With a sound, several Spider-Man wearing red and blue spider suits also rushed in.

"This feeling is really strange, am I looking for my own trouble?"

One of the Spider-Man muttered to himself.

"Okay, although I don't know what happened, but you have to be careful, the three of them have the same power as us, no, it should be said that they have stronger power than us."

Another Spider-Man said.

With the arrival of the Spider-Mans one by one, there are dozens of "Spider-Man" gathered here for a while.


At the same time, when many Spider-Man gathered, in a building beside, the Avengers were monitoring everything in the abandoned factory with equipment.

"Hey guys, are you sure we just leave them alone....


War Machine Rhodes said hesitantly.

Born as a soldier, he always felt that this kind of thing should be cut quickly, let the good Spider-Man leave, and then a meal: saturated attacks covered it, he didn't believe those three guys still alive.

"Let's do it for now, I know what you're thinking, but in fact the success rate of that kind of thing is really low, don't forget that Parker is also a member of the Avengers, I don't think you should say what his strength is. Clearly, he is absolutely capable of getting away before the attack arrives."

Falcon tilted his head, and then rejected Rhodes' "plan"

"Well, I'm just talking about it, but if necessary, I can directly wipe out this abandoned factory in an instant."

Just when Rhodes and Falcon were joking, White Night in New York was sitting on the sofa at this time, Nick Fury had already left, and White Night did not allow him to directly close the space passage.

However, when Nick Fury left, he euphemistically expressed to Bai Ye that he hoped that he could protect some New York as much as possible. After all, dozens of guys with superhuman strength could easily get out of control in a fight.

At this time, Wanda was holding Bai Ye's shoulders for him, and in front of them, a real-life projection was shining on the coffee table.

Looking at the Spider-Man in the projection, there were already signs before they started, and Diana came over with a cup of tea just brewed... "Ultron has evolved to a very high level. , I am afraid that the earth can no longer satisfy him if it continues like this."

Diana said with a smile.

Although this is a very dangerous thing, in her mouth it seems to be saying a very common thing.

"Well, but it doesn't matter, Ultron's continued evolution will only benefit us. Of course, the things I promised Ultron are still counted. As long as he thinks he is ready, I will accept his challenge at any time. ."

Bai Ye smiled. He once said when he recaptured Ultron that he allowed Ultron to evolve himself, and at the same time gave him the right to challenge himself at any time, but before he defeated himself, he could only be himself forever of artificial intelligence.

The conclusion that Ultron came to was that if he did not defeat Bai Ye, then he would not be able to exterminate humans and open a new era, so Ultron agreed, and he has not given up his original idea over the years.

Ultron is working hard to evolve, and at the same time he is also dutifully playing the role of Bai Ye's housekeeper. Maybe one day Ultron will challenge Bai Ye, but that's all in the future, and now, Spider-Man in the abandoned factory They are already fighting..."Boom!"

As one of the most powerful beings in the Avengers, Spider-Man's full-strength shot can be described as extremely terrifying.


Chapter 308 Bai Ye's Shot (Part 9, please subscribe)

Chapter 308: Bai Ye's Shot 9th Update smaller.

But it is worth mentioning that although there are only three villain Spider-Man, in fact their combat power is stronger than that of the decent Spider-Man, not a single star.

Seeing that the situation did not achieve good results with the number of Spider-Mans, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, who had been hiding in the corner without taking any shots, became more and more serious.

"No, S.H.I.E.L.D.


... The data given to me shows that there are fifty-seven people, but in fact, there are only fifty-six people here, including you."

It's no small matter for Spider-Man to get together, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... even made a careful response plan, and this plan was also named the spider universe crisis.

"One more hasn't come."

Gwen Stacy also squinted and said.

This is the plan of the two, they plan to bring all the Spider-Man together, and then unite the power of everyone to deal with Spider Silk and the other villain Spider-Man.

As for solving these... After the villains, everyone is trying to find a way to go back.

But now only fifty-six of fifty-seven people have come. You must know that Spider-Man's destructive power is very powerful. If the one who didn't come...is a good Spider-Man, that's all, but if he is bad, then he The destructive power it can have on this world is far beyond what ordinary people think.

"Don't wait any longer, as long as you can control these three people here, as for the remaining one... I really can't. I will go to Mr. Bai Ye for help. I believe he should tell me the whereabouts of the other party."

To... native Spider-Man, White Night is... an omnipotent god, unless he doesn't want to...

Whatever it is, I can do it all night.

Hearing Peter's words, Gwen couldn't think of a better way for the time being, but when she was about to nod her head in agreement, she followed: "Boom"

There was a loud noise, and Gwen's spider reaction had just been reacted when she was pinched by a strong hand in the palm of her hand.

"Look what I caught"

An icy and emotionless voice came out from under the black spider suit, but unlike ordinary spider suits, this man's spider suit was actually there: it kept squirming, as if it were alive.

A symbiote, a strange creature from aliens, is a living body with its own mind. To put it bluntly, you can treat him as a "person" alone.

to look at.

But the only difference is the symbiote "human"

As the name suggests, he must be combined with another life to exert the strongest power.

