However, to gain the upper hand is not to crush and fight, even Bai Ye cannot solve the opponent in a short period of time in such a situation.

"you are in a hurry"

He suddenly said after the sky trembled uncontrollably after a terrifying energy wave exploded on the ground.

"You are fighting for this backward star. You are afraid that the battle between you and me will destroy the planet, so you obviously limit yourself when you have stronger power."

"Although I don't want to admit it, you are one of the creatures I have ever encountered, but if you still have such concerns, then you are sure to lose today."

I don't know how many years the sky has survived, let alone strength, but he must have reached a very high level in terms of wisdom.

So he has seen what is good for him now, and he also intends to use this to expand his advantage.

"You are right, I do worry that the earth will be destroyed by the battle between you and me."

"But I think you're thinking something wrong. You think I'm going to be tied up for the earth until you kill me. If you think so, then I think you're very wrong."

"Even if you destroy the earth, I also have a way to restore it. Trust me, I can do it."

"And if it really reaches that point, I don't think you will want to see it. Faced with me who is completely unfettered, how much chance do you think you have to win?"

Speaking of this, Bai Ye's eyes also flashed fiercely. He really does not want to play with the time line at will, because when you are playing with time, time is also playing with you. Bai Ye is very clear about this. .

But as he said, he would not be pedantic enough to die for the earth, if the sky really dared to kill the earth, then Bai Ye didn't say anything big, he would indeed do everything to kill the sky.

As the light flashed by, Bai Ye directly put away the isolation hood that was originally used to isolate this world.

He had already had a showdown with the sky just now. As for what the sky will do next, Bai Ye has already predicted it.

However, at the same time as the isolation shield disappeared, outside, a person whom even Bai Ye never thought of suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


Bai Ye looked at Eternity suspended in the air, he did not expect Eternity to appear on Earth, but there is a saying that makes enemies blush when they meet, and this word is used to describe Eternity and the sky especially well.

Because when Eternal saw the sky, he directly released the dimensionality reduction attack... The dimensionality reduction attack, as the name suggests, first of all is to reduce the dimensionality, and use the three-dimensional 3 or higher dimensional attack to directly attack the two-dimensional attack in space.

And this type of attack is extremely terrifying. Normally, this is an attack method that higher-level beings use to obliterate the universe.

"My child, you are here too"

Looking at the eternal dimensionality reduction attack, the sky did not show the slightest worry or thought. At this time, he seemed very excited when he saw the eternal... "Damn."

Bai Ye cursed, and he was confident that he would never dare to use an attack that would affect the earth in the face of his own firmament, because if that was the case, it would definitely not be of any benefit to him.

But now with the appearance of eternity, things seem to be a little beyond Bai Ye's control.

However, when Bai Ye planned to take this opportunity to solve the sky first, a scorching ray pierced through the space, and Bai Ye had to spare his hands to deal with it.

"It's you"

Looking at Sain in front of him, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously, the appearance of Sain at this time increased the uncertainty, but in the same way, with the appearance of Sain, Bai Ye finally made up my mind.

For a long time, the earth has been invaded by alien civilizations, no matter...

It doesn't matter if it's Loki or the dark elves, even the existence of the tyrant has taken action on the earth.

So Bai Ye has been thinking about what causes these guys to be so unscrupulous. Is it not enough for the earth to have such a multiverse-level existence guardian? Later, Bai Ye thought clearly, maybe he was too "kind"

After he beheaded those invaders, there was no more text, probably because of this, these guys invaded the earth again and again.


Chapter 278 Breakthrough

Bai Ye turned around and stared at Sain coldly. He had already decided that this time he not only wanted to kill him, but also wiped everything behind him.

Bai Ye wants everyone in the universe to know what the consequences of invading the earth will be, maybe he should have done so long ago.

In an instant, the battle situation was divided into two sides, eternity against the sky, white night against Shane, and the four of them are the top beings in this universe, and they all have the power to easily destroy the universe.

