"It's been famous for a long time, but it's the first time we've met. My father shouldn't be dead, right?"

Sain turned around after speaking, and at this time there was a golden light flashing in his eyes... "Phoenix power?"

It is not the first time that Bai Ye, the power of the phoenix, has come into contact with it. When he was on Earth, Bai Ye deduced some of the power of the phoenix through Qin Ge Lei.

However, there are many forms of the embodiment of the power of the phoenix, and the one on Qin Ge Lei is only a part of the power of the phoenix.

Obviously, at this time, Sain has obtained the power of the phoenix, and because of his extraordinary relationship, Sain at this time is much stronger than Qin Gelai looks.

"I'll ask again if my father is still alive."

An unhealthy growth path will inevitably lead to distortions in people's hearts, and this distortion may not be very good in normal times, but when he gains the power he believes to be invincible, this distortion will expand infinitely.

And this is what Sion is in front of him. His life can be said to be very bumpy, because he is afraid that his power is too strong, his father actually intends to kill him with his own hands.

So Shane, who survived by chance, will come back with revenge sooner or later, which means that this guy is planning to kill Thanos... "It's very interesting."

In the face of Sein's scolding, Bai Ye was not angry. In these days, everything depends on the strength. What about the power of the phoenix? He really thinks that he is invincible, but the power of the infinite original stone burst out on Bai Ye's body, and the six-colored The light formed a huge beam of light that directly penetrated the entire heaven and earth.

Bai Ye wanted to weigh how strong the Phoenix Force was, and whether it was really as invincible as the legend said.

On the other hand, after seeing that Bai Ye went directly into battle, Sain also frowned. He knew that he had violated the dignity of a strong man. In fact, to scold a strong man of the multiverse level is itself a ...an act of courting death.

But who cares now? Sain, who has obtained the power of the phoenix, doesn't think that he will be weaker than Bai Ye, even if he has heard of countless glorious achievements of Bai Ye before this... The power of the phoenix is ​​erupting, a huge The energy gathered behind Sion's back...a phoenix in flames, Sion felt that he was omnipotent at this time... The purple light was shining, and Bai Ye's shot was with the power of the Power Gem. As a test, but it is clear that this power alone is not enough.

The power of the red phoenix instantly wiped out the attack equivalent to the power gem, and almost at this moment, the power that can destroy everything is also pouring out towards the white night like a mountain..." boom!"

The huge explosion turned the entire altar into history, and in the meantime, when Bai Ye's body erupted with great power, the Eternal Serpent Ouroboros had already escaped.

in spite of....

Whether it's Bai Ye or Sien at this time, neither of them is someone he can provoke. Rather than being affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two here, it is better to flee as soon as possible. The right choice.

The power of the Phoenix and the Infinity Stones are both among the top powers in the universe, so even though the two were just fighting each other, this planet could no longer bear it.

With the earth shaking, countless magma spewed out from under the earth's crust, the psychedelic star was fatally attacked, and this star has entered the countdown of its life.

On the other hand, it was also the first time that Bai Ye faced the attack of the real Phoenix Force, which was many times stronger than the one when Qin Ge Lei broke out.

But of course Bai Ye can't be defeated. Don't forget, the power of the Infinity Stone is just what he thinks is convenient to use. The real power of Bai Ye is the chaotic magic that can directly point to the source... Bai Ye's job is to Mage, the power of the Infinity Stones is just more convenient to use, plus Bai Ye is lazy, and there is no one worthy of his real full-fledged battle.

Now, facing Sain, who possesses the power of the phoenix, Bai Ye is rarely serious. However, when he planned to return to his job and use magic to fight, Sain ran away...Look As Sain disappeared into the space channel opened up by the power of the phoenix, Bai Ye also put away the majestic magic power in his body.

Bai Ye knew very well that Sean was not afraid of himself and ran away, but when he felt that he was fighting with himself, he was afraid to go to his "darling"

His father is more important... On the other hand, on Earth, the Avengers finally found the people of Planet Barrick. It has to be said that Ultron can indeed be said to be comparable to gods on Earth.

He found the people of Planet Barrick, and it only took him a short time to do it.

Looking at the dilapidated factory in front of them, Captain America and the others have already come to the best view position. Through Carroll, they already knew the horror of the Barricks, so they did not plan to give the opponent a chance to fight back, but Plan to destroy the opponent in one fell swoop.

After determining the opponent's position, under the leadership of Carol, the Avengers also rushed into the factory, and the battle started again...

Chapter 251 The mighty Diana 【For automatic subscription】

No one in this world is a real fool, especially these... looters who can straddle the galaxy at every turn.

It turned out that when the Avengers were ready to attack them, they were also planning to rescue Luman. Even if the rescue was unsuccessful, at least they could get rid of the serious troubles. It doesn't matter how advanced the alien technology is. Having said that, there is a saying that is very good, whoever discovers it first will control the initiative first, but the earth has always been the one who was discovered.

