"It's nothing, it's just a small matter, let's go, let's go home, this time I won't leave the earth for a short time."

Bai Ye smiled, but for some unknown reason, when Diana saw Bai Ye's smile, her heart fell instantly. That kind of unparalleled sense of security made her face even more charming. .

On the other side, in the depths of the universe, a monster full of tiny bugs also cast its gaze in the direction of the earth, and it felt that there was an observer there.

In fact, there is a very strange phenomenon in the universe, that is, any planet that has the attention of observers, without exception, will become the key invasion target of other races.

Maybe it's because they believe that a planet with an observer's attention represents infinite potential, anyway...this has been verified countless times.

For a time, the news that the earth was being followed by observers spread like wildfire, and some hooligans in the universe immediately began to collect information about the earth.

This is a business, and before those big shots have taken action, they will plunder it again and then say it again.

......Hawaii, the romantic harbor, the villa in Baiye has already become one of the most famous scenery here, even if most people don't know who this luxurious looking villa is, but This does not prevent them from making a special trip.. come here to take pictures.

At the same time, after Bai Ye used the power to completely restore the entire New York City, he himself returned to this building that he "built" himself.

in the villa.

"You're sure you don't care...

Is she?"

Wanda had a playful smile on her face, as did Diana, who was beside her.

"Don't make trouble, I have you now. As for Qin Ge Lei, I really don't have any bad thoughts about her."

Bai Ye had a headache, because just after he recovered New York City, the old guy Charles made a pretentious proposition to let Qin Grey follow him, saying that he wanted him to teach her how to use the power of the phoenix.

Is this old guy crazy or is it that he feels that his relationship with him is so good that he is not familiar with him at all, just know him.

Bai Ye refused on the spot, although Charles didn't say much at that time, but Bai Ye knew very well that the old bald head was completely unwilling to give up, and Qin Ge Lei would come to him at some point.

And it is precisely because of this that Bai Ye has been laughed at by Wanda and Diana for two days.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, we don't know how to read minds. Who knows what you think. Besides, Qin Ge Lei is really beautiful. You didn't see that... What is it called Wolverine? Are both Cyclops and Cyclops pursuing her?"

Wanda's temperament is more evasive: in normal times, she also likes to play with Bai Ye, so Bai Ye is not surprised by what she said.

However, when Bai Ye planned to "clean up"

When I asked Wanda to let her know who has the final say in this family, Gu Yi's voice suddenly sounded in Bai Ye's heart... "Bai Ye, do you have time? Martaj, let's go."

Gu Yi spoke very anxiously, as if something great had happened, and after Bai Ye heard her words, he didn't delay.

"Did something happen?"

Wanda originally wanted to play with Bai Ye, but when she saw that Bai Ye's face was wrong, she immediately became serious and asked.

"Well, the teacher asked me to visit Kama Taj, presumably because of troubles from other dimensions."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had come to the temple of Kama Taj, and at this time, Doctor Strange was already here.

"Mr. White Night."

Doctor Strange said respectfully to Bai Ye.

If Doctor Strange is more grateful to Gu Yi, then he is really in awe of Bai Ye.

Strange has made great progress over the years, but it is precisely because of this that he has a more intuitive understanding of how powerful Bai Ye is.

That was no longer a level he could reach, and he didn't even dare to covet him. To put it bluntly, Bai Ye was already a true living legend.

"Well, what about the teacher?"

Bai Ye is also very fond of Doctor Strange. Strange has a good sense of justice, and the most rare thing is that he doesn't imitate the American team. This guy behaves in Bai Ye's style, right? His own people are informal, but they are unscrupulous towards the enemy. With such a guardian of the earth, Bai Ye is very relieved.

"The teacher is inside, but she seems to have something to do. She even took the time gem, but I don't know exactly what it is."

Doctor Strange shook his head.

However, just when he finished speaking, Gu Yi's figure also appeared in front of the two of them, and she looked serious and said, "Bai Ye, you must already know what will happen in the future."

Gu Yi is a qualified self-esteem mage, she doesn't learn Bai Ye, Bai Ye is to keep herself from being bored, so he rarely takes the initiative to watch the future...

Chapter 263 Crisis

Strictly speaking, Bai Ye is rather lazy, just because he is too lazy to look at the future in order not to be bored, this kind of thing must be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

But Bai Ye did just that. For him, knowing every variable in the future was a very boring thing. Because he knew it in advance, the future was no longer attractive to him. Seeds are rarely done at night.

"Well, I know a little bit, but it's only recently. As for the further future, I haven't seen it."

Bai Ye didn't hide it, but when his words just fell, Doctor Strange on the side also showed a strange look. As the guardian of the original time stone, he will often watch to see if there will be enemies in the future.

This kind of thing has become the norm for Doctor Strange, but he never thought that Bai Ye would not care about the future at all.

This is a very unreasonable thing for a person who can see the future in advance. After all, who can really resist this kind of power that can spy on everything? Others, just because he is Bai Ye.

"You, you are still too lazy, and I don't know if it's because you should be burdened to make you feel better."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gu Yi didn't have the slightest doubt, Gu Yi was very clear about his disciple, he didn't bother to lie, and he didn't need to lie.

"Hehe, you know my temperament. Except for the things that I am curious about, I have no interest in the rest. The teacher should just say it directly. You asked me to find out. why"

Bai Ye said bluntly.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gu Yi also became serious and said, "I think you already know about the existence of the observer. You should also understand what his existence means."

