On the other hand, when Sean heard Bai Ye's words, he, who was already very resentful of Thanos, became angry, and saw him stretch out his left hand, and then said with great resentment: "Although I don't know how you did it. Yes, but you have used that... the same power as the Infinity Stone to protect this world, what are you going to use to fight against me with the power of the phoenix?"

Sean's face was hideous, and at this time he could not wait to swallow Bai Ye's life.

"Hehe, stupid guy, I think there is something wrong with the information you got, who told you that the power of the Infinity Stone is all mine."

Bai Ye was very puzzled, but when his words were falling, those who heard his words suddenly fell into contemplation. Yes, Bai Ye has always been fighting with the power of the infinite original stone.

Over time, it turned out that the power of the white night was produced by everyone, but it was the same power as the Infinity Stones.

But in fact, Bai Ye is a magician himself, and he is far more than the ancient one, and it can even be said to be more than eternity.

No one has ever been fortunate enough to witness multiverse-level magic, because it is already beyond the norm.

At this moment, as Bai Ye's body began to have a dark red "mist"

Ascension, the power that Bai Ye has never shown before others finally revealed its brilliance... If the power of the phoenix is ​​the existence that can kill everything, then Chaos Magic is the existence that can modify all reality.

In fact, strictly speaking, the strength between the two is not so well defined, but the only thing that is certain is that no matter...

What kind of power, only in the hands of the strong can it exert its power beyond everything.

This is like if Wanda fights Sain alone, the loser will definitely be Wanda, and this is not because Chaos Magic is not good, but Wanda itself is not as good as Sain.

But right now the person who uses Chaos Magic is Bai Ye. He is proficient in all kinds of magic. After obtaining Chaos Magic, he is even more powerful. The war is about to break out, and the final showdown is finally here... Lu

Chapter 260

The power of the Phoenix Force represents almost total destruction, while Chaos Magic has the obvious ability to alter reality and affect the universe.

In fact, strictly speaking, these two powers are contradictory, but in fact it is not the case. As mentioned above, the powerful power itself depends on who is using it, and now it is clear that Sain and Bai Ye are not the same on grade.

The scorching beam of light even burned the space into a huge black hole, but as soon as the black hole appeared, a huge magic circle suddenly enveloped the entire city, and then the reality was modified.... ..Sion suddenly realized that no matter how he attacked, he would not be able to hurt Bai Ye at all, but fortunately, because of the characteristics of the power of the phoenix, at least Sion showed no sign of defeat at the moment.

"So strong."

This was the sigh of Captain America in the distance. Compared with the scene in front of him, he suddenly felt that the battles he had experienced at the beginning...

The strength of the two could no longer be described in words, and Captain America even began to doubt that if the white night hadn't arrived in time, would he and the others have watched the other side destroy everything before dying in the endless flames.

It's not that Captain America is negativity, it's the real reality that lays in front of him..."It's impossible."

On the other hand, Shane was also extremely shocked by the power of Bai Ye.

He originally thought that the reason why Bai Ye was strong was because he had obtained the kind of power similar to the Infinity Stone.

In fact, it's not that Shane didn't pay attention to the wireless rough at first, but he found that even the infinite rough itself is not invulnerable.

On the contrary, the power of the phoenix is ​​different. If we don't talk about other things, just in terms of destructive power, the power of the phoenix power is definitely much stronger than the infinite original stone.

But in front of him, Bai Ye broke Sein's understanding of the power of the phoenix. Under the various magics in Bai Ye's hands, Sein's power of the phoenix did not show the side it should have...

And it was at this time that Bai Ye said, "You don't understand where there is absolute power in this universe. Only with your own strength can you support a more powerful force."

"Obviously, the power of the phoenix is ​​wasted for you. This power that can kill everything is like a toy in your hands. Not only have you not used the power it should have, on the contrary, in order to protect you , it's limited too much."

Bai Ye's words were like bone-chilling coldness, and he stabbed him fiercely in Sain's already deformed heart, so Sain was completely angry, and he fell into madness... Watching him say a few words by himself He was completely irritated, and the corners of Bai Ye's mouth also showed a smile. Everything was under his control. After all, Sean was still too young... Bai Ye's numbers at this time are not many, but, over the years, Every battle he fights is against people who want to be at the same level, and he never loses.

Zhan Planet Devourer, Zhan Eternal, Zhan Thanos with infinite gloves, Zhan Qi 7 has a single universe-level god.

All kinds of achievements brought huge values ​​to Bai Ye. Although he used some power in deducing the Soul Gem later, Bai Ye still had plenty of power in his hands.

[-] billion, this is all the value that Bai Ye currently has.

Although it looked like a lot, at the time, you had to know that even if you were just deducing a treasure at the level of infinite rough stones, it was calculated at hundreds of thousands per second.