The battle is about to break out, and the person who starts first is eternal. From this, it can be seen how much he fears the sky.

The dimensionality reduction attack is very terrifying, but Eternal finally remembers that this is the mother star of Baiye, so under his precise control, the terrifying dimensionality reduction attack hit the sky without any leakage.


The violent explosion caused avalanches all over the Himalayas, and as the center of the battlefield, Kama Taj was already beyond recognition.

The scorching flames burned everything, and Sein raised his right hand at the same time as Eternal started, but this time he was using the power of the phoenix completely.

Shane is very self-aware, he knows very well that if he is relying on his own strength, then he can't defeat Bai Ye.

However, he underestimated Bai Ye and underestimated Bai Ye's determination. In fact, with the original stone of time and the power to change reality, Bai Ye was not so worried that the earth would be destroyed.

It's just that things haven't reached that point, and Bai Ye doesn't want to move the timeline.

But now, Bai Ye has made up his mind to give a warning to all the people in the universe, so Bai Ye, who would have greatly limited his own strength in order to avoid harming the earth, has completely loosened his shackles.

A huge magic circle appeared in front of Bai Ye in an instant. Facing the power of the phoenix that was burning everything, Bai Ye used the completely opposite power.

In the Marvel Universe, if anyone is most familiar with the element of ice, it should be the future Iceman.

As an Omega-level mutant, his original setting was to change the environment, change his own structure, and change the surrounding structure. As long as he wanted, he could even freeze the entire universe.

Of course, the current Iceman is still far behind, he still needs time to hone, but now, with the sudden appearance of countless ice-like sky-blue magic circles, the entire world is suddenly completely frozen, together with Together with the power of the phoenix that claims to be able to burn everything... "No, how is this possible"

Seeing my own attack

At the same time as the sound, the ice condensed, and Sion also roared in disbelief.

"Who gave you the courage to challenge me"

Bai Ye said indifferently.

For a long time, Bai Ye has been extremely controlling himself, because he is too strong to ignore...

It's a bit of a chore to do anything on earth.

He is afraid that he will destroy the earth if he is not careful, and he will blame himself if that happens.

However, it is different now. Bai Ye is ready to use the power of the original time stone to restore the earth's heart, so in this battle, he will make Sain feel what is called despair, and it will also make those in the universe... ...Still: The life staring at the earth feels that the earth is not so easy to invade.

The ice quickly condensed onto Sion's hands along the flame ray. The feeling of being sealed together with his soul made Sion feel panic for the first time.

And at this time, the power of the phoenix in Sion's body also sensed danger, so it broke out..."Boom..."

A huge beam of flame soared into the sky, instantly penetrating the entire sky, and even the entire universe.

Crimson with golden eyes, and surrounded by orange-yellow flames, Phoenix Sion appeared in front of the world for the first time... This is Sion's strongest form, and it is also his current influence on the power of the phoenix. The limit that can be controlled lies in the face of lifting the "shackles"

In the white night of the night, Sein and the power of the phoenix felt the crisis at the same time... On the other hand, the battle between the sky and eternity seemed to be much calmer. On the one hand, both of them were more restrained, after all, no one wanted to It really provokes Bai Ye's anger. Obviously, Bai Ye's power has made them attach great importance.

Second, it is much simpler. As the first sky, the beginning of the universe, the sky has unparalleled confidence in the face of eternity. After all, eternity is separated from him, and he seems to have the means to recover it. eternal.

Yes, even if eternity does not come today, the sky will seek eternity in the future.

The dimensionality reduction attack is very strong, but it is not enough to kill the sky, and on the other side, when Eternal is brewing an attack, the body of the sky turns out to be a little illusory.

I saw Cang Qiong raised his right hand at Eternal, and then in Eternal's surprised eyes, Cang Qiong suddenly said: "Come back, my child, become a part of my body again."

