It's just that he is so fragile in the face of Bai Ye, as Bai Ye said at the beginning, as long as Bai Ye thinks, he can even completely obliterate the existence of Ultron.

Countless robots like Stark's armor appeared out of nowhere, and as soon as they appeared, they began to evacuate the surrounding crowd, and even it did not let go of the refuge, because with the current situation According to Ultron's calculations, the shelter is not enough for everyone to survive.

"Let's retreat first."

Wanda glanced at Diana, she had just felt exactly how powerful the people in the battleship were.

The two women are not reckless men, and they have been with Bai Ye for a long time, and they are very clear that some existences cannot be imagined by ordinary people's thinking.

Watching the two women leave, Sain in the battleship did not stop him. For him, the most important thing at the moment was the power of the phoenix, and the rest were nothing but sidelines.

And now the whole earth is under their feet, even if they want to escape, as long as they are still there: on earth, where can they escape to? Sean is very confident, he thinks that he has already controlled the life and death of the earth.

"I'll give you one day. If I can't see the phoenix at this time tomorrow, then I'll completely destroy this planet."

Perhaps it was because Sain sealed Thanos, and he was obviously in a good mood at this time.

On the other hand, in the base of the Avengers, with the help of Doctor Strange, Hawkeye's arm has been successfully connected, and because of magic, his arm will not be the slightest bit different from before.

Avengers are not ordinary people, but in two hours, everyone has almost recovered.

Except... Hawkeye and Falcon were seriously injured, the rest of the American team and others can already fight.

"How's it going"

Captain America came to Stark's side and asked.

In front of them, a huge screen was showing the alien warship that nearly killed them just now.

"He gave a day's time and said what kind of phoenix he wanted. I have already made a global analogy. I hope I can know what the phoenix is ​​talking about as soon as possible."

Stark has a headache. He doesn't know what the phoenix is, so naturally he can't talk about how to deal with it.

"Did Thorna get in touch?"

Since the last time when the tyrant invaded the earth and was taken away by the white night, Thor, the god of thunder, also entered the universe to try to find the trace of the white night and the tyrant.

"No, no news of him at all."

Stark shook his head, Thor is an important combat force in the Avengers, and he will be much less in the area of ​​combat effectiveness of the Avengers.

However, just when the two were still thinking about the purpose of the enemy, a strange phone call suddenly appeared on the screen.

Stark first glanced at Team America, then nodded at Team America... After calling others to come over, Stark also answered the phone... Stark and America The team thought too much, at first they thought it was a message from the enemy, but in fact it was a phone call from Charles.

However, when Stark and Captain America heard Charles' words, they were not so calm, because Charles said on the phone: "Phoenix is ​​here..."

...It is not the first time that the Avengers have teamed up with the police.

Whether it's the Magneto incident or the Matthew incident, both sides have had an intersection.

As the police's fighter plane landed on the tarmac of the Avengers, the two sides gathered together again... I just heard Charles say to Stark and Captain America succinctly and directly: "The phoenix that guy wants is in us. here."

After finishing speaking, Charles pointed to Qin Grey behind him, and when he heard his words, no matter what...

Whether it was Team America or Stark, both of them seemed at a loss.

"Forget it, I'll start from the beginning for you."

Seeing the incomprehension of the Avengers, Charles said again.

But this time, it took him about half an hour to directly tell the truth about the power of the phoenix possessed by Qin Ge Lei, including the matter of sealing the power of the phoenix in Bai Ye.

After listening to Charles' words, Stark and the others finally understood that the phoenix is ​​not a creature, but a force that can destroy everything. After thinking about it, everyone also glanced at Qin Grey with some fear.

"If that's the case, can she get rid of that guy?"

As long as Bai Ye is not there, Stark's thinking will always be so detached:, in his opinion, since Charles said that Qin Grey's power is omnipotent, then it is the best option for her to come forward to solve this crisis. .

However, when Stark's words fell, before Charles could speak, Qin Grey said first: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you, I can't control that kind of power."

"And even if I can control that kind of power, I still won't be the opponent of the guy in there. I can feel that the guy in there is probably the same as me, with the power of the phoenix."

