Just a quarter of an hour ago, it was impossible for Bai Ye to achieve this level. Although Bai Ye was also strong and a little perverted at that time, he sometimes needed to avoid his own attacks.

But at this time, he seemed to be a different person. In the face of his full-strength blow, he was crushed with just his right hand... Thanos gritted his teeth, but just when he was ready When he continued to attack, Bai Ye woke up beside him.

Different from just now, when he woke up from an inexplicable state, he didn't have the good mood he had just now, and he really got all the power of the Infinite Original Stone.

But for some reason, he couldn't make the quantities merge into one.

According to Bai Ye's original plan, after he obtained the power of the Soul Gem through Thanos, he would further improve his strength. At that time, he should be omniscient and omnipotent.

But now, although his strength is a stand-in, his realm has not improved... Bai Ye is very confused, he doesn't understand what he is lacking, and why is this happening, only to see him lift up. With his right hand, he threw a random punch towards the ground beneath his feet.

However, a scene that shocked Thanos happened... It was just a random blow from Bai Ye, and the ground actually exploded, and this was not the end. Thanos could clearly see the star itself. The dead star core is actually cracking continuously, and then with a loud bang, it burst open like this... A single blow will destroy a star, you must know that this is a O Womir, it is a very special existence in itself.

However, when Thanos was swaying unsteadily because of the constantly exploding ground, Bai Yena made a new move again, and saw that he also stretched out his right hand, and then a dark red light flashed past. The cracked earth turned out to be restored quickly again... Controlling everything with every gesture, Bai Ye is like a god at this time... In fact, from the time the two fought until now, it is not that the two did not use other ability, but because the power between the two is too equal, no matter...

Whether it's the Reality Gem or the Time Gem, these... can no longer affect the other party.

Therefore, the battle between the two can only rely on their own skills, and at most add the power of the Power Stone.

As for the other infinite rough stones, they have become useless existences.

Of course, at the beginning, Thanos had one more soul gem than Bai Ye, but what about that? How powerful Bai Ye's soul is, aside from foreign objects, Bai Ye's own strength will beat Thanos countless streets.

And now, as Bai Ye's system has completely analyzed the power of the Soul Gem, the two are no longer on the same level in time.

Womir returned to his original state again, but this time Bai Ye lost his mind to continue fighting seriously. Thanos is no longer his opponent, so let him end it all.

As Bai Ye folded his hands together, a force so powerful that Thanos could not describe in words suddenly rushed out of him. Thanos really didn't understand why Bai Ye had such a level of power.


With the sound of a crisp sound, with the white night as the center, a beam of light that runs through the universe also suddenly appeared, and a mysterious magic circle began to appear quickly in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire universe... .. a blow, just a blow, but different from the beginning, this time the magic circle was reduced in the blink of an eye and merged into Bai Ye's hands after the outline was completed.

Then with such a light blow, I don't know when Bai Ye suddenly appeared in front of Thanos, and then patted his right hand and the magic circle in his right hand into Thanos' chest..."Pfft. …”

This is the sound of blood flying, Thanos' chest has been completely penetrated, and it is worth mentioning that with the appearance of the magic circle just now, Thanos also used the power of the infinite original stone to give It forms a shield by itself.

However... this is the protective cover that resisted Bai Ye's blow at first, but at this time it was like paper, and was directly penetrated by Bai Ye's blow... and because it was condensed by the infinite gloves The power of the wireless glove itself was also affected when it was penetrated.


This is something, the sound of cracking. Under the unbelievable gaze of Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet exploded with a bang, and the Infinity Stones embedded on it were scattered, and disappeared into the universe in the blink of an eye.

Chapter 241 Travel 【For automatic subscription】

Bai Ye's powerful attack directly tore the Infinity Gloves, and no one could imagine how powerful Bai Ye's attack just now was.

Looking at the empty left and right: Thanos shook his head in unparalleled shock and said, "This is impossible."

It's over, everything is over, Bai Ye defeated Thanos with infinite gloves, and as Bai Ye made a fist with his right hand flashing with purple awns, he slammed into Thanos' chest, and Thanos was hit with an unprecedented hit. .

Behind him, the earth cracked again, but at this moment, a shocking beam of light suddenly erupted from the altar, and it penetrated the star in the blink of an eye.

And what surprised Bai Ye was that Thanos, who should have died because of this, actually disappeared in the beam of light... Womir is a very special star, otherwise it would not have become the death of the center of the universe. Kingdom, there may be some big secrets here, but Bai Ye is not interested in it... It is a pity that Thanos escaped, but Bai Ye doesn't care much about it. When will I see you again? Earth, because of the appearance of Thanos, many places are in a mess. For this reason, under the coordination of various governments, everything is recovering in an orderly manner after the war.

