Watching Xuesheng leave, just when Wolverine was going to continue to look around, a very beautiful woman suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Hello, my name is Mariko, are you Mr. Logan?"

At the same time that Wolverine and Mariko met, Bai Ye and Diana also came to a famous hotel in the island country. Today, this place was directly reserved by the consortium of Yazhida Shingen, for the convenience of these... ...... Guests from all over the world rest.

However, on the other side, Logan had already fought with the Yamaguchi-gumi. This battle came very suddenly, and the reason was very old-fashioned... bloody.

It was nothing more than a family property dispute, because Yazhida Shingen was going to die, but he did not give his inheritance to his son, but to his granddaughter Mariko.

In the face of such a huge amount of money, those who are eager to get all these have tried their best. Of course, the best and most effective one is to marry Mariko, but it is precisely because of this that seeing Mariko and Logan together, they are married. Some people who touched it directly attacked.

The battle is not fierce. As a mutant who has lived for hundreds of years and has an immortal body, Logan is not only the sound of gold and steel.

His excellent fighting skills made him easy to handle in the siege of the crowd, and when he showed his claws, everyone immediately understood that they were talking about iron plates.

The battle came and went quickly, and as the people on the ground were howling, a deep voice suddenly rang out... "Stop!"

Under the black suit, there is unparalleled calmness. The appearance of Xin Xuan directly made everyone around him step aside in fear, and it was at this time that Mariko suddenly said, "Father."


It was a clear slap in the face, covering his left cheek, and then nodded without saying a word.

"Go back, because you should understand how sensitive your identity is at this time, and you dare to be with other men for so long, don't you know what the consequences will be? Go back."

Shingen's rage caused Mariko to cover his face and run away, and although Logan wanted to say something, the two sides had different positions, not to mention that the man in front of him was Mariko's father.

"You are Wolverine"

As Mariko left, Shingen also looked at Logan with cold eyes.

However, before Logan could speak, Xin Xuan said again: "It's just a monster, stay away from my daughter, otherwise even if you are immortal, I would like to see if you really kill as rumored. Immortal."

Xin Xuan left after finishing speaking. He also had to prepare a banquet for tonight. Today is a special day. He not only has to entertain famous guests from all over the world, but also announces his daughter Mariko's fiancé... .. Logan didn't have too much resistance, and it was not once or twice that he was called a monster, and he was already immune to it.

On the other side of the hotel, Bai Ye was helping Diana to wear an evening dress. Her slender figure was even more graceful under the background of the evening dress. With her delicate face, she was simply beautiful at this time.

"How is it, do I look good?"

After Bai Ye zipped her up, Diana turned her head and said to Bai Ye affectionately.


Bai Ye smiled, this was not perfunctory, but Diana at this time was really beautiful.

There were already people coming and going in the splendid banquet hall, and Bai Ye was already familiar with this kind of banquet.

Habits become natural, Bai Ye habitually found a corner and then began to wander around the world.

He didn't like this kind of situation, but he didn't dislike it either.

However, when Diana was talking with some international friends about her experience in identifying works of art, several men in black suits appeared beside her.

"Miss Diana, please come with us, Mr. Zhida Shingen wants to see you, and at the same time, the painting collection suspected to be Van Gogh also needs your identification, please don't show it, so as not to cause confusion."

The man is very polite, and his reasons are also very good, after all, whether it is a painting by Yoshida Shingen or Van Gogh, it is something that can easily cause a sensation here.

"Can I go and say hi to my partner"

Diana said with a smile.

"Sorry, Miss Diana, Yoshida Xinxuan has already been ordered to show up. Please go there now. Don't worry, someone will entertain your partner here, and I believe you will be back in a short time."

Hearing the other party's words, Diana also frowned slightly, but before she could speak again, the man made a please gesture, and after Diana thought about it, she followed the other party and left first.

On the other hand, Bai Ye's actions on Diana's side were also in sight, and even he could hear the conversation between them clearly.

However, just when he was going to follow up to see what the other party was going to do, a man suddenly walked up to him and bumped him.

"Bastard, how did you go"

The man seemed to be drinking too much, and he said very rudely when he opened his mouth.

Hearing the other party's words, Bai Ye's mouth also showed an inexplicable smile... "This is very interesting, I want to see what tricks you can play."

Bai Ye never believes in coincidences, for him, everything is inevitable, don't underestimate the wisdom of a multiverse existence, Bai Ye is not a fool.


Chapter 294 Interest

Bai Ye was restrained by someone, or more precisely, he deliberately wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

This time life is too boring, he needs some conditioners to make life more colorful.

Bai Ye didn't go to watch the future, because it would be too boring to do so.

On the other side, in a laboratory full of high-tech sensations, Yashida Shingen, who was wrinkled and very weak, was leaning on a reclining chair that just looked unknowable.

Beside him, Wolverine Logan was looking at Yazhida Shingen with a look of emotion.

"Long time no see my old friend."

Yoshida Shingen said with great effort.

At this time, he is almost at the end of his life, no matter what...

Whether it is speaking, or even moving his eyelids, he seems to be extremely laborious.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Logan walked up to Yoshida Shingen and said.

The two met during World War II. In Nagasaki, Logan was captured by the army of the island nation, and when the soldiers wanted to cut off his head, it was Yoshida Shingen who rescued him.

In the same way, with the rise of the mushroom cloud, Logan dragged Yoshida Shingen into a deep well, and it was precisely because of this that he reluctantly took his life.

But since then, the two have never seen each other again. Perhaps for Wolverine, Yazhitian Shingen is just a relatively escaped wave in his life.

