This is indeed a trap carefully concocted for the two of them. While the other party has limited Wolverine's healing ability, it has a means to limit his own strength.

"It's not so good, although it's a little weak, but you think this will be able to defeat me"

Diana's eyes were full of fighting intent. With this level of toxin, although it had an impact on her, it was not as exaggerated as the other party imagined.

For this, Snake Girl has also reacted, Diana is stronger than they thought, which led to the fact that their estimated toxin meter was obviously far from enough, after all, their purpose was to capture Diana alive rather than kill her, so At this point they were a bit passive.



With a piercing sound of metal friction, Snake Woman took a look at her side and actually backed away.

The huge silver-white body looks quite alien technology, this is the battle armor that Yazhi Tian Xinxuan specially prepared for Wolverine.

The powerful strength made Diana, who was obviously weak at this time, struggling a little, and what annoyed her the most was that by her side, Snake was preparing the kind of poison that she was quite afraid of.

"You go and deal with that mutant, leave this guy to me."

Logan gritted his teeth.

At this time, he was also very uncomfortable, but fortunately, because of Diana's relationship, he took out the things in his body that inhibited his ability.

"Do you have any problems"

Diana looked at Logan and said.

I don't believe in Logan, but in fact Logan is the main target of the other party.

"Don't worry, leave this to me."

Hearing Logan's affirmative words, Diana didn't become too pretentious. That... Snake woman mutant is indeed a big trouble. If she doesn't solve her leisurely, maybe she can make some big news.

Diana's departure from the huge robot did not stop it, just as Diana thought, the other party's main target was indeed... Wolverine.

However, not long after Diana left, Wolverine also made a sound of fighting, and Diana also encountered obstacles. Don't forget, this is the other party's territory, and they have made sufficient preparations for today. .

The arrows coated with special poison flew towards Diana like rain, and at this time Diana was not carrying a weapon because she was going to attend the banquet.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the muffled sound, Diana was actually carrying a table and rushed towards the other party.


As Diana approached, the table was also smashed by her as a weapon, and at this time, Snake Woman's poison was ready... "I hope you can bear it, But don't die."

Snake smiled evilly, and then she threw out the venom in her hand... "Ah!"

This is the scream of Wolverine. At this time, in the cramped room, Wolverine's claws were cut off by a sword... Hearing the screams of Wolverine, Diana was agile. After dodging the venom from the opponent, she quickly broke through the wall and saved Wolverine.

"Hehe, you still have the heart to save him, don't you wonder how my poison works on you?"

Snake looked like she had succeeded in her conspiracy, but when she finished speaking, Diana suddenly found that her body was heavier.


Diana narrowed her eyes and said.

Maybe she didn't even realize it, at this time her movements were very like Bai Ye.

"Don't you think it's too late to react at this time? Neither of you will want to leave here today."

The snake girl said with a smile.

Hearing the snake girl's words, Diana relaxed instead. She was really careless. She had thought that she already had the strength of a single universe. She never thought that the other party would have such a strange method.

Diana underestimated the other party, but at this time she was not ready to give up, but because she no longer needed to fight.

Because the white night has come, his figure has appeared behind the robot, and at this time, no matter what...

Whether it's a snake girl or someone else, they haven't noticed yet.

"Have you given up?"

The snake girl said with a smug smile.

"Start lightly, otherwise it would not be very good for you to toss the entire island country into the sea."

Diana said with some remorse.

She thought that he was alone enough, but today the other party gave her a profound lesson... Hearing Diana's words and seeing her eyes, Snake Woman and others also found something wrong, but just When the robot was about to turn around, Bai Ye's right hand wrapped in purple power grabbed the robot in a claw-like manner... "Dang!"

With the crisp sound, the huge samurai sword that cut off Wolverine's claws was cut off. You must know that it has a very high temperature at this time, otherwise it will not be able to cut off the so-called indestructible Ai Mander Metal.


Chapter 296 Invasion

"how can that be"

In the robot, a man's voice suddenly sounded, and when he heard this voice, Wolverine also looked at the robot in disbelief... Yoshida Shingen, the man who was supposed to be dead, was also at this time. Showed the truth.

In the mecha, Yoshida Shingen had an unbelievable look on his face. This... weapon was specially developed by him for Wolverine. Whether its strength or other functions, it belongs to the top.

But it was such a weapon that could be called a magic weapon, but it was completely destroyed by a blow from Bai Ye.

This is not a fair battle, Bai Ye's life level is beyond the understanding of Yoshida Shingen and others, and their vision is still limited to the earth, but Bai Ye has long been a powerful existence that can run rampant in the universe.

Since Bai Ye's shot, this battle has ended. The powerful mecha can't even withstand Bai Ye's blow, and it is completely smashed together with Yazhi Tian Shingen inside. On the other side, the snake girl was directly beheaded by Diana. Skull.

As all the dust settled, Bai Ye walked slowly to Wolverine and said, "Are you alright?"

