And at this time, Bai Ye whispered "Oh"

...To be honest, since Bai Ye asked them to go into the different space they created, Bai Ye has never... paid attention to them.

In Bai Ye's words, Chengdu depends on their own ability, and in fact, everyone did not live up to Bai Ye's training, at least Thor did not.

"Boom rumble..."

Thunder bursts, perhaps after hearing what Captain America said, the black clouds in the sky also stopped expanding.

And it was at this moment that Magneto, who did not obstruct Thor and others, finally spoke up.

"You are not worthy of being my opponent."

As Magneto's words fell, in the ruins behind him, the ground that was originally a mess of waste stones and concrete suddenly rose.

Four people, four 44 powerful cadres brought by Magneto from his world.

If these four people are the same as the people in the native world, then they are Red Tank, Storm, Burning Man and Iceman.

Yes, you read that right, in another parallel universe, Storm and Iceman turned out to be the most powerful subordinates of Magneto.

The first person to take action was Storm, she herself has the ability to control the weather, and at this time, as Storm's eyes turned white, the thunder and black clouds brewing in the sky actually dissipated.

"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty good at controlling the weather."

Storm looked at Thor disdainfully and said.

As the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, the sun fell on the ground once again.

"Hey Thor, what are you doing?"

Hawkeye looked at Thor suspiciously and asked.

"It's not me, that woman seems to be able to disperse the clouds in the sky, and the storm hammer cannot summon thunderclouds."

Thor was also very shocked that Storm was able to disperse thunderclouds.

This was the first time he had encountered such a thing, and he had never seen anyone who could change the weather before.

Except for the night, of course.

"Hulk, deal with that woman."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Captain America already understood what was wrong, so he said directly.

"Boom boom boom..."

The earth is shaking, this is the movement made by Hulk stepping on the ground. Every step he takes is extremely far, and the distance between the two sides is not too far, so he almost reached Storm and others in a few seconds. in front of.


It's a huge crash.

It's a pity that Hulk couldn't touch Storm, because at this time, in front of him, a man with the same huge physique was intertwining his hands with Hulk's hands fiercely.

Red Tank, an almost invincible being among the mutants.

There was a saying that once the red tank started running, no one in this world could stop him.

Also as a power type, the contest between Hulk and Red Tank seems to be on par, and it seems that it is not easy for the two sides to decide the winner.


This is what Black Widow said.

At this moment, her eyes narrowed slightly, the killing intent in her eyes was no longer able to hide, she was angry.

Since these days, it's no exaggeration for people to say that they are always on the verge of death. Without seeing it with your own eyes, you can't imagine how much suffering they endured.

However, there is always payoff, although it seems that the Avengers do not have the upper hand right now, but the next scene will let these... mutants from another universe Surprised..."Crack!"

It's the sound of broken bones.

Red Tank looked at his deformed hands, and looked at the Hulk whose eyes were almost completely green with disbelief... Lu

Chapter 302 Changes in the Avengers (please subscribe, please complete)

Chapter 302 The changes of the Avengers, please subscribe, and ask for all the reservations. In the different space specially created for the Avengers in the white night, everyone is on the verge of death more than once, but any effort will not be completely unrewarded.

War Hulk, this is a state inspired by Banner and the Hulk in the body when they are on the verge of death many times, and the Hulk in this state will become extremely powerful.

And it is worth mentioning that the War Hulk used some of the spiritual power of Apocalypse, which was obtained when Bai Ye defeated Apocalypse at the beginning. Later, because he obtained Ultron, it was always stored in Ultron.

To make the Avengers stronger at all costs, this is Bai Ye's order to Ultron. Obviously, Ultron has faithfully implemented it, so there is the War Hulk, who has gradually entered the state at this time.

Yes, you heard it right, Hulk, who easily destroyed the hands of the Red Tank, is still in the active state. As for how strong his real form is, I am afraid that only the Avengers who have witnessed all this can understood.

On the other side, Bai Ye also noticed this scene, but unlike Magneto who also noticed but fell into shock, Bai Ye's mouth showed a satisfied smile.

"Not bad."

This is Bai Ye's comment on the Hulk at this time. For him, the Hulk at this time is just passing.

"Those guys seem very different."

Magneto said lightly.

He was shocked that the Red Tank had been abandoned like this, but again, he didn't show any timid expression, Magneto's confidence never came from others, his confidence was always himself..." Maybe Well, but I'm curious, how does a guy like you conquer your universe?"

"The current you is at best a single universe level. Could it be that your universe does not exist at the level of a multiverse?"

Regarding this, Bai Ye is obviously a little unbelieving. Bai Ye is very clear about how strong the existence of the multiverse is. Unlike his multiverse, which is not the same, at least eternity must exist in that world.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Magneto was stunned for a while, and then he only heard him say: "I have always believed that wisdom is greater than strength, maybe the multiverse is strong, but they are not without weaknesses, just like you now, although You are indeed stronger than I expected, but it doesn't matter, I will kill you."

Magneto is very confident, he seems to have some trump card that can deal with Bai Ye, but Bai Ye is a little annoying, he doesn't like to argue more, man, he likes to do more than talk.

