Things have come to this point, and they have no way out.

However, the words of the bandit leader just fell, and at his side, with the "Bang"

There was a loud bang, and the car door was actually yanked out by brute force.

And it was at this time that Spider-Man's voice sounded slowly... "Hi!"

"I said it's crowded if you sit together, or let me help you."

As soon as Spider-Man finished speaking, a white spider silk also shot directly into the face of one of the gangsters, followed by "Ah"

With a scream, the gangster was thrown out directly.

There was no suspense about what happened next. Under the witness of everyone, Spider-Man completely solved the group of gangsters with little effort.

However, at this time, also on the top of a building in Queens, a very graceful figure was standing there quietly, and the most interesting thing was that she was also wearing a spider suit. ..........."Sir, someone called Peter Parker is calling you, do you need to answer"

In the mansion of Baiye in New York, Baiye, who was enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea, suddenly heard the voice of Ultron.

"Peter? What did he call me for?"

Bai Ye thought about it for a while, but he still said: "Connect it."

As the call was connected, Peter's voice also sounded on the other end of the phone, but at this time he seemed to be very nervous, only to hear him say: "Mr. Bai Ye, do you have time now? I have a very important one. I need to talk to you face to face."

Hearing Peter's words, Bai Ye also frowned slightly, but he did not refuse, but gave his address directly, and then hung up the phone.

In fact, to be honest, Bai Ye doesn't want to pay attention to these... The so-called superheroes, to put it bluntly, on today's earth, no matter what...

Whether it's Spider-Man, or even the Avengers, their so-called incidents are just small problems in Bai Ye's eyes.

He is not interested in disturbing his original life because of these... small problems. For Bai Ye, under the low and single universe, he is too lazy to care about anything.

Obviously, Peter seemed to be really anxious, because even ten minutes after Bai Ye finished speaking the address, there was a knock on the door.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, the expression on Bai Ye's face also became a little interesting.

Yes, he really is not interested in these superhero things, but he is interested in interesting things.

"Hi, my name is Gwen Stacy."

Seeing this beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure stretch out her hand, Bai Ye also stretched out his hand to shake hands with each other with great interest, and said, "Bai Ye."

"I've heard your name, maybe you don't know, in our universe, your name is equally piercing."

"No one knows the name of Bai Ye, no one knows it, but as long as you are in this circle, he will have heard of your name."

Gwen's smile is very sunny, and the unusual spider suit on her makes her look extraordinarily beautiful.

"haha, really"

"Am I so famous in your universe?"

Bai Ye smiled faintly. This is the evil result of the parallel universes beginning to change. The two worlds that were completely incompatible are now touching each other. That is to say, the options available to the bad guys have changed. It's a lot more... Lu

Chapter 306 Talking about Parallel Universes (Part 7, please subscribe)

Chapter 306 Talk about Parallel Universes Chapter 7, please subscribe Peter's purpose for bringing Gwen here is very simple, that is, I hope Bai Ye can help Gwen return to his own universe, and at the same time, I also hope that Bai Ye can completely close the parallel universe. the void between.

Because if you don't completely close that... emptiness, the two worlds will still have something in common.

"I understand what you said, but I think you still don't understand what the parallel universe represents."

"It's not impossible for me to close the hole, but I can tell you now that I won't do that."

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye said.

Nothing in this world is accidental, there is a connection between them, to put it simply, everything is inevitable.

If the source problem is not solved, Bai Ye's action will only make things worse, because any action at the multiverse level will attract the attention of other people at the same level.

Not all multiverse-level existences in this world are kind, and even Bai Ye can say that all multiverse-level powerhouses, including himself, have very special hobbies.

These... hobbies are good and bad, don't look at the difference between today's Bai Ye and ordinary people, but it is because of his strength that it didn't take long for him to be promoted to this level. time.

Others, such as eternity, or even death, as long as you pay attention, none of them have any quirks. In the eyes of multiverse-level powerhouses, life is already just a form, and maybe they don't think that death is... the end , so if Bai Ye makes a move, it is likely to usher in the coveted coveted by other multiverse-level powerhouses.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, both of them seemed a little disappointed, but this was not unexpected. They both knew very well that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and Bai Ye already belonged to that...strategic level It's normal that he can't do anything at will.

"Sorry, we were abrupt, but Mr. Bai Ye, can we ask you to do one more favor? You can rest assured that you don't need to take action. We hope you can borrow Ultron to give us a day. We need to use it to find an evil one. guy."

Peter knew a lot about Bai Ye, and even the existence of Ultron was clear to him.

Hearing Peter's words, Bai Ye has no objection, but just find someone, I believe that Ultron can solve it very well.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, behind Bai Ye, Diana slowly walked over and hugged him and said, "Why don't you help them? It's easy for you, right?"

"Don't tell me that you are afraid of other multiverse powerhouses. I know your temper very well, so you won't be afraid of those guys."

If there are people in this world who really understand Bai Ye, then Diana must be one of them.

"Ha ha."

Bai Ye laughed first, and then he said: "You still understand that parallel universe is such an interesting thing, how could I take the initiative to close it?"