And it is worth mentioning that, because the Avengers were injured by Thanos, all of the Obsidian Generals escaped.

It is still New York. As one of the core cities of the American Empire, it has the most developed economic system in the world, but it is also troubled by disasters.

Bai Ye couldn't understand why New York was always the epicenter of these disasters, no matter how...

Whether it was Loki's invasion at the beginning, or the later attack of Dormammu and others, everything always happened inadvertently in New York.

A woman who is Bai Ye is happy. If it was based on the original time line, Wanda should be crying to death at this time, but since the time line has changed, everything will be different.

As the sun went down, seeing the two women running happily on the beach, Bai Ye smiled happily.

With a comfortable and comfortable life, Bai Ye also gradually wakes up from the gentle village. He is not a person who will be wiped out by a comfortable life. Bai Ye is very clear that the reason why he can have such a comfortable life is all based on on its own strength.

If one day Bai Ye stopped moving forward, then the real crisis is likely to break five, all of these, so while Bai Ye was relaxing, he did not forget to improve his strength.

Kama Taj, Bai Ye has been retreating here for almost a year. At this time, he is very puzzled... "What is wrong?"

Bai Ye felt the power flow in his body.

There is no doubt that he has indeed obtained the power of the six infinite original stones, but this is a little different from what he thought at the beginning. He said that the multiverse enters the omnipotence and omnipotence. There is nothing to discuss in Bai Ye. It's just not at the level of the universe, and she has no ability to provide herself with ideas.

Even the eternity behind the ancient one is not enough, eternity is only a level of his own, and strictly speaking, his combat power is now much stronger than that.

Getting into a bottleneck is a very uncomfortable thing. Bai Ye can feel how huge the power in his body is, and he can also feel that he has reached a very mysterious state at this time.

But no matter what, he just couldn't successfully break through that realm, as if there was something blocking it, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't reach it.

"Still: Are you worried?"

Bai Ye is a very special existence in Kama Taj. He has his own independent space. Looking at the boring Bai Ye, Diana softly lies behind Bai Ye, and then whispers.

"Well, I don't know what is missing. I have never been able to take the most crucial step. I can feel that my strength has begun to slowly stop growing."

Bai Ye is a little worried, the water in this universe is too deep, not to mention the five gods, there is also the existence of the Court of Life, which is so powerful that Bai Ye is extremely jealous.

And this is far from over. The guy in the geographical dimension is also eyeing him. If he really stops moving forward, he will bear those losses sooner or later... He can't bear the loss. of.

"Why don't you go out and relax. I'm talking about the kind that leave the earth and go to the depths of the universe."

"The resources of the earth are of no help to you now. Why don't you look for it in the depths of the universe, maybe you can get a breakthrough opportunity."

Wanda held Bai Ye's oriental mysterious drink in his hand, and let the latter walk slowly towards Bai Ye and said with a smile.

Hearing Wanda's words, Bai Ye was also a little moved. Wanda was right. Even if he continued to stay on the earth, it would be of no benefit. It is better to leave and travel to the universe.

"That's a nice note, do you two come with me?"

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth showed a smile, and he had already noticed it at this time.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the two women looked at each other, and then Wanda said, "We won't go there. With the two of us here, you will be distracted. Don't worry, we will be here waiting for you to come back."

One of the most difficult things in life is a confidante. To be favored by these two women, Bai Ye felt that he must have saved countless universes in his last life.

Bai Ye was someone who said he would leave, and given his current strength, he had nothing to prepare for.

After kissing the two women, Bai Ye's figure also disappeared... On the other side, on an unknown planet in the universe, Star-Lord was leading a few other people crazy They fled, and behind them, a huge and disrespectful monster was making a deafening roar.

"Quiele, I told you not to touch that thing for a long time, now it's alright, the monster woke up."

Rocket Raccoon complained as he ran.

"Hey, don't forget that we are a whole, and besides, that monster woke up because you kicked his balls."

This is the daily life of the Guardians of the Galaxy, these guys don't care....

At any time, they seem to be extremely unreliable, but when they are running away because they are in trouble again.

In a race whose whole body is golden, a huge cocoon also began to wriggle... Lu

Chapter 242 Planet 【For automatic subscription】

Someone once said that no matter how much you try to modify the time, the time will always inadvertently restore its original appearance.

The universe is very vast, so some amazing things may happen at any time in it, such as the scene in front of you, a woman with colorful rays of light is flying fast in the universe out of thin air.

And behind her, countless warships are constantly shooting terrifying lasers at her... "Damn, hurry up, hurry up, you must not let this crazy woman chase them."

