There are very few people who have seen annihilation at least in the universe.

Looking at Annihilation that suddenly appeared in front of him, Eternal's expression became more serious than ever before, Eternal is very strong, everyone has known this for a long time, but facing Annihilation, even Eternal would not dare not to raise [-] vigilance.

The battle came so suddenly, the two beings in the same five gods broke out in an unprecedented battle in the universe.

For a while, the aftermath of the battle between the two spread to the entire universe, and even Bai Ye, who was far away from the psychedelic star, was disturbed.

Chapter 253 Eternal defeat 【For automatic subscription】

Needless to say how strong Eternal is, as an old-fashioned multiverse-level powerhouse, he can almost be said to be standing at the top of this universe.

And Annihilation is also one of the five gods, he is too mysterious, at least he has never shot in front of others, or the people who have seen him shot are already dead.

It's hard to imagine that Eternity was actually defeated by Annihilation. If Annihilation's goal is not to kill Eternity, then maybe there is no Eternal... God in the universe now.

The battle broke out quickly, but it also ended quickly, at least when Bai Ye noticed the battle between the gods, everything was over.

The place where the two fought was a mess, and Eternal escaped dangerously after being hit hard by annihilation.

Looking at the space passage left by the eternal escape, Annihilation did not pursue, his goal was not eternal, on the contrary, he had more important things to do.

On the other side, somewhere in the universe, a deity from the deity clan is quietly suspended in the universe, and in front of him, Annihilation Zheng's hands are glowing with dazzling red light, as if he is doing something to this deity. what.

"The universe today is very abstract, and this abstract universe should be annihilated in the dust of history, just like my universe at the time. Only by continuous annihilation and rebirth can a perfect universe appear."

"And you are... the first step to make this universe annihilate, go, go, find the powerhouses in this universe, and then destroy them."

The person in front of the gods is none other than the one who just defeated the eternal annihilation, and from his words, it seems that annihilation intends to use the god group to eliminate some of the strong in the universe.

The universe is too vast, and there are countless powerhouses in it. Even if Annihilation is the strongest of the five gods, it is impossible for him to really do whatever he wants.

At least the Life Court will not let him mess around, and in order to achieve his goals, Annihilation has made preparations with both hands.

On the other side, Sain is still hunting the people of the god group. Of course, his goal is the whereabouts of other Phoenix powers, and Sain has some eyebrows in front of him.

But it is worth mentioning that Sion is also a part of Oblivion and Destruction. There are too many people in the god group, and some guys are not so easy to control, so Annihilation needs these guys to die, but in order not to cause a life court Annihilation controls several observers, while Sion is the knife chosen by Annihilation.

The consequences of the eternal defeat are very obvious. Facing the ability of annihilation, his body actually showed signs of collapse. At this time, he no longer has the strength to fight.


Whether it's Sion or annihilation, these two are existences that he can't let go of at the moment.

Eternal needs foreign aid, and he needs a strong helper to help him stop these two, so Eternal found Bai Ye... Seeing that he suddenly appeared in front of him, Bai Ye was also a little surprised. After all, he had played against Eternal. Existence, so I still have a clear understanding of Eternal's strength, but Eternal in front of me is undoubtedly hit hard, and even the body is on the verge of collapse, how can it not let Bai Ye accidentally "who did it?"

Bai Ye seems to be a little curious at this time, there are not many people who make eternity like this, the life court can be counted as one, and the rest cannot be done even by death.


Eternally calm said.

He has a very good impression of Bai Ye, and even he pinned his hopes of detachment in the future on Bai Ye, so many times, the conversation between Eternal and Bai Ye is equal to each other.


Hearing Eternal's words, Bai Ye was also stunned. Bai Ye knew that the five gods were strong and weak, but at the beginning he thought that Eternal and Infinity were the strongest, but it turned out that he was wrong.

"I want you to do me a favor."

Eternal said bluntly.

There are not many people who can enter the Eternal Eye, and Bai Ye can be one of them, so in the case of needing help, Eternal first thinks of Bai Ye.

