If it wasn't for everyone's concerted efforts, then they would have been attrition long ago, and Black Widow didn't believe that Bai Ye would rescue them at that... time.

But fortunately, Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy came shortly after they entered it. Perhaps this is also part of the White Night plan, otherwise Black Widow can't imagine how many opponents there are without Thor. If you wait for someone, then how should they defeat each other, because that is no longer an existence that ordinary people can deal with.

"Yes, we all survived, and although it looks a little embarrassed, the harvest is indeed amazing."

His character was like Team America, and he looked like the rest of his life at this time, especially when everyone saw Sunshine for the first time, they all felt like crying.

"Congratulations, everyone, I didn't expect you all to persevere."

Just when everyone was feeling how difficult these days were, Bai Ye's voice also rang out.

"Can't you let us feel how difficult it is to survive? You have to.. to appear at this time"

Stark's temperament is still the same, it seems that the hell-like training has not polished his temperament in any way.

"I think so too, but in fact it's not your time to rest. Your Braised Egg Director may think you're going crazy. If you can, you'd better give him a call."

Bai Ye didn't care about Stark's rudeness, he was not a small-bellied person, and at this time he was also happy that the Avengers could all survive, because he really made up his mind not to rescue them at first. .. In terms of white night, maybe sometimes the death of a comrade-in-arms can better motivate these people... who have great potential.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Team America's expression became serious.

At any time, he always looks like he can give up everything for the US emperor.

As Team America called Nick Fury, they knew that the mutants had taken over California, especially when Team America learned that the other party was heading for New York. The team also immediately entered a fighting state.

This is the result of training. In the different space specially created for them by the white night, an attack that can kill them is possible at any time. Therefore, since these times, everyone has been in a state of battle almost all the time. middle.

"lets go."

Following Captain America's order, everyone set off immediately. Although Bai Ye heard someone complaining that they had entered a state of battle without rest, in fact everyone's actions seemed very firm... "It's going to be a good show next, maybe I'll have a good time this time."

Looking at the backs of the Avengers, there is an inexplicable brilliance in the white eyes.... The sun rises, people in New York City are put into intense work, the world is... In this way, behind the countless brilliance, only they themselves know how much effort they have paid for it.

However, when everyone was just preparing for a day of tedious work, on the famous street connecting Times Square, a group of people dressed in strange clothes caught everyone's attention almost instantly.

They walked in the middle of the road, which caused the already congested traffic to be blocked.

"Drip drip..."

"Go away."

People always get up in the morning, so in the face of Magneto, many drivers scolded unceremoniously.

"Mortals are... humble and open-mouthed, and they have no idea who they are about to face."

Facing the abusers of the drivers, Magneto's mouth had an inexplicable smile, but at this moment, Magneto stretched out his hands, and then left and right: open... "Squeak.... …”

It was the harsh sound produced by the car tires and the magic brake on the ground. On the originally congested street, all the vehicles at this time turned aside unexpectedly.

The sun just hits the center of the street, and Magneto and the others, who are walking in the direction of the sun, really seem to be walking on a bright avenue... There are no real stupid people in the world, and even if there are real people now, They've also figured out that these grotesquely dressed guys aren't hot.

In the context of such a developed network, mutants are no longer a secret that can be concealed, and the people already know their existence, but in fact, watching these... easily wave your hand The guys who can pull the car aside, they already understand that these people should be mutants.

However, when Magneto and the others were moving forward, with the "dong"

A sound rang out, and Stark also landed heavily on the ground... "Hey, I said everyone, I don't really welcome you to my world as guests, if you can just go home, then I think you will suffer a lot less."

After Stark finished speaking, he also raised his hands, and with the sound of equipment being activated, countless weapons were also aimed directly at Magneto and others.

"Stark? No, should it be the Stark of this world?"

"It's such a nostalgic appearance, but I still remember when you looked at me pleadingly and begged me to forgive you. I'm sorry, I crushed you to death in your armor."

Magneto looked at Stark calmly and said.

"Oh, yes, then you really did a great job."

"But if you help me to be the one in your world, then I think you're going to suffer soon."

Stark said with some disapproval.