At this time, Bai Ye was performing a second deduction under the circumstance that the original Phoenix power had been calculated, and even Bai Ye himself was not sure whether his value was enough.

"The host is determined to start the calculation. The result of the current calculation is that if calculation is required, it will consume more than one million values ​​per second."

"And this is not the upper limit. As the completion of the deduction process is higher, the required values ​​will increase accordingly."

It was rare for the system to say so much, and Bai Ye's brows couldn't help but jump when he heard the system's words.

This is no longer a question of cheating, it is simply robbing people.

[-] billion sounds like a lot, but it can be deduced that the power of the phoenix starts at [-] million per second, and it is still not capped. I am afraid that even [-] billion is not enough... "Yes."

In the end, Bai Ye gritted his teeth and said.

The importance of the power of the phoenix is ​​self-evident. In fact, when I think about it now, the reason why he was able to deduce Chaos Magic so smoothly at the beginning is probably not unrelated to his proficient in magic. Thinking about it, I might have been able to completely control Chaos Magic without deduction.

However, it was already too late, and with the determination of Bai Ye, the values ​​he possessed were also being consumed like crazy.

On the other side, seeing that Bai Ye dared to be distracted in the process of fighting with him, Shane felt insulted, so he became even more angry... Seeing that he was almost completely lost in front of him Reasonable Sain, Bai Ye is also very speechless. This guy doesn't know if he grew up on dynamite, why it exploded at a moment and the battle is still going on. The hot phoenix force is trying to burn everything, but in fact it is not even a stone. It didn't melt away.

The disparity between the strengths of the two sides was too great, and Bai Ye was teasing Sai En as if he was teasing a child.

If it wasn't for the complete acquisition of the terrifying power of the Phoenix Force, Bai Ye would have killed the ignorant guy Sein long ago.

However, as the time between the two sides is getting longer and longer, Stark, who originally thought that Bai Ye would be able to win quickly, also had a very powerful idea of ​​​​Sean.

Of course, the fact that Sain is very powerful here does not refer to himself, but that he can play so well in the battle with Bai Ye.

As the ceiling of Steck and others' perception of strength, it is inseparable from the white night battle. This is not just a word to describe it, okay?

But when they started to worry about Bai Ye, Bai Ye was also stunned... The value is gone, and the more than three billion values ​​were completely exhausted in such a short period of time. Now, this makes Bai Ye more than a pain in the flesh, it is a heartache that touches the soul.

So Bai Ye also broke out. When Sain, who originally thought that Bai Ye was nothing more than this, shot a beam of light at Bai Ye, Bai Ye made a move that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

I saw Bai Ye resisted Sion's attack, and then he walked in front of Sion, ignoring Sion's onslaught step by step...

Chapter 261 Observer 【For automatic subscription】


The crisp sound made everyone completely unaware of what happened, and the two people who were still inseparable in the fight turned out to be there: suddenly the change in the style of painting began.

At this time, Bai Ye was like an adult beating a baby. After another crisp sound, Sain, who had been beaten up, immediately reflected.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Sean was completely mad, but when he was about to fight back against Bai Ye, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand and pinched his neck.

This is so similar to the scene where Sion was pinching Qin Grey just now, but this time the object of the pinched neck became the mighty Sean.

"You're useless, so go to hell."

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent. He was really motivated to kill. First, it came from Shane's vain attempt to destroy the earth. Second, it was very simple. So many values ​​had been consumed, but the power of the phoenix still could not be deduced. , it is impossible for anyone to be angry. However, when Bai Ye was about to kill, the protective shield that was originally used by Bai Ye to protect the earth from being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two suddenly distorted. .

And it was at this time that Bai Ye decisively threw Sean to the ground, and then he instantly appeared beside Diana and Wanda... "It's a very good response, worthy of defeating The existence of beholders."

With a dark cloak and a hoarse voice, the person who suddenly appeared seemed to be deliberately hiding his identity, but when Bai Ye saw him, he already understood who he was.

"annihilation isn't it"

"Why, since you've already come, why do you have to cover up?"

The power in Bai Ye's body is surging frantically, and even Bai Ye has to be vigilant about... being able to defeat the eternal annihilation.

This is an enemy that is different from the past. As the strongest person among the five gods today, Annihilation has the qualification to make Bai Ye vigilant.

"Hehe, this cloak is not aimed at you, it's just a tool that I don't want to be discovered by another existence for the time being, but don't worry, I won't be able to use it soon, but before that, Can this guy let me take it away first?"

Annihilation's voice was obviously disguised, and from his words, Bai Ye learned that Annihilation was not without scruples at this time, and Bai Ye also knew that Annihilation was estimated to be the Court of Life.

