However, before he was complacent for long, he heard a voice: "One million..."


As the one million three words just fell, there were even louder exclamations all around, and this time it wasn't just these people who came in with a lot of knowledge, even more Even some really rich people couldn't help but exclaimed.

After all, the so-called charity auction is a game for the rich, and they will use this method to satisfy some sense of superiority that they usually don't get.

But everything has a degree, at least for now, the one million offer is indeed a bit too much.

As the person who quoted this sky-high price, Will had a nonchalant look on his face at this time, as if what he just said was only a hundred.

At this time, he was staring at Wanda and Diana, especially when he didn't see the expressions he wanted to see from Wanda and Diana's faces, Will's face was a little bit unbearable.

Of course, for... Wanda and Diana, he is naturally what, so he vented his anger on Bai Ye... "I told you to disappear from my presence, did you?"

Will's eyes are cold and finally "upper class"

At this time, Will was a little bit arrogant and arrogant.

"Do you want to die?"

This is Bai Ye's answer, don't forget, Bai Ye's emotions towards... human beings are gradually disappearing at this time, if he hadn't deliberately controlled it, at this time, he might be able to kill Will a hundred times with just one look.


Hearing Bai Ye's words, Will was stunned for a while, and then he said, "You don't know who I am"

In Will's eyes, Bai Ye is really not a big man, because everyone in the circle, no matter who they are, will always meet once or twice.

At this time, there was no Bai Ye in his memory at all, so he regarded Bai Ye as a little scoundrel of course.

"It's two million here, get out of here immediately."

Will understands it clearly, the other party doesn't know him at all, so it is useless if he continues to shake his identity, so now Will directly throws out two million, and he intends to use the money to make Bai Ye understand the relationship between the two. How big is the gap between them.

"Is this guy an idiot?"

Looking at the cheque that Will threw at him, Bai Ye didn't extend his hand. At this time, he looked at Will as if he were looking at an ant with its teeth and claws at him.

As long as Bai Ye is willing, he can run over each other at any time.

At the same time, when Will saw that Bai Ye dared not sell his face, he was also angry. He took out his phone, and after a phone call, he looked at Bai Ye with a colder look. ... "Forget it, since this guy is dying, I don't mind giving you a ride."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly, what kind of person is he, as a multiverse-level powerhouse, even if Will's phone call was in a low voice, he could still hear it clearly.

Obviously, this guy has run out of patience, so he intends to use force, while letting people kidnap Wanda and Diana, he hasn't forgotten to let people sink himself into the sea.

"Don't mess around, this guy is just an ant after all, he's not worth getting your hands dirty."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Wanda said it almost immediately.

"Don't worry, as you said, this guy isn't worth getting my hands dirty."

Bai Ye smiled at Wanda, and then he suddenly said: "Ultron, call someone to solve this guy, I'll give you three minutes, I don't want to see him anymore."

In today's American Empire, Bai Ye is the only ruler, not to mention S.H.I.E.L.D.


...This kind of mysterious organization, it's just that all the high-level officials of the US emperor have been controlled by Bai Ye. If Will wants to do something against him, he is undoubtedly courting death.

Ultron's speed is very fast, and it is worthy of being the first artificial intelligence on the earth today, ranging: the people called by Will come, and the outside world will first come in a few people wearing clothes.

As the highest law enforcement agency on the bright side of the US Emperor, the power is really big and a little scary, just when everyone is still wondering what happened, a man also appeared in front of Bai Ye... "Sorry sir, I have disturbed your Yaxing. The congressman asked me to say hello to you. You will not see Raytheon Group again after today."

Hearing this man's words, Wilburn was going to say something, but the one who was already beside him did not give him a chance at all. Will was taken away rudely, and everyone didn't even understand what happened.

And it was at this time that Bai Ye said, "I paid the price that idiot quoted me just now, but remember, every cent of this money must be used for charity, otherwise I don't need to tell me the consequences. "


Chapter 292 Interlude 【Seeking full order】

The matter of the banquet is just a small episode. For Bai Ye, who spends all day dealing with guys who can destroy the planet at every turn, this kind of thing will not make any waves in his heart at all.

And on the whole, tonight was a wonderful night, at least after the idiot of Will was dealt with, there would be no one with no eyes to disturb the white night.

He was silent all night, and when the sun shone into Bai Ye's huge villa the next day, he also woke up from the gentle village.

Today is still a good weather, the Avengers are still working hard in the space specially created for them by Baiye, and Baiye has started another beautiful day.

But just when Bai Ye finished washing up and was about to eat breakfast, Ultron's voice suddenly rang... "Sir, there is a guy named Logan looking for you outside, do you want him to come in?"

Hearing Ultron's words, Bai Ye was also a little surprised. Wolverine was going to come to him. Could something happen to the police? Could it be that Bai Ye didn't use his ability to observe the future, but directly let Ultron open the door.

Looking at Wolverine with a tired face, Bai Ye also frowned slightly.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Bai Ye."

After Wolverine finished speaking, he sat in front of Bai Ye, and Bai Ye didn't say anything but waited for the other party to continue.

