Chapter 243 Diana vs Captain Marvel 【For automatic subscription】

Luman is from the planet Buckley, and Planet Buckley has always believed in invading other planets to obtain related resources, but it is precisely because of this that they provoke Carroll.

When the large army was annihilated by Carroll, Luman led the few elite troops to start a slow and endless escape.

At the beginning, they thought that Carroll would give up after catching up for a period of time, but who knew that Carroll's pursuit would be... a year.

During this period, many of Luman's clansmen died under Carroll's hands. If they hadn't given up their lives to stop Carol desperately, Luman would have died long ago.

Originally, Luman thought that he had seized the best opportunity, but what he didn't expect was that he would meet Diana... Luman is not weak, otherwise he would not have survived under Carroll's hands. Now, but not weak here is relative. Facing Diana, he has almost no room for resistance... Superhuman strength and speed, rich combat experience, all kinds of elusive magic, almost When Carol stopped the subway, Diana also caught Luhmann.

However, at this time, Carroll also came to the roof of the car, looking at Luman who had been caught, Carroll first frowned, and then said: "He is not an existence that you can control. He gave it to me."

Carol said it naturally, but she forgot that the people in front of her were also not ordinary people.

"How to deal with him is my business, and you, it's better to come with me too."

Although Carol did not harm the civilians, there is no doubt that her actions did bring danger to the civilians. Moreover, Diana did not know the identity of the other party, so she was going to bring Carol to S.H.I.E.L.D.


....go, there, someone will figure it all out.

Hearing Diana's words, Carol's expression also became serious. Obviously, she did not intend to cooperate obediently. As a colorful light flashed away, Diana was also beaten up.


This time, it was obvious that Carroll was working hard, and Diana was directly hit from the ground to the ground... The streets of New York are still as lively as usual, but when the cars came and went, the concrete poured on the ground with a bang. burst.

Following the screams of the surrounding people and the honking of vehicles, Diana, who had hit the ground heavily, also stood up while shaking her head.

"All right."

Diana murmured softly, and then her figure disappeared in place. When she reappeared, her body had been replaced with the equipment in combat state... "Boom!"

The hard concrete was like a swimming pool at this time, and Diana was directly flushed from the ground into the ground.

On the other side, Carroll was holding Luhmann and walking forward slowly, that is... At this moment, with a loud bang, Carroll only felt a sudden pain in her abdomen, and then she was stunned. blasted out of the subway tunnel.

On the street on the ground, everyone was still in shock because of the scene just now, but at this moment, there was another loud bang on the ground, and then a figure came from it.

Carol thought Diana wouldn't come back so soon, she was very confident in her power control.

But obviously she underestimated Diana too much, just when Carroll's body flashed colorful light, Diana also rushed out from the ground.


Diana slammed a punch at Carroll, but Carroll was already prepared, and it was the same punch.

The huge collision produced a powerful shock wave, and the surrounding vehicles were shattered by the shock wave almost instantly.

The vehicle's anti-theft siren is beeping non-stop, and as the two culprits who caused everything, at this time, they are already fighting together... SHIELD.


.... in the helicarrier, Nick Fury looked at the fierce fighting on the screen in disbelief. Carroll is his old friend. When he was a low-level agent, it was because of Carroll. relationship has only grown.

Nick Fury didn't expect to see Carroll on such an occasion, but on the other hand, he also knew the woman who fought with Carroll.

Diana, of unknown origin, Nick Fury only knew she was the woman of White Night.

But this is enough, after all, it is Bai Ye, how strong is Bai Ye as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


...but it couldn't be clearer.

"Did you check it out?"

Even if Carol was his good friend, Nick Fury would not dare to do anything radical at this time. Baiye was an insurmountable mountain. As long as he was there, no one on this earth would dare to do anything to him. what do women do.

Hill is worthy of being Nick Fury's capable leader, it's only been a while..., she has already figured out the cause and effect.

When he heard Hill's report, Nick Fury felt that his head was as big as an ox, only to hear him say: "They didn't have it in the past"

Nick Fury said they were the Avengers, because he knew very well that if this level of battle were not handled by Captain America and others, maybe New York would be over.

