"Have you made a decision? If not, then we will make a decision for you."

The witch's words were extremely cold, as if if Thanos didn't speak, then they would obliterate Thanos.

Hearing the words of the witches, Thanos' eyes also flashed with light, and then he just heard him say: "Wait, when I succeed in the trial, then I will kill the three of you with my own hands."

As the words of Thanos fell, I saw that a burst of light suddenly burst out from the inside out of his body, and then his body began to slowly settle into the giant pit... On the other side, Thanos only felt that his spirit was fluctuating, and when he reacted, he had already appeared on the earth.

Seeing Iron Man and the others constantly fighting against this alien monster, Thanos was also stunned for a moment: "Is this the content of the trial? Persuade me to be kind or do you want me to be a hero?"

The monster is very strong, and Iron Man and the others are not opponents at all. However, at this moment of crisis, Thanos seemed to have figured out something. I saw him rushing to the front of the monster, and then he punched the monster so hard not to hit the monster. turned into powder.

Feeling the thunderous applause all around, Captain America and Iron Man also walked up to Thanos and said to him, "Good job."

For a long time to come, Thanos seemed to be completely transformed into a real hero, and he continued to help Captain America and others fight the invaders.

But as time passed, Thanos became more and more bored, until "one day"

After Thanos defeated a monster again, he looked at the American team coldly and said, "Is this what you call a trial?"



This is the sound of blood splattering. Thanos turned out to be a punch that "exploded" all the avengers in front of him.


And it was at this time that the tyrant's body burst into an amazing light, and then his body disappeared in place in an instant... "Boom!"

With the loud noise, Thanos turned out to be smashed from the rock wall of the giant pit and flew out. He passed the test... Infinite power was continuously poured into Thanos' body, These powers all come from those on the rock wall of the eye.... Once a strong man, the power of Thanos climbed to the top for a while, and then I saw him turn his head and look at it coldly. The three witches... "I said, I will kill you with my own hands."

Thanos' killing intent is awe-inspiring, and at this time he also has that capital completely.

"No, the winner of the trial, your opponent is not us, but him."

As soon as the witch's words fell, Sain appeared in front of Thanos. Looking at the furious Thanos, Sain didn't even understand what happened.

"It's you, you mess."

Facing the furious Thanos, Sain, who had lost the power of the phoenix, also panicked, but before he could speak again, Thanos threw him into the huge pit... "No!"

Shane screamed in despair, but Thanos showed no mercy, and at the same time, Bai Ye and Qiong finally decided to win... Lu

Chapter 282 Eternal

The powerful energies of the two sides are about to tear the earth apart. Facing the white night when he is fully engaged in the battle, the sky is very troublesome. He never thought that there would be such a powerful existence in this universe.

And these...Let's not talk about it for the time being, you must know that in the heart of the sky, the earth is just a civilization that can't be more backward.

The body like a galaxy in the universe has starlight flickering constantly. With such a powerful energy, every blow from the sky can easily shred everything.

However, the opponent he faced was Bai Ye, who was like a dark horse in the universe today! He was born out of nowhere, how terrifying the attack of the sky was, but he still couldn't make waves in Bai Ye's hands.

"Is it only that much?"

Bai Ye's expression is indifferent. At this time, he is getting stronger and stronger. On the contrary, the sky is getting weaker and weaker... "Don't underestimate me."

Cang Qiong roared angrily, facing Bai Ye's almost inexorable power, even Qiong Qi felt that he was overwhelmed and lacked in strength. Pozhi... The right hand pointed to the left, and above the left hand was a strange magic circle. The white night at this time was a good proof of why he is the most powerful self-respecting mage on the earth.

The ancient one is right, as long as the earth has white nights, it will always be a quiet place.

Countless rays of light shot towards the sky, and the bright flashes even made the sky unable to look directly.


The huge explosion made the whole earth seem to tremble violently, but such an attack was just a normal attack in the white night.


The sky let out a roar, he had never been so aggrieved in battle before, if he wanted speed, his speed was not as fast as Bai Ye, but his energy was stronger than that of Bai Ye, and he was also a lot worse than Bai Ye.

In desperation, the sky also gritted his teeth, and then he actually took out the power of the phoenix he obtained in the quantum space... Watching the sky swallow the power of the phoenix abruptly , Bai Ye also narrowed his sparkling eyes slightly.


The voice of the sky changed from low to high, and his body also changed from the original purple starry sky color to a deep red color.

As the first firmament, in a sense, he himself represents the origin of the universe, while the phoenix is ​​the will of the universe. For a while, the combination of the two of them becomes very interesting.

"Have you used the power of the phoenix ahead of time?"

Bai Ye slowly fell from the sky, and he could see that the sky should have planned to use it after gathering the power of the phoenix.

But now it seems that the sky is in a hurry by Bai Ye, and he has no idea whether it is complete or not.

After swallowing the power of the phoenix, the power of the sky has also gained a qualitative ascension. At this time, he seems to be drinking too much. That kind of...the refreshing feeling from the inside out makes him feel that he is omnipotent.

"You said I only have this level"

"One Eye" of the Sky

At this time, it has turned orange red, and his body has not recovered from its original appearance, that kind of... purple with deep red, and the stars on the surface of the body are still turning.

