It is no better than Mount Everest. The fifth position in the world makes everyone less interested in it. Instead of climbing it, it is better to go to Mount Everest to gain both fame and fortune.

At this time, on the top of the snow-capped mountain, a beach shorts that people only wear in midsummer appeared here.

That's right, this person is Bai Ye, and he came directly from the moment he felt that the power in his body was constantly rising.

The peak of Makalu Peak is very quiet, and there is not even a sound of wind at this time, and the world seems to be only white night.

The power of the power of the phoenix, this is the reason why Bai Ye's power is constantly rising at this time. Of course, this is not because the system has deduced the power of the phoenix, but Bai Ye is in the process of fighting against Sain, who possesses the power of the phoenix. His body actually recorded this powerful power pose autonomously.

After understanding all this, Bai Ye also muttered: "This is a bit interesting."

In fact, strictly speaking, the reason why Bai Ye is today is more because of the existence of a system, which can analyze and deduce and allow Bai Ye to evolve the same power.

Although it consumes a lot of value, but in general, this is a sky-defying.

Bai Ye has always believed that with the help of the system, he will one day become an existence beyond everything.

And what's the situation now, Bai Ye's own body has some abilities that only the system has, which is very abnormal, at least Bai Ye thinks so.

"System, don't come out and explain"

On the top of the empty mountain, the sound of the white night is constantly echoing.

However, after a long time, in Bai Ye's mind, the system's hesitant voice came through... "This has nothing to do with this system. If you insist on explaining it, you can only say that the host itself is a genius. already."

"The system can deduce all the powers in the universe and trace the origin, but this is premised. First, the host must be in contact with this power system to be able to deduce it. Otherwise, the system cannot deduce any power out of thin air."

"And given the current host's situation, the only explanation is... maybe the host has acquired some superpowers"

It was the first time that he had heard such uncertain words from the system since he traveled through the white night, but this could also be reflected from the side. What happened to him was indeed unrelated to the system.

"Heh, that's kind of interesting."

Bai Ye paid attention to it, no matter what...

It doesn't matter if it is a mutant or an inhuman, and even he has a deep understanding of how the magician obtains power.

In the end, Bai Ye concluded that the rules of the universe are different, so even mortals can awaken overnight, such as mutants, in fact, they are... the best example.

Right now, Bai Ye also seems to have awakened, but this does not mean that he has acquired any superpower, because he himself is already a multiverse existence. The awakening here means that his self has changed.

To put it simply, it is that the white night itself has evolved again... In the Marvel universe, above the multiverse is the realm of omniscience and omnipotence, and the person who has reached this realm determined by the white night is the court of life. Just one person.

As for the others, including the five gods, their strongest people, including Annihilation, are only at the level of the multiverse.

Perhaps in terms of strength, the strength mentioned here refers to combat power. In terms of strength, some of them may be stronger, but if they can't know and do everything like a court of life, then he is nothing but a multiverse. level only.

Omniscience and omnipotence is a realm, a realm second only to the transcended one.

And right now, Bai Ye's combat power has finally reached or even surpassed the level of omniscience and omnipotence. Perhaps this is contradictory, but it is actually the case, which can no longer be explained in words.

Meanwhile, in the universe, on a planet that is burning and on the verge of collapse, a man is sitting there, without parents and the same year, Adam Warlock is on the verge of a contradiction, in immaturity Under his thoughts, he made a horrible event that the person who created him could not imagine, he destroyed himself

Chapter 265 The Battle of the Mutants 【For automatic subscription】

There are two legends circulating in the universe today. One is that Emperor Sain destroyed many god groups in order to find the annihilation of one of the five gods. A big boss has spoken out. The other of the five gods, Eternal is also there. Find Sean.

Of course, this has nothing to do with ordinary people, after all, Sain's target is the people of the god group, but another legend is different.

A man named Devil Adam slaughtered several galaxies. It is rumored that he was provoked by an overlord-level existence in that galaxy, so Devil Adam slaughtered the entire galaxy.

This legend is now spreading in the universe, and even the white night far away on the earth has received information.

In the legend, the magician Adam is extremely powerful, and his temperament is very strange, so many people are afraid to meet him, after all, this kind of uncertain existence is a very big hidden danger in itself.