Yes, Annihilation is very strong, he is even so powerful that he can ignore 3% of the cosmos creatures, and it is conservatively estimated that the powerhouses that have appeared so far can make Annihiti's powerhouses no more than three at most [-].

Bai Ye can count the first one, and Life Court can count the second 2, as for the third one, I am afraid that even the annihilation himself does not know.

Annihilation walked very decisively, because he had already noticed that Bai Ye was beginning to mobilize energy to surround him. Annihilation was very clear that if he didn't leave at this time, if he wanted to leave again, he really had to come up with Bai Ye. A hearty battle.

However, it is clear that Annihilation has no interest in fighting against Bai Ye for the time being.

Annihilation's departure was not unexpected for Bai Ye, but just when Bai Ye was about to pursue him, three huge guys fell from the sky and smashed to the ground.

Just when Annihilation was still there, Bai Ye had already gathered the power of the Infinite Original Stone and was about to leave him behind, but Annihilation noticed it in advance.

Heavenly God Group, this race created by Eternal has hindered Bai Ye for the second time. If it hadn't been learned from Eternal that they were annihilated and manipulated, then after this incident, Bai Ye would not mind letting them completely exterminate their clan. .

These three 3-day god groups are destroyers, and they are ordered to destroy everything on the earth, even the earth itself.

And obviously, facing the three 3-day gods, whether it is the Avengers or the police, none of them will be the opponents of the gods, so Bai Ye has to stay, and he has lost the best opportunity to pursue and destroy... .. The powerful rays seem to destroy everything, but at this time, I saw Bai Ye folded his hands together, and then a huge magic circle completely covered the entire sky over New York City.

With the crash of three beams of light, the three destroyers of the three-day god group were killed by one blow... "It's a pity."

This is Bai Ye's sigh after killing the Tianshen group in seconds. He didn't go after Annihilation anymore, because Bai Ye knew very well that it was impossible for him to catch up with Annihilation at this time.

On the other side, on the moon, the arrival of the celestial group has also shocked another powerful race... Observers, long before the formation of this universe, they already have a year ahead of other life forms. The level of technology, of course, is not the point, the point is that the observer and the god group are inherently at odds.

Observers believe that their knowledge and power belong to the universe, and they believe in not interfering with the evolution of the universe. Therefore, as the name suggests, observers have been watching the changes of the universe as a bystander for a long time.

But the gods group is not the case, they like to interfere with everything in the universe, for example, they will impart knowledge to the races they like, but in the same way, they will also destroy the races they don't like.

The observer and the god group are two different extremes, so it is destined that there will be irreconcilable conflicts between them.

However, in fact, the war between the two tribes has been fought for hundreds of millions of years, regardless of...

Whether it's the observer or the god group, both have their own victories and defeats in the battle over the past [-] million years.

So this also leads to another result, that is, if one party finds the other party, then they will destroy the other party at all costs... Turn the sight back to the earth, because the timely return of the white night , Sain was defeated. Although Bai Ye was unable to kill Sain because of the annihilation, the earth finally lifted the crisis.

As for the three 3-day god groups, Bai Ye didn't even take them as a dish, but when Bai Ye killed the god group in seconds, he had already left Sien in annihilation without knowing how far away from the earth was. .

Annihilation didn't have any conversation with Sion. He seemed to have done a very easy thing. After taking Sion away from the earth, he threw him here.

Looking at the disappearance of Annihilation, Sean felt that his self-esteem was insulted again. The other party left without saying anything. Is he looking down on himself? Lu

Chapter 262 The Call of the Ancient One

In just one day, Shane suffered two blows, which was undoubtedly more painful for him, who was somewhat psychologically distorted.

So Shane went mad, and he started frantically trying to find the whereabouts of Annihilation. In his words, he planned to be a godslayer.

And at the same time, those... The gods who had not been annihilated actually found Sain on their own initiative, and then a war broke out between the two sides... in a whole universe It is full of blood and rain, and many innocent planets have been affected and destroyed because of this.

On the other side, on the earth, he also began to worry about the future of the earth, because he had roamed the long river of time just now, and Bai Ye suddenly discovered that in the future, the earth seems to be a sweet pastry.

Countless races are trying to occupy the earth, including some extremely powerful beings. The powerhouses of the single universe level and the powerhouses of the multiverse have frequently appeared on the earth.

And this is obviously not good news. After all, for the earth, the consequences of the arrival of so many strong men are naturally very bad, and the earth can't bear the impact of the battle of the... level of strong men.

"what's wrong"

Diana slowly walked to Bai Ye's side and said softly.

She was naturally very happy about Bai Ye's return, but after seeing the frown on Bai Ye's forehead, she asked worriedly.

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