Bai Ye said calmly.

However, his words sounded terrifying to everyone, and they also knew that this person in front of them was an existence that they absolutely could not compete with.

"Cough cough..."

Kara first coughed to ease the atmosphere, as the leader of the team, Kara didn't care...

It has always been the best in every way.

Looking at the female alien in front of her, Bai Ye also smiled and waited for the other person to speak.

"Respected existence, as you heard, the reason why we want to capture the megalithic beast is because it is the key to seeing the phoenix."

"I think you must want to know the news of Phoenix. Although I will, but there is news that it is on the psychedelic star, and now many star hunters have rushed there."

Carla didn't lie, she knew what the price would be if she lied, so she said everything she knew very simply.

After listening to Kara's words, Bai Ye also fell into thinking... As Kara said, there is a possibility that the power of the phoenix exists in a ruin on the psychedelic star, but that ruin has a huge The monster is guarding.

So these guys caught the monster's favorite creature, the so-called boulder beast, on the premise that they couldn't defeat the monster.

Their idea is very simple, use the boulder beast as bait to lure the monster away, and then they take the opportunity to find the power of the phoenix, a very simple but very effective method.

Well, Bai Ye admitted that he was tempted, so he only heard him say: "Then what are you waiting for, since the giant stone beasts are all in hand, let's go."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Kara and the others first glanced at each other, and then Kara gave a wry smile and said, "Bring the megalithic beast, let's go to the psychedelic star."

I have to say that it is a very pleasant thing to take the spaceship, of course, maybe this is because Bai Ye is in a good mood.

After the spaceship flew for three full days, Bai Ye and his party arrived at the place where this guy's psychedelic star was.

The colorful mist is churning, and the huge star ring even seems to decorate it with a flower skirt. The scene in front of me is simply beautiful, and it deserves the psychedelic word in its name... The dense forest proves that this planet has just started, and the beast roar from time to time proves the primitiveness of this place.

Kara's group walked very relaxedly. In fact, as interstellar hunters, especially when they came to an unfamiliar environment, they would be extremely vigilant and would definitely not be so relaxed.

In fact, it was the same when they first landed, but when a... huge and somewhat reluctant monster attacked them, they completely relaxed.

The leader deserves to be the leader. Thinking about how he and others actually wanted to attack Bai Ye, they were just... afraid after a while.

That gigantic monster couldn't resist even a single blow from Bai Ye's men, what did they count as "a noble existence, it will reach the edge of the ruins not far away, the ruins are very strange, only in the annual double You can only enter at the time of the day, otherwise it doesn't matter...

No matter how you go, you can't get into it."

Cara was completely convinced by Bai Ye, and it was the first time she had seen such a level of existence. Presumably the so-called god was nothing more than that.

Bai Ye did not speak, because at this time he also felt something was wrong. As a multiverse-level existence, unless he faced the same power, he would never have this feeling at this time.

As Carla finished speaking, Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became clear. There was a pyramid-like building in the center of the huge open space, but it seemed to be full of vicissitudes at first glance.

In addition, in the surrounding open space, many people have already set up tents. As Kara said when she brought Bai Ye at the beginning, this is a no-fly zone, and everyone will choose to enter on foot.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Look who's here, isn't this our goddess Kara? Why, you also got the boulder beast, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you don't bring the boulder beast, it's not allowed to enter."

The green skin seems to make Bai Ye unhappy, not to mention the guy in front of him has this pimple-filled face.

"This is Green Poison, a very disgusting guy. He had a bad idea of ​​our leader, but was rejected by our leader."

Behind Bai Ye, a very short man said in a low voice.

It's a very bloody plot, but it cannot be denied that this woman named Kara does have a very attractive place.


Chapter 246 Mayan Patronus 【For automatic subscription】

Actually it doesn't matter...

In some places, the opposite sex is always the most likely fuse to cause disputes, especially these... Guys who lick their blood, they all belong to the kind of... who can live a day and earn a day The presence.

So in terms of behavior, they are more choosing to do whatever they want and do whatever they want.

"Green poison, I don't want to argue with you today. In addition, we have brought the giant stone beast, so you have no reason to expel us."

After Kara finished speaking, the people behind her also immediately pushed the boulder out.

On the other side, when the man known as Green Poison saw the giant stone beast bound by five flowers, his eyes shrank suddenly.