On the other hand, the earth today is also not very peaceful. Magneto has formed a mutant organization called the Brotherhood, whose purpose seems to be to destroy the police first, and then rule the entire earth.

I have to say that Magneto's heart is indeed a bit big, and of course, he is indeed very capable. Under his leadership, the Brotherhood is almost like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger.

Los Angeles, if there are any cities in the United States that are the most well-known on earth, then Los Angeles can definitely be ranked in the top five. It has the best film factory in the world, and many well-known blockbusters are from this Hollywood. Filmed at the place.

But those...are just movies after all, and where can there be the excitement of the current scene. Four-handed people are running wildly on the outer walls of dozens of stories high buildings, he seems to be Like Spider-Man, the speed really surprised Bai Ye.

Oh, by the way, although Bai Ye didn't agree to Charles' shot, how could he miss such a good show? So at this time in the villa in Hawaii, Bai Ye hugged the two girls from left to right, and in front of him was the one from Los Angeles. Live footage of the battle.

"Is this really good"

If Bai Ye is to evaluate Diana's shortcomings, then Bai Ye thinks that her only sense of justice is too overwhelming.

Seeing this kind of thing, Diana always wants to stop it, so Bai Ye has told her many times, but every time she will say the same thing.

"There's nothing wrong, it's better to be sparse. Mutants are often looked at in the same way. Ordinary people don't like them, they regard them as freaks, so living in such an environment, no matter who they are, they can't bear it. of."

"Fight, let them fight, don't break, don't stand, after venting, they will be honest."

Bai Ye said calmly.

Although this level of battle is very scary to ordinary people, to Bai Ye, they are like a group of children playing a house, and they can't get into Bai Ye's eyes at all.

On the other hand, the battle between the Brotherhood and the Men's Police has also heated up. I have to say, I don't know how Magneto stabbed these mutants. Their abilities are varied. Going out dozens of meters and so on, these... are simply too many oddities.

Logan was very upset. The reason why Magneto chose Los Angeles as the target of his attack was not... for no purpose. After investigation by the police, a very special mutant was being held in a prison in this city.

He can make all mutants' abilities disappear within a certain range, and it is precisely because of this that the high-level officials of the American Empire intend to study his abilities to achieve the purpose of eliminating all mutants' abilities.

The battle is impossible.... to stop, Magneto's goal is to save the mutant, his idea is very simple, but it is also very effective, that is... kill him.

Of course, killing the mutant is just the beginning. Magneto's purpose is far more than that. In the same way, before killing the mutant, Magneto intends to reverse his abilities. Simply put, it is Magneto. I intend to make all the people of the world mutants.

In his view, and only in this way, mutants will not be discriminated against.

The battle was fierce, and the fireman who left the police had grown to a very strong level at this time, perhaps because the arrival of the white night disrupted the timeline.

Originally this was just the existence of a third-level mutant, but at this time there was a faint sign of growing towards an Omega-level mutant.

The scorching flames were constantly rolling in his hands, and he who could only control the flames but couldn't generate the flames, was now able to generate the flames out of thin air.

And as his old friend and rival, when Fireman was about to attack Logan, Iceman also appeared in front of him... "Stop John, this is not the real you, stop. "

Iceman's whole body is covered with a layer of light blue ice, making him look like it was carved out of ice.

Hearing his words, Burning Man's mouth also showed a disdainful smile, and said, "Robert? You said this is not the real me, then do you know what the real me is like?"

As the fire man's words just fell, the ice man was about to speak, but... at this moment, the fire man suddenly launched an attack on him... The red flame turned blue, and its The temperature also increased several times in an instant.

"Let me tell you, I am the real me at this time, and the coward you knew before, I am undoubtedly stronger now."

"Wake up Robert, there is no future with that guy Charles, join us, and let all the people in this world become like us, only then will the world truly usher in peace."

Fireman has gone crazy, but now his strength is indeed strong to a heart-pounding level, at least as far as the current Iceman is concerned, he is no longer the opponent of Fireman.


It's a terrible thing that mutants have no limits. Today, they are like beasts unshackled. Everyone is using their abilities unscrupulously. They destroy everything that appears in front of them. .

