Under the red beard and hair is a face that is not angry and proud, and the blue cloak reveals golden armor. The person who speaks is Zeus, the lord of Olympus, who is also the strongest among the crowd.

On the other side, hearing Zeus' words, Although Itzamna was very dissatisfied, he still said with a blank face: "I discovered the power of the phoenix."

As the so-called one word stirs up a thousand waves, Itzamna's words are undoubtedly a very shocking word for those who have given up everything in order to improve their strength. Disappeared in shock.

"you sure"

The speaker is the Indian spirit Manlindu, who was once believed as a god by the Indians on earth, but he also abandoned his believers because he wanted to pursue power.

"Of course, I've already pinpointed where it is."

Itzamna still said very calmly.

"Let's talk, press: Itzamna, don't give a shit, if there's something going on here, otherwise you wouldn't have come to inform us."

The Egyptian king Osiris said very calmly.

Everyone present is not weak, they are naturally very clear, but if there is a slight possibility, Itzamna will never ask them to share the power of the phoenix.

Hearing the words of the Egyptian king Osiris, Itzamna's expression finally changed, and he only heard him say: "Then I will tell the truth, I did encounter a big trouble, the power of the phoenix was destroyed by a very powerful Existence is eyeing, I have no resistance under his hands, so I need everyone to come up with a solution."

Itzamna didn't intend to hide it. After all, the two sides will meet sooner or later. Instead of... concealing it and making other people feel bad about it, he didn't say it at such a moment. Anyway... he didn't believe it would be. Someone can resist the temptation of the power of the phoenix.


Chapter 248 Lifetime Attack 【For automatic subscription】

Sure enough, after these so-called gods heard Itzamna's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

But that's all, none of them plan to quit.

"Multiverse level powerhouse? This is indeed a big trouble."

If Itzamna used other things as an excuse, the gods might not believe it, but he also said that in the hands of the other party, he has no resistance at all, which also proves that the other party is likely to be pluralistic The powerhouse of the universe, and facing such an existence, if Itzamna does not summon himself and others, then he really has no chance of success.

Zeus' words awakened everyone from their contemplation, and then someone said: "This is more than a big trouble, everyone should know that the existence of multiverse level is not something that can be defeated by conventional means."

"And if we can't solve the other party at one time, then I don't need to say what is waiting for us."

Thinking that they will face retaliation that is likely to come from the multiverse level, everyone's heart sank violently.

"It's not impossible. If we can abandon all cooperation, I think there is still a way to deal with each other."

Just when everyone was a little frustrated, Nuada, the Celtic god, said suddenly.

Hearing his words, Zeus also turned his attention to him, and said, "What can you do?"

When the Celtic god Nuada was on the earth, he always had the reputation of the war god. In the legends he left on the earth, Anuda was a powerful and wise existence... Time turns The three months of earth time are fleeting, just when the gods are still there: while they are negotiating, on the psychedelic star on the other side, Bai Ye is finally waiting for the double sun, looking at the two suns overhead, At this time, the altar of the temple also began to emit a dazzling light.

"Come, come, the door to the altar is about to open."

Someone said with great excitement.

Although they are also very clear that it is impossible for them to live with the legendary power, but who hasn't had a fluke, when someone can't bear to rush towards the altar, he seems to have forgotten the altar There is also this powerful being... The blood basin swallowed all those who dared to rush over in one big mouth, and Bai Ye on the other side narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing this behemoth.

Bai Ye didn't expect that he would meet the legendary eternal snake Ouroboros here. Like the worldly giant python Yemengad, it is also a legendary thing.

According to legend, Ouroboros will eat everything, even the soil will become its food.

And this behemoth in front of him is indeed worthy of the legend. Every time he takes a breath, the hurricane that he sets off will make the surrounding interstellar hunters unable to stand firm.

"Okay, let's get out of here, you won't be able to get involved in the future."

In the hurricane, Bai Ye was as immobile as a rock, and when he was there, it also emitted a blue light, and it was under the protection of this light that Cara and others were blown away.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, although Kara and the others are very regretful, they must know that their journey in this line is over. Not to mention that Bai Ye is no longer qualified for the power of the phoenix, and the monster at the moment is not enough. Not what they can handle.

The blue light shone, and Kara and his party also disappeared in place, and they were sent away by Bai Ye.

On the other hand, as Kara and the others were sent away, Bai Ye's expression became serious. The Eternal Snake Ouroboros was nothing to him, and the reason why Bai Ye became serious was that he had already sensed it. The kind of... powerful presence in the altar.

