"You said you were a god"

Bai Ye looked at the sky lightly and said.

But it didn't wait: the sky opened, Bai Ye's right hand went deep, and then the five fingers swayed, and suddenly the entire Himalayas began to vibrate violently.

The earth suddenly grew sharp thorns, the ice and snow suddenly turned into sharp knives, and even the gentle wind in the air turned into a steel knife that seemed to scrape bones.

At this time, the whole world seemed to have turned into conscious beings, and they were all attacking the sky with their own unique elements.

Feeling all this, the sky suddenly exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

This is the magic of magic. At this time, Bai Ye has completely dominated the world. Perhaps this is the true meaning of magic. Anyway... Bai Ye at this time is already omnipotent.

On the other side, Sein, who saw all this, was also shocked, but he didn't plan to give up. However, when he was about to attack Bai Ye, Sein suddenly found that the Phoenix Power in his body was silent. ....."Damn, what the hell is going on"

Sion didn't know why, but no matter how he called out the power of the phoenix in his body, it didn't respond at all.

......In the depths of the universe, after passing through countless star fields, Mo Shi Adam wandered into the dead star field in front of him. As an artificial human, Mo Shi Adam's mind was still in an abnormal state.

However, this does not deny that his power is so powerful that he can easily destroy a star. The word magician has already explained his setting. Yes, he is also a magician.

However, unlike traditional magicians such as Doctor Strange, Adam the Magician prefers magicians who fight with close quarters.

Looking at the huge orange cube in front of him, Adam the Magician also showed a curious look... Adam can feel it, there is a very powerful presence in this cube, so the immature mind adds that Strong curiosity, Adam directly broke the cube.


This is the sound of the cube breaking. Facing the magician Adam, this cube that can seal everything seems so fragile.

The purple titan suddenly appeared in front of Adam, and on the other side, Thanos, who had just been freed from the cage, also saw Adam... At the same time, on Earth, Adam broke the Sion Cube. At the same time, Sain had already sensed that Thanos was released, which was undoubtedly a bad news for him.

If it was not long ago, he would naturally feel that it doesn't matter, after all, no matter how strong Thanos is now, he will not be his opponent with the power of the phoenix.

But right now, the power of the phoenix didn't know what was wrong, it would completely refuse its own call, but at this moment, Bai Ye's right hand stabbed into Shane's body fiercely... "Don't you understand? It's afraid of me..."

Bai Ye said lightly.

When he finished merging his own power, he could already sense that the power of the phoenix was trembling. As an incomplete it, it was actually afraid of himself... "How is this possible?"

Sean questioned again, but Bai Ye's next actions made him completely desperate.

Bai Ye pulled out the power of the phoenix from Sein's body, and looking at the power of the phoenix in Bai Ye's hands like a docile bird, Sein's face changed greatly.

Sain, who has lost the power of the phoenix, is no longer worth doing in the white night, and he still needs Sain to spread a message to the universe, that is, even if you have the power of the phoenix, the top power in the universe, you are still a scum. .....Lu

Chapter 280 Journey

After solving Sain, Bai Ye aimed at the sky again. Strictly speaking, the threat of the sky is much greater than Sain.

After all, it is an existence that has survived for an unknown number of years, no matter what...

Whether it is in terms of wisdom or strength, he is not comparable to Sean.

Looking at Bai Ye's indifferent eyes, Cang Qiong's heart actually raised emotions that he thought he didn't have.

Fear, yes, the sky felt fear at this time, since he was born, this is the first time he has felt such a feeling.

Unable to stop trembling from the heart, looking at Bai Ye's eyes, he seemed to be trembling with his soul.

"Are you afraid that people who claim to be gods will be afraid too?"

Bai Ye said lightly.

Although he doesn't have the ability to perceive spiritually, he is as smart as he is, and he has already seen the clues from the various details shown by the sky at this time.

"damn it."

At this time, the sky was cursing like a human being. He didn't understand why there was a monster-like existence like Bai Ye in this universe.

At this time, he is already riding a tiger, and the sky is very clear that it is impossible for Bai Ye to let him go like this, and looking at the power of the phoenix that is docile like a pet in Bai Ye's hands at this time, to be honest, he does not want to give up. .

On the other hand, Sain was completely unable to accept such a failure, so he forcibly opened the space channel, and this power was the last remaining phoenix power in his body.

Watching Sean's escape, Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly.

At the same time, in the depths of the universe, Thanos, who had just been freed from his bondage, also glanced at Adam beside him. He knew that he came out entirely because of him.


The tyrant said softly.

Although he doesn't know Adam's identity, Thanos is still very grateful that he can save himself.

man, no matter what...

How strong you used to be, but once you are in trouble, this kind of incomprehensible mentality, the gap is extremely easy to shock people down.

In the same way, if someone extends a hand of friendship to you at this time, it doesn't matter...

No matter who the other party is, there will always be a throbbing in your heart, even Thanos is no exception.

Looking at the frail Thanos, the magician Adam originally wanted to fight the opponent, but at this time it seemed that the opponent was not in the state at all, and Adam, who was already immature, left the place without a word of thanks. planet.

"Is it going like this?"

Thanos looked at the back of the magician Adam and murmured, but he didn't hold back, instead he looked in the opposite direction of Adam's departure with a serious face.

At the same time, with a voice, "Father."

With blue skin and a tall figure, it's not that her eyes are gray, and the person in front of her is definitely the most beautiful woman.


Looking at the woman in front of him, the corner of Thanos' mouth also showed an inexplicable smile. In fact, it was very strange. Thanos killed a lot of his own children, but he was very caring for the adopted sons and daughters he picked up.

