Maybe this ability is nothing in the eyes of some people, but for... Hawkeye, it is the most suitable.

Storm died in the hands of Hawkeye, and the Red Tank was torn apart by the War Hulk. Also as a power-type monster, the picture of... tearing a two-meter strong man alive can be described as extremely bloody. .

Except for the patient who was killed by Bai Ye, there was only one Fireman left in the four-person team. Of course, if he could be admired by Magneto, his own strength must be beyond doubt.

However, it is a pity that he met Stark. As the most special person among the Avengers, Stark is proficient in magic and also controls extremely powerful technology.

Before he was intensively trained by Bai Ye, he actually made good use of these two powers, but at this time it was different. While the magic isolated the fire that can burn everything, the technical power was almost instantaneous. Burning Man is cut into countless sections.

The long-lost victory has finally come to the Avengers again, but they all know that it is all due to one person, and that is Bai Ye...... The end after the war Work naturally has to come at night, and the ability to modify reality is indeed a normal existence. With the flash of red light, New York has returned to its original appearance again.

It's all over, and the Avengers are back at their base, but this time they rarely train as often as they normally do.

On the contrary, after everyone came back, they all returned to their rooms and started to sleep soundly.

They were too tired, the endless killing in the alien space made their nerves tense at any time, and when everyone returned to reality, the invasion of the mutants once again made them fall into the battle non-stop. .

At this time, they just want to have a good sleep, and they can't care about the rest... The warm sun shines on the earth, because of the white night, New York at this time is completely invisible. To come out it was destroyed a few days ago that's called a complete.

In a certain private house, Magneto with white hair is playing chess alone. Yes, he is the local Magneto. As for the one from the parallel universe... he is already dead and can't die anymore.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three crisp knocks on the door broke the original silence, and as Magneto said that he came in, an ordinary-looking man also appeared in front of him.

"It's over, very smooth, without any setbacks."

The man said slowly.

But when he was talking, his voice gradually changed from him to her... Mystique, one of the most trusted people under Magneto, maybe it's not quite right, After all, this guy really doesn't believe anyone but himself.

"Unfortunately, I thought he would succeed."

Magneto said with a smile.

But everyone can see how false what he said.

"He is very strong, no, because it should be said that I am very strong, and I can actually move the planet. What a powerful force."

Magneto continued with a smile.

Hearing Magneto's words, Mystique also said, "Your plan is very successful. Although he is very strong, his brain is not very good. He actually took the initiative to provoke Bai Ye. That's not courting death."

Mystique is very disdainful. Of course, this disdain is aimed at Magneto in another world. Maybe it's not just the Magneto who hurt the one in front of her.

"Hey, how can you say that"

"Anyway, he's always me, even if it's from another universe."

"What, did you get it back?"

Magneto put down the chess piece in his hand. At this time, he was like a child waiting for his favorite toy. As Mystique took out a cube-like box from his hand, Magneto's face was no longer restrained. Lived twitching.

This box is a magical box that can contain and isolate the power of mutants. The original Apocalypse's ability to continuously absorb other mutants was largely because of its existence.

Magneto just got it by chance. He originally planned to use it against Charles, but with the opening of the parallel universe, Magneto found a better target to use.


With an extremely comfortable moan, Magneto raised his hands high, and at this moment he felt that he had gained unprecedented power... Lu

Chapter 304 Magneto's Plan (Part 5, please subscribe)

The 304th Magneto's plan, the fifth update, asks to subscribe to the unprecedented power that surges like waves in the body. At this time, Magneto feels that he seems to be omnipotent.

"It's a wonderful feeling, it even made me feel like I'm a god."

Magneto said lightly.

Hearing his words, Mystique was also smiling slightly beside her, she liked to see Magneto satisfied, and she could help him get everything he wanted. Mystique was happy in it.

"Okay, let's go."

As the feeling of... full of power gradually spread throughout the body, Magneto said decisively.

"Where to go"

Mystique is puzzled. Although the outside world seems to have returned to normal at this time, in fact, many people don't know what happened to the invasion of the mutants. He only thinks that it is the mutant who launched an attack. As for whether it is from another universe, they don't care at all.

So now the mutants outside can basically be said to be mice crossing the street, but whoever dares to go out at this time to get in trouble, no doubt, no one will have a good end.

"Bai Ye is still too strong after all. Even if I feel that I am omnipotent at this time, I still have no confidence in facing him."

"Now is not the time to conflict with him, we need more powerful forces, and the invasion of parallel universes gives us the best chance."

Speaking of this, Magneto's eyes also exuded amazing brilliance, and the parallel universe opened his eyes, especially when he gained the knowledge of another world, Magneto, which was his biggest gain this time.

"You mean we also invade other parallel universes like them"

Mystique is worthy of being Magneto's confidant, she understands Magneto's thoughts almost instantly.

And strictly speaking, the reason why they became the biggest winners this time is actually mostly due to Mystique.

As early as when Magneto discovered that he appeared in another time, he had already made a plan. To put it simply, when he discovered all this, he had already begun to deploy himself to calculate the other world.

First let the Mystique kill herself in another world, and then use the mutant's ability to deliberately influence the other party's judgment of this world.

Everything is in Magneto's step-by-step calculations, but he in another world is complacent about his powerful strength, thinking that this world will be as vulnerable as their world.

...the mutants rallied again, but this time their actions were very secretive.

As the biggest winner, this time Magneto has gained far more than just his strength.

