Shane looked indifferent, at this time he was like a god's mansion aloof.

I saw that Sion was walking towards the back of Qin step by step, and there was a faint red light flickering on his body. Sion was serious, he wanted to plunder the power of the phoenix from Qin Ge Lei.


The collision of the power of the phoenix was immediately divided, and Qin Gelei was no match for Sien at all. However, when Siin held Qin Gelei's neck in one hand and lifted her up, a colorful energy burst forth. The beam of light also slammed into him from behind him..."Qiang......"

This is the sound of the sword being unsheathed, and when Sion was still there: when he was holding Qin Grey, Diana had already appeared behind him.

The sword of Vulcan, which can slash from subatomic, stabbed towards Sion's back fiercely, but when its sharp sword tip touched Sion's skin, a powerful shock wave also pierced through. Sean broke out fiercely in the center.


Diana let out a groan, and the shield that had been repaired was scorched red again by the hot shock wave.

The sneak attack of the shocking calculation failed. Sean's power once again refreshed the cognition of several people. Originally, they discussed letting the Avengers and the police fight to let Diana and others know more about him, but now it seems that , Under absolute strength, all strategies have become useless.

The battle returned to the need to fight head-on. Carol and Diana stood side by side. The two of them first glanced at each other, and then quickly rushed towards Shane... ."Stupid guy."

Perhaps it was because he was annoyed by the sneak attack just now. At this time, Sion had blue veins bulging on his forehead. I saw him raise his left hand, and then the extremely destructive energy beam burst out.

"Boom boom boom..."

This is the sound of bursts of explosions, the three of them have surpassed the cognition of earthlings in a strict sense, and the war between them has spread to the whole of New York.

Countless high-rise buildings are falling down one after another, and the three-person battle has entered a white-hot stage.

Carol and Diana are very strong, and it is worth mentioning that both of them have top-notch defense capabilities... and even Shane can't defeat them in a short time.

And there is another point, the close combat ability of the two is obviously much stronger than that of Sean. If it wasn't for the fact that the two sides were too disparate in essential strength, I am afraid that Sean would have been solved by the two women at this time.

As the battle continued, Carol and Diana also found an opportunity, only to see the two of them bullying Sien's side one by one, and then the two of them grabbed one of Sean's hands... ..."quick!"

Carol roared, Sion's phoenix power is too strong, even she can't bear it at this time.


Diana also shouted.

As the voices of the two of them fell, in the collapsed building on the side, Wanda wearing a scarlet coat also burst the gravel, and then she quickly flew to the front of Sain... . All this has been calculated, Carroll and Diana are very clear, the power of the phoenix Sain is no longer they can hurt the body, no.

It all depends on Wanda's Chaos magic, if it goes well, then everything will be completely over.

On the other side, looking at Wanda who suddenly appeared, Sain also understood what they were trying to do, but at this time he was restricted by Carol and Diana, so he couldn't do anything for a while.

Dark red chaotic magic enveloped Sion's whole body, and this power that can erase together is depriving Sion of his life.

However, just when Carol and Diana thought they had succeeded, Sion, who was shrouded in chaos magic, sneered disdainfully... "It is indeed a great power, but only to this extent. You are still too weak."

As Sein's words fell, his body turned out to be powerful enough to destroy the earth. It turned out that Sein had never really used the power of the phoenix, and at this time, he was angry... ..lou

Chapter 258 Vision

The calculation of the three girls is to make Sain angry, since he obtained the power of the phoenix, he thought he was already the strongest existence in the universe.

But in fact, just now, if Wanda could be stronger, he might have to die here.

The explosion of the power of the phoenix burst out with amazing energy, and in order to prevent the earth from being affected, the three of them chose to resist this attack that was so strong that it could destroy the earth.

Carol's body flashed with colorful rays of light, and Diana also used her shield to add her own powerful strength to the explosion of the power of the phoenix.

On the contrary, perhaps the easiest of the three girls is Wanda, she is a person with Chaos Magic after all, and this kind of power is not inferior to the power of the phoenix.

