Dancing wildly and blushing hot on the dance floor.

And when he finished a dance, he seemed to have discovered something, and it was unforgettable for everyone, that kind of...heart-piercing mourning could come from such a "strong man"

out of the mouth.

Wade was stunned, he didn't expect that Dr. Gang would actually dare to dance that kind of... dance, God, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Wade knew very well what the consequences would be when Dr. Steel realized that he lied to him, so he ran away when Dr. Steel's dance was about to end...Hawaii, the passionate sun just Rising from one end of the sea, Bai Ye woke up slowly in the gentle village of the two women. Today is another pleasant weather.

"Bang bang bang!"

It was a knock on the door, and Bai Ye frowned upon hearing it.

This is his territory, without his permission, the other party can't even knock on this door.

Unless the other party is not an ordinary person, otherwise, all this is impossible.


"Mr. Bai Ye, are you at home? Your best friend is here to see you, aren't you going to invite me in?"

It was supposed to be a witty remark, but it was said in a very vile tone, Bai Ye would bet that there would never be more than three people in this world who could do this kind of thing 3.

"Sorry sir, he damaged my communication system for a short time, so I didn't inform you in time."

Ao Chuang said with some annoyance.

As the most advanced artificial intelligence on the planet today, it shouldn't have made such a simple mistake.

But forget it, the guy outside the door is not an ordinary person. If it was someone else, he would definitely not be able to do it, not even Stark, but it was him... Hehe, Bai Ye believes that he can do anything. out.

Chapter 267 The arrival of Ant-Man 【For automatic subscription】

In the wide and bright hall, after Wanda made a cup of the best Oriental mysterious drink and served it to the two of them, she went back to the room wisely.

The emotional intelligence is very high, which is also Wanda's favorite place for Bai Ye, she is like a close-fitting clothing that is warm in winter and cool in summer, and can always meet any of your needs at any time.

Looking at this cheap guy in front of him, Bai Ye decided that if he couldn't come up with an excuse to satisfy him, then he would definitely let him try to play tricks on what would happen to him.

If there is any perpetual motion machine in this world, then Bai Ye will definitely think it is... Deadpool's mouth.

Yes, this guy's mouth has never been idle, and constantly beeping every moment has become Bai Ye's deepest impression of him. Of course, there is one more thing to add, that is, this guy is not an ordinary scumbag. die.

"Then what, can Mr. Bai Ye do me a little favor?"

Deadpool is also divided into people. Maybe if he dares to talk about Dr. Gang and others, then in the face of Bai Ye, no matter how much he thinks about talking about it, he has to pay attention.


Bai Ye said simply and clearly.

At the same time, he picked up the tea and took a sip.

"Then what, Mr. Bai Ye, you see that you have two beautiful beauties, but I am miserable. I don't even know where my horse is now."

Deadpool said while wiping tears.

"and then"

asked the night.

"Mr. Bai Ye, can you take me to find her? I know that you are a capable person, so finding someone should be nothing to you."

Deadpool seemed very excited at this time. He knew very well that if Bai Ye really agreed to take action, then he would definitely be able to find him. Thinking that he could meet the person he was thinking about day and night, Deadpool couldn't wait to look at him. white night.

"Hehe, Wade, you are very good, you dare to play on my head, you are sure that death is your son"

After listening to the words of death, Bai Ye is also very happy. This bastard thinks he is a fool to die... The existence of the level is that Bai Ye can find it if he wants to find it. Bai Ye is too lazy to talk nonsense with Dead Servant. In his opinion, Dead Servant is a The skin is itchy, and he doesn't mind loosening the skin for Deadpool.

Today's Bai Ye has a lot of abilities, equivalent to the power of the Infinity Stone, all kinds of magic, and even the power of the phoenix, he knows a little...,......

So there are millions of ways to clean up an immortal bastard, Bai Ye.

The sound is transmitted through the air. If Bai Ye completely freezes this space, then the cheap Deadpool will naturally not be able to speak anymore.

Time has no meaning for Bai Ye, and he can naturally change the flow of time when he controls time.

It only took a second to the outside world, but it seems like a long year has passed for the servant, and it is still a hundred years that can't be talked about... As a member of the Avengers, Scott Lang doesn't really care much about the Avengers in normal times, and this is the result of Nick Fury's indulgence.

Of course, it's not that Nick Fury has a shady relationship with Scott Lang, it's just that Scott Lang is involved in a different field, and he has other... heavy responsibilities.

The quantum realm is actually another name for the parallel universe. When Scott Lang enters the quantum universe, he can cross the time line and reach any time point he wants to go.

Of course, it is not easy to do this, even Dr. Hank Pym behind Scott Lang cannot fully control the quantum realm.

So they can only go back to the past, and if they want to go to the future, they can't do it with their current abilities.

Looking at the huge energy in front of him, Scott Lang was curious but also full of shock, but when he was about to reach out to touch the other person, he was suddenly hit back to reality by a vast force.

In Dr. Pym's laboratory, looking at Scott Lang, who was in a cold sweat, Evangeline Lily also hurried to his side and asked, "Scott, are you alright?"

"It's okay, help me up, I have something important to go out for."

The quantum realm is a very magical world, and it is impossible for ordinary people to travel back to the past.

And today this was just an experiment. Seeing Scott staggering towards the door, Pym and the others thought it was an accident.