In general, except for a country like Wakanda, which has been helped by aliens very early, the technology of the remaining countries is really not worth mentioning in front of aliens, even the US imperialists are the same.

With the advance of the Avengers, the seemingly quiet factory suddenly revealed its prowess, and the powerful gravitational field almost instantly made it difficult for the American team to transcend human beings.

Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, Iron Patriot are almost completely incapacitated.

Trap, this is a naked trap, the Barricks have expected the Avengers to come here, so they set the trap in advance.

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, it was known that an extremely sharp cone-shaped object burst into the air. Captain America, who was able to command the shield like an arm, now had an extremely difficult time to lift the representative vibration gold shield.


This is the clanging sound of a live object hitting the shield. God knows what kind of pressure the US team is under at this time. Under the restriction of the gravitational field, the shield in his hand still weighs ten thousand pounds. Team America was exhausted.

On the other hand, Carroll is not affected at all. After all, she is an existence that can traverse the universe. Strictly speaking, Carroll at this time should have been infinitely close. Single universe level.

I saw her body exuding colorful light, and then the whole person rushed out in a bang.


This is the sound of the building being knocked down by Carol. Facing Carol, these... The buildings of the earth are not much stronger than tissue paper....

As a Barrick was caught by Carroll, the attack on the other Avengers also slowed down, but this is not the end, on the contrary, this is just the beginning.

Thunder and lightning are almost uncontrollable for...human beings. In ancient civilizations, it was equivalent to the power of heaven.

However, at the moment, I don't know how the Barricks did it. They even made the lightning flashing dazzling blue light become the chains that bound Carol. Under these chains, even Carol was temporarily restricted. .

"This is specially prepared for you, are you happy?"

A Barrick in armor looked at Carroll and said.

On the other side, the light on Carroll's body also brightened, but it is unknown what the Barricks did in the chains formed by the lightning, and the beams emitted by Carroll could not hurt it.

Carol was restrained, and although Basil couldn't do anything to her, she was indeed restrained.

Now the only Avengers left are Hulk and Stark, but the two of them are not feeling well at this time. The gravity field is very strong. Although Hulk is still active with his powerful body, every step he takes is extremely powerful. laborious.

The same is true for Stark. If it wasn't for the magical blessing of his armor, he would have fallen to the ground like the steel patriot Rhodes and couldn't move.

Seeing that the Avengers were in crisis, but when the Barricks were going to kill the Avengers first, a figure suddenly flew over from far away... "Boom!"

The huge impact made the ground burst into pieces of gravel in an instant. Under the long dark hair was a beautiful face. The person who came was none other than Wonder Woman Diana... The Barricks are Ultron found it, and when he found the other party, he immediately reported to Diana and Wanda.

And Diana was close, so she arrived first... The gravitational field that almost wiped out the Avengers didn't have any effect on Diana, she was free to move in this gravitational field.

Countless rudimentary objects were all cut off by her, and the battle situation was reversed in an instant... And at this time, the people of Barrick, who saw that they could not solve all this at the least cost, also appeared one after another. , the little tricks have no effect, then let's fight with real swords and guns.

The Barricks are very strong, they have a very powerful talent, and they can convert the power that they are exposed to that is not too strong into their own attributes.

This kind of ability is quite a bit like the White Night System, but they have too many restrictions, in addition to...have a strong body as a carrier, these... ...absorbed properties are also not permanent.

To put it simply, these... The attributes absorbed through the external connection will disappear after a period of time, and if you want to get it again, you have to start all over again.

But even so, the Barricks are already powerful enough, otherwise they wouldn't be able to plunder other planets.

On the other side, just when one of the Barricks was about to attack Diana from behind, a red light descended into the sky, and he was turned into powder in an instant.

Wanda also came, and I saw her wearing a red leather jacket, and then her body was also wrapped in red light and slowly descended from the sky.

With the arrival of Wanda, the battle finally begins... A few days ago, everyone witnessed the battle between Carol and Diana, and they thought it was the full force of the two.

However, at this time, when they saw Diana, who was holding a shield and a divine sword and showing great power, everyone understood how outrageous their thoughts were.

Not to mention them, even Carol, who was bound by the thunder, had a shocked look on her face when she saw Diana at this time.

Under one sword, no Barrick is the enemy of unity, and the divine sword that can cut off the atomic level is not like them...... People who have not even reached the level of the planet can resist of.

Perhaps the technology of the Barricks is very advanced, but in the face of absolute power, everything has become a cloud.

On the other hand, Wanda's performance was also very dazzling. After Bai Ye's training, she was already a powerful chaotic magician, and now she is undoubtedly a powerhouse at the level of a single universe, and this is far from her. The upper limit, in the future, Wanda can become even more powerful.