In the villa in Hawaii, Bai Ye was still watching the live broadcast of Los Angeles like a movie, while Diana, who was beside him, tried to speak several times but didn't say it.

"Don't worry, there won't be any big mistakes. Today's battle will bring a lot of benefits to the earth in the future. Believe me, don't shoot, and don't do other unnecessary things."

Bai Ye patted Diana's head gently and said... Lu

Chapter 266 Slut Deadpool 【For automatic subscription】

The battle between the two sides went on for a full day and there was no winner or loser, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the police are clearly at a disadvantage.

At this time, they had retreated to the periphery of the prison, and with the help of the prison's fortifications and the soldiers inside, everyone temporarily stabilized the situation.

However, this is not a long-term solution. If it goes on like this, it will be a matter of time before the prison is breached, so Charles urgently called the police in the field, hoping that they can come back to help as soon as possible.

In a certain city in Florida, under the neon lights, there are all kinds of drunken fans. After a hard day, countless people come here to seek spiritual relaxation.

Under the dazzling ballroom lights, densely packed people are holding a bottle of beer and frantically releasing their inner gloom, while in the center of the stage, where a sexy girl was supposed to be dancing pole dancing, a man covered in dirty clothes. The guy in the jacket is also trying his best to make a seductive pose.

But these... If it's a very tempting pose for a sexy girl, it's extremely hot eyes for this guy.

At the scene for a while, there were constant boos, but this guy's psychological quality seemed to be good and couldn't be better, he was still dancing "pole dance" with hot eyes on his own.

Beside him, a man who also looked decadent also said... "I beg you, Wade, don't you dance, okay? I have spit out all the wine I drank tonight. , If you continue, I might vomit out of my stomach."

This decadent man seemed quite uncomfortable at this time, he had already confirmed and confirmed that he would never come to such a place with Wade again next time.

Say goodbye to sexy babes and say good night of fun "Hey!"

"You just broke my heart when you say that

Wade said with a dissatisfied face, of course, if he could show his face at this time.

However, just as Wade's words fell, the decadent man was about to speak, and a tall man with colorful rays of light all over his body walked in front of the two of them... "Hi! Wade."

Dr. Steel looked at Wade and said hello.

"Wow, my God, look who this is, isn't this our dance star? Look at your colorful light, are you here to steal my limelight?"

Wade pretended to be surprised.

To be honest, if it weren't for the critical situation, Dr. Steel would never have come to find Deadpool. Logan also once said that Wade is a near-perfect fighter.

Mention is to sew up his mouth.

"Hey! Dance star, are you looking for me for something?"

Wade gave up the steel pipe and came to Steelers to use his body as the "steel pipe"

In various poses.

The black queen can guarantee that if she wants to find Deadpool in such a place next time, she will definitely not come. The scene in front of her is just his fucking eyes, she doesn't understand, in such a large public, this guy will not come. Is it really shameless? Obviously, if you want to be shameless with the black queen, then you must be thinking too much. This guy is simply the kind of shameless and skinless.

"Wade, we need you."

Before Dr. Gang's words were finished, Dead Servant on the side said directly: "My God, what are you going to do to me, you must know, I am a delicate flower, I can't stand your toss, look at you strong body."

"Of course, if you can pay me a lot of money for the night, maybe I can think about it."

"Oh! My God, I can't do it anymore, I'm going back to my bar. Let's talk slowly, the two of you."

As a good friend of Deadpool, he vomited because of the pole dance of Deadpool, and he finally couldn't bear this exciting topic.

Hearing Deadpool's words, he had already filled his mind with a lot of images that were not suitable for children. He felt that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely be unable to bear those... Excited to death because of the pictures.

Seeing that his good friend actually left, Deadpool also shouted loudly, while trying to find him directly.

But at this moment, Dr. Gang grabbed Deadpool and said, "Wade, stop joking, it's really an emergency, we really need your help."

Hearing Dr. Gang's words, Deadpool glanced at the serious-looking Dr. Gang, and then he also said after being silent for a while: "Well, as long as you can dance like a real dance star, then I will agree. you."

Tonight is really an unforgettable day, a reminder of the strong "Iron Man"

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