But at this time, Bai Ye frowned slightly, and then in the outside world, countless tear gas bombs were also projected into the building. At this time, someone came to ask for trouble... The other party was rushing Dr. Pym and others came here, and Dr. Pym is very clear about this, but because Bai Ye came at an untimely time, seeing that Dr. Pym began to prepare to fight back, Bai Ye also shot...different The difference in life levels is huge. These... are deadly weapons for... ordinary people, but have no effect on... Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't even need to do anything, he could easily kill these intruders just by extending his conscious senses.

The intruders didn't even understand how they died, they fell to the ground and lost their life completely, and it was at this time that Bai Ye said... "Let's go, those guys have already solved."

Ant-Man was ready to fight, but Bai Ye's sudden words made them all stunned in place, and at this time, Bai Ye gently stretched out his right hand and squeezed, and then a man the size of a wasp. It also appeared between his two fingers.

"Wow, wow, Mr. Bai Ye, please be merciful, this is my companion."

See clearly the "people" in Bai Ye's hands

Lang also spoke hastily.

"Nonsense, otherwise you think she's still alive"

Bai Ye gave a white glance, and then directly held the "person" in his hand.

Put it on the table, and at this time, this person who is only the size of a wasp suddenly became bigger... Wasp, the daughter of Dr. Pym, is also a member of the superheroes. , Don't look at her as a woman, if it's true, her fighting power is no less than Lang.

"Oh my God!!, what happened here is hell here too"

Just when Bai Ye was about to let Ant-Man set off quickly, the outside world, Dead Servant, also walked in cautiously step by step.

"Why are you here?"

Ant-Man said a little unhappily.

As a sprayer, sometimes it is not a sympathy to be with the same kind.

"Okay, he's coming, let's go. Hurry up."

Bai Ye said lightly, the power of the phoenix is ​​a very special existence, if it is late, Bai Ye is afraid that something will happen here.

"Wait a minute, I'm ready to start the machine."

Ant-Man also knew that this was no joke, but when he was about to explain it all to Dr. Pym, Bai Ye spoke up...

Chapter 269 Elements Invasion 【For automatic subscription】

"No need, you can just tell me the time point, and I will take you there directly."

Bai Ye didn't want to waste time, but when he finished speaking, there was a riot in the outside world again, and there were countless screams under the huge roar.

And after hearing these............, Bai Ye frowned first, and then he also came directly outside... The huge water giant kept smashing everything around him. , and this is not the end, a giant condensed from earth and stone, a monster condensed from flames, and a strange wind constantly flying in the air.

These guys are unscrupulously destroying everything around them, and as their target, a guy who is constantly moving flexibly in various buildings also appeared in the sight of several people... "Wow, that guy I am You know, his name is Spider-Man, isn't he?"

Deadpool seemed very excited at this time, as if he was dancing with his idol.

"These guys..."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes. As a multiverse-level existence, he could feel that these four 44 guys formed from various elements are not from this universe. That is to say, what Gu Yi was worried about at the beginning finally happened. .

The news that observers are watching the earth has spread, so today the earth has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many powerful beings in the universe.

And this is just one of the points. With such a level of attention, the existence of other dimensional planes will also notice the earth, and even other parallel universes.

...The Elements, a powerful being from another parallel universe, these guys destroyed the earth in their universe, and now they come to the world where Bai Ye is... "Go and help."

Bai Ye said lightly, the power of the phoenix is ​​very important, but the elements cannot ignore it either.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ant-Man also instantly shrank to the size of only ants, and the Wasp also flew over and took his hand, and the two left like this.

"Mr. Bai Ye, where do you think I'm waiting for him to sign the autograph for me? Oh my god!!, I really didn't choose the color of my clothes, but fortunately, the underwear I'm wearing today is white. ."

While talking, Dead Servant ran out directly. Soon, several people joined the battle group... "Aren't you going?"

Beside Bai Ye, Dr. Pym looked at Bai Ye with a puzzled expression. As one of the few smart people in the world today, he knew very well that Bai Ye was definitely a powerful monster.

"Not for now, I have to wait for another guy."

Bai Ye smiled and said.

The elements are very strong, they represent the four basic elements of wind, earth, fire, and water, but it is precisely because of this that when the four 44 of them gather their power together, they give birth to a more powerful force. .