In the battleship, several aliens who looked very strange were shouting constantly, but when they were chasing after the woman with colorful rays of light, the woman suddenly disappeared... "Where did that guy go and did she space jump again?"

Listening to the words of several people, it seems that this woman has not disappeared for the first time. However, unlike what they thought, this time this woman was not trying to escape from them, but when these people did not respond, she had quietly disappeared. appeared behind a few people.

Races in the universe have a variety of abilities, but it is absolutely rare that both hands can launch a light cannon like destruction.

The huge battleship was like paper paste under the colorful beam, and it was easily torn to pieces.

And the woman is also solving these... After the alien battleship, it turned into a flash of light, and disappeared in place in an instant... The earth, blue and beautiful There are countless mountains and rivers, and with a huge fire falling from the sky, all the tranquility is broken in an instant... New York is a bustling city In this city, people here are either busy living, or they are rushing to die. In the daytime, under the straight suits, everyone is full of tired hearts.

Diana rarely takes the subway. After all, for a magician who is proficient in magic, no matter what...

Wherever she goes, she mostly passes through the portal.

But this time is different. Diana is going to participate in the event at the Art Institute. At this time, there are so many people there. Diana does not want to be the center of attention when she passes through the portal. While Anna was looking at the information about the art sculpture in her hand, Diana narrowed her eyes slightly with a clear sound and a shaking of the subway.

Carol's clothes are very eye-catching, at least after she entered the carriage, most people's eyes were turned to her.

However, Carroll didn't care about these gazes, and instead looked at the passers-by with vigilance... Of course, Diana also saw Carroll, but at this time she did not act rashly. It is very dangerous to fight when you are not sure who the opponent is, after all, there are many civilians here.

However, under the watchful eyes of Diana, she got stuck in front of a harmless old grandmother, and then she suddenly punched it hard... Carroll's actions undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention. Violent reaction.

But as everyone rushed towards Carol to try to stop her, Diana discovered something.

Obviously Carol is not a normal person, but in the same way, when Carol attacked that...grandmother, Diana also discovered that...grandmother's abnormality.

Diana has lived with White Night for a long time, and her vision is so high, so almost when Carroll made her move, Diana already saw how powerful her punch was.

This punch pierced through the concrete of the building, but with such strength, it didn't even injure the old grandmother's skin... But when Diana was guessing who the two were. , the old grandmother also took advantage of the opportunity that Carol was being held back by the commoners.

The sharp tentacles erupted almost instantly, that kind of... terrifying power that directly surprised Diana who was beside him.

At this time, it doesn't matter who is good or bad, because under these tentacles, Diana doesn't know if this strangely dressed woman will die, but these civilians will definitely die.

So Diana also shot, I saw her figure flashed, and then the whole person rushed to the front of the tentacles, and then punched the tentacles without fear. On..."Bang!"

Diana's fist collided violently with the opponent's tentacles, and there was a terrifying muffled sound.

And the other party didn't seem to think that such a thing would happen, only to see her hurriedly glanced at Diana, and then the whole person actually slammed into the wall beside the subway.


The huge impact force penetrated the carriage almost without any hindrance, and the guy who was obviously not a creature of the earth was still there: he broke through the carriage while the subway was running fast.

At this time, those... who were still pulling Carol were also shocked by the scene in front of them. For them, the scene in front of them was really inexplicable.

"damn it."

Carol cursed in a low voice, and after glancing at Diana, she chased the broken hole too.

On the other side, with an exclamation, Diana immediately heard that the place where the sound was made was at the head of the subway, but when she passed quickly, the driver of the subway turned out to be dead, and the brakes of the subway were also damaged. ......This is the rush hour for work, and the subway is already full of people. If there is an accident, there is no doubt that this will be the biggest news in the whole of New York and even the United States tomorrow.

Diana squinted her eyes. It was urgent now, so she didn't plan to continue to hide. However, when Diana was about to make a move, a colorful light suddenly flashed outside the subway, and then she saw Carol appeared in front of the subway train.

Looking at Carroll's hands on the front of the subway car, it seemed to make the subway stop, and at this moment, a tentacle suddenly appeared, and then stabbed Carol violently..."Bang !"

There was still a huge muffled sound, just when Carol couldn't tell because she was about to stop the subway, Diana not only... blocked the opponent's attack, but also saw her jump on the ground like this. , and then the whole person also smashed through the body of the car and rushed towards the other side.

At this moment, Luman had a feeling of beeping a dog. He thought he could get rid of the mad woman by escaping to the earth, but he never thought that the other party was chasing after him.

And that's fine, what's going on on this planet, no matter how terrifying a woman is, looking at Carol in front of her, Luman begins to doubt life...

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