But he didn't know, for Yazhi Tian Xinxuan, how shocking it was to see Logan resist the blazing fire with his own eyes.

Later, when the war was over, Yoshida Shingen built a huge business empire under his powerful connections. Years passed quickly, and the energetic young man had turned into a gray-haired old man.

No one wants to die, and the higher the status, the less.

But birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature, no one can escape this, no matter how much money he has, and it was at this moment that he began to care about Wolverine's every bit.

Yazhi Tian Xinxuan knows everything about Wolverine, and he even knows that Wolverine has long wanted to die, but he is unable to die because of his extremely powerful self-healing ability.

So Yoshida Shingen began to prepare, for this day, he made a lot of preparations.

"My old friend, don't you want to die? I can satisfy you, but as a price, you will transfer your abilities to me, you are willing"

Yoshida Shingen struggled to say these words, and when he heard his words, Wolverine was stunned.

He wanted to get rid of it, after all, immortality was not a gift but a curse to him, but this did not mean that he was willing to let people deprive him of everything and die. It was against Logan's life, and he refused.

"My friend, this ability is not what you think it is."

Hearing Logan's refusal, he vowed to Tian Shingen, and at this time, his body had reached its limit.

Seeing everyone's medical staff rescue Yashida Shingen, Logan also walked out in a depressed mood. Everyone's position was different, and their thinking was different.

You can't think that someone has to give you something just because they don't want it, and it's wrong to think that way, and the thing itself means something different.

Yoshida Shingen left, and the medical staff said this to Logan when they came out.

However, when Logan was about to leave here, he suddenly saw a familiar person... Diana, Logan knew about...she, after all, she was the woman of the white night, which was almost All American superheroes know that.

Logan didn't understand why Diana appeared here, but when he was about to come forward to say hello, Diana happened to be taken to a corner.

And at this time, the guide who was walking in front of Logan suddenly shot... The sharp needle pierced Logan's heart almost without hindrance. Edman alloy is indestructible. , but it is not to protect Wolverine in all directions without dead ends.

In fact, the Edelman alloy just replaced the bones of Wolverine's body. Although the process was extremely cruel and painful, it also created the famous steel wolf.

The position where the needle was pierced was exactly the gap between the bones, and the battle-hardened Wolverine also responded immediately.

The claws also pierced the opponent's body, but the opponent did not have the powerful self-healing ability of Wolverine... The fight began immediately, and it came so suddenly that Logan didn't even have time to think about it. What was going on, because at this time he suddenly discovered that his self-healing ability was rapidly declining.

The sound of fierce fighting naturally caught Diana's attention, but it didn't wait: she opened her mouth to ask, and the guide pointed to the door ahead and said, "Please."

Looking at the terminally ill Yoshida Shingen Diana also smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Yasuda Shingen."

"Hello, Miss Diana, please forgive me for not being able to get up, because my body doesn't listen to me at this time. After all, I can't be like you, with a powerful body far beyond that of humans."

Yoshida Xinxuan's eyes were full of desire at this time, perhaps because Logan rejected him, which caused him to go completely mad.

"you are"

Diana isn't... a vase, that's all there is to it, if she doesn't understand it's a trap, then she doesn't deserve the title of Wonder Woman.

"I'm going to die, but I don't want to die, so I'm going to use your strength. If I can, I want your ability. Do you think it's okay?"

After Yoshida Shingen finished speaking, behind Diana, a woman with eyes and a pretty face also made an attacking posture.

"I think you've got the wrong person."

Since the other party was obviously malicious, Diana naturally wouldn't be self-indulgent.

Seeing that the battle is about to break out, in the outside world, Bai Ye is also looking at the group of ignorant ants in front of him with a funny face.

Yes, in the face of the other party's deliberate fault finding, Bai Ye didn't give them face. Regarding... jackals, Bai Ye always believed in killing them.

And Bai Ye is not worried about Diana's safety. Just kidding, Diana is a powerhouse at the single-universe level today. No matter how well prepared these guys are, Bai Ye doesn't believe that they can resist Diana's attack.

A punch is just a punch. Since the time of crossing, Bai Ye's opponents are all powerful aliens. He hasn't fought like a mortal for a long time. A child is punched with one punch. At this time, he is talking about... him. .

Chapter 295

The sudden riot caused everyone to scream, but Bai Ye was enjoying it at this time, punching one at a time, while knocking down the opponent without breaking the opponent, this is for Bai Ye's control of power, that is Very tested.

However, when Bai Ye abused these guys like playing with children, he suddenly sensed Diana's energy fluctuations.

The other party started, and judging from the energy fluctuations Diana showed at this time, the other party didn't seem to be as unbearable as he imagined.

"I'll only say it once, if you don't want to die, get out of here."

Diana might be in danger, so Bai Ye didn't want to play, just when his words fell, everything around Bai Ye suddenly stopped.

Bai Ye imprisoned time, and then he killed everyone who tried to stop him in an instant, and his figure disappeared in place... On the other side, time returned to a quarter of an hour ago, Dai Anna threw Wolverine to a relatively safe place. The other party was indeed prepared. I don't know what means they used, but they actually limited their own and Wolverine's abilities.

Yes, at this time Diana also felt a sense of exhaustion that she had never felt before, which is not normal, because for her, in theory, she should not be like this even after running all day. right.

"This is the poison I carefully prepared for you, what do you think?"

The beautiful woman with eyes stretched out her snake-like tongue and licked around her lips, but Diana didn't realize at first that she was a mutant.

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