Watching Burning Man absorb the power of Burning Man from another world, he also became stronger.

Yes, that's one of the loot that Magneto got under this, he managed to get a way for mutants from another world to plunder the power of other mutants.

Seeing that his subordinates became stronger, the corner of Magneto's mouth also showed a smile.

"Boss, why don't we take over this world first"

The powerful force makes some people start to swell up, they feel that they are omnipotent and invincible now.

"Put away your ignorant thoughts, not to mention other forces, just a single white night is definitely not something we can resist. You'd better dispel your thoughts now."

The person who spoke was Mystique, which was not suitable for Magneto to say, so she spoke first.

Hearing Mystique's words, Pyroman wanted to say something, but when he saw that Magneto didn't speak at all, Pyroman immediately understood, which was probably what Magneto meant.

With the number of people... one or two...,... After they all improved their strength, Magneto's body slowly floated up... "My brother Sisters, today is a memorable day, because today we will embark on our journey, and we are not strong enough now, so we have to start from the outside world."

"Only in this way can we strengthen ourselves and completely make our world our paradise."

"Today, I am talking about opening the door to other parallel universes. If you are willing to follow me, then I guarantee that you will become stronger than ever before."

"Of course, if you don't want to, then I won't force it."

Speaking of this, Magneto's hands began to rise to the sky, and then the ground began to rumble.

Witnessed by many mutants, a dark door suddenly appeared in front of them, this is the barrier of the universe, but also the door to other parallel universes... "Now, the door will be in ten Close in a few minutes, come after me if you want."

After Magneto finished speaking, he entered the gate first, and then Mystique, Fireman and others followed suit....On the other hand, in the New York Temple, the white night was boring. He is playing chess with himself, and Magneto from a parallel universe makes him a little disappointed.

That kind of... level battle wasn't even as fun as fighting a beholder. The opponent was too weak, so weak that he couldn't even be interested in it from the beginning to the end.

But just when Bai Ye was fiddling with the pawns, he suddenly raised his head... "It's interesting, is this your choice?"

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth suddenly showed a smile, and it was at this time that Doctor Strange, who came over with tea on the side, saw Bai Ye's smile, and the tea in his hand almost didn't fall down..." What happened, Mr. Bai Ye."

Based on Doctor Strange's understanding of Bai Ye, if it wasn't a big deal, then he would never show such a smile. Teacher Gu Yi is right, Bai Ye is... a strange flower, a real evildoer.

His power is unquestionable, but so are his hobbies.

Have you ever seen someone who caught beings from other dimensions as pets

Whichever of those guys came out is not an existence that can destroy the earth. I recall the "pet" in the different space and the white night.

The bitterness of the battle, Doctor Strange felt from the bottom of his heart that Bai Ye was not a normal person.

And now he shows this smile again, which is exactly the same as when he left himself and others behind.

Hearing Doctor Strange's words, Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly, then he took a sip of the tea brought by Doctor Strange and said, "It's nothing, it's just that something fun happened... ."

Chapter 305 Spider-Gwen (Part 6, please subscribe)

Chapter 305 Spider Gwen Chapter 6, please subscribe Bai Ye didn't go to Magneto, for him, it was just a fun that could raise his interest.

With his increasing strength, Bai Ye is very aware that his emotions as a human are constantly fading away. Although he has tried his best to control it, this is the price brought by evolution.

In this world, there is nothing that can be obtained without paying, everyone has his own suffering, even the white night is no exception.

Time is still passing day by day. New York, as the financial center of the world, also has countless dark sides under its surface prosperity.

This is a paradise for many people, but it is also a breeding ground for sin.

With the wailing of the siren, it was accompanied by the speeding car chase on the bustling streets... The American emperor does not limit guns, and the consequence of this is that the bad guys can easily obtain powerful weapons. firepower.

Back in time, an hour ago, on the busiest street in New York, a landmark bank was robbed. Five 55-[-] masked men armed with heavy firepower completely solved the security here almost instantly. .

Then came the looting part, but what's so disgusting about these guys is that when they get what they want, they also shoot people in the bank.

Because the firepower of these gangsters is too strong, the police who came outside early did not succeed in preventing them from leaving.

Under the attack, this group of arrogant gangsters sped away.

Time goes back to the present, in addition to the sound of sirens, there are also bursts of gunshots from time to time on the streets of New York. These gangsters are very arrogant, and they did not forget to provoke the police during their escape.

However, these... The police in New York are all food buckets, even if they can't stop the car driven by the gangsters. Whenever the gunshots sound, these police officers dare not pursue them.

Just when the gangster was extremely arrogant, among the towering buildings, a vigorous figure was constantly rippling between the buildings. Seeing him, the crowd that was originally panicking and screaming also cheered. .....Spider-Man, the patron saint of Queens in New York City, is undoubtedly more loved by the common people than the police.

"call out...!!"

This is the sound of spider silk cutting through the air, and the car that was speeding at high speed was easily stopped by a few slender spider silks.


Spider-Man jumped from the sky to the top of the car and made a muffled sound, and when they heard this sound and saw the sunken roof of the car, how could the gangsters not understand what was going on. ..."

The muzzle of the gun was blazing, and the gangsters did not hesitate at all, and the countless bullets swept the roof of the car into a hornet's nest almost instantly.

"Did you kill that guy?"

A gangster asked uncertainly, "I don't know, but I don't feel like I hit anything. Be careful, as long as you see that guy, just kill him."

The head of the person said with murderous intent in his eyes.

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