Spider-Man, Ant-Man and others are caught in a hard battle. Facing this kind of enemy who is not very afraid of physical attacks, everyone has no good solution.

But fortunately, they are still smart, and they know how to use the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of attributes to deal with the crowd of elements.

The fierce battle of several people caused the surrounding buildings to collapse continuously, and seeing that the city center area, the capital of the American Empire, was in crisis, Bai Ye's phone also rang.

Bai Ye didn't even have to answer the phone, he knew that the call must have come from the top of the American Empire. These wastes usually don't do anything good. As long as they encounter a crisis, they will always be the first to call and ask for their own help.

Bai Ye didn't answer their call, because at this time, with a green mist falling from the sky, Bai Ye knew that the person he was waiting for was coming... Mysterio, whose real name is Quentin Baker, was originally from another parallel universe. A Hollywood special effects artist doesn't have any superpowers.

But he is very good at using high technology to create a real fantasy, and he also created a chemical gas that can make people hallucinate, and coupled with robots and drones, this product really does it. Unpredictable.

At this time, the person Bai Ye was waiting for was him, because he had already peeped into the future and knew that if these guys could not be dealt with at one time, they would bring more trouble in the future.

With the appearance of Mysterio, when Pym reacted, Bai Ye had disappeared without a trace... On the other hand, the people who were very passive because the elemental crowd did not eat physical attacks, because The addition of Mysterio is more passive.

There were even several times when they were almost hit by the opponent's attack. If it wasn't for Deadpool, it was interesting enough. If they used their own body as a shield to deal with the opponent's attack several times, Spider-Man and Ant-Man would have been long ago. hit hard.

However, being beaten blindly is not... a long-term strategy, as the elements once again gathered their attacks together and planned to give everyone a fatal attack, with a flash of red light, those around... ....The building that had collapsed was restored to its original state..."This is"

The water element looked puzzled at the buildings that had been restored to their original state and made an unbelievable sound.

However, just when the other elements were suspicious of what happened, Bai Ye slowly floated over from the sky... "I am the Supreme Mage of the Earth, between extreme actions, I am It is hereby declared that you are all guilty."

Bai Ye was suspended in the air, with a huge magic circle behind him, and it was precisely because of the existence of this magic circle that the surrounding space seemed to be completely blocked.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the Elementalists and the Mysterious Guest also looked at each other, and then they turned out to be shameless and launched a sudden attack on Bai Ye.

The attack formed by the condensed four elements was like a dream under the cover of Mysterio. If it were an ordinary person, then he would definitely be confused and defeated by the attack in front of him.

But who is Bai Ye, don't forget that he is beyond the earth and even the existence of life forms in the universe.

One blow, just one blow to smash the magic, the attack of the elements was completely smashed... Everyone deserves to be someone who has experienced countless battles, when they see their attack being solved by Bai Ye. After that, several people turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

On Earth in their original universe, they destroyed everything, including the superheroes in that universe.

But at this time, they have absolutely no desire to fight with Bai Ye. They are very clear that Bai Ye is not an existence they can deal with... Lu

Chapter 270 Marvel Three Mouth Cannon 【For automatic subscription】

The few people escaped without hesitation. Originally, they relied on their own special means, not to mention winning each other, but there was definitely no problem in escaping.

The water element jumped into the river, the earth element escaped like the earth, and the fire element was led by the wind element. It completely disappeared in place after releasing a burst of green gas.

Seeing that everyone fled in a blink of an eye, Spider-Man and the others also looked at Bai Ye with dismayed faces... "I haven't seen Parker for a long time."

Bai Ye didn't seem to care about the escape of the elements, but said to Spider-Man.

"Why are you here, Mr. Bai Ye?"

Peter Parker came to Bai Ye's side with a look of excitement, and when he was about to speak again, Bai Ye said first: "I'll talk about this later, I'll solve it first...  ..foreign guys first."

How strong is Bai Ye, the people present here don't have any intuitive understanding until Bai Ye stretches out his right hand... If there is a god in this world, it must be... the one in front of me... The water element that jumped into the water appeared in front of Bai Ye again, and unlike the giant form he showed at the beginning, the water element at this time was only the size of an ordinary person.

In the same way, the earth element is also caught by Bai Ye from the earth, and the same is true for the wind element and the fire element.

