Spider-Man looked at Adam with a look of alertness and said.

Although the battle between Bai Ye and Adam didn't last long, they could already feel how powerful Adam was.

This is a threat that can destroy the earth. If Bai Ye was not here, the three of them would not even dare to face Adam.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Adam also sat down honestly under the shocked eyes of the three of them, and because of this, the three of them all looked at each other and honestly stopped talking.

At this moment, the fools could see that something was definitely going on between the two, but because of Adam's performance just now, Deadpool and the others didn't dare to ask.

"Did he get beaten up?"

Dead Servant is Dead Servant after all, but after holding it for a minute, he can't hold it any longer.

"Don't talk, I don't think you want to be torn apart by them."

Ant-Man said with a serious face.

It's just that maybe this kind of serious expression is not suitable for Ant-Man's face, anyway... at this time, he is full of disobedience.

“Have a cup of tea”

Bai Ye ignored the three people who were playing tricks, but looked directly at Adam and said.

"No need."

At this time, Adam seems to have not recovered from what happened just now.

Watching Bai Ye pour and drink himself, Adam fell into contemplation, and an atmosphere called embarrassment suddenly rose in the room... "Can you still be good friends after a fight? Do I want to fight Bai Ye?"

"Maybe he will take me to find my horse after the fight."

Deadpool suddenly had a bold idea, but before he could implement it, Spider-Man on the side spoke to dismiss his bold idea.

"You have to be qualified to fight, but I don't think you have. Can you fly?"

Spider-Man asked.

Deadpool shook his head.

"Then do you shoot lasers from your hands?"

Spider-Man asked again.

"I can shoot other things."

Hearing Spider-Man's words, Deadpool's eyes suddenly lit up and said.

"Oh yes you can shoot something for me to see."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the Ant-Man on the side was also interested and said.

"Are you crazy, you want me to shoot my god here, you are such a person"

I have to say that Ant-Man's brain is still not as big as Deadpool's, and the two of them are not talking about the same thing at all, but at this moment, Adam said... "Can you teach me?"

Adam looked serious. For him, his previous life was nothing but a muddled life. Now, with the help of Bai Ye, he seems to have understood something.

But this is not enough, he still needs to understand more clearly what he needs at this time, and in front of him, this inexorable person in the mouth of Thanos is the best teacher.

For Adam, the opponent not only has unparalleled strength, but also everything he yearns for.

Hearing Adam's words, Deadpool and others were also in shock. They had witnessed the strength of the other party with their own eyes. For them, this was an impossible existence to defeat.

But such an existence is begging for Bai Ye's teaching at this time... Wanda has sent new hot water, and she can hear Adam's words very clearly. At this time, in her heart, there is something Incomparably proud of the white night.

in spite of....

Facing what kind of enemy, Bai Ye has never let her down. He is strong, confident, and exudes a charming aura, especially at this time, after Bai Ye said the word "ok", Wanda looked at him. To him the eyes are full of love... Lu

Chapter 288 The Avenger

The magician Adam asked Bai Ye to teach him, and Bai Ye nodded and agreed, but when he formally taught Adam, Bai Ye wanted to do one thing first.

Somewhere over the earth, the helicarrier with its reflective panels turned on is like the world has evaporated, S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., as one of the most mysterious organizations on earth, they have long existed as a force to protect the earth.

And now the earth is in a troubled time, because of the relationship between observers, the earth has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many dimensional creatures, but it is S.H.I.E.L.D.


The power of .... is no longer enough to protect the earth.

So Nick Fury turned his attention to alien technology, and because the earth was invaded several times, now there are a lot of good things in Nick Fury's hands.

"Hill, how far are we from our destination"

One-eyed Nick Fury said.

"It's about an hour away sir."

Agent Hill said.

However, just as her words fell, the main control panel of the helicarrier suddenly lit up, and Bai Ye's head was in sight.


Seeing this scene in front of him, Hill was also a little overwhelmed, in today's S.H.I.E.L.D.


....There is no doubt that White Night is the first in the classified files about superheroes.

His strength is boundless, at least up to now S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... there is no accurate data on the strength of Baiye's distance, and even the vague data has not been able to measure an approximate upper limit.


Nick Fury said with a serious look.

For him, everything about Bai Ye is no small matter.


With the connection of the signal, Bai Ye's voice also came out: "Give you one day, let the Avengers come to me."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he hung up, and when he heard what he said, Nick Fury was stunned for a while, and then only heard him say: "The earth has entered the first-level alert stage, and immediately notify the Avengers to let them set off to find Bai Ye immediately. ."