Qin Ge Lei's words undoubtedly gave everyone a new understanding of the danger of Sain, and after hearing her words, Wanda also said: "You mean that Bai Ye has sealed the power of the phoenix in your body"

In Wanda's view, the power to disturb Bai Ye's own seal is absolutely no trivial matter, because she knows Bai Ye too well, and ordinary power cannot enter Bai Ye's eyes at all.

Judging from the various powerhouses they have encountered so far, the only thing Bai Ye has ever cared about is the infinite original stone and the power of chaos. If Bai Ye personally took action for the power of the phoenix, then Wanda would have to. Re-evaluate how terrible the guy in the battleship is.

With the urgent discussion of everyone, time also passed in a hurry, and a day passed in a blink of an eye... And when the time given by Sean was about to come, the Avengers, the police and others were still There is no feasible way to come up with it. Under the last resort, everyone intends to contact each other first. If it is not possible, then they will only bite the bullet. After all, it is impossible for the other party to completely destroy the earth. drop...lou

Chapter 256 The mighty Sain 【For automatic subscription】

The huge alien battleship is quietly suspended over New York City, and such a scene can easily give people a strong visual impact.

The work of evacuating civilians is still going on. After all, New York City is the top metropolis in the world. Naturally, the population here is very large, and it is impossible to evacuate all in a short period of time.

At this time, in a certain building, Captain America and others are also waiting quietly, they are waiting, waiting for the last time to come, when they will go to the final battle with Sain.

As the sun went down, in the blink of an eye, it was the last time given by Sion, and the huge battleship began to move.

I saw a blue ray of light shot out from the battleship, and a man in golden armor also appeared on the ground. This man looked a bit like an ebony throat, but compared to the ebony throat, he was undoubtedly much younger. .

"Although it is a pity, it seems that you still chose to destroy."

Sean said softly.

At this time, he was like a god who was aloof. While carrying his hands, his eyes were full of disdain for everything.

"I'm very sorry, but we didn't plan to give up, it's you, are you sure you want to deal with us all alone?"

I don't know when, Captain America and others have also appeared on the opposite side of Sean, and at this time there are only a few of them left on the broad street.

"I know you, you're that...what a member of the Avengers? What, you guys...haven't the clown tasted enough of failure yet?"

Sean glanced at Captain America indifferently, as if in his eyes, Team America was just an ant.

However, at the same time as Sain's words fell, with a shrill sound of breaking through the air, the injured Hawkeye launched the first round of attacks on Sain... The special arrow crossbow is almost In an instant, the speed turned out to be as fast as a bullet.

But who is Sain, how could such an attack possibly hurt him with the arrow crossbow, but it was only one meter away from Sain, and it seemed to be blocked by something incomparably hard, only to hear "click"

With a crisp sound, the arrow crossbow was directly broken and dropped from the air.

At the same time, Captain America threw his shield directly, and then the whole person rushed towards Shane.

As the battle began, Stark also activated his magic armor, and attacked with full force as soon as he shot, because he knew very well that the guy in front of him was completely different from his previous opponents... War Machine Launching a precise attack, Hulk also roared and rushed towards Sion. The Avengers almost didn't hold back at this moment, they all used their strongest attack... "Boom! "

The huge explosion generated a powerful shock wave, and almost all the glass of the building was shattered in an instant. The strength of Sion is no longer the existence of courage and determination. The power of the phoenix is ​​far stronger than they imagined. .


Under the strange muffled sound, a red light burst out suddenly, and with the activation of the Phoenix Power, almost instantly, the people who rushed towards him were sent flying.

At the same time, the police officers were not idle, and saw a person suddenly jumped out of the building next to them. The sharp claws were particularly dazzling in the sun. As a weapon of Wolverine, it was once torn apart. over countless enemies.

But when Wolverine was about to attack Sion, Sion finally moved... I saw his left hand slightly raised, and then an energy beam burst out from his hand, And almost instantly, this energy beam penetrated Wolverine's body... "Bang!"

As Wolverine fell heavily to the ground, his so-called hardest bone was broken.

Watching Wolverine's body recovering quickly, Sein on the side also glanced at him with interest and said..."Mutant"

Sain is the child of Thanos and the Inhumans. He is no stranger to mutants, because the people of these two races have had a deep understanding of each other. In their opinion, the two races have a very deep understanding of each other. big similarities.

