to break through that seemingly far-flung realm in this battle.

On the other hand, when Thanos heard Bai Ye's words, he thought that Bai Ye would be stupid enough to say what this power is, but after Bai Ye said I won't tell you, Thanos knew that he was being tricked. .

Thanos with infinite gloves is inflated, he doesn't think anyone can defeat him at this time, so even if Bai Ye has already shown his strength, he still doesn't think so.

The huge magic circle reflects the entire galaxy. If you are in this galaxy at this time, you will be able to intuitively see how magnificent the scene in front of you is.

After all, Bai Ye is not a warrior, he is a magician. In the past... close combat is just because he doesn't think the other party has the strength to let him use magic.

But the Thanos in front of him were different. The existence of the Infinity Gloves made the two very close in strength. Facing such an opponent, Bai Ye felt that he was worthy of using magic to fight.

The magic circle is huge, it almost covers the entire galaxy, and at the same time, Thanos is the most central point of the magic circle.

The stalwart and vast power is gathering, and Thanos has already felt all this...I saw Thanos raised his left hand, then gritted his teeth and said, "Come on."

The Infinity Gloves glowed brightly.

A shield that felt thick just by looking at it suddenly appeared around Thanos.

However, at this time, the magic circle above Thanos was also there, and at the center of it, a ray of light as thick as a planet smashed towards Thanos like a thunderbolt..." …”

It was like the sound of a balloon leaking air, but in the beam, everything seemed to evaporate in an instant.

Strong, it is too strong, this is a power beyond ordinary people's perception, the beam of light seems to run through the entire universe, and at the same time, the big men who are still in this universe are surprised to find that Bai Ye is actually a Horror to this point.

In the depths of the universe, the court of life, whose body was as huge as a planet, had a solemn face, and the words solemn were written on his three different faces at this time.

As one of the topmost beings in the universe, the Life Court should have prevented the two of them from fighting, just as they had prevented eternity and death.

But at the moment, instead of stopping him, he just quietly suspended in place and watched the battle between the two.

"He's getting stronger again."

On the other side, on the edge of the universe, eternity is also quietly wading in the universe, there is no distinction between up and down, left and right, but only the eternity that represents the abstraction of the multiverse.

"So strong."

This is an infinite emotion, and Bai Ye has always watched him grow up to this day, and his growth trajectory can be called a miracle, no, it should be called a miracle.

If there is a God who is above everything in this world, then Bai Ye may have enjoyed his favor alone. Otherwise, even the infinity of one of the five gods cannot explain how Bai Ye is so powerful. .

It is also on the other side of the universe, and is also the Planet Devourer, one of the five gods. At this time, he did not speak, because he had fought against Bai Ye long ago, but he was defeated in the hands of Bai Ye.

Perhaps among the five gods, only the Planet Devourer understands how terrifying Bai Ye is. After all, there is really no trace of that... despairing power to explain, even if it is him.

The line of sight returned to the battle between the two, the terrifying beam has disappeared, and the same is true of the huge magic circle.

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, he naturally wouldn't think that he could kill Thanos with just this blow, no matter what, the other party always had the existence of six infinite original stones.

However, the fact is indeed as Bai Ye thought, although Thanos seems a little embarrassed at this time, but after all, there is no danger to his life.

The right chest has been penetrated, and the bloody appearance there makes him look very embarrassed, but with the flash of green light, at the wound that had been penetrated, Thanos returned to its original state again.

This is the power of the time gem, in fact, in the infinite original stone, no matter what...

Which one, they all have the terrifying power of ignoring the rules.

And it is really very difficult to kill such an existence.

"Is that all there is to it?"

Thanos looked at Bai Ye angrily and said.

From his birth to the present, it was the first time that he was so embarrassed, even when he conquered his home planet Titan, he had never been so.

"A dead duck has a tough mouth."

Hearing the words of Thanos, Bai Ye said lightly, and he was too lazy to talk to Thanos, and Bai Ye preferred to do it rather than start his mouth.

