This is the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground. It is hard to imagine that Magneto from another parallel universe has plundered the power of Magneto in this world.

Although the two are different universes, they have the same origin after all.


The abundant power in his body made Magneto of another world groan comfortably, but because of this, he knew exactly what the other one said was not a lie.

"White night?"

"There are such powerful people in this world"

Magneto murmured in a low voice, he has already obtained everything about this world from the mind of another self. Originally he thought he could easily conquer this place, but now it seems that he thought too simply. .

"Leader, are you ready to attack?"

Feeling that the power of Magneto became stronger again, the mutants who came with him also showed joy, as if the world was about to be controlled by them.

"Don't worry, this guy is a piece of shit, but his information is very useful. There is a monster in this world. I don't want to have a direct conflict with the other party until I have no confidence."

This is what Magneto from a parallel universe said.

And when he finished saying this, he turned his head and glanced at the local Magneto whom he plundered and threw to the ground: "I won't kill you, but I will let you see with your own eyes how I conquered this of the world, so you will also know how incompetent you are."

These...the mutants from the parallel universe are gone, and the local Magneto was abandoned here by them. He lost his superpowers like an ordinary old man at this time. , and even he may not be able to get out of this forest.

However, the local Magneto did not leave. Instead, after he found a place to sit down, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

At this time, a voice suddenly came out from the forest on the side... "As planned, everything is going to be profitable, I in another universe is stronger than I thought, but he seems My brain is not very good, and I didn't notice that the scripture was manipulated by me."

The local Magneto said calmly.

And as soon as he finished speaking, behind him, a dark blue Mystique covered him with a windbreaker. At this time, Magneto no longer had superpowers. As an ordinary old man, the wind here Undoubtedly biting.

"You are sure that the other party will be defeated in the hands of Bai Ye. I don't think they have any plans to trouble Bai Ye."

Mystique said somewhat uncertainly.

"Don't worry, he will definitely go back. Although it is awkward, there is no doubt that he is me."

"Let's go, the effect of brainwashing is very good, and he has successfully deceived the other party. He doesn't know anything about the rest except... see what I want him to see."

"Wait, wait for the day when he provokes Bai Ye, only then will he understand what kind of person is guarding this world..."

On the other side, Gu Yizheng sat in front of Bai Ye with a serious face. As the supreme mage of the earth, she has already sensed all the changes that have taken place in this world.

"Teacher, you don't have to be so nervous, it's just an invasion from another universe. Compared to an invasion from another dimension, it's obviously nothing."

Bai Ye was very helpless, Gu Yi always looked like a conscientious person, even if a little thing happened, she would take it seriously like an enemy.

Of course, Bai Ye is not saying that she is not good, but if she is like Gu Yi, then life will undoubtedly lose a lot of fun.

"You, no matter what...

What is it, it will always be a light-hearted look, I know that the reason why you are like this is based on the premise that you have great strength."

"Your strength is enough to allow you to have sufficient strength to deal with all emergencies, but those ordinary people, I don't know how much harm this invasion of other universes will bring to ordinary people."

"So I wonder if you can work with me to quell this crisis before the situation gets worse."

Gu Yi's idea is very simple, she wants Bai Ye to solve this crisis with her.

But in fact Bai Ye did not agree, and not only... so, Bai Ye also persuaded: "Just as you taught me, nothing happens by chance."

"Since it is inevitable, if we intervene, will the original timeline be disrupted again because of this?"

"Teacher, you are too merciful. The savior can't save everyone. If I force it, I think you should understand what kind of evil it will bring."

There is a saying that when you play with time, time will play with it, you, everything has its own development process, if it is just because Bai Ye can see the future and intervene to clear all the bad things, then there is no doubt , these things will only get worse in the future.


Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gu Yi also sighed and did not continue to say anything, because he knew that Bai Ye was right, and if he and others forcibly took action, then this time it can indeed be solved.

But next time, next time, "I will guard the barriers of the universe to prevent similar incidents from happening frequently, and the world will be handed over to you."

Gu Yi left, even though she knew that this kind of thing was wrong, she still did it in order to protect the world, just as she had no hesitation to steal Dormammu's power in order to protect the world.

"Are parallel universes really interesting?"

Powerful power brings indifference to life, and Bai Ye, whose emotions are gradually disappearing because of becoming too powerful, is seldom interested in other things.

Right now, there is one rare thing that makes Bai Ye find interesting. He is looking forward to it. He wants to see what kind of life can be born in other parallel universes... Lu

Chapter 298 The Avenger

In fact, it's not that Bai Ye hasn't considered the restart timeline, after all, this kind of thing doesn't matter...

It's nothing more than normal for the Marvel universe or the universe.

It's just that the price to pay for restarting the timeline is so great that even Bai Ye can't afford it.

As Bai Ye, who controls many powerful forces, in fact, he now has enough capital to challenge a higher-level existence like the Life Court, but he just didn't do that.

