It's just that there are too many enemies here. This is a crime that is not a war.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the stone in everyone's heart also fell, but they did not feel the joy of victory because of it. On the contrary, except for the three girls, everyone else was depressed. Face.

Seeing their appearance, Bai Ye knew that their confidence had suffered a great setback, so he said: "Alright, alright, all cheer up, go back and rest for a while, and then I will exercise yours myself. ."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, everyone suddenly raised their heads and eyes lit up... "Mr. Bai Ye..."

Stark asked in disbelief.

As the person who has the most contact with Bai Ye among the Avengers, he can also be said to be the one who knows Bai Ye's temper best.

If it was before, Stark believed that Bai Ye would never have said these words. After all, the life levels of the two sides were different. In Bai Ye's eyes, they were actually no different from ants.

"Okay, that's it, you all go back and have a good rest for a while. My training is very strict."

Bai Ye smiled and said.

With the departure of the Avengers, Diana and Wanda also said goodbye to Carroll and returned to their villa in Hawaii with White Night.

"My dear, this is not your style."

Wanda asked curiously.

She is very aware of Bai Ye's temper, and training the Avengers is a very troublesome thing for Bai Ye, after all, not everyone can constantly surpass their limits, and it requires a lot of tedious preparations and processes.

Diana was also looking at Bai Ye curiously. She was also very surprised by Bai Ye's actions today.

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm the same. It takes some time to cultivate a group of warriors who can protect the earth, and then I will have more time to accompany you. Anyway, this will be a very good deal."

"Besides, I think you have already felt some feelings about this incident. Many times I am indeed not omnipotent."

Bai Ye said lightly.

In fact, he still has one of the most important reasons not to say, that is, seeing the eternal summoning of other parallel universes, he devoured the sky together, and the white night suddenly had a kind of feeling: touch, the world of parallel universes may be coming soon... On the other hand, the mutants who were still fighting in Los Angeles finally came to an end.

The police once again defeated Magneto. Of course, this was not the result of their fighting alone, and it was with the help of many parties that the police defeated Magneto.

And just like this, the police were almost crippled, and many of the original lives became the soil of tomorrow. With the defeat of Magneto, everything seems to have returned to peace.

"You said that if I helped Mr. Bai Ye to cheer on the side, would he take me to find death out of joy?"

Under the night, Baiye went to rest, but Deadpool and others built a tent beside the beach. Marvel's three-mouthed gun, Deadpool's Ant-Man and Spider-Man, such a lineup, even Baiye couldn't hold their mouths. Cannon attack.

"You can try it, but don't blame me for not reminding you, I think you are very clear about how strong Mr. Bai Ye is, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are immortal, he has a way to make you worse than death. "

Ant-Man glanced at Deadpool and said while eating a sandwich.

"Yeah, you can try it, but don't say that we instigated you, after all, we don't have your immortality."

Spider-Man also said that he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Hearing the words of the two of them, Dead Servant, who was still eager to try, suddenly died. To be honest, even in retrospect, he still had lingering fears about the punishment method that Bai Ye had done to him last time.

At the same time, in the depths of the universe, Thanos also has a new plan... Lu

Chapter 284 Adam

The power of Bai Ye is beyond common sense, and it is no longer an existence that can be defeated by blood alone.

For.. this point, Thanos has a deep understanding,,.

He used to hold the Infinity Gloves in high spirits, he used to think he had trampled the whole universe under his feet, he used to think he had become the king of the universe...until he met Bai Ye, that...he was destined for this life An existence that will not be forgotten, he loses, and the one who loses is a neat and tidy one.

It stands to reason that he, who has already controlled the infinite gloves, should be invincible against any opponent. After all, it is the most powerful force in the universe, and it is the origin of this universe.

But he still lost, Thanos didn't understand how Bai Ye did it, he actually had the same power as the Infinity Stone.

And this is nothing, the power of Bai Ye can no longer be explained by the knowledge that Thanos possesses, all kinds of magical magic and endless means, no matter what kind, are beyond what Thanos can understand.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. Thanos feels that the gap between himself and Bai Ye is not in strength, but in his own lack of understanding of Bai Ye.

So Thanos felt that he needed a pathfinder stone, a pathfinder stone strong enough to force Bai Ye's cards.

Thinking of this, the figure instantly appeared in Thanos' mind. It was he who rescued him. It must be known that at that time, Sion still had the power of the phoenix in his hands, but even so, he still broke Sion. 's seal.

"Father, where are we going next?"

The superstar looked at Thanos with excitement. For her, who was desperate for death, the strength of Thanos at this time once again soared to an unbelievable level.

At this time, he can kill himself, and if all goes well, the liberation he is looking forward to may be coming.

Hearing the superstar's words, the corner of Thanos' mouth also showed an evil smile, he has never been a good person, otherwise he would not have done such an unconscionable act of killing half of the universe in order to win the smile of death. thing.

In the eyes of Thanos, there is no family, no friendship, and there is only himself.

"Go find a man, a man who rescued me. I need him now to help me test what Bai Ye is capable of. By the way, we can also search for the Infinity Stones again."

As mentioned earlier, Thanos' fear of Bai Ye has reached an extremely exaggerated level, even if he has now obtained those big men who are bound to the rock wall in the Quarry of God... power, but he still felt unsafe.

There is also an Infinity Glove, and he can look for the Infinity Stone while looking for the person he is looking for.

On the other side, on Earth, White Night will meet again, where there are no superpowers, no magic, but it is no less dangerous than an interstellar war.