"Hehe, you don't want me to go to Annihilation to fight, right?"

Bai Ye seems very indifferent, as if he doesn't care about the last battle with Annihilation who defeated Eternal. This is based on his strong confidence in his own strength. Bai Ye believes that even if Annihilation can defeat Eternal, he will definitely have the strength to fight the other side. , Besides, annihilation is just defeating eternity, which can also be done by myself.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Yong Ying also shook his head and said, "No, I will solve it myself if I annihilate. You are looking for Sain now, I know his whereabouts."

Eternal's words are very direct, he hopes Bai Ye will stop Sain, no matter...

What is Sean's ultimate goal?

As for annihilation, Eternal also has a plan, although he is indeed inferior to Annihilation in terms of personal strength, but as a veteran multiverse powerhouse, Eternal still has some means of pressing the bottom of the box.

"Is that so?"

Bai Ye thought about it for a while, and then said directly: "Yes."

As the two reached a consensus, Bai Ye also disappeared directly in place after Eternal gave him a coordinate, and Eternal was the same, he also disappeared in place.

On the other side, Sain is still slaughtering the gods of the god group, but this time is different from the past, he has exactly got the whereabouts of the power of the phoenix, and it is two copies at a time... The universe is very vast, even if it is a white night with The power of the original space stone, he also took some time to reach the edge of the destination.

This used to be the territory of Thanos, and it is where Sion is now. Bai Ye found it here according to the coordinates given by eternity, but to his surprise, it seems that Sion is not here at this time.

Looking at Thanos who was sealed by the orange cube in front of him, Bai Ye was also amazed. I have to say that the Thanos family is a ruthless life, no matter what...

Whether it is a father or a son, they have absolutely no concept of affection.


Bai Ye's arrival was not deliberately hidden, so it didn't take long for him to be discovered by General Dead Blade, but when General Dead Blade found out that the intruder was Bai Ye, a big lump appeared on his forehead. Cold sweat..."You're afraid of me"

Bai Ye looked at the dead blade general in front of him and said.

When he heard Bai Ye's words, General Deathblade couldn't stop backing away, and then he murmured: "Emperor Sien is not here, he went to Earth, he found the whereabouts of the Phoenix Force... "


Chapter 254 Arrival 【For automatic subscription】

The words of General Dead Blade made Bai Ye suddenly wake up. He knew very well what Sain represented today. If General Dead Blade did not tell lies, then with the current strength of the earth, no one could Stop Sean.

Bai Ye left, he didn't even kill General Deathblade, at this time he just wanted to get back to Earth as fast as possible.

On the other hand, the Avengers are dealing with the consequences of the Barrick Stars. Although the loss has been minimized because of the relationship between Wanda and Diana, the impact is still not small.

However, when everyone was dealing with the traces of the Barrick people around, Carol suddenly looked at the sky... "What's wrong?"

Black Widow Natasha looked at Carol and asked.

But at this time Carol seemed to have not heard her words. After seeing her staring at the sky for a while, Carroll suddenly shouted: "Be careful..."

The huge beam of light pierced through the entire land, the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. almost instantly.


The agents of ... were blasted away in an instant.

Carroll's whole body was flashing with colorful light at this time. If she hadn't resisted this blow, then the earth would have been completely destroyed by this blow.

The blood on the ground is flowing, S.H.I.E.L.D.


Most of the agents of .... were completely dead under this blow, and even the Avengers were in a state of embarrassment at this time, especially Hawkeye, although he had already He reacted, but he was already severely injured... an arm was broken on the ground, if it was someone else, this could almost be said to be fatal.

"Take him away quickly."

Captain America struggled to stand up. He had already seen the tragic state of Hawkeye. On the other side, the mechanical wings used by the Falcon had also been completely broken. At this time, he was also spitting out blood. internal injury.

The deadly attack was finally blocked by Carol. I have to say that Carol, who burst out with energy, is really powerful. This kind of attack that can destroy the earth did not hurt her. At this time, Carol It can be said to be the only one in the entire Avengers who is not injured.