"And what I said is also an excuse. The frequent appearance of parallel universes is indeed a layout. Although I don't know what he intends to do, I am sure that the other party is definitely a powerhouse at the multiverse level."

Bai Ye's words made Diana smile. She likes the feeling of being trusted. As for whether the parallel universe will always open, what does it have to do with her... Gwen's appearance caused S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... attention, coupled with the last mutant invasion, the parallel universe is already imminent.

"Sir, we don't have the ability to handle this kind of thing."

Hill said with some concern.

With the technology of today's world, human beings have barely stepped out of the earth, and even a little farther place cannot send people to.

Closing the parallel universe void is really embarrassing.

"What do they say, Doctor?"

Nick Fury also knows how bad the current situation is. The strength of superheroes is only individual. Generally speaking, human beings are still in a very weak situation.

"There's no way, they haven't even figured out what's wrong, let alone solved it."

Hill shook his head. There are quite a few scientists on Earth, and some of them have even gone a long way in certain fields, but closing a parallel space void that is not within the scope of the Earth is obviously beyond everyone's reach. ability.

"Get ready, let's visit the man, if he is willing to help, then I don't think it should be a problem."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Hill was also stunned, she knew very well that no matter what...

It's S.H.I.E.L.D.


...whether it's other organizations, they are so afraid of... Bai Ye.

That is a man who cannot be defeated, and no one even dares to use his mind to plot against him. Bai Ye's performance is too powerful, to the point of despair.

After Peter and the others left, Bai Ye actually counted Nick Fury back as S.H.I.E.L.D.


The boss of ..., if he doesn't know what's going on now, then Bai Ye has to say that he is too remiss.

However, the parallel universe is no longer an event that they can solve, so it is inevitable to seek their own help. As Bai Ye once said, everything is not accidental, but inevitable... Looking at Nick Fury and Hill in front of them, Bai Ye also said after pouring a cup of tea for the two: "The multiverse is a theoretically infinite or finite collection of possible universes."

"With the current technology on Earth, no one can prove its existence."

"Of course, here I can tell you responsibly that parallel universes exist, as do multiverses, and their composition is much more complicated and dangerous than you think."

"Before we start talking, please remember my words for the two of you, don't try to lift the cover of the parallel universe, the consequences are not yours to bear."

Bai Ye looked serious, this is no longer a field that modern quantum mechanics can explain, and it will really kill people if you mess up.

However, on the other side, while Bai Ye was talking to Nick Fury, in the depths of the universe, a lonely spaceship was slowly moving forward, and on the window edge of the spaceship, a person who had not appeared for a long time was also caught by the starlight. Lighting up the figure, Thanos, he appeared again...

Chapter 307 The war between Spider-Man (8th more, please subscribe)

Chapter 307 The War between Spider-Man Chapter 8, the existence of Baiye is like an insurmountable giant peak, so that all existences trying to do something to this world have to be concerned.

You said that Thanos hates Bai Ye? Of course he hates it, but what can he do about hate? Thanos is very clear, even if his current strength has reached a new peak.

But he still didn't have the slightest confidence to defeat Bai Ye, Bai Ye was too strong, Thanos knew very well that if he continued like this, he would have no hope.

The parallel universe is a very good window, at least that's what Thanos thinks.

"When I come back next time, I think you will be surprised."

Thanos glanced at the dark universe behind him, and then he resolutely drove the spaceship into a black hole, which is the barrier of the world and the door to the parallel universe... On the other side, On Earth, in Queens, New York, dozens of 10's of Spider-Man are blinding the eyes of the common people, they don't understand what's going on.

But it is precisely because of this that some bad little spiders have also begun to act as demons.

As the saying goes, whitening is weak by three points, and blackening is strong by half.

After I don't know how many Spider-Mans from parallel universes appear in New York, it is inevitable that some villain Spider-Man will appear.

Yes, you heard that right, in countless parallel universes, not all Spider-Man are good, and it's worth mentioning that these....Villain Spider-Man is basically Each of the above has more power than a decent Spider-Man.


This is the sound of Jin Ming. With the successful installation of a huge device, something like a miniature sun also appeared in this abandoned chemical factory.

"Hey, I said you're sure this thing is as good as we need it to be"

A man shrouded in a black spider suit said suspiciously.

"I don't understand, as me in another universe, how can you be so mentally retarded. This is an antimatter device. As long as I can get the materials I need, it can easily make this planet a ruin."

"Even if you are stupid, you have to have a limit. If you ask such mentally retarded questions again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The speaker is also a Spider-Man, but for them now, it's a bit of an inaccurate description.

Silk, this is the name of the... villain Spider-Man, as "Spider-Man" in some parallel universe

His upbringing is completely different from other Spider-Man.

And it is precisely because of this that the spider silk is already developing in the direction of metamorphosis.

"You can give it a try, but I want to see how your little arms and legs can handle me."

The speaker is also Spider-Man from another parallel universe, but his size is more than a circle bigger than other Spider-Man.

However, when the two were bickering, with the "clang clang"

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