"In addition, we have to prepare for no Avengers to defend the enemy, and act immediately, we only have one day..."

Bai Ye had promised to train the Avengers, and Adam happened to be here, so he planned to do it together. The reason why he called Nick Fury was just to get him ready. For a period of time, there was almost no guardian of the American Empire.

...... Team America and others came very quickly, and after repeated defeats, everyone desperately hoped to improve their strength. Now it is no longer a petty fight. Most of the biggest threats to the earth are deep. , and even other dimensions.

Looking at the Avengers who were neatly lined up like soldiers, Bai Ye also smiled and said: "No, this is not a military camp, and the way I train you may not be the same as what you think."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Dr. Banner, who was born in the army, immediately relaxed. To be honest, they were not used to this way of lining up.

However, without waiting for their hearts to fall, Bai Ye immediately said: "My method will be very extreme, and you may not even survive. If you plan to quit now, I think I will agree."


Bai Ye's words undoubtedly put a big stone on the hearts of everyone. In fact, there are not many people who were not born in the army in the Avengers today.

Banner and Ant and Stark, the only people here are the three who are not born in the army, as for the rest of the Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, War Machine, Captain America, etc., they are all strict Trained soldiers.

"Wow, superheroes in neat uniforms, are you sure you're not going?"

Aside, Deadpool said to Spider-Man beside him.

"Forget it, maybe I can stand there in the future, but now..."

At this time, Spider-Man's eyes are full of longing, he is eager to join the Avengers, but for many reasons, he can only be a little spider next door.

Bai Ye's words are not a joke, there is no power in this world that can be obtained without effort and risk, especially the Avengers are only "mortals" compared to aliens

in the case of.

Seeing that none of the people flinched, Bai Ye's mouth also showed an intriguing smile: "Okay, since you have already decided, then come with me first."

After that, Bai Ye pointed to the Kun-style fighter jet beside him, and said, "Sit on that thing, let's go to a place first, I think I need to show you what power is..."

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean among the four oceans of the earth, and it is precisely because it is so vast that in many places in the Pacific Ocean, it is difficult to see signs of human activity.

Bai Ye did not take the Kun-style fighter plane, but brought Adam, who also did not take the fighter plane, directly to a place where the four fields were full of sea water.

"Actually, according to the saying of the earth, in general, there are only four fundamental forces in the universe, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force."

"Of course, these are the words of earth scientists, but in fact, for extraterrestrial civilizations, it is very narrow to be limited to these four forces."

"The least magic does not belong to any of these four forces."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he put his hands together, and as a huge magic circle spread out in an instant, this world was immediately under Bai Ye's domination.

Everyone dared to swear that they had never seen such a spectacular scene. Bai Ye lifted up the entire ocean after flying into the ocean with only his own strength... On the other side, Adam was also in shock. , As an artificial human at the level of a single universe, not to mention the ocean, he can easily pull even a 1 planet.

But the white night in front of me is not based on brute force alone, Adam can feel it, at this time in this world, starting from the atomic level, everything has been controlled by the white night.

What is a god? The white night at this time is a god.

Adam knows very well how amazing what Bai Ye is doing right now. He dominates the world, which means that no matter what...

Whether it is time or space is completely determined by Bai Ye.

Adam also felt fear at this time, he only realized at this time how ridiculous it was to fight Bai Ye himself, I am afraid that if Bai Ye was willing, he would have died long ago.

Bai Ye's performance was not over yet. Holding up the sea was just a trick for him. With the upside-down of the world, everyone suddenly realized that the man in front of him... who seemed to be no different from ordinary people, might have really entered. The realm of the gods...

Chapter 289 Gods

This is not mirror magic, but the real world is turned upside down. Bai Ye's current ability is no longer limited to time and space. As long as he is willing, he can even affect the entire universe.

"I think science can't explain everything in front of me."

Captain America stared at the world that was turned upside down but everything was business as usual.

"There is a saying that the end of science is...theology. I used to think this was fart, but now it seems that if he is not God, then I really can't explain all this."

Banner uttered swear words rarely, but he couldn't blame him, after all, what Bai Ye did at this time really subverted everyone's views.

At this time, the whole world is like everything in Bai Ye's hands, let him pinch round if he wants, and flatten if he wants, with Bai Ye's whole "playing,"

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