Scott had been gone for two days, and when he reappeared, he had come to Hawaii.

God knows how painful Deadpool is at this time, not being able to speak is more uncomfortable for him than killing him.

However, at this time, he couldn't even open his mouth to beg for mercy, because he couldn't make any sound at all. As for the mouth shape, how could he be able to do the other side of the mouth shape covered by the mask, Bai Ye was not bored enough to watch it here. Deadpool, if you don't surf in Hawaii, you're for nothing.

At this time, Bai Ye, with two women galloping across the sea, has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone, handsome men and beautiful women, such a combination does not matter...

It is very eye-catching anywhere.

After playing for a day, Bai Ye also returned home, but just as they had just entered the door not long ago, the doorbell suddenly rang outside the door.

"Sir, a man named Scott is looking for you. He is a member of the Avengers, codenamed Ant-Man."

This time, Ultron's voice rang in Bai Ye's mind in advance, and when he heard his words, Bai Ye nodded and said, "Let him come in."

Perhaps it was because the way he opened the door was not right, looking at the man in front of him who had been dismantled into pieces without any trace of blood, and the white night sitting next to him watching all this with a play-like attitude, Scott. Suddenly I felt that I had come to the wrong place.

"sit down."

Bai Ye pointed to the sofa beside him and said.


As Scott sat down:, after thinking about it, he opened his mouth several times but didn't know what to say.

"Don't be nervous, this guy isn't dead, it's just a little punishment he deserves."

Bai Ye smiled, and then saw that he waved his hand at will, and Deadpool's body was spliced ​​together again, and Bai Ye also lifted the restriction that he could not speak.

"Oh my God!!, the place just now is... hell, but Mr. Bai Ye, if you think this will make me lose my mind, then you are wrong, I think I will make you understand that I am a Yonglu

Chapter 268 The Power of the Phoenix 【For automatic subscription】

Ant-Man has gained a lot of knowledge today. In normal times, he has already made the people around him dislike it, but now it seems that his skills are far from home.

On the other hand, Bai Ye found that nothing has ever been so bad as before. If a woman's mouth is five hundred ducks, then there is no doubt that Deadpool alone can hold ten ten women, while Ant-Man is worse. Some, but he can also top eight 10s.

Listening to the two people's unobstructed squirting, Bai Ye even had the urge to kill these two guys directly. Don't doubt, Bai Ye can definitely do this.

"I'll give you a minute. If you can't tell me the news I'm interested in within a minute, then please leave. Of course, you can also try not to leave, but in that case you will be at your own risk."

Bai Ye rubbed his temples, he never thought that two men could spray each other with so many tricks.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the two of them also shut up wisely. If it was someone else, the two might not pay attention to it, but if it was Bai Ye, then the two would have to weigh it.

"Well, I found a very strange energy body, it has the power to destroy the world, and it is worth mentioning that he can also deceive people."

There is time for the mouth gun, and the most urgent task now is to ask Bai Ye to take action to solve the thing, because Ant-Man can feel that the danger of the thing is not more than ordinary.

"Haha, is that your grandma's dentures? I don't think there is anything else in this world except... this thing can deceive people."

Deadpool was still as ill-fated as always, but before Ant-Man could retaliate, Bai Ye said directly, "Let's go."

Bai Ye's words were very sudden, and Ant-Man didn't respond for a while.

"Where to go"

Ant-Man asked in confusion.

"Where else can we go, of course, to see what you said... what energy is."

It can destroy the world and deceive people's hearts. If Bai Ye didn't guess wrong, there are not too many such things in the universe, and because of the recent Sain incident, Bai Ye has reason to believe that this thing is probably the power of the phoenix. .

Yes, there is still a second power of the phoenix on the earth, which Bai Ye did not expect.

As the two left, Deadpool also chased after him curiously, and he wanted to continue to let Bai Ye take him to find Death, and maybe Dr. Steel was looking for him everywhere now.

It took almost two days for Ant-Man to come to Hawaii from Washington, and now looking at the familiar buildings in front of him, Ant-Man wanted to speak several times but didn't know where to start.

"where is that thing"

The power of the phoenix is ​​a multiverse-level power, and because of this, Bai Ye can't perceive its existence before seeing it.


Ant-Man was stunned for a moment, then said, "Follow first."

Following the lead of Ant-Man, the two of them also entered a building, that is, at this time, in the place where the two were just now, Deadpool actually walked out from the first-to-space biography.

This is the power from the electric lock, a special equipment that can travel in time and space.

Today's universe is a prosperous age where talents are born in large numbers. Stark's kind... The genius who invented the battle armor that can shawl with the gods is not to mention, and the old man in front of Bai Ye at this time is really something that has to be said. exist.

Dr. Pym, that's what Ant-Man calls him, and that's why he created the Pym particle and made the Ant-Man suit.

But it is precisely because of this that Dr. Pym at this time is being targeted by many people. There is no doubt that the Ant-Man suit is extremely powerful.

This can be seen from the fact that it can easily make this guy Lang from an ordinary person to a superhero......,......


Looking at the white night in front of him, Dr. Pym also responded with vigilance, after all, this is a special moment.

"Don't be nervous, Doctor, this is Mr. Bai Ye, the existence I mentioned to you before, I have something to do with him this time.

Ask him for help."

Seeing Dr. Pym's appearance, Lang explained immediately.

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