Wolverine's sneak attack failed, but their attack on Sean was far from over, with Cyclops firing lasers from both eyes.

The Storm girl on the side also called out lightning to attack Sion, and with Stark's attack, the light also converged on Sion's body... "It's too weak, you only have this level. "

At this time, Sain seemed very dissatisfied, as if the high-ranking gods were provoked by mortals, and as Sain's words fell, Sain finally began to fight back seriously for the first time.

Judging from Sion's attack just now, everyone already knew that his left hand could emit extremely destructive energy beams, but at this time, as Sion raised his right hand, everyone became vigilant.

However, under the absolute power gap, everything that everyone did was in vain. With the orange cube suddenly appearing around everyone and wrapping them in it, Stark and others were all caught up in it. A situation of powerlessness.

With just one blow, Sain completely eliminated all the avengers and police here, no matter...

Whether it was Hawkeye in the distance or Hulk in the vicinity, everyone was sealed in an orange cube.

Sain is powerful, he didn't even use the power of the phoenix when dealing with the crowd, the orange cube is just one of his own abilities.

It has to be said that the Avengers are lucky, maybe they have to be thankful for their weakness, in Sion's view, the Avengers are not worthy of his use of the Phoenix Force to deal with.

Looking at the dozens of orange cubes around, Sean also slowly turned his head to the building beside him, and then only heard him say, "Aren't you going to come out yet?"

As Sion's words fell, Qin Gree also walked out of the building. Facing Sion, escaping is useless. After all, as Sion, who also has the power of the phoenix, as long as the distance is not too far , he can easily perceive the existence of homologous power.

The Phoenix is ​​the most intimidating existence in the multiverse creation, it can easily cut or regenerate any part of the universe, or even completely destroy it.

At this time, the existence of two people who share the same terrifying power is finally going to fight. This may be the first duel between the power of the phoenix since the birth of the universe...

Chapter 257 Is this the only way? 【Seeking automatic subscription】

The power of the phoenix is ​​called the embodiment of the passion of all things, the spark brings life to the universe, and the flame can finally destroy the universe completely.

With the appearance of Qin Ge Lei, a fiery power erupted from her body, this is the power of the phoenix, the power of the phoenix that claims to be able to destroy everything that burns everything.

"Only to this extent?"

Looking at Qin Gree, who had already started to explode in front of him, Sion showed disdain, even if the same power erupted in the hands of different people completely different.

Obviously, Qin Gree, who has always been afraid of using the power of the phoenix, is not on the same level as Sain, who uses the power of the phoenix at will.

Although both of them have the power of the phoenix, the difference in their proficiency in controlling the power of the phoenix is ​​not...a star and a half.

The scorching flames even caused the surrounding buildings to gradually melt. Of course, this was just a small test for the power of the Phoenix.

On the other hand, Sion didn't care about Qin Grey's outbreak. For him, this level of phoenix power was just... an insult to itself.


After a long time of deliberation, Qin Ge Lei finally broke out her strongest blow so far. The scorching heat wave seemed to completely disappear half a block from the earth in an instant, and Sein was also affected by this heat wave. directly involved in it.

"Boom rumble..."

The huge roar can be heard clearly from far away, and Nick Fury, who is thousands of miles away, is looking at everything in front of him nervously.

Just now, Congress ordered the fighter jets to carry heavy weapons and have gone to New York for reinforcements, but fortunately there is a lesson from the past, and they have no plans to use nuclear weapons.

As the 22 fighters approached, countless new missiles were also roaring and launched towards the discovery where Sain was located. At this time, the top U.S. imperialists had no idea what would happen to New York. The top priority was to kill the invasion now. the premise.

"Boom boom boom..."

The violent explosion of the missile coupled with Qin Ge Lei's phoenix power, at this time, the place where Sein was completely turned into a wasteland, but just when 22 thought the mission was completed and was ready to return, a mutation occurred... .The energy beam shot down all the fighter jets almost instantly. Obviously, this level of attack was not painful to Sion at all.

There were ten fighter jets, and they didn't even last for two seconds.

"The power of the phoenix is ​​simply... the biggest insult to it. You don't deserve it, so you should hand it over obediently."

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