"Simply put, now the earth is being watched by other people, and not only from our universe, but also from the powerhouses of other universes."

No one can tell how many parallel universes there are in Marvel's world. I am afraid that even the omniscient and almighty court of life will know this.

Just as Bai Ye broke the barriers of the world and brought back Diana, other parallel universes also have such existences that can break the barriers of the world and come to the world of Bai Ye.

Although such people are rare, they are not absent.

"It's not that it's just an observer. Even if the earth will be coveted because of him, it won't attract the existence of other parallel universes!"

Doctor Strange is very puzzled. As the guardian of the original time stone, he naturally knows many things that ordinary people don't know, and this includes the existence of observers.

"Not because of him."

No wait: After Doctor Strange finished speaking, Gu Yi turned his head to look at Ye Ye, and continued, "It's because of you..."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Bai Ye was also wrinkled. He really hadn't seen the far future, so he didn't quite know what was going on here.

"Bai Ye, they are targeting you"

Gu Yi emphasized again and again.

"Oh, if that's the case, it would be very interesting."

Bai Ye is not a fool, he has already heard what Gu Yi wants to express. According to Gu Yi's meaning, that is, a group of guys who think they are extraordinary will come to earth to find their own troubles in the future, or to put it more simply Yes, they want to get some benefits from themselves, just like eternity, but the relationship between eternity and themselves is more harmonious.

"If that's the case, then the teacher can't worry about it, then I'll go first."

Looking at the back of Bai Ye's departure, Gu Yi's face is full of worry... Parallel universe, although it sounds a bit esoteric, but if it is explained in Bai Ye's words, then it is nothing more than a multiverse. Just performance.

In theory, a multiverse is a collection of infinite or finite possible universes, including everything that exists and may exist.

To put it simply, it is like the world in a mirror. No one can guarantee that there is another world in the mirror. It is a multiverse-level existence. Bai Ye knows this kind of thing in detail. Worry, that's just because she's not at the level of the multiverse.

However, Bai Ye still needs some vigilance against enemies from other universes, because if he wants to break the barriers of the five universes, he has to reach the multiverse level at the lowest level, and people of this level are undoubtedly very terrifying.

"Will countless multiverse-level powerhouses come to trouble themselves?"

Bai Ye went from Xinhui to the beach in Hawaii, he waded on the soft sand, and then his eyes looked at the starry sky.

"Does that mean that I will have countless values ​​in the future?"

Bai Ye thinks like this... The sky is full of stars, and there are occasional clouds passing by, which is to decorate the sky as picturesque. Of course, it would be better if this bald head didn't come out to disturb his own interest at this time. .

"If you don't have a topic that interests me, then you might have to pay a price for leaving today."

Bai Ye has never claimed to be a saint, and he also has a temper. For example, now, if Charles really can't say anything he is interested in, then Bai Ye doesn't mind letting him go back to school naked.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Charles also smiled bitterly, and then said: "We are leaving."

"Magneto has waged war again, and I must rush back immediately."

Bai Ye could hear that Charles was very angry at this time, because he didn't even call Magneto's name, which is a rare thing to know.

"Well, that's pretty good news."

Bai Ye sat up and nodded.

I don't know if the good news he said refers to the professor and others leaving, or whether Magneto started a war.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I still hope you can accept Qin, she will be a very good disciple, the power of the phoenix is ​​very strong, I think even you can't deny this, if possible, I hope you teach her how to Use this mighty power."

It's still an old conversation, but maybe it's because Magneto has made a lot of noise. Charles didn't even wait: Bai Ye opened his mouth, and he planned to set off.

Looking at Qin Gelei who was standing like a good girl, Bai Ye also stood up and said, "I won't teach you that sentence, but I will send you to a place if you are really worthy of my teaching. , let's talk about it then."


Chapter 264 Awakening in the White Night

With a wave of Bai Ye's hand, Qin Ge Lei's figure also disappeared in place, and seeing this scene, Charles' face also showed a smile.

Although Bai Ye still didn't agree, but at least he didn't reject it outright.

"Mr. Bai Ye, are you interested in going to see my old friend with me? I believe that if you take action, this will all be over soon."

Perhaps because he was in a good mood, Charles also began to drift, and at this moment, Bai Ye rolled his eyes at him, and then walked towards his villa without turning his head.

On the other hand, Charles also returned to the plane again, and the people in the plane at this time also showed disappointment when they saw that he was the only one back.

"Professor, did he refuse?"

The Beast looked at Charles and asked.

Although he already had the answer, if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would still be a little unwilling.

"Well, what I said just now was too much. The one who didn't take action against me is already his kindness. I shouldn't have asked for too much, but fortunately he didn't directly reject Qin this time. He must have been there. , Qin's safety should be guaranteed because of it."

Charles has never been a selfish person, and this is the only thing White Night thinks about him, besides, if not, why would he be loved by so many mutants? To put it bluntly, Charles is... a A good man, he will give his all for others, and it is precisely because of this that countless mutants will recognize him as an elder.

On the other side, something happened here in Bai Ye. He originally left the earth because his strength was stagnant, and in order to seek an opportunity to break Wu and Tu, Bai Ye entered the universe.

But at this moment, Bai Ye suddenly discovered that his strength had begun to increase at an alarming speed... "This is"

Feeling the constant flow of power in the body, Bai Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Makalu is the fifth highest peak in the world and one of the least visited places in the world today.

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