At the same time, beside the blue lake somewhere in the American Empire, Magneto walked here slowly with two mutants. He had heard that Bai Ye was not on the earth at this time, and this was for him. Undoubtedly, this is an excellent opportunity. He intends to take advantage of Bai Ye's absence to first take over the dominion of mutants... Lu

Chapter 252 Annihilation 【For automatic subscription】

This is not a fair fight, the two sides can be said to be not at the same level at all, but it took less than half an hour for Diana and Wanda to completely solve these problems...... .. Barrick.

As Wanda used magic to pull out the machine that was buried deep in the ground to create a gravitational field, Diana cut it into powder with a single sword.

The gravitational field is lifted, the Avengers are free again, and at the same time, Carol is also freed from the chains of Thunder, and the rest is the finishing work... Cosmos After the battle with Bai Ye, Thanos suffered indescribable wounds to his body. If he hadn't been a very special existence, such injuries would have killed him long ago.

After several twists and turns, Thanos returned to his territory, and here, General Deathblade and others also returned early.

Looking at the weak Thanos in front of him, everyone was extremely shocked. You must know that Thanos has already obtained the existence of infinite gloves. In the eyes of everyone, he is almost equivalent to a god.

"grown ups......"

A strange light flashed in the eyes of General Dead Blade, but when he was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded beside them.

"Father, you look really embarrassed."

As the sound fell, the red light seemed to burn the space, and a huge void suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Sein's figure also slowly walked out of the void.

Sain is already very powerful, otherwise Thanos would not take him as a threat and plan to kill him, but Sain was lucky, he escaped the disaster at first, and now he is coming for revenge... .. Looking at the sudden appearance of Sain, Thanos' eyes also showed an extremely shocked look. Of course, he was not shocked by Sain himself, but by the power that can destroy everything in front of him.

"This is impossible."

Thanos still said in disbelief.

"Hehe, my father, nothing is impossible in this world, don't worry, I won't kill you, I will repay everything to you as you did to me back then."

As Sein's words fell, he also slowly stretched out his right hand. When Thanos saw this scene, he who wanted to resist suddenly found that he was facing Seingen at this time: like a child.

The orange cube suddenly appeared, and Thanos was actually caught by Sain. This scene happened very suddenly. When Obsidian Five noticed that he was about to make a move, everything was over.

The territory of Thanos has ushered in a new owner. Sain claims that the Great Sain has come here since then, and it is worth mentioning that Proxima Dark Night was also sealed because he tried to rescue Thanos, and as for the others, they surrendered. under Thane's rule.

For a time, many forces in the universe were in danger. They had enough headaches when facing Thanos, but at this time there came a ruler who was stronger and more brutal than Thanos. I wonder who is not afraid ......In the temple of the new king, Sion sat upright with him, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was thinking about something.

And below him, a few people who were covered in black cloaks were also standing there... "What you said is true"

After a long time, Shane spoke slowly.

"Respectful and supreme being, can't you tell whether our words are true or false? In the hands of those guys, there are indeed other phoenix powers whereabouts. As for whether you believe it or not, you may as well grab one and ask."

As the words fell, the group of hooded guys disappeared in place in an instant, but Sion didn't care about it at all. Instead, he was constantly thinking about what these guys said just now... .. A few days later, a major event suddenly happened in the universe. A god of the god group was beheaded. The death was so tragic, it seemed that he suffered unimaginable torture before his death.

And this is not an exception, just a few days after the death of the first god, another god of the god group left the body on a planet with a very high civilization by the same method of death.

For a time, the universe was full of turmoil, and the power of the gods naturally needless to say, but with the death of the gods one after another, even the eternity of one of the five gods was disturbed... The gods are the handwriting of eternity, but Although he created the god group, Eternal did not interfere too much with the god group.

That's why it appeared a long time ago that the Heavenly God Group actually disturbed the order of the universe. At first, Eternal thought that it was annihilation and doing ghosts.

But after Bai Ye encountered the attack of the six-eyed god of the gods, Bai Ye ended the period by beheading the six-eyed god.

And now something happened to the god group again, and Eternal already knew who was hunting the god group, so he planned to take action.

Obviously, letting Eternal take the shot himself is... a recognition of Sain's strength, and in fact it is.

In the original timeline, Sion used the power of the phoenix to defeat Thanos with the Infinite Gloves. Maybe everyone doesn't think that Thanos with the Infinite Gloves is so strong, but in fact, in the original timeline, he has the Infinite Gloves. He even conquered eternity.

But those... are already impossible, after all, the time line has been completely changed because of the existence of Bai Ye, Thanos was in control of the Infinity Gauntlet and couldn't even heat it up, He encountered White Night and caused the Infinite Gloves to collapse.

Of course, Eternal did not think that he would lose, but when he was on the way to find Sain across the star field, Eternal saw someone he had never thought of... Annihilation, also one of the five gods , but his whereabouts are very elusive, and he is also very mysterious.

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