And it was at this time that Star-Lord had already changed his equipment and flew out to support. Unlike in the movie universe, the weapons in Star-Lord's hands were far more perverted.

In fact, except for the broken mouth, the rest of Star-Lord is still extremely reliable.

Elemental pistol, Quill's main output weapon, in fact it is indeed very terrifying, elemental gun: can create and control four ancient elements, water, fire, earth, and air.

The amount of elements is theoretically infinite, because this weapon is actually a portal to the universe.

It can extract and transmit the above four elements from other planets.

If it is hit by it, it will undoubtedly bring devastating consequences, and the practical limit of this gun lies in the willpower of Star Lord itself, the stronger the will, the stronger the power.

However, with such a terrifying weapon, every element it fired hit the opponent fiercely, but everything was useless, and the opponent actually resisted Star Lord's attack with his own body.

"What's up with this guy"

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Star-Lord was also a little cowardly. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing. After all, even the original Thanos, it was only through the power of the Infinity Stones that weakened his attack.

"do not know."

Thor's answer was very straightforward, but his eyes were full of fighting intent, because he sensed the aura of Thanos from the opponent's body. Yes, in Thor's view, the opponent was definitely related to Thanos.

On the other side, it was none other than the magician Adam, but the reason why he attacked Thor and the others was not because he recognized them, but because he was unhappy with the spaceship.

The density of muscles and bones far exceeding ordinary people gave him super strength, and his special physiological structure also gave him a series of super powers.

If it wasn't for his immaturity now, he would undoubtedly be an absolutely powerful being.

Thor's attack was terrifying, and the battle axe that he specially built to deal with Thanos with infinite gloves brought a lot of trouble to Adam at this time.

Seeing that it was impossible for him to fight quickly, Adam the Magician also glanced at a few people coldly, then turned around and flew in the direction of the earth again.

"What the hell is going on with that guy?"

The sudden attack made Quill a little unresponsive.

"in spite of....

What purpose does that guy have, I'm afraid we all have to catch up, let's go, that guy definitely knows the whereabouts of Thanos."

Thor said.

And when he heard his words, Quill's eyes suddenly lit up... On the other side of the earth, the white night was basking in the sun as leisurely as usual, and on the other side behind him, death The waiter is preparing to die, intending to attract Bai Ye's attention so that Bai Ye can take him to find death.

However, at this time, the originally white and leisurely clouds above the sky suddenly changed color, and the sky suddenly seemed to have been burned by flames.

The atmosphere also fluctuated violently, and strong winds blew all over Hawaii... If Loki's invasion caused panic, then Adam's invasion was extremely shocking. .

At this time, his whole body was exuding golden light, and he slowly floated down from the sky to the ground, as if God had descended... Lu

Chapter 286 Shocked

Hawaii is a holiday destination, no doubt the people here don't care....

When it is, it is more outrageous, and the advent of Adam is naturally witnessed by countless people, and even ignorant people think that he is the descent of God and knelt down one after another.

"white night......"

Wanda looked at Bai Ye and said worriedly.

She could already sense that Adam was different from his previous enemies.

"It doesn't matter, you wait for me at home, I'll go back when I go."

Bai Ye smiled and said softly to Wanda and Diana, and then his figure disappeared directly in place.

On the other hand, when Deadpool and the other three met Adam, they were also a little shocked at first, but even so, Deadpool didn't get serious for two minutes... "Wow, who are you guys? Did God make a wish? God has come in person, did you make a wish that you want to be God?”

Deadpool is still the same... Deadpool, the special design of the mouth cannon has penetrated into his soul, but this time Spider-Man and the others are not arguing with him, because Bai Ye has appeared in front of Adam at this time... The waves of the sea are still the same, the two of them are suspended in the sky, and the sea breeze is obedient, but the two of them don't care, and the war is about to break out... "Are you Bai Ye?"

Adam has entered a state of battle at this time, and unlike when he was fighting with the Guardians of the Galaxy, he was obviously brewing at this time.

After all, Thanos has made it very clear that Bai Ye is an uncompromising great devil, he is cruel and extremely powerful, even Adam would not dare to be careless about this.

On the other hand, when Bai Ye came to Adam, he had already figured out everything about him. To his surprise, Adam turned out to be a flawed artificial human.

Of course, the flaws mentioned here refer to Adam's psychological immaturity. As for strength, this guy is strong and a little outrageous.

Adam the Magician has a body far beyond that of ordinary people, and because of his special physiological structure, this guy is destined to have a series of powerful superpowers, just in terms of strength, this guy can't lose to the Hulk under normal conditions.

Of course, this is not his strongest, Adam can convert cosmic energy to give him the ability to fly, and he can also use cosmic energy to find and enter the natural space meridian for interstellar travel.

To put it simply, Magic Adam can make full use of the cosmic energy to do everything he wants to do, or in other words, he is the strongest in the single cosmic level.

Hearing Mo Shi Adam's words, Bai Ye's mouth also showed a smile. At this time, he was quite interested in Mo Shi Adam and said, "Yes, I am Bai Ye."

As Bai Ye's words just fell, the whole body of the magician Adam was suddenly covered with cosmic energy, and it was precisely because of this that at this time he seemed to be sacred and inviolable...... .

"Wow, Mr. Bai Ye, is this God angry?"

Dead Servant was still very rude.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let the others leave here quickly, Bai Ye fights first is not... Just kidding, we will leave quickly after getting those guys away, I will be under the aftermath of Mr. Bai Ye's battle."

