Chapter 271 Crisis in the sky 【Seeking automatic subscription】


The power of the phoenix represents the emotions and a part of the will of the universe, and because of this, the power of the phoenix that is divided into unknown numbers is different.

But one thing is certain, that is, the power of the phoenix will be released to a certain extent because of anger.

At this time, Shangqi is typical, he has completely fallen and gone crazy, but when he was about to attack Bai Ye, Bai Ye also made a decisive move.

One blow, just one blow, the body of Shang Qi completely disappeared in this universe.

No matter how strong he is, he is only a mortal after all. Facing the existence of a multiverse like Bai Ye, he simply cannot have the slightest chance of winning.

However, when Bai Ye solved Shang Qi and planned to obtain the Phoenix Power, the Phoenix Power itself also sensed the crisis.

As an existence that is also a multiverse, the power of the Phoenix has long been beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and at this time, Bai Ye said to Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Dead Servant who came with him: "You stand back first. Bar."

When they saw Bai Ye, they showed a serious look, and the people who had seen Bai Ye's mighty people didn't have the slightest hypocrisy. In their opinion, if even Bai Ye couldn't solve it, then they were useless.

The hot flame seemed to burn the end of the universe, and Bai Ye's hands also formed a mysterious handprint, and a huge orange magic circle illuminated the sky, but just when he was about to start, the mutation happened again. ......The stars are dotted on the blue body, as if: his body is composed of the universe.

This person was Bai Ye's first encounter, but when Bai Ye saw the other person, Bai Ye's inner vigilance reached a very high level.

This man is dangerous, this is Bai Ye's first sense of him.

"How many... epochs, I'm finally back."

There was obvious excitement under the hoarse voice. There was no obvious irrelevance on his face, but at the most central position there was something as deep as a black hole, instead of the nose.

As for the place where the eyes are, there is a brilliance, on the contrary, there are things like eyes on both sides of his head.

Of course, this is just Bai Ye's way of looking at him with the aesthetics of ordinary people. Maybe these... Bai Ye's eyes and noses are not what he thinks. "Oh"

"Is it even possible to be a powerhouse of this level here, boy, who are you?"

Weird creature coldly 'watches'

Said the night.

"Hehe, I should be the one asking you, right, who are you, what are you doing here?"

To be honest, the white night at this time also seemed a little bit, and this was the first time I felt a sense of crisis at this level since my rebirth.

At this time, he is completely ready to fight, maybe he has a good fight with this unknown guy in front of him, and Bai Ye can break through the omnipotence and omnipotence. "monster"

He also seemed to see Bai Ye's restless fighting intent.

"Do you want to do something to me? You're such an arrogant guy."

"Remember, my name is Cang Qiong, and this will be the name of the person who killed you."

The monster said softly.

"Qingqiong? Well, I remember it, and my name is Bai Ye. Of course, you don't have to remember it. After all, dead people don't need to remember anything."

Bai Ye said lightly.

But don't look at his lightheartedness, in fact, Bai Ye has seen everything in the sky clearly from the river of time and space.

Cang Qiong, to be precise, he should be called the first Qiong Qiong. Don't look at this thing on the surface, it looks like it only has the strength of a single universe, but in fact this thing is really strong.

It's hard for you to imagine that the multiverse-level guy like Eternity is separated from him. Yes, he is the starting point of this universe, but because he is too lonely, he has created a lot of playthings that he considers himself to be. , but in the eyes of others it is a divine thing.

The Dark God and his subordinates are one of them, and not only that, these... The Dark God regards him as a god, and after obtaining his permission, these... ......Dark gods created other beings.

However, it turns out that there will be disputes where there are people. For some reason, the First Firmament regards the creation of the dark gods as madness and blasphemy.

As a result, there was an irreversible friction between the two sides, and it was precisely because of this that those... created by the dark gods activated a most powerful weapon they created, killing them. God... God Eater's power is extremely terrifying, it tore apart the universe almost instantly, and at this time, the first firmament that had endured all the attacks was a little too much.

So he separated from Eternity and got rid of the attack of God Eater, and because of this, the multiverse was born... The things here are very complicated, and it is not clear in a few words. , but one thing is certain, that is, the sky is really strong.

Looking at Bai Ye, who showed no signs of weakness, starlight began to flow in the sky, and then when he was about to attack Bai Ye, Bai Ye made his move first... The orange magic circle suddenly turned The sky is pulled into the mirror world, and the smashing magic that can smash everything is also crushed towards the sky in multiple ways as if it does not need money.

A shot is a deadly attack, which shows how vigilant Bai Ye is to the sky. "Boom!"

Because it was in the mirror world, Bai Ye didn't deliberately care about everything around him, so when his attack hit the sky, the surrounding earth suddenly turned upside down.

Bai Ye's attack is extremely terrifying, it is already a powerful force that can directly tear the universe, but even so, Bai Ye does not mean to relax at all.

"that's all"

As the hoarse voice sounded, as Bai Ye thought, the sky is indeed not an easy existence.

However, as the dust and smoke disappeared, the sky appeared in front of Bai Ye again, and the corners of Bai Ye's mouth rose slightly as he looked at the stars that flowed like a river on his body.

To be honest, the most difficult thing for Bai Ye now is to obtain the value, because with the continuous improvement of his strength, there are very few opponents in today's universe that he can see.

Apart from the five gods, perhaps only those with some special cosmic power can attract Bai Ye's attention, and in front of him, facing the sky that suddenly appeared, Bai Ye was very excited... Lu

Chapter 272 White Night vs Sky

"you are happy"

The sky "sees"

asked in the night.

