"you are angry"

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, and Bai Ye's talent in combat was far stronger than Gu Yi expected.

After this period of battle, Bai Ye gradually gained the upper hand from the original battle mode of back and forth between the two sides.

He feels that he has seen through the sky, and the only question now is... what kind of method should be used to completely solve this big trouble.

Of course, what Bai Ye wanted most was to kill the sky, but now it seems that this is a little unrealistic. As the origin of the universe, killing the opponent is not an easy task.

" Blasphemer, you will definitely pay the price. I will let you know that the gods do not look at the existence of resistance."

The sky has already lost its sense, and at this moment, there is actually a crimson light gradually appearing on his body.

The power of the phoenix, this guy actually used the phoenix, or he has admitted that he can't help Bai Ye without the help of external force.


Seeing this familiar and unfamiliar power again, Bai Ye's mouth also had an inexplicable smile... "It is said that the power of the phoenix is ​​the will of the universe, and you are the first firmament, this power of the phoenix has something to do with you. Does it matter?"

After many "touches"

When it comes to the power of the phoenix, it can be said that Bai Ye can't be more clear about it. This is a very powerful but also very strange power.

Its composition is very complex, to the extent that it is difficult to deduce and simulate even a white night system, which is very rare, at least the white night has never encountered such a situation before.

As strong as the infinite original stone, Bai Ye has successfully completed the deduction after spending a huge amount of value, but the power of the phoenix is ​​different. While Bai Ye has spent a huge amount of value, he has not yet obtained the full power of the phoenix.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the star-filled face in the sky turned out to be filled with anger. Yes, although he did not have human-like facial features, Bai Ye did feel the anger of the other party.

"Looks like I've mentioned something that shouldn't be mentioned."

After Bai Ye said his hands were folded, the dark red magic circle appeared again from between his hands, and the battle between the two sides started again, and at the same time, Sain also entered the earth's atmosphere..." hum!"

This is the roaring sound of objects rubbing against the atmosphere after entering the atmosphere rapidly, looking at the "objects" that are as red as meteors and approaching rapidly in the distance

Carol's body also flashed a colorful light.

"According to the plan."

Captain America's voice sounded from the bluetooth headset Carol was wearing, even if she was stronger than her, she felt a little powerless when facing Sean.


Colorful light and red "meteor"

They collided fiercely, and the powerful shock wave blew the surrounding clouds away in an instant.

"It's you again"

Shane was very angry, but the anger was more because he desperately wanted to find Bai Ye and tear him apart.

"The earth is closed today. Where did you come from and you can go back to where?"

Stark is also flying in the air. The armor on his body is the latest weapon developed. It uses the desperate virus and adds the highest level of magic that he can control today.

To put it bluntly, if it was difficult for Stark to deal with a sub-celestial father at the beginning, then he can now compete with the existence of the heavenly father.

Don't look at the frequent appearance of multiverse-level bigwigs, but after all, they are few, at least the main enemies facing the earth today are mostly only the sub-heavenly father level.

Hearing Stark's words, Sean said disdainfully: "Ant, are you talking to me?"

Sean's eyes were very cold, as if he was looking at a group of dead people, but when he was about to use the power of the phoenix to directly obliterate everyone, Stark spoke again... "You should have heard us The stop is called the Avengers. You think we will let you leave so easily. Don't forget, you beat us badly last time, so we are here for revenge now."

Stark is conceited by nature. When he said these words, his expression of not taking Sean in his eyes at all was vividly reflected, and the psychology, the already dark Sean was also "stabbed" at once.

The softest place in my heart.

"Very good, then let me turn you into eternal sculptures one by one, rest assured, I will not kill you, I will imprison you by my side, and then watch how I rule this planet... ..."

Hearing Sean's words, Stark not only was not angry, but at this time his heart was secretly delighted, their goal achieved Lu

Chapter 276 The Avenger

Sean has always been in a distorted state because of the relationship between his upbringing environment and his psychology. He is eager to be noticed, and he is eager to control everything.

So this is the reason why Sain didn't kill Thanos, he wanted revenge.

Hearing Sein's words, the big stone in everyone's heart suddenly fell to the ground. As long as he has the heart to conquer the earth, the earth will be safe for the time being.

The next question is how the Avengers are going to hold back Sain. They believe that as long as Bai Ye can spare his hands, Sain will definitely not be Bai Ye's opponent.

On the other side, Eternal also appeared on Earth. He arrived almost at the same time as Sean. Looking at the isolated world in front of him, Eternal's expression suddenly became serious.

"Boom boom boom..."

Every attack of Sion will inevitably cause a landslide and tsunami-like movement, and the terrain has completely changed because of his attack.

But at this time, the Avengers couldn't care so much anymore, and they didn't even dare to be distracted in the face of Sean.

"Captain, if we try our best to bring the battlefield to the sky and continue like this, I'm afraid this place will completely become a wasteland."

Falcon looked at the surrounding magma that had begun to bubble out, and he was a little worried that it would not cause a chain reaction in other parts of the earth.

"I can't take care of that much anymore. At least it won't affect the civilians here. If the battlefield is brought to the sky, the scope of the impact will be wider."

Captain America said in a low voice while watching Sean carefully.

On the other side, as the battle continued, Sain also seemed to have discovered something, and only heard him say: "What about the other two women, you don't think you can defeat me with just the two of you?"

From the beginning to the present, the only people who have fought with Sain have been Stark and Carroll, but neither of them fought head-to-head with Sain, but chose to keep wandering to delay time.