And just when his words fell, Captain America and others also came up from behind: "You have violated our world, if you leave here, then I can wait for it to not happen, or I will be responsible for the consequences."

For a time, Magneto and others from the parallel universe confronted the Avengers, and at this time, the crowd that was originally crowded around disappeared at some unknown time. It seems that this is the Avengers. A deliberately prepared tactic for the deliberate delay of time.

"Ignorant people will die after all. Even if you save them, they will still die when I rule this world."

Magneto is not a fool, he knew from the beginning that it was the Avengers who were buying time to evacuate the crowd, but in the same way, why wasn't he buying time?

Chapter 300


With the violent explosion, the glass on the upper floors of the building continued to fall like rain, and the concrete was mixed with steel bars. At this time, New York seemed to be in the end of the day, and all the houses were destroyed in an instant... The battle came so suddenly, just when both sides thought that their purpose of delaying time had been achieved, the war broke out, and the shot was so fierce.

The city of steel did not bring any sense of security to everyone. On the contrary, it was precisely because it was built of steel that Magneto was almost in an absolute home environment.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that... the guy named Magneto is so strong"

While the war machine Rhodes kept dodging the glass falling from the sky, he kept trying to attack Magneto who was guarded by layers of missiles.

"Who knows, there is nothing in the information of Director Ludan that this guy can easily destroy a city."

Thor is also carefully dodging the glass falling from the sky. At this time, the place has been wrapped by a strong magnetic field. Even he cannot do anything under this magnetic field.

"This guy is not... from our world, it's too unfair for you to say that. Fury has never been to a parallel universe, and he doesn't know that it's normal for Magneto to be so strong."

Black Widow also laughed while dodging the falling objects in the sky.

"Hi, I like the title of Director of Braised Eggs."

Stark also interjected.

"Forget it, I'll bet that only Mr. Bai Ye dares to use this title in front of him: he said in front of him, if any of you dare to say that in front of him, I'll bet ten dollars."

While the falcon was flying flexibly in the air, he also joined the topic.

For a time, although New York looked extremely miserable, in fact, the Avengers were in a relatively happy atmosphere.

Seeing the fearless appearance of everyone, Magneto's face also became serious. He didn't like this. In his opinion, he was the master of this world, and the performance of the Avengers at this time was undoubtedly blasphemous.

"Tell them to take action and solve the other party as soon as possible. I will not take action next time. I will reserve my strength to deal with the most troublesome guy."

Magneto glanced at the Mystique beside him, and at the same time, Mystique nodded after hearing the words of Magneto... After New York City was destroyed as a whole, the war always Above the ruins began in full, and countless mutants rushed towards the Avengers, and at this moment, as they passed by, the few policemen left in the local world also joined the battle. Medium..."dong dong dong..."

Violent explosions sounded in the ruins, and this was a war about the belonging of the world.

Faced with the mighty Avengers, mutants from alternate universes find they are wrong, and horribly wrong.

The avengers in this world are really strong compared to theirs. As an opponent who has already defeated them once, they originally thought that it would be fine as long as they dealt with the avengers in their world.

But in fact, their methods were not only ineffective, on the contrary, the Avengers took advantage of these opportunities to give them a profound lesson.

The Hulk is no longer a double-edged sword, he didn't lose his mind to attack his teammates, and in their universe, the Hulk's power that these mutants went berserk then directly killed Thor.

Black Widow Natasha is also strong and a bit outrageous. The mutants can't besiege her to distract the attention of the other Avengers, even when the mutants intend to be merciful to Natasha to distract the attention of the other Avengers, Natasha frequently killed many of their compatriots.

Things are already moving towards a place that Magneto and others did not expect. Originally, they thought that the avengers of this world were no different from their world, but in fact they were all wrong, and they were wrong. .

The Avengers have already gained the upper hand, and the results of the training are vividly reflected at this time. The powerful strength and the incomparable cooperation have made their combat power almost soar to an unimaginable level.

And they still have a hole card that has not yet been played, that is, Carol, who has never appeared from beginning to end. She is the core combat power of the Avengers. In the different space, she has always been the main output with Thor. s position.

On the other side, seeing the mutants under his command retreat, Magneto's face became more and more ugly.