Of course, the so-called ease is also compared to the other two women. In fact, the power exerted on any one of the three of them at this time is enough to destroy a planet.


While the huge impact instantly wiped out the surroundings, the three girls were also blown away by this powerful force, and at this time, Wanda's not-so-excellent body became her weakness.


Seeing that Wanda was about to fall heavily to the ground, Diana didn't have time to think about it, so she quickly came behind Wanda with the impact force, and then saw her running Wanda, and the two fell heavily. On the ground..."It's alright"

Diana's body is already a god-level existence. As a godslayer, her physical strength is not... blown out, perhaps in the universe, there are only a few heroes such as Superman that can rival her physical body. Bar.


It is very clear how much Wanda was trapped just now. Although it will not kill him, heavy damage is inevitable.

At this moment, Carol also came to the side of the two women. The three of them had already experienced Sein's attack just now. His power was so powerful that it was almost despairing.

But even so, the three girls also have no way out.

As the three women glanced at each other, they took on a fighting posture again, but now it's... There is good news, because of the attack just now, the The Avengers and the Cops are liberated.

"Cough cough..."

Stark coughed a few times. The armor with magic did not give him any advantage in front of Sion. After all, the level of the two sides was still too bad. At this time, Stark can deal with it at most. The enemy of the sub-tianfa level, and Sain, who possesses the power of the phoenix, has undoubtedly possessed the power of the multiverse. Life is better than death."

Stank said with some fear.

You'll know how terrifying that power is when you've been passed by that orange cube, anyway... Stark doesn't want to do it again.

"Let's step back first, this kind of battle is not something we can interfere in, let's not let the three of them be distracted here."

Captain America was also panting heavily. He was also sealed in the orange cube just now, but it was precisely because of this that he knew very well that the strength of himself and others was nothing in front of Shane.

Seeing that the three girls continued to fight with Shane, Qin Ge Lei, who was relieved, seemed to have made up her mind. She knew very well that although the three girls restrained each other for a short time, if they continued to fight. If so, the three of them will definitely lose.

"You go quickly."

Qin Ge Lei glanced at Wolverine and the others and said.

Hearing her words, Cyclops first reacted and said, "Qin, shouldn't you..."

Cyclops didn't continue, but Wolverine on the side already understood what Qin Ge Lei was going to do, but when the two of them were going to stop Qin Ge Lei, Qin Ge Lei waved her hand and stimulated a powerful shock wave that knocked them out. The two flew far away.

Yes, Qin Ge Lei intends to fully activate the power of the phoenix in her body, although she is also very clear that if she does this, she is very likely to die, no, [-]% will die, but the other party is... Coming at her, she couldn't wait to see other people die for her.

However, when Sain gradually gained the upper hand by constantly stimulating the power of the phoenix, the three girls finally reached their limit. Suddenly there was a strong wind... The strange atmosphere instantly enveloped the audience, and at this time, Sion also stopped attacking the three girls... "This is"

Carol looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression, and saw that the sky was a little dark at first. At this time, it turned out to be a dark cloud. With the sound of thunder, even an idiot knew that something had happened. .

On the other side, Diana helped Wanda up, but they were different from Carol. At this time, they were obviously excited, only to hear Wanda say with joy: "He is back."

"Well, yes, he's back."

Diana said with a little excitement.

Above the sky were black clouds pressing down on the city, and under the thunder and lightning, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the sky. At this time, Sean looked serious, and he knew very well that someone was coming.

How keen is the power of the phoenix? As early as when the sky and the earth were mutated, Sain had already discovered the anomaly... The red fireball broke through the dark clouds, and he was like a meteor, moving towards the sky quickly. The place where Shane and the others were, put down and rushed forward.


With the loud explosion, the spaceship that Sion was on was directly hit by a "fireball"

It gave birth to a breakdown, and at this time, Sain also shot... "Drink!"

With Sein's loud shout, the power of the phoenix on his body also burst out, but this time is different from when he fought the three girls just now. Just now, he was obviously playing with the nature, but now he is completely All out.