On the other side, Magneto from another universe is not idle. This guy first took his own people to hunt mutants in the local universe, and during this period, there was also a lot of noise.

For a time, the entire American Empire was once again panicking, and as long as it was a little darker at night, there would be no more commoners wandering on the streets.

"A desirable free country hehe!"

Bai Ye has returned to the temple in New York, although he did not agree with Gu Yi to intervene directly, but since Gu Yi has retreated, he will naturally obey Gu Yi's request to protect the earth.

Over the years, Bai Ye's illustrious name has spread throughout the universe, and even many higher-dimensional beings have known that there is an extremely powerful guardian in this world.

And thanks to Bai Ye, although the earth has not been peaceful all these years, a large-scale alien invasion like Loki's has never happened again.

...California, everything that was peaceful ended ten days ago. Mutants from another universe, led by Magneto, completely occupied this place.

In the face of these mutants with powerful strength, ordinary strength is simply not enough to deal with.

"Have you notified the reinforcements above?"

As the governor of a state, Arnold's heart was full of incomparable anxiety at this time, because no matter what this time his governorship was over, and when this happened, the common people would definitely throw the blame on him.

"It has been notified, but I have not received any reply. It is clearly stated above that reinforcements should arrive today, but..."

A security guard said with a very headache.

Hearing his words, Arnold felt his head hurt even more. He had already figured it out. The so-called reinforcements were probably a means of the opponent, and he and others were probably deceived.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the American Emperor, let alone three days without seeing anyone, even if it is three hours3, if reinforcements are really needed, then reinforcements should have come a long time ago.


"There will be no reinforcements. Order the people below not to conflict with each other. As for the rest, let it be fate."

Arno has given up, what the mutants can do, and without support, they have no chance of winning.

Of course, it's not entirely true that such a big thing is happening here.

In the helicarrier, Nick Fury watched the current affairs video from Galilea, his heart also sank to the bottom, they were in a canyon at this time, because Magneto changed the magnetic field of the earth. The relationship, the helicarrier has been unable to lift off.

"How long will it take to fix"

Nick Fury asked loudly.

"It will take about five hours, but sir, even if the helicarrier is repaired, we may not be the opponent's opponent based on our current combat strength."

Hill said with a serious expression.

How bad the situation is at this time is naturally needless to say, S.H.I.E.L.D.


...Although there are countless black technologies under their banners, they are extremely lacking in the combat power to fight the opponent head-on.

The Avengers are still: In training, the other agents are also very good, but to let them deal with mutants is undoubtedly killing them.

"It doesn't matter. After repairing the helicarrier, we will go directly to Bai Ye. At this time, I believe he will not stand idly by."

...with the support of powerful abilities, mutants from another parallel universe swept the local mutants almost in a crushing situation.

For a time, many of the local mutants fell under each other's butcher's knives, but as the leader, Magneto was sitting in a room in a certain building with a serious expression, watching all this coldly.

"Leader, everything is ready."

The dark blue skin is set off by the orange-red hair, no matter what...

In which universe, Mystique is Magneto's best assistant.

"Then let's get started, this beautiful world has been enslaved by those dirty guys for too long, it's time for us to free it."

"Order down and get them ready to go."

Magneto's eyes are full of aggressive eyes, he has been waiting for this day for a long time, conquering all parallel universes starts from this moment, occupying this place is the first step to success.

"Is the target Washington?"

Mystique also asked excitedly.

"No, it doesn't make any sense there. U.S. imperial politicians are just a group of ordinary people. It's too easy to defeat them."

"The target is New York, which is the biggest obstacle for us in this trip. As long as we conquer the other party, the world will be in our hands."

Magneto squinted his eyes slightly. He doesn't look down on ordinary people at all. For him, even if the other party is in charge of the top power, how can he still not be an ordinary person after all, as long as he thinks, he There are thousands of ways to make the other party die without a burial at any time.

The only trouble is Bai Ye, because the information he got from the local Magneto's mind is that the other party is extremely powerful, even powerful enough to travel the universe, and Bai Ye is the biggest hidden danger in Magneto's mind.

On the other hand, when Magneto regarded Bai Ye as the biggest obstacle, Bai Ye did not take Magneto to heart at all. For him, it was just a little spice for a boring life.

Besides, news came from Ultron today that the Avengers had already completed the training task he had set, which really surprised Bai Ye.

Because he originally expected the Avengers to take three years to complete the task, but in fact it seems that the other party has more potential than he imagined.

"Let's go, go and see if those guys have been reborn, I believe they should be able to better protect the earth in the future."

Bai Ye smiled and said to the two women beside him.

At the same time, in a space somewhere underground in Hawaii, the Avengers, who looked like they were embarrassed but their spirits were extremely scorching, also slowly came out...

Chapter 299 The War Begins

Guys, I never thought we'd come back alive."

Looking back on this time, Black Widow is really a little scared.

Bai Ye wasn't joking, what he said would kill people was not a bit false.

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