The purple light flashed again, Thanos gritted his teeth, and then cooperated with the power of the space gem, and then came to Bai Ye in an instant.


The huge force produced a terrifying shock wave, which spread to the entire galaxy in an instant...

Chapter 239 The kingdom of death 【For automatic subscription】

In the eyes of ordinary people, the galaxy is vast and untouchable, but at this time, under the attack of the two, the galaxy is like a small boat in a storm.

It may be destroyed at any time due to the battle between the two, this is no longer a battle in the conventional sense, and mortals will never be able to imagine how terrifying the battle between gods will be.

On the other side, Thanos clenched his left hand tightly, and the Infinite Glove was also bursting with dazzling light.

"Only to this extent"

These were the words of Thanos originally, but at this time, it was very appropriate to say it from Bai Ye's mouth. At the same time, in Bai Ye's heart, the system also began a long-lost analysis.

Today's Bai Ye already possesses five infinite forces, and now that he is holding the infinite glove, the power of the soul gem seems to be beckoning to him.

If Thanos knew what Bai Ye wanted to do at this time, he would have gone mad with anger, because in the face of him with infinite gloves, Bai Ye still seemed to be so easy to do.

Bai Ye has a lot of values, no less than one billion. These are all obtained when he fought against eternity and death. I don't think that at this time, for Bai Ye, because of the lack of suitable opponents, it is necessary to think a lot. It has become very difficult to obtain the value of .

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Thanos also felt a little difficult to ride a tiger at this time. At this time, he was no longer as confident as before. Bai Ye's power exceeded his expectations. In the civilization of Bai Ye, there will be a powerhouse of the level of Bai Ye.

"damn it."

Thanos cursed in the bottom of his heart, he is now in a very weak situation, if he continues like this, maybe he will lose.

Lose, as soon as the word came out of Thanos' heart, he could no longer be secretly suppressed. Originally, when he obtained all the Infinity Stones, how high-spirited he was. At that time, Thanos even felt that the entire universe belonged to him. of.

But now, the power of the infinite original stone has been brought into full play, but even so, he has not seen the slightest possibility of victory.

"Why don't you have the strength to continue?"

Bai Ye looked at Thanos teasingly and said.

Thanos at this time is for Bai Ye, sparring more than enemies, yes, after getting familiar with Thanos' style of play, Bai Ye already has the upper hand.

The blue light was flickering, and with a burst of blue smoke, Thanos' figure disappeared again, but this time he didn't intend to attack Bai Ye, Thanos actually planned to escape... Of course, Also possessing the power of the space gem, Bai Ye naturally couldn't let Thanos escape like this. Watching jokes, Bai Ye was rarely so happy, and the system was still: analyzing the power of the soul gem, how could it end Womir, the center of the universe? Death, this is the place where God abandons ghosts and hates ghosts, and where Thanos trades Gamora's life for soul gems.

Looking at Thanos who appeared here again, Red Skull's empty body also showed shock. As a price, Red Skull was cursed by the Soul Gem, and he obtained the Soul Gem forever, but in the same way, he also had the ability to see through. the power of all souls.

At first when Thanos came for the first time, all he saw in Thanos was self-confidence and a determination to disdain everything in order to achieve his goals.

But how long has it been? When he saw Thanos again, he saw a completely different side from Thanos...... Hesitation, hesitation, lack of confidence, and even a little bit of fear.

Red Skull doesn't understand, what kind of existence is needed to make such a powerful and despairing existence feel terrified. However, when Red Skull was still there: when he was extremely suspicious, Thanos ignored him, instead he didn't care about him. He continued to walk in the direction of the altar.

And at this time, with the opening of the door of space, Bai Ye walked out of the door of space without any hassle.

Seeing the white night, Red Skull can no longer be described as shock at this time.... The ability to see through all souls is the ability given to Red Skull by the Soul Gem, and because of this, Red Skull in spite of....