However, just when he was about to kill Ouroboros and leave here, a few rays of light suddenly shot from the sky in the distance... "Boom boom boom..."

The light hit the ground and produced a violent explosion. Under this level of attack, those... who were already struggling because of the hurricane suddenly fell into desperation.

The soul is rising, this is an unknown and mysterious power at work, seven gods are standing side by side, and in their hands, each has a different but very powerful power bursting... Of course, they The main target of Bai Ye is naturally Bai Ye, but they still need to make some preparations before taking action against Bai Ye.


As the Indian spirit Manlindu said calmly.

Zeus almost immediately set his sights on Bai Ye.

Zeus is the god who controls thunder and lightning. Speaking of him, he is somewhat similar to Thor, but compared to Zeus, Thor is undoubtedly like a child.

"Boom rumble..."

The thunder and lightning as thick as a mountain came crashing down and smashed towards Bai Ye, but seeing this scene, Bai Ye didn't seem to have any reaction at all.


The earth exploded, and with just one blow, the star couldn't take it anymore.

However, it was at this moment, in the rubble that was severely torn apart by the thunder, finally came Bai Ye's calm and emotionless voice... "You are courting death"

As the dust and smoke dissipated, Bai Ye's figure slowly emerged, and at the same time, in Bai Ye's mind, the system's voice was clear like a silver bell... "The deduction is over."

Yes, the reason why Bai Ye didn't take action was because he wanted to obtain Zeus's thunder power that far surpassed Thor's, and even more than that, he even did it on purpose to let Itzamna go.

Who is Bai Ye? He has completely controlled the existence of the long river of time, no matter what...

Whether it is the past or the future, as long as he wants to know, he will know.

As early as when Itzamna appeared, Bai Ye had already seen this scene, and the reason why he didn't kill Itzamna was because of these... The so-called gods Ability.

Under Bai Ye's provocation, seven gods also began to attack Bai Ye, and the most bizarre of them was the Indian spirit Manlindu's attack.

This guy turned out to be proficient in souls, and almost all of his attacks were aimed at Bai Ye's soul... Bai Ye didn't move, and he refused to attack... these gods, and the other side was After seeing that the attacks of themselves and others were confirmed to hit Bai Ye's body, everyone was overjoyed. In their opinion, even a multiverse-level existence could not be unscathed by the attacks of themselves and others. Lossless...

Chapter 249 Throwing Zeus to feed the snake 【For automatic subscription】

The system is very powerful, these... The so-called abilities of the gods are not very special, and the strengths of the two sides are not equal, so Bai Ye is almost completely obtained in an instant. the power of these gods.

"Have you had enough?"

Bai Ye's calm words sounded like winter in the hearts of everyone. They didn't think that the attacks of themselves and others would not have the desired effect at all.

With the purple light flashing on Bai Ye's body, he is finally planning to take action at this moment... "What should I do, his power has exceeded our expectations, if he continues to fight, then the consequences. …”

The person who spoke was Osiris, King of Egypt, and he was really a little scared at this moment. Originally, during their discussion, while Zeus was physically attacking Bai Ye, the Indian spirit Manlindu attacked Bai Ye spiritually.

Of course, their focus is on the Indian spirit Manlindu, because they are very clear that physical blows will basically have no effect on the existence of the multiverse.

To this end, everyone even killed the nearby star hunters to enhance the soul attack of the Indian spirit Manlindu.

However, reality slapped the gods in the face, their conspiracy continued, and even the rehearsed attack did not cause any harm to Bai Ye.

And it was at this moment that Bai Ye made his move... A blow, just a blow, Bai Ye's attack almost tore apart the space, and then mercilessly fell on Nuada, the Celtic god. .

And it was with this blow that Nuada, the famous Celtic god, fell..."Hi..."

This is the air-conditioning sound that everyone made after seeing the Celtic god Nuada being killed by a single blow. If everyone just marveled at the power of Bai Ye, then they were really scared at this time.

Earlier, everyone thought that even if they and others failed to kill Bai Ye, they should be able to retreat.

However, it is different now. Bai Ye easily killed an existence equal to them in front of everyone, which completely made everyone feel fear.

As everyone glanced at each other, and then took the lead with Zeus, the gods who had come with majesty turned out to be like bereaved dogs, and they all quickly fled in different directions... "Want to escape"

Seeing these gods want to escape, Bai Ye also showed a look of disdain.