In fact, for him, even the mutants under him are just his pawns, and if they are not needed to achieve their goals, then he will not care about the life and death of these guys.

"Let them get ready to go."

Magneto glanced at Mystique, and then he raised his hands high... "Boom..."

The earth is shaking. Magneto's ability is to control the magnetic field of any action. The maximum ability he can manipulate at one time is unknown. In his original world, Magneto has even moved large planets, and he has also easily let [-] people. The record of a nuclear submarine afloat.

He may manipulate a large number of metal entities, and at the same time allow them to form various complex machines according to his own will.

All in all, as long as it has something to do with the magnetic field, it will be under the control of Magneto.

At this time, Magneto finally couldn't help but act. Of course, he was not angry, but he was sure that he could force Bai Ye to take action after he did it himself.

Under the strong magnetic field, the entire earth seems to have undergone tremendous changes, tsunamis occurred in some places, volcanic eruptions occurred in some places, it is hard to imagine that under the ability of one person, it will affect the whole planet.

On the other side, while feeling that the earth has been changing, Bai Ye has also understood the purpose of the other party. Magneto's actions are not as simple as they seem on the surface. In fact, the earth at this time is gradually moving towards the sun. approached.

Moving the planets, what an incredible thing, and yet it just happened at this time, and it was only done by Magneto alone.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not. The sun seemed to be getting hotter at this time. However, at this time, a figure slowly walked towards the crowd with his back to the sun. The shadow is pulled very long, very long

Chapter 301 Avengers vs Mutants

Chapter 301 The Avengers, mutants, please subscribe, and ask how strong the white night is. So far, no one has been able to give an accurate answer, because until now...., no one has been able to completely force the white night to fight. Do everything to fight.

The five gods such as Eternity cannot do it, Thanos with the Infinite Gloves can't do it, the beholder can't do it, and neither can the Magneto in front of him.

Even if Magneto moved the planet at this time, it just looks terrifying. If it's just this level, then Bai Ye can easily do it with a hook, and a multiverse-level powerhouse cannot use it. Common sense to speculate.

Seeing Bai Ye's appearance, the corner of Magneto's mouth also showed a smile. For him, he didn't really want to destroy the planet.

On the contrary, Magneto will not only not destroy the earth, but he will make the earth into his ideal world.

At this time, Magneto is like a god. Although the Avengers have already experienced the training of Baiye, they still seem to be weak in the face of Magneto who has reached the level of a single universe.


Falcon spat fiercely, because the magnetic field was manipulated, he couldn't even fly in the sky.

On the other hand, Captain America also looked at Bai Ye who was slowly walking towards them with a serious expression, and at this moment, Hawkeye said a little unwillingly: "Captain, use that... let's not let Bai Ye anymore. Sir, he has taken care of the aftermath."

Hawkeye's words undoubtedly resonated with the Avengers.

Yes, they still have a hole card to play, and they are always confident that if they play their hole card, it doesn't matter....

How strong is this Magneto, they can definitely win.

Seeing the unwillingness in the eyes of everyone, Captain America gritted his teeth. To be honest, he felt that this was not the time to use his hole cards, because since Bai Ye had already made his move, the incident would naturally be over.

But now the other Avengers seem to be unable to accept defeat anymore, they are eager to win, and this is related to whether everyone still has the confidence to protect the earth in the future.

"Use it, this guy will be solved by us."

After thinking about the pros and cons, Captain America finally decided to use his trump card. Although this is equivalent to revealing his trump card, who cares about him now? The powerful forces are gathering, and the sky is suddenly billowing with black clouds and silver in the clouds. The thunder is constantly flickering. From the scale, this has reached the level of a thunder and lightning storm... New York has been destroyed. Similarly, this means that the Avengers will not care when they fight. .

It goes without saying how strong Thor's ability is. As one of the strongest output in the Avengers, his thunder power has always been the key to victory.

The scale of the thunder and lightning storm is still: expanding, it has even covered the entire sky above the American Empire in just one minute, its scale can even be clearly seen with the naked eye from the space station of the universe, and it has the power to destroy the world. ..."Thor, pay attention to the scale, this is not a different dimension, you don't directly destroy the earth."

Captain America glanced at the marginal and dark clouds in the sky and said.

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