No matter who he faced, he never failed.

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy, and you have desires before you seek, but everyone who comes here comes for the Soul Gem, and such people, Red Skull, can easily see through them thoroughly.

But now an accident happened. Red Skull looked at Bai Ye, but everything was blank in his mind... He couldn't see through, this was the source of Red Skull's shock, and this kind of thing was also For the first time, at least before this, he had never encountered anything like it.

"What kind of existence are you"

At this time, Red Skull didn't even dare to use the word "human", after all, the Bai Ye at this time had far exceeded his expectations.

"Red Skull?"

Hearing what the Red Skull said, Bai Ye gave him an indifferent look. Bai Ye didn't know that the Red Skull couldn't see through him, but he could see through the other party very easily.

Bai Ye ignored the Red Skull, and continued to walk in the direction of Thanos. He had blocked the planet, and Thanos could not escape through the space gems.

Of course, the price is that Bai Ye can't use the power of space gems to go directly to Thanos.

The clear lake reflects the scarlet sky, and under the reflection of the huge planet in the distance, this scene at this moment is really easy to indulge in.

Womir is the land of death. There is no life outside of the Red Skull. In fact, strictly speaking, the Red Skull itself is not a living thing.

The surrounding is desolate and dead, and there is not even a wind here... At this time, Thanos was standing on the surface of the lake that looked like the salt lake of the earth, and there were ripples under his feet. He watched as he slowly walked towards him. The white night, and at the foot of the white night, with each step he took, there would also be ripples.

Escape has become an extravagant hope, and Thanos is also very clear, although I don't know how Bai Ye obtained the power equivalent to the infinite original stone, but as long as he wears the infinite gloves for a day, he can't escape Bai Ye's pursuit.

"I'm very puzzled, I'm afraid you have already obtained the Infinity Stones, but why would you give them up?"

The power of the Infinity Stone is full of temptation, and Thanos doesn't believe that anyone would be willing to give up this intoxicating power.

Hearing Thanos' words, Bai Ye thought about it and said, "In fact, their power is not that powerful. For me, compared to their own power, they are already powerful enough. Even having them is just icing on the cake for me."


Chapter 240 Ending [For automatic subscription]

There are differences between people and people, and now the difference between Thanos and Bai Ye has been completely exposed after Bai Ye's words fell.

The infinite original stone is the pursuit of the tyrant's life, but such power is nothing but the icing on the cake in Bai Ye's eyes.

Thanos is not convinced, he is not convinced why there is such a existence as Bai Ye in this universe.

To Thanos, Bai Ye is nothing but a native on a backward civilization planet.

As Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet again, he is ready for the final battle... On the other side, as the sweet sound of the system resounds again, the power of the Soul Gem is finally analyzed... ...Power, abundant power is constantly pouring out from the depths of the soul. Since breaking through the multiverse, Bai Ye felt that his strength has been greatly improved for the first time.

If the previous Bai Ye was infinitely close to omnipotence and omnipotence, then Bai Ye at this time has completely reached the realm of omniscience and omnipotence in terms of strength. What he lacks now is probably some kind of core thing.

"Is this the sum of the power of the six infinite rough stones?"

Bai Ye shook his right hand at will, and he could feel it. At this time, he had reached an indescribable state, and at this time, the attack of Thanos had arrived..." Kacha …”

This is the sound of the earth cracking, and with Thanos pushing the Infinite Gloves with all his strength, Womir Star is still a little unbearable at this time.

"Get out of my sight."

Thanos roared, the kind of power that...the stalwart to the extreme also burst out from his hands.

But when his attack hit Bai Ye, the scene that made Thanos despair appeared... With a grip, Bai Ye simply stretched out and retracted, and then just squeezed like this, Thanos The attack that erupted with full force was directly crushed by him.

At this time, Bai Ye has fallen into an inexplicable state, and he is comprehending the changes brought about by the power of the six infinite original stones.

"how can that be"

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