"I've come to say goodbye to you."

Wolverine then said.


This time, Bai Ye is even more incomprehensible. First of all, his relationship with Wolverine is not so good that the other party has to say goodbye to him when he wants to leave. Secondly, Bai Ye also wonders what happened to him. "I am tired of all these disputes. After fighting for so many years, I think it's time for me to find a place to hide, maybe one day I will die, but I just don't know how far that day will be."

"I don't have any friends, not even one or two people who are worthy of respect. Of course, you are one of them, so I want to say goodbye to you before I leave, and I ask you to forgive me for my presumptuous interruption."

Wolverine kept talking to himself.

And when he heard his words, Bai Ye immediately understood Wolverine's psychology, and something went wrong, but that's not surprising, Wolverine has always been out of war since he was born and awakened. In World War I, World War II, and even now There's a war between mutants, and it's normal for him to get tired of it.

"You've made up your mind"

After thinking about it, Bai Ye said.

He did not persuade the other party, but asked the other party if he had made up his mind. After all, as an old and powerful mutant, it does not mean that you can retire if you want to retire. By yourself, mutants are also a river and lake, and many things are not what you want to do.

"Well, maybe there will be obstacles, but I'm ready."

Said that there is a firmness in Logan's eyes, Bai Ye can see that he is ready to fight for this.

"Then wish you a happy seclusion."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

Looking at the back of Logan's departure, Bai Ye took a sip of tea. Some people yearn for superpowers, but in fact, those who really have superpowers are not eager for ordinary time to pass day by day, regardless of this time....

Whether it's the night or the earth, it's all out of a very peaceful state, no invasions, no large-scale battles... On the other side, somewhere deep in the mountains and forests, here is what Logan chose. In a secluded place, he was already full of beards at this time. If it was not a very familiar person, I am afraid that no one would recognize that this homeless man would be the famous Wolverine.



The huge beast roar was accompanied by an equally huge gunshot, and the peace in the old forest was suddenly broken... In the bar, three men were bragging about how brave they were, facing the man-eating giant bear. , they successfully hunted each other down, but because the other party's body was too large, they just chose to cut off each other's bear paws... "Squeak...


This was the sound of the door of the bar being pushed open. As everyone's eyes focused, Wolverine walked over slowly.

"Are you brave?"

"Then why did you use poison arrows"

Logan's voice was very low, and he was holding a broken crossbow arrow in his hand.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

The man looked at Logan with a smile and said.

However, as soon as his words fell, Logan stabbed the arrow crossbow in his hand into his thigh.


The shrill screams made everyone in the bar look terrified. Logan's ruthless means directly shocked everyone. However, just when Logan was about to make another move, a fashionably dressed woman with an oriental face appeared. , stopped him suddenly.

"These guys aren't worth your shot."

The woman looked at Logan and said seriously.

And at this moment, the companion of the man who was stabbed in the leg by Logan's arrow turned out to be planning a sneak attack.


This was the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed, but just as the other party took out the gun, the samurai sword in the woman's hand had already cut off their hand holding the gun.

"Your old friend wants to see you and wants you to see him one last time."

The woman, ignoring the screams of these people, said directly to Logan... At the same time, in the villa in Hawaii, Diana was thinking while looking at the invitation card in her hand, when she saw this scene , Bai Ye asked: "What's wrong and what kind of banquet?"

These days, Bai Ye will go to some banquet with the two girls almost every two days. He is used to this.

"Well, it's not, it's an academic invitation letter, but it's a little strange that this invitation letter was sent from an island country, and it said that it was asking me to confirm a piece of art that might be Van Gogh."

Having said this, Diana also smiled, she was quite enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

"Oh Van Gogh artwork you're going to"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Diana put down the invitation letter in her hand, then walked behind Bai Ye and hugged him and said, "How about you accompany me?"

However, while Bai Ye was having a good time with Diana, on the other side, in a laboratory somewhere in the island country, Yashida Shingen, who was terminally ill, ripped off the breathing mask on his face with trembling hands and said: "They are here. "

"Logan is already on his way. As for Diana's side, there is no news for the time being, but please rest assured, we will continue to increase our bets, and we will definitely invite the other party until they come..."

Chapter 293 Arrival

As the plane landed smoothly at an airport somewhere in the island country, Bai Ye and Diana were in a luxury business car under the spotlight.

If anyone who knows the business sees it at this time, they will be shocked by the scene in front of them, because the license plate of this commercial vehicle can only be used by the most famous Yamaguchi group in the island country.

There was nothing to say all the way, Bai Ye was not curious about the island country, and the reason why he came here was simply for Diana.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, Bai Ye's heart did not fluctuate, just as he said, his feelings were disappearing little by little.

On the other hand, under the leadership of Xuesheng, Wolverine also came to the villa where Yashida Shingen was.

This is a typical island-style villa, different from the one on the American side, it is more like the classic buildings of the eastern powers.

The standard three-entry courtyard, walked through the front garden, and Logan also came to the main building, but when Logan was looking around, Xuesheng was called away.

"Wait here a moment, and I'll come as soon as I go."

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