"They're very busy and don't have time. To deal with you, the two of us are enough."

Stark said lightly.

Maybe he didn't notice that his expression was very similar to the white night... The Desperate Battle Armor is very powerful. It almost represents the highest technology on the earth today. Under the unparalleled attack power, it also has Not bad defense, and this can be seen from the fact that Stark stole a few attacks from Sion and was still unscathed.

Fighting has never been a child's play. As time passed, Sein became impatient, and at this time, he had sensed another powerful existence.

Eternity, one of the five gods of the universe, does nothing, just standing in place is enough to cause changes in the surroundings, eternity is the universe, the universe is eternity, and this god carefully observed the isolation hood arranged by the white night. Afterwards, he also planned to do it..." Are you planning to delay time? Sean is not a fool. From the beginning, he has noticed that Stark and Carol dodge more than attack. If at first They can still be considered tactical in doing so, and if he can't see any clues after such a long time, then he is not worthy of being the son of Thanos.

"Have you been seen through?"

Stark didn't say no, he was quietly suspended in the air, and Carol squinted his eyes.

"It's interesting. I can feel that two powerful forces are colliding on the earth at this time. If I guessed correctly, that guy named Bai Ye is fighting with other people."

The corner of Shane's mouth rose, he liked the feeling of controlling everything, it was very interesting, and now he really wanted to know who could actually fight against that... Bai Ye.

"Implementation plan."

In the earphone, Captain America's words also rang, and as his words fell, the Avengers also came out one after another around Shane.

At the beginning, the Avengers planned to use the high mobility of Stark and Carroll to drag Sion, and to do this, not only need to be fast, the most important thing is to be able to provoke Sean Anger, and only in this way, will he stay here honestly.

And in this regard, Stark is undoubtedly the best candidate. He also completed this task perfectly. The rest is... see how long it can be delayed, but from the current point of view, the effect is obviously not bad.

But it's a pity that Shane still sees through it after all, and the next thing is a tough battle.

"Is that so, delaying as much time as possible, you are making me a fool like a fool"

Seeing the Avengers walking out around him, Sein's face turned hideous. Obviously, everyone touched his scales... "Hey hey hey, he seems to be angry"

Iron Patriot Rhodes had a bad premonition. The last time Sion was angry, they were beaten to death, and now Sion is angry again, can he and others resist his anger? "If you get angry, get angry, do your best, and the rest can only be hoped that Mr. Bai Ye will solve it first."

Captain America stared at Sean and said.

At this time, all they can do is do their best... The battle begins again, but this time is different from just now, Diana appears in front of Shane almost instantly, and as she can The Vulcan sword that slashed from the subatomic slashed fiercely, and a scorching light erupted from Shane's body.

The earth was collapsing, and the sky had already been burned to a crimson red. Captain America, Falcon and the others fell to the ground helplessly, no matter how good their physical fitness was, they were only mortals after all.

At this time, the battlefield was still there: there were only three women and Hulk left to fight with Sion, but with the sudden appearance of the orange cube, Hulk was completely sealed.

Now there are only three girls left, while Sain on the other side is still unscathed... "History is always strikingly similar, and you three are trying to defeat me in vain"

Sean's tone was full of disdain, but he did have the capital.

Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Patriot, Iron Man, Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp, all of them have lost their combat effectiveness, and now there are only three women left. That's it.

"I think I can try it."

Wanda looked indifferent. Between her hands, the dark red chaos magic was already brewing, and on the other side, Diana held the Vulcan Sword in her hands again, and she was ready to fight.

As for the surprise captain Carol, at this time, her body also flashed an unprecedented colorful light...

Chapter 277 Determination

"Most people are always ignorant. They never know what God is, and they never understand that God can never be resisted."

"And you are the fools in my mouth, and as for me, it is God..."

It is no longer necessary to say how strong the power of the phoenix is, but at this time, under the full outburst of Sain, the faces of the three girls also changed drastically.

The earth can't withstand this level of attack. If Sein's blow is implemented, then the earth will be completely penetrated, and the trouble is not only that, the other avengers who can't afford to fall to the ground are also A big question, if the three girls don't care....

If you do, then I'm afraid there will be no Avengers from now on... "Retreat!"

Diana gritted her teeth.

In fact, if they continue to fight, although the three of them can't defeat Sien, at least they won't lose, and it will be stable to drag Sien for an hour or two.

But no matter now...

Whether it was for the Earth or for the Avengers, they had to retreat.

As Diana bound the crowd with the mantra lasso and retreated, the power of the phoenix that was still rising on Shane also slowly calmed down.

"I said that I would conquer this planet, but that would be after I fought against the head of White Night."

Sean is gone, not only the Avengers can use tactics. Obviously, Sean has seen that if he continues to fight, he may not be able to solve the three girls in a short time.

So he used the whole earth as a threat and successfully forced the three women to retreat.


Carol said angrily.

How could the three of them not know that they and others were fooled at this time, but in fact this was a naked conspiracy, and the three of them had no choice at all.

"The rest is up to him."

Wanda glanced in the direction of Bai Ye, but none of the three of them rushed over, because they knew very well that it was not a battlefield that they could be involved in.

On the other hand, Bai Ye and Eternity are fighting in full swing in the isolated world. It has to be said that this guy in the sky is really strong, while Bai Ye is because of his relationship on the earth, and he can't use his full firepower, because that's the case. It is very likely that the earth will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, under the conditions of this and the other, Bai Ye, who was originally stronger than the sky, only had the upper hand at this time.

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