Stark picked up Hawkeye, and at the same time he had not forgotten to pick up Hawkeye's broken arm. Although this kind of injury seemed terrifying, Stark knew that, based on what he knew now, there were countless ways to make Hawkeye. The eyes are back to normal.

Just one blow, just one blow, the Avengers have almost lost their combat effectiveness.

And it was at this time that the culprit who made all this appeared, and the huge battleship descended over New York again... The invasion of aliens is not once or twice for the earth, But I don't know if it's because the US imperialists are too demanding to fight, but most of these large-scale alien invasion incidents are caused by the US imperialists... The shrill sirens echoed in the sky of New York, and countless Many people have fled high-rise buildings and went to the nearest shelter. They have come to see this kind of thing.

"what on earth is it"

Nick Fury said in the helicarrier looking at the larger alien warship in the distance.

At the same time, there was also a change in the police academies in other states. For a long time, Qin Ge Lei's phoenix power had been silent. Of course, this was Bai Ye's handwriting.

But now, Qin Ge Lei felt the abnormal restlessness in her inner body, she knew that this was the power of the phoenix to wake up... Qin Ge Lei found Charles Grant right away, but for her current situation , Charles is also powerless, he is not Bai Ye, he does not have the kind of ability to limit the power of the phoenix.

And just when he was thinking of a way, the beast suddenly rushed in from the outside and said to Charles: "Professor, watch the news."

New York has been invaded by aliens again, and the news is being broadcast live in New York.

At this time, Sion's projection was also projected from the huge battleship, and he pointed to the Avengers who were about to retreat first and said, "Hand over the phoenix, or they will be... the end."

Crimson light burst out from the battleship again, and its target was the Avengers who had almost lost their combat effectiveness. Looking at the burst of light, Carroll's expression became more serious than ever before. I knew very well that if I couldn't stop this blow, the people behind me would be dead.

However, when Carroll was determined to sacrifice himself to save the Avengers, a figure also fell from the sky, and before Carroll could see who it was, the beam that could destroy everything also arrived... "clang......"

A loud noise spread over the whole of New York City. When Diana, who was already preparing to go home, saw the enemy invade, she and Wanda also turned back at the fastest speed.

Diana has a lot of powerful equipment, but the shield does not belong to the strongest column. The divine shield is only made of the mysterious metal of Paradise Island. Although it is also very hard, in fact it may be in some way. Not as good as Team America's shield.

Looking at the crack on the divine shield, Diana's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and then she saw that she drew out the divine sword on her back, and then put away the shield in an instant and slashed it down with a loud shout... ..."boom!"

The huge explosion destroyed the surrounding buildings, and the Vulcan Sword, capable of slashing from the subatomic level, lived up to expectations and cut off the battleship's attack.

However, it was at this time that Wanda's figure also appeared on the top of the battleship. The huge magic circle decorated the sky beautifully. The battleship is also directly penetrated.

"You take them away first."

Diana looked at the alien battleship in the sky, and said to Carol on the other side.

"You be careful."

Carol is not a hypocritical person. At this time, the state of the Avengers is indeed extremely poor. The attack just now came too suddenly, and the power was surprisingly large, no matter...

No matter how powerful the Avengers are compared to other ordinary people, they are still human.

Carroll took the Avengers to retreat first, and Wanda also came to Diana's side. Don't look at her attack that penetrated the alien warship, but in fact she found that while her attack penetrated the warship, there was a A stronger force prevented it from detonating in the battleship.

"The guys in there are amazing."

Wanda looked at Diana and said seriously.

On the other hand, Sean in the battleship looked at Wanda and Diana with interest. He was very interested in the two women at this time, especially Wanda. Sean had already discovered the magic she used. Very unusual.

Chapter 255 The arrival of the X-Men [For automatic subscription]

"Ultron, immediately clear the civilians and activate an emergency plan."

Wanda said softly.

And as her words fell, Ultron also replied: "Follow my mistress."

Ultron is very strong. If it wasn't for Bai Ye who was born out of nowhere, in the original timeline, he would have defeated the entire Avengers by himself.

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