On the other side, a car that looked quite mighty also kept walking through the street, and soon it was not far from where the two were fighting.

"I said Xiaona, do you have the confidence to fight against them?"

Hawkeye and Black Widow have a very good relationship, and the two of them will often make some harmless jokes in normal times.

"Just spare me, the two of them are already non-human, I am afraid that even if they face Thanos, they will have the power to fight."

Black Widow rolled her eagle eyes, but when they all got out of the car and planned to intervene, the two inseparable battles finally began to show signs of winning and losing.

It can only be said that Diana is worthy of being a woman of Bai Ye. Before using the divine sword behind her, she already had the upper hand just by virtue of this magic and her excellent fighting ability.

And just when Carroll was going to pull the battle to the terrain that was beneficial to him, as the red mist-like thing flashed past, Carroll suddenly found that he couldn't move... "My God, just spare us."

Seeing this scene in front of them, how could the Avengers not know what happened, they knew very well that it was another woman from Bai Ye, a woman who was stronger in magic than this... ....lou

Chapter 244 Star Hunter 【For automatic subscription】

If Diana is good at the ultimate physical attack, then Wanda is a pure magic attacker.

How powerful Chaos Magic is long ago cannot be explained, it is an ultimate force that can even destroy the universe.

With the arrival of Wanda, Carol has no chance of winning, Diana had already suffered her, and this was the case when Diana did not use the sword.

You must know that if Diana uses the Divine Sword, she can slash at the atomic level. Of course, this does not mean that Carroll is weak. On the contrary, Carroll himself is also a very powerful existence. However, compared to the current Diana, she is not an opponent for the time being.

"Guys, what do we do now"

Black Widow was very depressed. Obviously, none of the three women in front of her were easy to mess with, and it was worth mentioning that Nick Fury had already sent them Carroll's information.

That is to say, the three women in front of them are not enemies, and all they need to do is to stop them from continuing to fight.

"Let me do it."

After thinking about it, the American team said.

And when he finished speaking, Carroll's body also flashed a more dazzling red light, and at the same time, after Diana shook her head, she pulled out the divine sword behind her.

Seeing that the battle was about to escalate, the US team quickly ran to the middle of the two sides, then stretched out his hands to make a isolation gesture, and said, "You all calm down."

Wanda and Diana knew Captain America, so after hearing Captain America's words, the two first glanced at each other, but they still didn't make a move.

On the other side, when Carol saw the scene in front of her, she had planned to shoot directly, but that is... At this moment, the black widow on the side suddenly said loudly: "Your phone."

After Black Widow finished speaking, she also threw a phone call towards Carol... In fact, the reason why the two sides fought was just... a misunderstanding, and now the Avengers have come forward to say it, Everything will come naturally.

The call was from Nick Fury, who couldn't make it in time, so he explained to Carroll over the phone first... In a certain cafe, everyone sat down around a large table, as for the The alien Luhmann was thrown to the side of the table like a dead dog.

At the same time, in the universe, Bai Ye was quietly suspended in a galaxy, and in front of him, it turned out to be a picture of New York. Seeing that the girls stopped fighting, Bai Ye was also a little lacking in interest, and he waved his hand. These pictures suddenly disappeared without a trace, and his whole person disappeared in place.

On the other hand, Carlo in the cafe has also explained the cause and effect. Luman and the others are really dangerous, and this is not only reflected in their ability to change into something at will, but their thoughts.

These guys are a group of solipsists. In their opinion, except for themselves, all the rest are a group of low-level beings, and they should eliminate them, and Carroll has given back a lot of these guys. The behavior, that was really bad to the extreme, made the people of the Avengers frown.

"Understood, the most important thing is to find the traces of those guys immediately, right?"

Captain America said seriously.

"Well, but even if you find them, you have to be very careful. Don't look at this guy being easy to deal with. In fact, it's because I haven't given them time to breathe."

"People of their race have a very special ability, they can absorb the power of other races and turn them into their own power."

The universe is boundless, and no one can tell how many powerful races there are. As the saying goes, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, which is generally very appropriate for the universe in front of you.

The Avengers acted, and the target was the people of the Barrick planet, and it is worth mentioning that Diana and Wanda also joined them. Under the orders of the two of them, Ultron began to screen human beings around the world. .