"Maybe, but don't let me down, First Firmament, it sounds very powerful, but you really don't let me down."

The heights are so cold, you can never imagine how happy Bai Ye is to find someone who can rival him.

A powerful force is brewing, and Bai Ye has already planned to have a hearty battle. Perhaps this will be the most enjoyable battle after fighting the Infinite Gloves Thanos. You must know that even Sien didn't give it to him at the beginning. Such a feeling in the night.

The world in the quantum realm is actually the world in the parallel universe. If it hadn't been born in the white night, then according to the original time line, Ant-Man should have brought everyone to this parallel universe to obtain the infinite original stone, which is It is said that the world is real.

The battle between the two almost destroyed everything, but fortunately, in the world of vision, the two of them were allowed to fight so fiercely. As long as they failed to break the mirror world, they would never be able to hurt reality.

Sky's ability is very strange, every time his attack is accompanied by a ray that can disintegrate everything.

At this time, he seems to be playing the role of God, but whatever he thinks will become reality.

Mountains, seas, stars... When the sky raises its hands and feet, all kinds of behemoths will fall from the sky and smash into the white night.

The mountains are going to crush Bai Ye, the sea is going to drown Bai Ye, and the stars are going to smash him into powder, but in the face of these attacks, Bai Ye's expression has not changed a bit from the beginning to the end.

When the sky throws a mountain, Bai Ye can completely smash it by raising his hand. When the sky calls the sea, Bai Ye evaporates it in an instant. As for the stars called by the sky, they are destroyed by Bai Ye at the moment when they are about to fall. turned into a 1 sugar.

Watching Bai Ye change the reality while peeling the candy and swallowing it, the sky also understands that the person in front of him may not be easy to handle.

"Is it only that much?"

The same words, but this time they came out of Bai Ye's mouth.

Listening to the familiar but ironic words, the sky also stood silently in place.

After a long time, I heard Cang Qiong say: "How many times... since the epoch, you are still the first person I find troublesome, although I don't know how this star gave birth to your existence, but I decided, I'm going to destroy it today, and at the same time I'll let you know what blasphemy can do for you..."

"Boom rumble..."

The sky is angry, as the origin of the universe, he has always promised himself to be a god, and there is no doubt that Bai Ye is just a blasphemer in his eyes at this time.

A terrifying and majestic power was brewing, and as time passed, the entire mirror space turned out to be a little unstable.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Ye also squinted his eyes. He knew very well that the next battle was probably only in the mirror space and could not be resisted.

"call out...!!"

This is the sound of six different colors of light piercing the sky. Since Bai Ye has determined that the mirror space cannot withstand the opponent's attack, he can change it.

The six different colors of light represent the power equivalent to the infinite original stone, and Bai Ye used them as a cage to completely imprison this world.

Bai Ye has decided that he wants to kill the sky here, because he knows what harm he will bring to the world if he lets the sky leave.

And at this time, the attack brewing in the sky is finally ready... "It's a very unique power, if I can't be sure that it's not her, I would even think that you have something to do with her. already."

The sky said indifferently.

At this time, he was like a high-ranking god talking to his followers, that kind of... a tone of overriding everything, that kind of... despising everything... "Qiang...!"

It was like the sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed, but it was caused by the attack of the sky directly annihilating the space it had drawn.

This is the terror of the sky, his attack was to directly tear apart the cage that Bai Ye had blocked with the power equivalent to the infinite original stone.

A dark red light flashed by, and a huge and boundless magic circle appeared in the sky.

When the sky was brewing an attack, Bai Ye was not idle. As a magician, the more time he was given, the stronger the attack he could make.


Bai Ye said calmly.

And as his words fell, the magic circle in the sky that was so huge that it seemed to cover a higher sky suddenly changed.

Under the huge magic circle, an equally huge magic circle also appeared suddenly, but this is not the end, with the constant changes of Bai Ye's hands, the magic circle above the sky is also increasing.

Layer by layer, and with the increase of the magic circle, its volume gradually became smaller and smaller, until finally, it even reached the size of only one building.

"From the sky, the chaos!"

As the words in Bai Ye's mouth fell, the countless magic circles suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying energy, and at this time, the attack of the sky also arrived... "Bang!"



With a few loud noises, the entire mirror world suddenly cracked, and the dust and smoke flew away. When they fell, the mirror world had completely changed... At this time, there were no buildings around at all. Trace, even if Bai Ye had blocked this place with the power equivalent to the infinite original stone, in fact, it still failed to completely stop all this.


Look at the "shards" that fall around like broken glass

Bai Ye knew that sight magic had reached its limit.

This level of attack is no longer within the range that it can withstand, even if it has a power blessing equivalent to the infinite original stone.

Bai Ye frowned, he knew very well that if the mirror world was completely shattered, the two of them would return to the real world, but if that was the case, the two of them would attack again and the earth would endure all this. .

Obviously, the earth cannot withstand this level of attack, so before the mirror world completely collapses, Bai Ye has to do something.

Xuan Ao's handprints are flying in Bai Ye's hands again, and at the same time, the chaotic magic on Bai Ye's body is already ready to move...

Chapter 273 Just a man who wants to die

In order not to let this world be destroyed because of the battle between the two of them, Bai Ye had to take the other side away.

As I said before, each world has its own unique iron rules. Strictly speaking, both of them are playing away from home, oh, no, because only Bai Ye is playing away. After all, he is the first In a firmament, the entire multiverse was born on the basis of him.

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