And after being parasitized by the symbiote, if the host is a good person, then he can undoubtedly help the host to become a superhero-like existence, but if the host is a bad person, then the same, the name of the super villain must not escape, and now, this Spider-Man obviously doesn't look like a good person... Feeling that it's getting harder and harder to breathe, Gwenstadt has tried to resist, but it's clear that the two sides are not at the same level in terms of strength at least.

Looking at this sudden scene in front of him, Spider-Man tried to save Gwen, but the villain Spider with a symbiote is undoubtedly very powerful, because no matter who attacked him, he could immediately Dissolve easily.

Watching the other party bring Gwen to the side of the other three villain spiders, many Spider-Man are also a little bit jealous.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this scene in front of me is really spectacular, it has never happened in my world."

The villain spider holding Gwen said in a mocking tone.

On the other side, Bai Ye in New York also saw this scene, but just when Diana and Wanda thought that Bai Ye would not do anything, Bai Ye stood up slowly.

"what are you going to do"

Diana asked in confusion.

Based on her understanding of Bai Ye, Bai Ye should not care about this kind of thing at this time.

"Something interesting came up and I want to see it."

Yes, Bai Ye is very interested in the symbiote, but the origin of this thing is too mysterious, even if Bai Ye has no clues, it is difficult for him to find each other.

Bai Ye is very curious, if he lets the symbiote parasitize, will his power be improved again or if he will have any other changes Bai Ye is very curious about this, so he plans to make a move... and At the same time, the Avengers in the building were also preparing to take action, and Gwen was caught a little beyond their expectations. Originally, everyone planned to use a better way to solve this incident.

However, when everyone was wearing and equipped, Stark's artificial intelligence Friday's voice suddenly came from the armor... "Boss, Mr. Bai Ye is here."

Hearing Friday's words, Stark, who was waiting for everyone to prepare, was also stunned. This was somewhat inconsistent with his understanding of Bai Ye. In Stark's opinion, Bai Ye is the kind of... Unless absolutely necessary, he would rather sleep. People who don't do superfluous things.

It's clearly not there yet, but White Night is here..."What's wrong, Stark?"

Seeing Stark's appearance, Captain America also asked suspiciously.


"I think we can take a break from get off work, and those guys probably don't need us to take action."

Stark still looked like a condescending man, and everyone was stunned after hearing his words, but it was at this time that everyone finally understood what Stark meant... There was a lot of movement in Bai Ye at this time. He didn't use magic, but flew directly here with his physical body.

"Boom rumble..."

This is the sound of a sonic boom, which shows how fast Bai Ye's speed is.


With a loud noise, Bai Ye directly smashed through the already crumbling dome of the factory building.

And when Bai Ye broke through the dome and fell into the factory, all Spider-Man unanimously focused on him... "There are too many people, what should you do? ."

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Bai Ye snapped his fingers gently, and just after he snapped his fingers, there were a few people left in the factory that was still full of people... "My darling, Bai Ye The gentleman is still so fierce, yet he has dealt with so many people so easily."

Falcon said in shock.

But the other Avengers by his side are no better than him either.

With Bai Ye sending away all the Spider-Mans in the parallel universe except Gwen, there are only four Spider-Man 44 villains and the native Spider-Man present here...

Chapter 309 The symbiote is in hand (10th update, please subscribe)

Chapter 309 The symbiote is in hand Chapter 10, please subscribe "This is..."

Seeing that all the people around him suddenly disappeared, the villain spider with the symbiote on his body also asked very puzzled.

But just as his words just fell, the spider silk on the side also spoke... "Bai Ye, one of the strongest people in this universe, the guardian of the earth, is said to be a supreme mage. , but compared to the one in my universe, this guy is obviously much stronger."

Spider Silk's tone was serious, obviously he had already done his homework, at least he knew very well about Bai Ye.

"Is that so?"

Hearing the words of the spider silk, the villain spider with the symbiote also opened his mouth which could be said to be bloody, and watched his long tongue lick his face, and the other people also moved slightly away from him. a little further.

"It's interesting, can symbionts even make structural changes in your body?"

Bai Ye calmly looked at the scene in front of him, and didn't know if the time line had changed because of his relationship, otherwise, according to the current time, the Venom guy should have appeared on Earth.

Obviously, the appearance of Bai Ye made the spirits of these villain Spider-Man highly nervous. After all, they can be regarded as the best in the universe anyway. While possessing high IQ, they are also very good at judging the situation.

"Mr. Bai Ye, can I trouble you to save Gwen first."

As the atmosphere in front of him became more subtle, Peter Parker, who was beside him, also said in a low voice.

However, although it was said in a low voice, the senses of the villain spiders were so sharp. The spider silk held Gwen's hand even tighter. He knew very well that the only way for him and others to survive today was... I hope Bai Ye can take care of Gwen's life. .

However, he still underestimated Bai Ye, in front of Bai Ye, who could modify the previous one, simply relying on physical attacks would have no chance of winning.

Seeing that his hand suddenly twisted, the spider silk dropped Gwen almost instinctively, and it was at this time that Bai Ye spoke up... "I have nothing to do with the three of you. Interested, you can die."

The powerful energy exploded in an instant, even if these... the villain spiders have been vigilant enough.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is still too great.

One blow, just one blow, the three of them didn't even know how Bai Ye did it, and their bodies burst apart in a very strange state.

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