After half an hour in this world, he made it all return to normal.

"Power manifests in a variety of actions. It is not just destruction that is called power. Sometimes creation is also a kind of power."

In the world that had returned to normal, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand, and then a beautiful flower bloomed out of thin air from his hand.

"Remember, I'll only say it once, everything that can be used for you is strength, properly use your own advantages to fight, and only in this way, you will be a little more relaxed."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, the blooming flowers in his hands also disappeared without a trace. As he snapped his fingers, the Kun-style fighter and everyone disappeared in place... Hawaii, in Bai Ye's villa, everyone stood there. On the observation deck, it was as if everything just now was just a dream.

But it didn't wait: when everyone spoke, Bai Ye said first: "I once disturbed the timeline, and then I wanted to make up for it, but in fact this thing is like a broken mirror, no matter how hard you try, it will eventually have cracks. "

"And this is why I am willing to teach you, because I have discovered some rules of the universe. In the future, I will look at the universe as an observer. Unless it is a last resort, I will not take action."

Bai Ye said lightly, he is not joking, but really intends to do this. Teacher Gu Yi is right, the timeline cannot be easily played with, even if Bai Ye has the strength to bear any consequences, the fact is On, the disturbed timeline will make this world not this world.

Now that Bai Ye's life level has reached a very high level, the strength of the multiverse almost makes him look down on the entire universe.

In the current universe, perhaps apart from the Court of Life, there is no one else who will be Bai Ye's opponent.

So the bad result came. The appearance of the observer made everything complicated and confusing. Although there is such a powerful and extremely powerful existence as Bai Ye, there are more and more coveted places.

Life in many dimensions is now coveting the earth ""

Bai Ye may be able to repel them once, ten times, or even a hundred times.

But when one's strength is finally exhausted, such as this time, the appearance of the sky has already contained Bai Ye, and the attack of Sain has caused the earth to fall into an unprecedented crisis.

As Gu Yi said, time is not a plaything, even if Bai Ye has the ability to restore the earth even if it is completely destroyed, there are some things, if you touch them, it will be endless.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, everyone fell into contemplation. They already understood Bai Ye's words, but they still didn't understand the powerful relationship here.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, the top priority now is to improve your strength."

"Ultron, immediately simulate the construction of a Colosseum, I think our Avengers friends will have a good time in this Colosseum next."

Bai Ye smiled, but his smile was so "sinister" in the eyes of everyone

...Practice will always test the truth of everything. With the efforts of Ultron, a Colosseum covering an area of ​​[-] square meters was quietly built in the underground of Hawaii.

As the lights came on, Bai Ye also brought everyone here: "Get ready, I will find some opponents for you next."

"Of course, don't worry, these... opponents will not exceed your strength by too much, but they will be the ones who restrain you the most. I hope you can pay attention to this."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he disappeared in place. The opponent he found for the Avengers could not be someone from the earth... In a world completely different from the earth, a huge monster like an octopus It was raging, and Bai Ye was suspended in the air, watching the people under his feet being torn apart by it one by one.

At this time, it also discovered Bai Ye, but when it was about to attack Bai Ye, a huge face suddenly appeared in the air... "Powerful existence, you come to my dimension What's so precious?"

Like Dormammu, the giant face that appeared in front of Bai Ye's eyes is also a dimensional master. Maybe his strength is not as strong as Dormammu's, but it is undeniable that any such existence can be pulled out. Can destroy the existence of the Avengers.

"It's not a big deal, just come here to get some pets, you can do your own thing, don't worry, I'm not interested in your dimension."

There is always only one owner on a piece of land. This is a truth that can be established anywhere, just like a lion on the grassland. If a young and powerful lion goes to another lion's place, there is no doubt that the two sides will have only one owner. Can leave one.

In fact, the laws in the universe are more cruel than those on the grasslands. Often a powerful existence comes to the territory of another powerful existence, and both sides can only survive.

But now, as Bai Ye's words fell, the giant face in the sky chose to leave after being silent for a while.

Looking at the disappearing giant face, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand indifferently, and then the monster that was about to attack Bai Ye was also locked into his different space by him.

On this day, Bai Ye constantly shuttled in various dimensions, and whenever he came to a dimension, most dimension masters chose to avoid it.

Of course, there were also a few hard-headed guys who thought that Bai Ye would not be their opponent and chose to take action, so the result of the battle would naturally go without saying.

Bai Ye crushed everything, those... The master of dimensions who dared to take action against him didn't even survive... One day is enough for Bai Ye to do a lot of things, In fact he's grabbing these..."monsters"

At the same time, he also got a lot of things the Avengers need right now.


Chapter 290 Give You Five Seconds, Disappear for Me

In fact, when everyone saw these... gigantic monsters in front of them, their hearts were very resistant.

The training that was said to come up is... the difficulty level of hell, you should be all you are, no doubt, there are millions of grass and mud horses galloping through the hearts of everyone at this time, and these are caught in the white night.. ...... The pet in his mouth, I am afraid that a random twist is enough to make the outside world tremble.

"Guys, I'm serious, if I die, you must remember to snatch the body back. I don't want to die and be swallowed by these guys."

Black Widow tilted her head, although she is indeed a beautiful woman, but in fact Bai Ye really achieved equality between men and women.

The battle of the Avengers has begun, and it is worth mentioning that Bai Ye also called Doctor Strange. In his words, Doctor Bai Ye is too weak, and he needs intensive training.

As Bai Ye temporarily confiscated the Time Stone, under Doctor Strange's aggrieved expression, he also began to "hell"

journey of.

Outside, Bai Ye was drinking tea leisurely in his villa, and beside him, Gu Yi looked at him with a smile.