The powerful energy is scattered around him, and I believe that it won't be long before the earth can't bear this power and will be wiped out..." It's a bit interesting, but you think that just relying on the power of a phoenix Let you have the capital to fight against me"

"Innocent, you are so naive, even a guy like you dares to claim to be a god"

Bai Ye's expression is indifferent, and his mouth is full of disdain for the sky. Yes, if the sky doesn't swallow the power of the phoenix at this time, then maybe it will take a little time for Bai Ye to take him down, but he chose at this time. Devoured the power of the phoenix.

Don't forget, at this time, Bai Ye also has the power of the phoenix in his hands, which he deprived from Shane. From just now, Bai Ye has been letting the system deduce the source of the power of the phoenix. .

Although his numerical value may not be enough, but if it is only for the creatures with the power of the phoenix, then Bai Ye already has absolute control.

The sky and the earth are reversed again. This is the mirror space of Bai Ye. The sky that swallows the power of the phoenix is ​​undoubtedly on its own way. I saw Bai Ye put his hands together, and then countless illusory but real "lights".

In an instant, it pierced into the body of the sky.

"In this universe, I am the ruler."

Bai Ye faintly dropped a sentence, and then across from him, the body of the sky suddenly trembled uncontrollably.


With a sound that sounded like glass cracking, the sky suddenly stood still.

"what did you do to me"

The sky said in horror.

At this time, he was really afraid, he felt the breath of death, not the one of the five gods...death, but the real death where everything is over..."What did you do to you like this? Let's talk, but whatever power has appeared in front of me, no matter what...

What kind of it is, how special it is, if I want to, then I can basically get everything about it."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand. In his right hand, the same color as the infinite original stone is constantly circulating, and this is not the end. Above these six different colors, it seems to have the power of the phoenix. The things of color are also flowing quietly.

"This is......"

If the sky is a human, then I believe that his face must be pale at this time. As an existence that has survived for countless years, he never thought that there would be someone who can control the strongest forces in the universe at the same time.

On the other hand, Eternal has also recovered. If it wasn't for Bai Ye's shot just now, he would have been swallowed up by the sky.

Just as the sky has no power to fight back in Bai Ye's hands at this time, so is he in the hands of the sky.

Of course, this does not mean that eternity is weak, on the contrary, eternity definitely belongs to the echelon of the absolute powerhouse in today's universe, but the sky just restrains him.

Yong Yong glanced at the sky, where the White Night Mirror Space was located. After thinking about it for a while, Yong Yong seemed to have made up his mind. I saw that his body was illusory for a while, and then the whole person also quickly moved towards the mirror space. The location flew up.

Looking at the sudden eternity, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, but the sky showed an unexpected color, chance, this is an opportunity, as long as he can quickly swallow eternity, then he is not without the possibility of turning over today.

However, just when Cang Qiong was about to take another shot at Eternal, Eternal looked at Bai Ye on the side and said, "Let him leave it to me..."

Chapter 283 The Dust Settles

Nothing is absolute, the sky can devour eternity, and in fact, eternity can also engulf the sky.

Looking at the countless eternities in front of him, Bai Ye finally saw the true strength of other multiverse powerhouses.

Yes, there is more than one universe, so in theory, there is more than one eternity, and these... eternity, in a strict sense, each of them appearing in front of Bai Ye's eyes at this time. is true eternity.

The sharp increase in the number also brought about qualitative changes. In the face of countless eternities, the sky turned out to be alive and fused into its own body by eternity.

"Do not!"

The sky let out the last wailing, he never thought that he would end up like this when he came out, it was over, everything was over.

"I made you laugh."

After merging the sky, the rest of the eternity left here, leaving only him who belongs to this universe.

"Is this the trump card of the multiverse powerhouse?"

Bai Ye said with narrowed eyes.

The strength of the same multiverse, Bai Ye is extremely special, because of the relationship of crossing, he is a unique existence in the Marvel universe.

In other words, in the entire Marvel Universe, White Night is... White Night, the only White Night.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Cang Qiong was also stunned and said, "You are special and unique. You exist in a different way from ours, but there is no doubt that you are already stronger than most of us."

"I'm looking forward to the day when you can surpass everything, and at that time, you will be my only hope."

Eternity is gone. At this time, he is extremely satisfied with Bai Ye. This man who has witnessed the rise from the beginning has surpassed him. Maybe he will be able to truly surpass everything in a short time...  .. Every alien invasion will bring great trauma to the earth, but it is not bad, at least under the impact of such a fierce battle, the earth is not destroyed.

The dark red light modifies reality, but the green light reverses time.

Under these two powerful forces, Bai Ye brought the earth back to what it should have been.

Beside the blue lake, Bai Ye saw the Avengers who had tasted the taste of failure again. Under the care of the three girls, everyone was finally safe.

Seeing Bai Ye walking towards them step by step, everyone stood up immediately... "Sorry, Mr. Bai Ye, we couldn't stop Sain."

Captain America said guiltily.

Bai Ye and Doctor Cang Qi had already notified SHIELD.


...., and S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... also made a lot of plans for this, including another... strong invasion.

"It's okay, I know you are all gone, you all have a good rest, everything is over."

Bai Ye smiled slightly. Although the current Avengers are weak, they did their best in every battle.

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