As the words of the sky fell, a small black hole suddenly appeared in his right hand, and with the appearance of this small hole, an incomparably huge gravitational force also suddenly acted on the eternal body... ."This is......"

Feeling that his body was suddenly out of his control, Yong Yong was also in shock. He did not expect that the sky would have such a means to limit his energy.

"When you and I merge again, no one in this universe can stop me. At that time, I will let the creatures in the universe understand that I am their eternal god."

Cang Qiong's tone was very excited. For him, the appearance of eternity was an accident and a surprise.

On the other side, Bai Ye also fought against Phoenix Sion. Unlike just now, Sion was undoubtedly several times stronger at this time, no, it should be dozens of times stronger, because Bai Ye could have hurt his attack. It turned out to be completely ineffective against Phoenix Sion.

The phoenix is ​​the creature with the strongest self-healing ability. According to legend, the phoenix can even be reborn when it encounters a spark after death. Such a powerful self-healing ability is destined that no one can kill it.

Of course, this is just a legend, but even if it is true, Bai Ye will kill it today and show it to the whole universe.

Bai Ye is a mage, not a warrior, even though he used to fight almost like a warrior before, but in fact, it was just his lazy use of magic.

Magic is complicated, even if it is low-level magic, it will require a complicated and cumbersome trajectory to pull.

As Bai Ye's hands approached and even the afterimages appeared, layers of black clouds suddenly condensed in the sky...

Chapter 279 Depriving the Phoenix of the Power

Sean swears that he has never seen such a spectacular sight, the dense magic circle covers the sky, and the decorated sky is beautiful.

"Teacher, Mr. Bai Ye, what kind of magic is this?"

On the top of the mountain not far away, Doctor Strange looked at the magic circle all over the sky and asked in shock.

"Bai Ye is the most gifted among the students I have taught, and this is not only reflected in learning ability, no matter...

Wisdom, or the state of mind that you will not lose yourself in the face of powerful forces, these...he is the best."

Speaking of this, Gu Yi turned his head and glanced at Doctor Strange: "You are also very good, but compared to Bai Ye, you and I are like mortals."

Gu's unstinting compliments to Bai Ye made Doctor Strange smile wryly.

In fact, according to the original timeline, Doctor Strange is the most outstanding one of the self-respecting mages on Earth, but when Bai Ye was born, he suddenly became a firefly competing with Haoyue... "This magic I have since I haven't seen it before, Bai Ye has already surpassed me, and he has even surpassed eternity."

Gu Jian looked at the dense magic circles in the sky. Each of these magic circles had a different color, which also meant that each of them would be a different magic.

Bai Ye closed his eyes tightly. In fact, it was the first time he had stimulated the power in his body to such an extent. With the system and his own outstanding abilities, all the power in Bai Ye's body was finally combined together... Infinite Rough Stone, Chaos magic, the immature power of the phoenix, all kinds of strange magic power, these... all are completely combined at this time.

Bai Ye broke through once again, and his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds. Even though his life level is still in the multiverse at this time, his strength has undoubtedly far exceeded this realm.

"call out...!!"

With a sharp piercing sound, one of the countless magic circles in the sky fired a terrifying attack towards the sky.

One blow, just one blow, the sky would have to give up and continue to devour eternity to avoid the attack.

"white night......"

The sky let out an angry roar, he looked like he was about to succeed, but now he has fallen short because of Bai Ye.

"Let's go together."

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent. At this time, he felt that his state was better than ever before, not to mention the sky and Sean, even if there was another one, he was completely unafraid.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Sean was even more angry, this was a naked look down on him, and Sean was most sensitive to this.

"white night!"

Sion roared, the power of the phoenix in his body had been pushed to the extreme, but at this moment, Bai Ye slowly levitated.

Immediately after that, the magic circle that filled the sky began to speed up, and finally formed a huge magic circle that enveloped the entire sky.

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