"I said, teacher, you've been looking at me like this for a whole day. If you have something to say, just say it."

Bai Ye said a little helplessly.

Yes, Gu Yi came after Bai Ye came back, and she never said a word from then to now, just looked at him with a smile the whole time.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy for you, you've finally shouldered your responsibilities."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Bai Ye smiled helplessly again and said, "As my strength... grows, I feel that my emotions are gradually disappearing."

"Maybe if it goes on like this for a long time, I will become as indifferent as they are forever."

"That... is not what I want, so you should know what I plan to do, teacher, and there is indeed not much time left for me."

The higher the level of life, the more... indifferent to the world, and Bai Ye is gradually becoming like this.

It's not out of his control, and it's the price he has to pay for gaining great power.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gu Yi also fell into contemplation, why is she not like this, as the supreme mage of the earth, before Bai Yewei appeared, she was almost indifferent to the world.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's birth, she would feel that she was just a "mortal"

She might have long since cut herself off like the original timeline.

Invincible is lonely, that feeling of despising all beings is not as beautiful as you and I thought.

Think about it carefully, when one day you can do whatever you want in the world, aside from the novelty, how long can you persist The devil, and this has been proven by countless examples.

As soon as Gu left, she already knew that Bai Ye would go on a very difficult road next. If Bai Ye didn't want to become a life court... an existence without feelings, then the only thing he can do is to transcend everything... ......Looking at the invitation letter in his hand, Wanda, who was leaning on Bai Ye's shoulder from behind, was full of vagueness.

I have to say, gold always shines, no matter...

Whether it is Diana or Wanda, the excellence of these two women is not only in their own strength.

Not to mention Diana, she is now competing for the existence of various universities. In terms of artistic attainments and appreciation, Diana can be said to be the first person in the United States.

As for Wanda, it's not weak either, Bai Ye didn't even know when she actually got a PhD in psychology.

Just like Diana, the universities that invited Wanda to teach are also outrageous, and the conditions they offered were good one by one, even if they watched Bai Ye, they were a little moved.

"You sure it's a banquet"

Bai Ye looked at the invitation letter in his hand and said.

To be honest, Bai Ye is not very interested in banquets or anything. In his opinion, the so-called banquets are just for rich people like Stark to find playmates.

"Well, this is a large-scale academic exchange meeting that is now world-renowned: yo, it's just different from other old-fashioned academic exchanges. This is more to let everyone get acquainted with the people in the circle."

"Diana has also received an invitation, so why don't you accompany us..."

To tell the truth, Bai Ye really has no resistance to Wanda and Diana's coquetry.

Black suits and white shirts, the standard banquet costumes look much fancier under Bai Ye's handsome face.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and gold clothes, but in fact some people are born... clothes racks, many times they don't rely on clothes to hold them up, on the contrary, no matter what clothes they wear, they seem to have a kind of Taste... Under the beautiful music, many wealthy people who are famous in the United States and even all over the world are constantly hypocritical, and this is also the most disgusting point for Bai Ye to the banquet. .

With the arrival of the three people, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Of course, for.. these three people are already used to it.

Seeing that people kept coming to talk to Wanda and Diana, Bai Ye was a very boring lady who refused to invite him to dance while drinking expensive champagne.

And often at this time, I don't know how Wanda and Diana answered them. Those men who... accosted them both would look at Bai Ye with extremely shocked and envious eyes. then leave.

"I'm sorry.., may I have the honor to invite you to dance with me, beautiful lady?"

With a handsome face under his long blond hair, as the only son of the boss of the Thor Group, Will is almost never a lady who can't be invited.

Of course, his eyes are definitely picky, and the so-called beauties can't get into his eyes at all.

But when he saw Diana, his eyes lit up.

How amazing is this, Will seems to have fallen in love at once. With a superior background, he almost did not hesitate and came directly to Diana.

"Sorry, I already have a boyfriend."

This is Diana's answer. In this world, for... men, she will only show a sincere side to Bai Ye... As for the others, she has always responded with a polite smile.

Hearing Diana's words, Will, who had never been rejected, was even more aroused to be competitive. He suddenly walked up to Bai Ye and said in a low voice, "I'm Will from the Thor Group, I'll give it to you. Five seconds, and immediately disappeared in front of me."

Chapter 291 Ignorance 【Seeking full order】

"I don't know when that guy Thor has a group."

Hearing Will's words, Bai Ye was stunned at first, and then he glanced narrowly at Wanda beside him and said.

On the other hand, Will didn't pay attention at the beginning of the period, but when he sees Wanda now, Will's eyes also reveal lustful desires.

Wanda and Diana give people two completely different feelings. If Diana is a goddess who makes people feel blasphemous, then what Wanda gives people is... a kind of desire that makes one's heart roar at a glance Burning Witch.

This is the best of both worlds, Will thought.

At the beginning of the period, Will's goal was only Diana, but now he has another goal, and as a man, it is human nature to show superiority in front of the woman he likes... Naturally at a banquet All kinds of projects are indispensable, and almost every high-end banquet will have an activity called charity auction.

Of course, this one is no exception.

As the host on the stage said all kinds of compliments with passion and emotion, an item that was probably only worth a hundred dollars or less was arguing for a sky-high price.

"Twenty thousand."

someone said loudly.

And his offer also made the people around him exclaimed.

Flowers always need green leaves to set off, and not all the people who come to the banquet are rich, there are always some so-called celebrities, or people who have come in through other channels to gain knowledge, and these bursts of exclamations from these people.

Hearing the exclamations from all around him, the person who quoted the price of [-] yuan, which Bai Ye thought was a fool to bid, also seemed very proud at this time.

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