The more powerful the power, the more restrictions come with it, especially the power that does not belong to him. In fact, the reason why Sion didn't have the real power of the phoenix just now was because he was I feel that I am disdainful to use it for several women, and secondly, using the power of the phoenix is ​​not completely free of cost.

The scorching heat of the Phoenix's power was enough to completely burn a planet into ashes, but at this time, since Sein was bursting into the air with all his strength, apart from the magma where he was standing, there was nothing left for the time being. Spread to Earth...

Chapter 259 Have you misunderstood something [For automatic subscription]

The hot beam went straight to the fireball in the sky, and in the same way, the fireball in the sky also smashed straight towards Shane.



With a loud collision sound, the hot beam of light collided with the fireball, and a piercing sound like a golden roar was heard.

At the same time, in the distance, Captain America and others have retreated to the extreme distance. If it is further away, I am afraid that even Hawkeye will not be able to see Sean.

The huge sound also alarmed them, and the US team asked at the first time: "What happened?"

Captain America didn't think that the three girls had the ability to make such a big noise. Of course, this did not mean that their strength was not good. On the contrary, any one of the three girls could destroy a city, or even the existence of the entire earth.

It's just that the person they are facing at this time is Sean, and the power of Sean has been understood by a few people just now, and it really is no longer an existence that the current Avengers can solve.

"Friday, that's what happened"

Stark didn't know why, just listened to him asking his artificial intelligence.

"It is Mr. Bai Ye who has returned, and he is fighting the invaders at this time."

Friday's business was still so beautiful, especially when she mentioned White Night, Stark felt that there was no more beautiful voice at this time.

"Is he back?"

Stark's voice was obviously excited, and he knew very well that since Bai Ye was back, then everything would be solved naturally.

Stark doesn't believe that there is anyone in this world who can be stronger than Bai Ye, and Bai Ye is... Stark's current ceiling, upper limit of... Sion's phoenix power collided with the fireball fiercely, and the fireball gradually revealed his original appearance.

Bai Ye, yes, Bai Ye is indeed back, and the reason why he appeared in this way is because he does not know how many... galaxies he has crossed in the process of constantly rushing.

The power of the space rough stone is also limited, if the distance is too far, and other things are not mentioned, it is easy to have problems in positioning.

So this is also the reason why Thanos didn't directly use the space gem to bring the army over when he came to Earth. This has already involved the problem of the space field, and it is not clear that it can be explained in a few words.

Fortunately, Bai Ye caught up, and he caught up in time before Sain was completely destroyed... The same dark red light created a huge shield in the white night, and this was also Sain's phoenix. The reason why the force collided with the sound of Jin Ming.

With Sion's attack stopped.

Bai Ye was also quietly suspended in the air, and at this time his eyes were full of indifference, as if Sein was watching the Avengers... "Is that you again?"

Sean said calmly.

Indeed, it was not the first time he met Bai Ye, but it was different from when he was in Psychedelic Star, when Shane was busy dealing with his father, but at this time he was aiming at the power of the phoenix on Earth. Come.

The battle was already inevitable, but just when Shane was about to start, Bai Ye raised his right hand..."Hey...!!"

With a sharp sound of breaking the air, from Bai Ye's right hand, six rays of light of different colors suddenly scattered, forming a huge mask in an instant that enveloped the entire New York City.

This is Bai Ye, in order to prevent the battle between the two from destroying the earth, so some preparations have been made in advance. Under the protection of the power equivalent to the infinite original stone, as long as it is not a deliberate attack, just the aftermath is not enough to destroy the earth.

Seeing this scene, Sean said disdainfully: "Do you care so much about this backward and disgusting planet, or is it just because this is your home?"

In the eyes of the strong, the word home is just a joke. Let me ask, which of those who are really strong is not wandering in the universe? Home is a very abstract concept. It's just a sustenance on their own minds, but the strong do not need these..., because as long as they want, any place can become their own territory..." It seems that the extinction It is true that Ba has not educated you well.

But it doesn't matter, today I will teach you the truth of being a human being, but first I have to tell you what the consequences of breaking into other people's homes will be."

Bai Ye looked indifferent, even if he said these words, there was no fluctuation in his tone.

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