"It's not a big problem, but every time I see you fighting, it's so exciting. You are really strong and not like a person."

Wolverine said with a wry smile.

His steel claws are not within the scope of self-healing, and if this is cut off, the next thing will be very troublesome.

"The claws are good, so it's a pity to lose them like this."

Perhaps seeing the helplessness of Wolverine, Bai Ye's right hand suddenly appeared a green light, and then Wolverine's claws turned out to be restored... The power of time, for Bai Ye, it was nothing but a It was just a little effort. Now that everything is over, Bai Ye should leave. As for the mess here, Bai Ye has no intention of taking care of it.

Hawaii, Wanda listened to Diana tell everything that happened in the island country, she smiled the whole time, this kind of thing might seem shocking to others, but for White Night and Diana, Wanda just regarded it as a A story to listen to.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the Avengers have made a special trip to that white night.. They have been practicing in the space prepared for them for more than a year. Of course, some things happened during this period, but they were all taken by S.H.I.E.L.D.

..... is easy to solve it.

However, just when everyone thought the world was peaceful, a huge space portal appeared in a virgin forest somewhere in Alaska.

Immediately afterwards, an old man wearing a helmet and a dark red pair also flew out slowly... Magneto, or Magneto from another parallel universe.

In fact, the structure of the Marvel Universe is extremely strange. While there are multiverse-level powerhouses, there is naturally the existence of a multiverse.

And these... The universe does not interfere with each other in peacetime, but if there is a strong external force, the barriers between the two universes are very likely to be pierced, and the two universes will be connected. "What a beautiful and sweet breath, but unfortunately, it is still: controlled by fools."

Magneto took a few breaths in intoxication, but then with him in the center, the surrounding earth trembled violently.

The magnetic field here has been altered, and it seems that Magneto's intentions go beyond merely confining and altering the magnetic field here.

The north and south poles, where the two poles of the earth are located, according to scientific theory, if the magnetic field here deviates only by one degree, the consequences are unimaginable.

At this time, in the scientific research station in Antarctica, researchers who have been doing scientific research here suddenly discovered an unbelievable fact.

Antarctica: The magnetic field has changed at this time, and the magnitude of this change is unprecedented. I believe that it will not take long for the whole world to change.

On the other hand, at the moment when Magneto modified the earth's magnetic field, Magneto, who was originally in this world, sensed it almost immediately.

I saw him stand up abruptly, and then looked in the direction of Alaska in disbelief.

......The news of the change of the earth's magnetic field was received by all countries in the shortest time. This is not a trivial matter, it is even related to the survival of the entire human race.



....helicarrier, because the earth's magnetic field has changed, the huge fortress that has been flying in the air is also in crisis at this time.

"Engine No. [-] stopped and restarted with no response."

Some staff shouted loudly.

"The No. 2 engine has also intermittently stalled, and if this continues, the No. 2 engine may also stop working."

Hearing his subordinate's report, Nick Fury also frowned.

"Prepare for a forced landing immediately, before things become irreversible."

Changes in the magnetic field have a huge impact on all aspects of the earth. All the countries on the earth suddenly find today that their aircrafts and various types of navigation are all deviated.

And this situation is still deepening, even those creatures who rely on the earth's magnetic field in the ocean to travel around the earth can't find their way.

For a time, the coastline was piled up with various fish corpses, as if it was a harbinger before the end of the world.

On the other hand, Bai Ye also sensed the anomaly, but he didn't meddle in his own business, and at this level of disaster, it was not worth Bai Ye's own actions.

...In the forests of Alaska, there are already a lot of people gathered here at this time, they are all members of the Brotherhood from another universe, and they are all mutants.

However, unlike the mutants here, their strength is obviously stronger. Maybe the rules of the universe itself are different, anyway... This group of people is obviously stronger.

And at this moment, as everyone turned their heads sharply and looked to the side, there, a Magneto who also wore a helmet and dark red clothes also walked out.

"Hehe, let me see, is this me in this world, but why does it look so weak?"

The meeting of the two Magnetos is epic, and it means that the world of the parallel universe will unfold... "You are special."

The Magneto of this world looked at the other self, and he whispered softly in his mouth.

"Of course I'm very special. Look at you again. The world is still in the hands of those ignorant people. I'm deeply ashamed of your incompetence."

said Magneto from another parallel universe.

"Perhaps, but if you think this world is the same as your world, then I think you are very wrong, put away your means, and take advantage of that person before he can..."

Chapter 297 The Guardian

Hearing the words of the local Magneto, the Magneto from the other world exploded immediately. Although they were all Magneto, it was obvious that the Magneto from another universe had a more aggressive temperament.

He made a move, and one move was a crushing lore.

The local Magneto was still too weak, and he couldn't even hold a move in the opponent's hands.

Feeling that the power in his body was constantly draining, the corner of the local Magneto's mouth also showed an inexplicable smile... "Pfft!"

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