Only God knows that these guys can't stand the panic. Looking at the universe, he is just as small as gravel, but they are still here to trick each other.

Seeing Bai Ye's lack of interest, he smiled apologetically and said to him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you to such a place, but you also know that if I don't bring a man, I'm afraid my inviter will be annoyed to death. mine."

This is an art auction, and Diana is quite famous in this industry. In addition to her peerless appearance, she also has an unmatched talent in art.

Diana is a frequent visitor to this kind of banquet, these... The direction of the organization is to be proud of being able to invite her to attend, coupled with her delicate appearance, it is inevitable that countless men You will have unrealistic fantasies about her.

"Next, there will be an auction of Miss Diana's sculpture, believe me, this is definitely a modern Venus, and it is worth mentioning that Miss Diana will donate all the proceeds from today's auction to the orphans hospital."

"With such a quality, I think she is... the incarnation of the god of love.

Next, please give Miss Diana a big round of applause."

Following the host's impassioned words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Most of the guests who can come here today are not short of money. As the upper-level people of the American Empire, they are keen and pursuing some invisible and intangible names.

Besides, maybe there is still a chance to gain the favor of that... Goddess, how could everyone miss such an opportunity? "Thirty thousand."

With the sound of the first voice, there was an endless stream of fierce bidding.

And Bai Ye looked at the people in front of him... who seemed to be crazy, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't understand, right?"

Just when Bai Ye thought that these people were crazy, Stark did not know when he appeared beside him and said.

"How did you come"

asked the night.

"I get a lot of invitations for this kind of banquet every day. Maybe you don't care, or there may be a lot of them in the mailbox outside your villa."

"In general, this kind of banquet can come with money. To put it bluntly, it's just a place for the rich to show off."

Stark said nonchalantly.

Hearing his words, Bai Ye shook his head with a smile, and said, "Then I understand why you are here. After all, compared to showing off, I've seen someone more enthusiastic than you."

Bai Ye's words made Stark stunned for a moment, but in fact it was true. If he didn't like to show off, Stark would not have said that I am Iron Man during the press conference.

The auction was very intense. Perhaps many of them came for Diana with a certain purpose. However, they underestimated the people behind Diana. Suddenly shouted: "Five million..."

At the end of the banquet, everyone was still discussing Bai Ye's identity. After all, it would not be a small person who could spend five million on such an occasion.

Don't forget, the five million mentioned here are US dollars, and its purchasing power is far more than most people think. For example, the famous Ferrari sports car is only hundreds of thousands of dollars here. , five million can already buy ten cars.

On the other hand, in the universe, the tyrant also successfully found the magician Adam and persuaded him, and heard the tyrant recount Bai Ye's "sin"

The magician Adam could not wait to find Bai Ye and kill him immediately.

Looking at the back of the magician Adam disappearing into the universe, the corner of Thanos' mouth also revealed a conspiracy-successful smile...

Chapter 285 Attack

Magician Adam's strength is extremely strong, but because of his immaturity, it is very difficult to define what level his strength has reached.

But one thing is certain, his strength is definitely above the single universe, as for whether he has reached the level of the multiverse, it is really hard to say.

Wandering around in the vast universe of stars is a very romantic thing, especially when you have a few friends with the same smell.

"Quil, are you sure we're going in the right direction?"

Thor said helplessly.

He simply "admired" Quill's leadership

Yes, it was promised to go to a certain galaxy, but in fact, after a long circle, everyone returned to the same place again.

Hearing Thor's words, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax and others also turned their attention to Quill.

"Hey, hey, why are you looking at me like this? It wasn't my fault at all, okay, yes, yes, yes..."

Quill waited for a long time or not, and finally he said: "Well, it's my fault, I got the navigator wrong, but don't worry, now that I have adjusted it, there will be no problems this time. of."

Hearing Quill's words, everyone gave him a roll of eyes again.

"Well, I hope what you said is true, otherwise we won't say we found Thanos, I'm afraid even we ourselves will be lost in the universe."

Thor said helplessly.

Since Thanos stole the space gem on the Asgard spaceship, Thor has always wanted to kill him, as well as Quill and others. Thanos sacrificed Gamora in order to obtain the soul gem. Let Quill make up his mind that he must kill Thanos.

And the two sides came together under such a common purpose, but neither of them thought that their journey to find Thanos would be so heart-wrenching.

However, just when everyone started to check the star field map to determine whether they were going the wrong way, Thor suddenly released lightning in his eyes, and the storm axe suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Oh, oh, I said male god, I admit that I made a mistake, but you don't have to do that, right?"

Seeing Thor's appearance, Quilburn wanted to slap his skin, but when he had just finished speaking, Thor shouted loudly: "Be careful..."


The huge explosion instantly shattered the spaceship. If it wasn't for Thor's quick reaction, if he had pulled everyone into the small spaceship before the spaceship exploded and got out of the big spaceship in time, everyone would have died under this blow.

The huge shock wave caused the small spaceship to rotate like a flat boat in the huge waves, but when everyone was dizzy and nauseous, Thor had already entered the battle with those who destroyed their spaceship.

The storm axe sent out an astonishing thunder, and it easily shredded the huge meteors in the meteor belt.

However, with such an attack, the opponent did not suffer the slightest damage. On the contrary, the opponent seemed to have taken stimulants after being hit by the thunder.

The powerful force hit the axe of Thor's axe, and almost instantly, Thor was knocked far away.

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