The huge net has been cast down for a while, and the rest depends on when the fish is hooked... On the other side, after a few space jumps in the universe, Bai Ye finally became met other lives.

A small spaceship is zipping through the meteorite belt, and in front of them is an animal that Bai Ye has never seen before.

A small spaceship is chasing it, and it will not be a simple guy who can travel freely in the universe. This unknown animal will shoot a strange light beam from its body.

And when these light beams hit the meteorites around, they can disintegrate the meteorites very easily... Coincidentally, the direction they chased and fled was exactly the direction of Baiye, and when this animal was When it saw that someone dared to block it, it also brazenly shot out the kind of light... that can disintegrate a meteor... "Bang!"

This is a solid muffled sound. In fact, it is reasonable to say that sound should not be able to spread in the universe, but in fact this sound is indeed unusually loud.

Seeing that the target that he and others had been chasing so hard was knocked down by a strange guy, the people in the small spaceship first glanced at each other, and then the weapon shooter used the weapon equipped on the spaceship to aim at Baiye's. At that time, the person in the lead said... "Stop."

As an interstellar hunter, Kara is very clear about who he can't offend, and it is clear that the guy who can knock down the giant rock beast with one punch is an existence that he can't offend.

As the visor of the spacecraft rose, Kara and the others also appeared in front of Bai Ye very clearly.

"We are no different from offending Your Excellency. Since the Boulder Beast has been captured by Your Excellency, we will leave."

Hearing that the other party was planning to give up like this, Bai Ye glanced at them with interest, Star Hunter, this is the guy who eats the same bowl of rice as Yongdu and the others.

Of course, Bai Ye was not interested in this so-called megalithic beast, and the reason why he took action was because the other party collided with him.

Seeing that Bai Ye turned around and planned to leave, the eyes of everyone in the spaceship suddenly lit up, only to hear one of them say, "Boss, he actually left the boulder beast and left, are we going to retrieve the boulder beast?"

"With the boulder beast, we will have the opportunity to meet the legendary phoenix..."

However, just as this person's words had just fallen, Bai Ye, who was already planning to leave, suddenly stopped.

Yes, even if the other party is talking in the spaceship, they are still heard clearly by Bai Ye...

Chapter 245 The bottom road of the power of the phoenix 【For automatic subscription】

Bai Ye was sure that he had never heard of it. The people in the spaceship did mention the phoenix. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a phoenix in the universe. Bai Ye thought that the phoenix in their mouth should be the power of the phoenix.

The power of the phoenix, it is the incarnation of the cosmic life force and emotion of the original stone, it is immortal and impermanent, it is born between the chaos of the universe and the beginning of all things.

It is the child of the universe and the connection point of the spiritual mind of all things that exist or will exist.

Bai Ye once obtained some clues about the power of the phoenix from Qin Ge Lei in the police. Through the system, he deduced and successfully controlled a part of the power of the phoenix.

However, compared to the complete power of the phoenix, this is far from enough. Originally, Bai Ye had obtained some clues of the power of the phoenix from Gao Tianzun.

However, because of the busyness of things and the fact that Bai Ye is not very keen on this kind of power, he has not been looking for it.

And now, he actually heard the news of the power of the phoenix again from the mouths of this group of interstellar hunters, which is really unintentional.

On the other side, just when a few people were excited because Bai Ye was going to leave, a voice suddenly came from behind them... "I'm curious, can you talk about the phoenix you mentioned just now?" "

Yes, Bai Ye came in, and Bai Ye actually entered the interior of the spaceship when everyone in the spaceship was unaware.

Hearing Bai Ye's abrupt voice, everyone reacted violently and pulled out their weapons one after another... However, the two sides are not on the same level after all, how could Bai Ye feel afraid because of their weapons only to see when they took out their weapons? At the moment when the weapon was released, Bai Ye waved his right hand at will, and these...... Star Hunter's weapons turned into flowers one after another... This is the power of the Reality Gem, which can change reality according to Bai Ye's heart.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions towards you, of course, this is only if you have to tell me what I want to know, otherwise I can only use my own method to get everything I want to know, please believe Me, you will be very unhappy if that happens."

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