These guys took themselves for something and really thought they wanted to come and go, and the blue light was flashing, but at this moment, the gods who fled had all returned to their original places.

Looking at the faces of everyone who didn't understand what was going on, Zeus's face became more ugly than ever.

The existence of the multiverse level is very clear. It is not necessary to say that Zeus is very clear. After all, he is... with that... level as the goal and is working hard.

However, as the peak of the single universe, he never thought that he would appear so vulnerable when facing the existence of the multiverse level.

This can no longer be called a battle. The opponent's strength has exceeded his own cognition. The difference between a single universe and a multiverse is not as simple as one and two. There is a gap in the middle that cannot be bridged no matter what ......The purple light flashed by again. In fact, Bai Ye felt that the power of the Infinity Stone was really easy to use, especially when using it to fight enemies whose strength was far below him. It really never fails one by one.

The Indian spirit Manlin died. Like Nuada, the Celtic god, he was proficient in souls and couldn't even escape his own soul. This should have been his trump card.

With the death of the Indian spirit Manlin, then the Aztec god Tezka Trippoca, and then the Russian god Svarog, the god who came here to trouble the white night in a blink of an eye was half dead, The remaining three are in complete despair... "Don't kill me, please forgive me, I am willing to be your apostle."

Facing death, the Egyptian king Osiris was completely broken. In order to survive, he had completely abandoned such things as dignity, just as he had abandoned his own believers.

However, after Bai Ye heard the words of the Egyptian king Osiris, he did not show any expression, but raised his right hand directly, and then another god fell... No one knew that Itam was at this time. How regretful is Na, if Bai Ye is willing to give him the opportunity to go back in time, then Itzamna swears that he will stay far away from Bai Ye, and will never dare... to count on him.

Looking at Itzamna, whose forehead was covered in cold sweat, Bai Ye's mouth also showed a smile, and at this time, Bai Ye raised his right hand to him... The ants struggled in front of the dragon How powerless. After the whole body was smashed by the opponent, Itzamna also became history, and Zeus was the only one left at this time.

Someone once said that God is also a man, but they do what man cannot, so they become gods.

And people are afraid of death, which has been proved by countless reasonable reasons. Right now, Bai Ye really wants to know if God is also afraid of death. Maybe Zeus is the kind of backbone... In the white night, Zeus' forehead was also covered with cold sweat, but when he wanted to speak, Bai Ye appeared directly in front of him.

Zeus never thought that one day he would let people fly like a dog, but looking at the altar that was approaching in front of him, no matter how stupid Zeus was, he knew what Bai Ye was going to do.

Bai Ye actually planned to throw him to feed the Eternal Snake, and with this thought, the fear in Zeus' heart was infinitely magnified.

"Do not!"

Zeus let out a desperate cry, but Bai Ye didn't seem to hear it. As Bai Ye suppressed the power in Zeus and threw him out, the bloody mouth suddenly burst out... Zeus died. Now, he has become the food in the mouth of the Eternal Snake, but Bai Ye, who threw Zeus to feed him with his own hands, seemed to have done nothing, so he walked slowly towards the altar.

Everything has a spirit, as a creature that has lived for many years, the eternal snake Ouroboros is also very clear that the man in front of him is not... the existence he can provoke... Lu

Chapter 250 Sai En 【For automatic subscription】

If there is a star hunter here at this time, then he will be shocked by the scene in front of him, that is regarded as a monster by everyone, and the invincible existence will be afraid.

Yes, Bai Ye walked in like this swaggeringly, as for the Eternal Snake Ouroboros, who was coiled on the altar and looked at him coldly, and even his eyes were mostly vigilant.

The altar is very large, and after walking in front of the eternal snake Ouroboros, a splendid temple also appeared in Bai Ye's eyes.

However, what surprised Bai Ye was that there was still a person standing silently at the entrance of the temple at this time.

Shane, the descendant of Thanos and the Inhumans, was originally just an ordinary doctor, but he was awakened by the influence of Terrigan: Water's crystal mist. Speaking of which, this guy was born on Earth, but There are some twists and turns in the process.

Looking at Sain in front of him, Bai Ye also frowned slightly. He turned out to be late, and the power of the phoenix was taken first.

"White night?"

Shane turned his back to Bai Ye, but when Bai Ye was about to approach him, he suddenly said.

"you know me"

Bai Ye was a little surprised. He was sure that he had never seen Sain, and as a multiverse-level existence, Sain could not peep into his past through other means, so there was only one explanation, that is that Sain really knew him. .

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