The megalithic beast's attack method is very terrifying. It can shoot that kind of ray that disintegrates everything, and this kind of ray is very incomprehensible to.. Green Poison and others, so when they catch the megalithic beast, they always choose the first Killed, and it's not that there are no live captures like Kara, but the ones who can do this are very powerful ones... Star Hunters.

Obviously, based on Green Poison's previous knowledge of Kara, it was impossible for them to achieve this step, so there must be something happening here that they don't know about.

The guy who can become the leader of a team is not a simple role, Green Poison has been carefully looking at Kara's team.

Undoubtedly, to be able to capture the boulder beast alive, either only Kara and the others have obtained powerful weapons, or they have obtained powerful foreign aid.

Looking at the altar in the distance, Bai Ye has to say that the universe is indeed vast and boundless, and in it, anything can happen.

At this time, the altar in front of Bai Ye was weird, and even with Bai Ye's current strength, he couldn't see what was inside.

In such a situation, Bai Ye could only think that it was because of the power of the phoenix, because only the power of the phoenix could isolate him from his investigation.

Green Poison saw Bai Ye, but he wasn't sure if it was Bai Ye... That helped Kara and the others to capture the existence of the giant stone beast alive, so Green Poison seemed very careful. He liked to find out before doing things.

However, just when Lu Po was about to step forward to ask, there was a sudden scream and riot in the distance, and hearing these noisy sounds, Bai Ye squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the riot.

The existence of a single universe level is now nothing in Bai Ye's eyes, but this does not mean that the existence of a single universe level is not powerful.

On the contrary, in the universe, the existence of the single universe level undoubtedly belongs to the top ranks, and ordinary people will stop when they see it... The kind that worships.

And now, with the riots happening, Bai Ye actually sensed the arrival of a guy with a single universe level. Sure enough, these are not the only people who covet the power of the phoenix...... There are also strong Those who coveted this invincible power.

There are many gods in the universe, and the one that Bai Ye knows at least is not the next.

Looking at the guy in front of him dressed a bit weird, but his appearance turned out to be the same as a human being, the corners of his mouth also showed an inexplicable smile.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye already knew everything about the other party. It is worth mentioning that this guy really came from the earth, and Bai Ye didn't know if it was a hometown. Looking at this guy who should be the Mayan god, Bai Ye also Curious about what he was going to do.

The so-called god, at least must reach the level of the heavenly father like Odin, and this... Itzamna is undoubtedly qualified to call himself a god.

As a refined Mayan guardian, there is no doubt that he is very powerful, but in order to pursue more powerful power, he turned his back on his followers.

Maya's loneliness is not accidental, but because of "God"

chose to abandon them.

Itzamna is very strong, but he is like Bai Ye, he is not satisfied with the status quo, but the difference between the two is that Bai Ye wants to gain strength, but he will not cross the bottom line he set for himself.

But Itzamna is different. In order to become stronger, he can do anything... Looking at the star hunters around, Itzamna has a sense of impatience in his heart, for him , These people are just a bunch of ants.

God doesn't care what the ants think, on the contrary, if this group of ants dares to be the gravel on his path, he won't mind killing them.

The arrival of a single-universe-level boss is undoubtedly a very bad thing for everyone, and mortals are not qualified to share with gods, everyone knows this well.

Therefore, everyone tacitly did not speak. After all, there are many harsh conditions to enter the ruins. Besides, there is a monster in the ruins. In the eyes of everyone, that monster is not necessarily weaker than the existence of a single universe level.

Just when everyone was still thinking about how to use a knife to kill the gods later, Itzamna was also thinking about whether to clear the scene. He didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by ants, but he was telling him in his heart to stay behind. This swarm of ants might be useful later.

After thinking for a while, Itzamna still decided to do it, ants are ants after all, even if something happens later, he doesn't think he will use this group of ants to help.

However, when Itzamna was about to attack, he made a fatal mistake, because the object he chose to attack was so dead that it happened to be Bai Ye and Kara.

A terrifying force came crashing down, and the surrounding earth began to tremble uncontrollably. Feeling death, Kara and the others seemed to even forget to breathe.

It was the first feeling of everyone, but when the power was about to hit them, Bai Ye, who was on the side, shot... I saw Bai Ye stretched out his right hand, and then suddenly With a pinch, Itzamna's attack turned into ashes in an instant, but Bai Ye seemed to have just done something trivial.