Spider-Man said with some heart palpitations looking at the two people in the sky who were ready to start.

This is no longer a battle he can intervene in.

"It makes sense, hurry up."

Ant-Man on the side also nodded in agreement... On the other side, the battle between Bai Ye and Adam also began. With the explosion of cosmic energy, the hands of the magician Adam were also filled with dazzling gold.

"Boom rumble..."

This is the sound made by the friction of the body and the air of the magician Adam after moving quickly. At this time, he has completely exceeded the speed of sound.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As the two officially fought each other, turbulent waves broke out on the sea. The original surfing holy place was already turbulent at this time, and the waves of dozens of meters high decorated this place as if the end was coming.


There was thunder in the sky, and there were screams in the sea. Because of their ignorance, many people still stayed in the sea. Bang Bang!"

The magician Adam first collided with Bai Ye a few times, and the powerful shock wave continued to ravage the sea because of this.

"Damn, even a shock wave of this level has powerful destructive power, you have to be faster."

Spider-Man and Deadpool stood on the shoulders of Ant-Man, who had grown larger, and as the spider silk did not shoot out, one by one was still there: the people in the sea were also pulled up by Spider-Man.

"I know, I've tried my best, you think it's easy to walk under such a shock wave"

Ant-Man was breathing heavily. At this time, he really felt very exhausted. The battle between Bai Ye and Adam was no longer on the earth level. Watching the two people move and collide rapidly in the air, Ant-Man felt a headache.

On the other hand, the actions of Ant-Man and others also fell into the eyes of Bai Ye and Adam, but Bai Ye was a little surprised that Adam seemed to deliberately pull the battlefield into the depths of the sea, and he seemed not to want to hurt innocents.


Bai Ye smiled lightly and said.

It was the first time he encountered an intruder who would care about the safety of civilians, so Adam didn't seem to be a bad person.

The blue light was flickering, and Bai Ye's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already above the whole of Hawaii.

As Bai Ye stretched out his hands, a stalwart power suddenly descended from the sky, and in an instant, the huge waves provoked by the battle between the two calmed down.

Looking at the blue sky, Ant-Man and the others even wondered if the turbulent waves just now were hallucinations of themselves and others.

After Bai Ye did all of this, his figure disappeared again... "It's so scary, it's not something that people can do anymore."

Ant-Man returned to his original size, and then looked at the sky in shock and said.

"For... ordinary people, no, because it should be said that even for... everyone, Mr. Bai Ye is already equivalent to a god."

Spider-Man also looked at the sky and said.

On the other side, the battle between Bai Ye and Adam is still going on, but because the life level of the two sides is still too far apart, there is no doubt that Bai Ye is crushing the magician Adam in all directions.

"how can that be"

After another failure to attack Bai Ye with cosmic energy, Adam the Magician also exclaimed in disbelief.

"There's nothing impossible, Adam the Magician, isn't that enough..."

Chapter 287 Can You Teach Me?

In fact, Bai Ye had countless opportunities to kill Adam, and the huge gap in the strength of the two sides was destined for Adam to have no chance of defeating Bai Ye.

But because Bai Ye had watched Adam's past relationship, for him, Adam was not hopeless.

The world was turned upside down again, in Adam's extremely shocked eyes, Bai Ye pulled Adam directly into the magnificent mirror world, Bai Ye was annoyed, and he no longer planned to "play" with Adam


The green light acts on Adam's body, which is the power of time. Bai Ye intends to let Adam fill in his missing life, and at this time, the restless cosmic energy in Adam's body also fell into silence... ...the sun was setting, and there were chickens and dogs barking constantly in the town, and when Adam reacted and opened his eyes, his first reaction was what place is this and why am I here again "Adam, eat dinner."

As a woman's voice sounded, Adam suddenly had a lot of "memory" that he didn't have before.

This is his home. He has lived in this small town called Doru since he was a child. The difference is that he has a complete past here.

Childhood playmates, childhood school life, all the bits and pieces are fully reflected in his memory.

"how can that be"

Looking at his immature hands, at this time, the magician Adam no longer has the power to traverse the universe. He has completely become an ordinary person... On the other hand, in the real world, Bai Ye has returned When he arrived at his home in Hawaii, Adam was locked in a mirror world by him.

For Bai Ye, this is just a small trick, if it wasn't for the fact that Adam the Magician was not hopeless, Bai Ye wouldn't even bother to do all this.

Time passed by in a hurry, and Adam the magician who fell into the whirlpool of time has experienced a complete life, but in reality, it only took an hour.

As the real Adam opened his eyes again, he who had filled in the gaps immediately understood that he was being tricked by Thanos.

The battle has become a meaningless thing, anyway, the magician Adam's heart is still good, so he broke the mirror world and came to the white night at a very fast speed... Experienced just now In fact, the three Dead Servants 3 also got Bai Ye's permission to enter the villa to rest, but when they just sat down, Adam appeared again.

"My grass, God is here."

Seeing Adam, the three of them immediately entered a state of battle. Of course, Deadpool didn't forget to be rude.

But at this time, Adam didn't pay attention to the three, but looked at Bai Ye with a very strange look... "Sit down."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then pointed to the sofa beside him.


These are the words of Dead Servant who gasped for air, and they also showed their incredible gods.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I don't mean to offend, but you are sure to let him stay"

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