Seeing these.... Just now, the existence that was so invincible was actually here: In the blink of an eye, it was easily played by Bai Ye, and after the applause, everyone finally understood their relationship with Bai Ye. The gap is more than a universe apart.

"We were wrong, please forgive us."

The water element let out a shrill scream. Originally, they relied on physical attacks to be ineffective against them, so they almost didn't think about the opponent's attack during the battle.

In fact, it also proved that they were right, they easily defeated the earth where they were originally, and successfully destroyed it.

People thought they didn't care...

When they will be invincible wherever they go, reality gives them a slap in the face.

Bai Ye is a magician, a master of secret arts, and the strongest supreme mage on earth today. For this, even Gu Yi, who is his teacher, is far inferior.

It's just to deal with a few elemental people. If it wasn't for the fact that the Mysterious Guest didn't dare to show up because he appeared too early, Bai Ye could even completely eliminate these ignorant guys with a single thought.

As the four people 4 felt that the power of the elements in their bodies was constantly passing, they finally felt panic, but everything was too late at this time... The value of more than two million, this is Bai Ye's solution A part of the harvest, earth, fire, water, wind, is the basic element that constitutes the universe.

Through the system, Bai Ye has successfully obtained them. At this time, Bai Ye can feel that his strength has increased again... "Come out, I think you should understand that it is impossible to hide your tricks. past me."

Bai Ye glanced at the building on the side, where the mysterious guest disappeared just now. At this time, the mirror on the wall of the building reflected the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

And as Bai Ye's words fell, the wall that was as usual was also distorted. It turned out that the mysterious guest did not escape, but used high-tech special effects to disguise himself on the spot..." Unexpectedly There is such a thing as you in this world."

Mystery said with some helplessness.

He is very clear that he can't escape, and the means he has are fine if he can deal with other people, but to deal with the person in front of him..., hehe... In the end, Bai Ye still did not let the mysterious guest go, as an intruder , then he has to be killed, and Bai Ye insists on this point, because he knows very well that if everyone who can't be killed is afraid, then the earth will never usher in peace.

The Elements are just a small episode for... Bai Ye, this kind of guy who can't even reach the Heavenly Father is not in Bai Ye's eyes at all.

If it weren't for their attributes, they would still be useful to Bai Ye, then Bai Ye wouldn't even bother to pay for it.

Looking back at the building, Dr. Pym was very curious about how Bai Ye did it. As for how to enter the quantum realm, Dr. Pym is undoubtedly the most influential person among normal humans on earth today.

But even so, he couldn't imagine how Bai Ye would enter the quantum realm without passing through special machines and special equipment.

"Is the node of time correct?"

Bai Ye glanced at the Ant-Man beside him and said.

This guy can't find the original time node because of the immature device.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's special method to extract particles of different time nodes from his body, that day would know whether he could find the node where the power of the phoenix is ​​located again.

"Are you sure, let's go now?"

It is not the first time that Ant-Man has entered the quantum field, but it is the first time that he has learned this way without any equipment.

"That's it, let's go."

As Bai Ye's words fell, their figures also disappeared in place, and Dr. Pym, who witnessed all this from the side, suddenly seemed to have opened the door to a new world... Time [-] Two years after Loki invaded a month, but the location was not in the US Emperor, looking at the familiar fonts around, Bai Ye did not expect that he would return to his homeland once again in the Marvel universe.

Magic Capital, the economic center of the mysterious power in the East, but it is worth mentioning that the US imperialists have been suffering from foreign invasions over the years, but this mysterious power in the East is relatively much better.

Of course, this is not because the existences in the universe do not invade here, but this country has always been guarded by mysterious and powerful forces.

However, just when Bai Ye planned to carefully examine the difference between the eastern kingdom in the Marvel universe and the kingdom in the world he originally lived in, a burst of screams and riots disturbed Bai Ye's original mood.

The Phoenix Force is powerful and mysterious, and its existence is almost unique to all Marvel universes.

However, Bai Ye was late again, and the power of the phoenix was once again taken advantage of by others, but this time was different from that of Sai En, this time it was okay, the other party was still there: in a state of fusion, everything was not hopeless.

Shangqi, a superhero who was supposed to guard this land, but because of the power of the phoenix, the darkness in his heart was infinitely magnified...

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