"Boom rumble..."

The ruins began to vibrate violently, and when Magneto frowned and looked at Bai Ye, the boulders on the ground that had been completely turned into wasteland actually began to levitate... ..."wisdom outweighs strength"

"Sorry, I can't agree with your point of view. Of course, I'm not saying that it is greater than wisdom, but I think that only when wisdom and strength are combined can you truly be in this world."

"I'm sorry, I'm no longer interested in listening to you... nonsense, although I'm also curious about how you deal with the real powerhouses in your universe, but go to hell."

On the ground, Hulk and the Red Tank were still fighting, but it was obvious that the Red Tank was already at a disadvantage, but when Hulk was about to give the Red Tank a fatal blow, the entire earth shook violently.

"How is this going"

Storm looked at the Iceman and asked.

"Damn, that guy is too strong, I have never seen this level of energy, the leader is probably not his opponent, you two cover me, I will freeze the time first."

Iceman's expression seemed a little flustered. As the strongest in the four-person 4-team, he didn't even have time to take action against the Avengers, because Bai Ye, who was in front of him at this time, was undoubtedly more threatening. Magneto is no match for White Night.

Mutants are an amazing group, some of them are weak, even weaker than ordinary people.

But some people are strong and some perverted, such as Iceman, this guy is... that kind of... Really strong perverted existence.


Accompanied by the sound of freezing and freezing, the whole world suddenly became quiet. This is a very contradictory feeling, because if you say quiet, that kind of... "click"

The sound has never been interrupted, but the difference is that this world only has this kind of sound.

New York is plunged into silver, and it seems that the Iceman is capable of far more than that, "white"

As it spreads, it seems to be taking over the whole world.

"A very good ability, and you have played it to a very high level, really, you are very good."

Just when the iceman was trying to freeze the whole world, a creepy voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

It stands to reason that anyone will be completely frozen at this time, but why is there a voice from behind him, "This is impossible."

The Iceman, who had turned into silver, was full of shock. He had never encountered such an outrageous thing, even when he cooperated with Magneto to kill the eternity of that world, he had never encountered such a thing.

Yes, they succeeded, two powerhouses at the level of a single universe successfully killed a power at the level of a multiverse...  

Although there is a lot of luck in this, it cannot be denied that they are indeed successful.

This ice man from a parallel universe is indeed very strong, and he is even stronger than Magneto only in strength.

But he chose the wrong opponent after all, Bai Ye is different from Eternity, Eternity has countless avatars, but he has only one.

The dark red light flashed past, and the energy of the slag and the power of chaos completely shattered the Iceman's body almost instantly.

It was just a moment, the battle was over, and the two sides were not even relieved on more levels..., a blow, just a blow, Bai Ye made the mutants from another world understand, What is the crushing of real power.

Bai Ye's attack is not flashy, because he has long since abandoned those... flashy things, and there is one more thing, that is these......from another world the "guest"

They couldn't even warm him up at all.

It's over, it's over since the Iceman shot, Bai Ye's power is beyond ordinary, it's not an existence that can be described in words.

With the death of the Iceman, everything that was frozen returned to normal, and at this time, Magneto saw the body of the Iceman shattered all over the place, and fell into an unparalleled shock...

Chapter 303 Post-War and Harvest

Chapter 303 After the war and harvest, please subscribe, please fully subscribe to Magneto until he died, he didn't understand how he could lose so simply, so quickly, it was completely contrary to the ideal country he originally thought.

Bai Ye's powerful power broke his body and his dreams, but when Magneto died, Bai Ye saw a guy he had never seen before and ran away after touching his body.

With the death of Magneto, the invasion of mutants from another world has come to an end.

The rest of the guys are just kittens and fish to Bai Ye, and it's not worth his effort at all: "Call me when you're done."

Looking at the back of Bai Ye's unrestrained departure, the Avengers once again confirmed Bai Ye's unparalleled power.

"Let's fight quickly, none of these people can be spared."

Captain America took a deep breath. Although he had seen it many times, whenever he saw the battle of Bai Ye, it would bring a new shock to his heart.

At this time, he is very fortunate, fortunate that Bai Ye has always been on their side, oh, no, no, to be precise, Bai Ye is not on either side, if he insists, he is only on the side of the earth That's all.

Bai Ye never claimed that he was righteous, all battles for him were just different positions, battles were battles, just for survival and nothing else.

The rest of the mutants are no longer the opponents of the Avengers, and they are also embarrassed by the white night while watching how Bai Ye kills their two strongest beings.

Storm died in the hands of Hawkeye. She paid too much attention to Thor. In her original world, Thor was restrained to death by her.

Her... ability to control the weather is too convenient for... Thor, but it's a pity that this world is different from their world, and there is no such thing as a white night in their world.

The sword pierced into Storm's head, and she died without seeing where the attack came from.

This is Bai Ye's strengthening of Hawkeye. Bai Ye has given him the ability to attack from all directions without dead ends. Simply put, Bai Ye has given him the ability to travel through space within a certain range.

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