The sudden change surprised Itzamna, but just when he hadn't realized what was going on, Bai Ye took action again... The blue light was shining, Itza Mouna suddenly realized that his body seemed to be out of his control. As his body slowly floated in the air and flew towards the white night, Itzamna's forehead was also covered in cold sweat.

Itzamna is very clear that he is provoked by some amazing existence, but he is already a single universe level existence, what kind of powerful five gods can people who can easily control themselves be Itzamna? While guessing, Bai Ye has already brought him to his side..."Pop!"

With a clear voice resounding through the audience, not to mention Itzamna, even everyone present was shocked...

Chapter 247 The gods gather [For automatic subscription]

It's such a big heart to slap a single-universe-level powerhouse. To be honest, everyone has never heard of it before, even if it is heard.

On the other side, Itzamna also had a confused look on his face. He had no idea that the other party would humiliate him in such a way. Shame yourself, Itzamna was very angry, but when he saw Bai Ye's eyes that were completely devoid of any emotion, Itzamna's anger was instantly suppressed.

Indifferent, this is the first feeling Bai Ye gave Itzamna, as if he was looking at these.... Star Hunter is the same, the other party doesn't take himself in his eyes at all.


After Bai Ye spit out a word, Itzamna's heart also jumped, and now he doesn't even dare to leave any harsh words, because he knows very well that if he dares to say more, then The other party will really kill him.

As Itzamna left in a daze, Bai Ye's eyes turned to the direction of the altar again, but he was just a guy at the level of a single universe, and he really didn't take him to heart at all.

There was silence all around. The scene just now hit everyone too hard, and the amount of information in it was also astonishing. Everyone was a star hunter, not to mention the means, but there was still some power.

No one dared to speak out at this time, even the most powerful star hunter here.

On the other side, with the great power of Bai Ye, Kara and his group felt as if they were floating when they were walking. They had never enjoyed such treatment before. At this time, they were like crabs, walking sideways wherever they went.

In fact, at the beginning of the period, Bai Ye didn't quite believe that there was the power of the phoenix here. After all, the power of the phoenix was too mysterious, and even his system could not be completely deduced.

And how could such a thing appear on such a small star and still be discovered by these....... Star hunters... Psychedelic star has two stars shining Well, here is the eternal day, simply put... on this star there will never be night.

Because two stars are one side of the whole sky... shine on this star.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and the same is true for the psychedelic stars. In a certain year in this star, two stars will meet together. If you count the time of the earth, there will be ten days of darkness here.

And this day is called the day of abandonment by the local indigenous people, that is, on this day, the monster in the altar of the temple will come to the world and devour everything... "How long will it be before the double sun"

Bai Ye has almost determined that there is indeed some kind of existence at the same level as him in this temple, even if it is not the power of the phoenix, but it is certain that it has definitely reached the multi-universe level.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Kara also said: "There are still three days."

"Three days?"

Bai Ye whispered softly, he has already converted the time between here and the earth, one day here is almost equal to one month of the earth, that is to say, there are still three months of earth time, here will usher in the double sun. .

On the other hand, After Itzamna was reprimanded by Bai Ye and left, he was also very resentful in his heart, but his strength was not as good as others, so this hatred Itzamna might not be able to avenge it himself.

When the strength is not as good as that of people, then only use wisdom. Obviously, Itzamna is not a fool.

Back then, the earth was a very special existence, where there were numerous Heavenly Father-level powerhouses, who ruled over various gods, and controlled all living beings of their respective gods.

At the beginning, except... Odin, the rest of the gods also made the same move, that is, to give up everything, and then rush to the universe to seek an opportunity for breakthrough.

You can say that Odin is stupid, you can also say that he is more responsible, anyway...out of Odin, the rest of the gods almost disappeared in about the same time.

At this time, with the news from Itzamna, these...the gods who once ruled the earth in various time periods on the earth or at the same time period have gathered together.

...... Zeus, the lord of Olympus, Osiris, the king of Egypt, Nuada, the Celtic god, Manlindu, the Indian spirit, Svarog, the Russian god, Tezcate, the true Aztec god Ripoca, the Mayan patron saint Itzamna, it can be said that most of the most powerful gods on earth have been gathered here, except... The East Except for the big bosses of the kingdom, the rest have already arrived here.

"Itzamna, you should know exactly why you called us here. If there is no major matter, you cannot bear the consequences of calling all of us here."

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