Gamora is like this, and so is the superstar in front of him.

"Yes father."

The superstar said lightly, and then she honestly stood behind Thanos.

...failure is like a nightmare, it's always there: Thanos's heart has been turned for so long that he can't sleep, so he needs strength, Thanos needs absolute strength to break this nightmare, he wants to sleep... ...The universe is vast and boundless, and how many...mysterious things are in it, but the things that can be coveted by Thanos are definitely the rarest of the rare.

Besides, what he was looking for had to be able to defeat Bai Ye... On the other side of the earth, the battle between Bai Ye and the sky was still going on, only to see Bai Ye folded his hands together, and then a complex and mysterious magic circle slammed into him. Molded in hand.

As the battle time gets longer and longer, Cang Qiong is completely at a disadvantage, his ability has been completely understood by Bai Ye, and the battle between the two sides is no longer in suspense.

And at the same time, after a lot of hard work, Thanos finally set off to a place he had never dared to set foot in... The three witches, this is one of the few that is only circulated in legends. Miko, I don't know if you still remember Thor's mother said that she was raised by a witch. At this time, what Thanos is looking for is those witches... who have strange abilities.

The journey was long and tedious, and the most important thing was that Thanos didn't even know where the witch was. If he hadn't been in control of the Infinity Gauntlet and had roughly sensed a position by accident, then his actions at this time would have been very important. Worse than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Father, don't we really need to deal with those... traitors first?"

The superstar looked at Thanos suspiciously and said.

Under her influence, Thanos is not such a temperament. He has always treated those who betrayed him like winter, cruel and decisive.

Hearing the superstar's words, Thanos also glanced at his adopted daughter, who was originally just an orphan and lived in extreme darkness all her life.

This kind of life has even made her dare not hope, so for the superstar, death is her only relief.

However, the truth is always cruel. Because of her talent, the superstar can't even commit suicide. She is proficient in mind control, telepathy, spiritual transmission, and memory stealing.

Suicide has become impossible, and even trying to find someone to kill him has also become an extravagant hope, and when the superstar is completely desperate and intends to give up himself and follow the crowd, Thanos appears.

Thanos promises her that as long as she works for him, Thanos will grant the superstar the coveted death after successfully accomplishing his purpose.

And when Thanos invaded the earth, it was the supergiant who controlled the leader of the Inhumans, Black Bolt, so no one powerful Inhumans came to the earth.

Thanos is very satisfied with the superstar, although her abilities are highly overlapped with Ebony Throat, but she is different from Ebony Throat, she has no ambition at all, her ultimate goal is nothing but death.

"It doesn't matter, those guys are just some jumping clowns, I want to kill them is just between my hands, and now I have more important opponents, I have to find the strength that can help me defeat him, as for those ......Traitors, just let them dance for a while."

Thanos looked serious, and when he thought of where he was going, even Thanos would inevitably feel a little throbbing in his heart.

Chapter 281 Trial

God's Quarry, this is a kingdom of the dead, a place that only the dead can touch, where there are the strongest undead in the universe.

Looking at the pitch-black black hole in front of him, Thanos was pacing in place rarely, which was a manifestation of his panic, and it was also his instinctive reaction to fear from the bottom of his heart.


The superstar called out to Thanos again, and it was the first time she could feel fear when she saw her powerful father, which had never happened before.

Hearing the cry of the superstar, Thanos also frowned, and then he seemed to make up his mind, and then only listened to him say: "You wait for me here, if I haven't come out after three days, then you will leave by yourself. ."

Thanos has already decided. Compared with death, the feeling of failure is more painful for him. As Thanos opened the hatch, the superstar was also stunned in place...a glance at the huge pothole. In the end, on the contrary, on the surrounding rock walls, the stone statues carved by countless unknown stones are lifelike.

Each of them had a look of fear on their faces, and just looking at it with the naked eye had already given Sion a very huge visual impact.

Yes, Sain also came to the quarry of the gods. Facing the white night that deprived him of the power of the phoenix on the earth, Sain came here with the last bit of power in his body.

At the same time, Thanos also jumped into the black hole, but unlike what he thought, he did not feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, when Thanos woke up again, he was already standing on the ground.

Looking at the three women in front of him who were all shrouded in black robes, Thanos narrowed his eyes first, he knew very well that he had found the person he was looking for without any effort.

The three witches, the actual controllers of this special kingdom of the dead, they are the spokespersons of death... "This is the kingdom of the dead, except... the dead, no one can set foot on it, Thanos, you've come to the wrong place."

For some reason, the other party actually knew him, and Thanos was also very surprised by this.

"A spokesperson for death"

Thanos murmured softly, he was very familiar with... death, after all, she was the goddess he had always dreamed of.

It's just that the other party didn't take him seriously.

"There are two options before you now. One is to die, and only then can you survive here."

"Secondly, that is to pass the test. Only in this way can you survive here as a living person. Of course, the test is not a simple transition."

Having said this, the witch pointed to the stone carving on the wall, and said again: "That is the fate of the loser."

"Of course, if you successfully pass the assessment, one of your wishes will be fulfilled."

The words of witches are very tempting. In fact, it is also true for all these tyrants. Of course, witches are not gods after all, and their wishes are not all fulfilled. For example, if the tyrant wants to obtain death, it is... Impossible.

But this is enough, Thanos is sure that there is a power here that can satisfy himself.

As the witch said, the trial is not a child's play, and the almost [-]% chance of failing to pass is doomed to "wish"

It will be a beautifully woven dream.

Knowing that Thanos is not the only person here, looking at those stone carvings that he once knew, Thanos knew very well that those... were all powerful overlords in the universe, but they all failed. turned into stone carvings.

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