
Seeing this explosive scene in front of them, they also widened their eyes. Although they have not yet fought against these... villain spiders, they are measured by the strength of Spider-Man.

None of the crowd dared to say that he could instantly kill each other.

"Stark, can you do this now?"

Captain America turned his head. These days, everyone has been practicing in the different space that Bai Ye has prepared for them. Although everyone's strength has made great progress, in fact, if you really say it, Stark will definitely One of the most advanced among them.

The combination of technology and magic destined Stark to be at the forefront of everyone, and in fact he did. He did not know how many times he broke through himself and saved everyone in the different space.

"Don't be kidding, unless the three guys stood still and let me fight, but you can see, these three guys were obviously on alert just now, I don't want to kill them in seconds, even if I want to do it at the same time. Hit all three of them hard, I think it's all a problem."

Stark is conceited, but he doesn't think he is invincible, and he has the advantage that he doesn't mind admitting his failures.

As Stark finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Bai Ye again, but this time all of them felt horrified... On the other side, the only remaining villain, the spider, was already caught in the In the incomparable shock, he didn't understand what was going on. Bai Ye was far more terrifying than he imagined... "You..."

No wait: The villain Spider spoke, and Bai Ye, who was beside him, continued: "Actually, I have nothing to do with you, so you can also die."

No matter how strong Spider-Man is, he is only a planet-level hero at best. This is similar even in other parallel universes. Even if these... villains are stronger, he is still impossible to reach the sky. Parent or even single-universe level.


As Bai Ye snapped his fingers for the second time today, the villain Spider couldn't speak even if he had a thousand words. Seeing that he gradually turned into Hui Fei's body, countless images flashed in his mind... ...The last villain, the spider, died, and it took less than five minutes from the beginning to the end. In the face of Bai Ye, none of them had the power to fight back, and the life level of the two sides was still too poor. many.

"Okay, next...you, I didn't watch the future, but I hope you won't disappoint me."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, just now he just wiped out the villain spider, as for the symbiote, he didn't hurt it at all.

The weird way of acting and the completely dark appearance make it look like... not a good thing, but for Bai Ye, who already fully understands what this thing is, it is just more interesting right now. Just a toy.

The symbiote can infinitely magnify the heart of the host, in short, it has the ability to change a person's character.

Think of Parker in another world, he is usually approachable and his temperament has changed greatly because of the symbiote. Think about Eddie, he is also very different from the past because of the parasitic venom.

Although he didn't know what Bai Ye was going to do, when Parker reached out and grabbed the weird thing when he saw Bai Ye, Parker almost didn't call it out.


Bai Ye made a mute gesture to Parker, and then he actually let the symbiote eat his body... The stage of the symbiote's boarding was not so peaceful, but as time passed, the symbiote also It can be considered that its invasion of Baiye has been completed.

However, unlike what Parker and even the Avengers thought, the symbiote showed no sign of integrating into White Night's body at all.

"Is the life level not at the same level?"

Looking at the symbiote that was constantly wriggling in his palm, Bai Ye understood almost instantly what was going on.

The difference in life level between the two sides is too great, just like the ants will never be able to occupy the body of the giant dragon. Obviously, the symbiote failed Bai Ye's expectations, but because of this, Bai Ye suddenly had a wonderful idea.. ....lou

Chapter 310 Annihilation Emerges (Part 1, please subscribe)

Chapter 310 Annihilation Emergence The first update, asking to subscribe is a failure in trying to see whether the symbiote can bring you improvement, but this is not beyond Bai Ye's expectations.

I know my own business, and now it is very difficult to rely on external forces to improve myself. Because of the existence of the system, Bai Ye has almost acquired most of the common abilities in this universe.

As for those...not very common, Bai Ye has also deduced a seven-seven-eight-eight through the power of the system.

At the moment, Bai Ye held the symbiote in his hand, he just glanced at Spider-Man and said, "Go back, it's all right here."

Bai Ye left, and the one who walked away was called a crisp, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the different space underground in Hawaii... The symbiote is a very good thing, especially At this time, Bai Ye still has the top artificial intelligence like Ultron in his hands.

With a strong body and a good mind, this combination has made Bai Ye think of a more interesting thing.


Bai Ye said calmly.

"Yes sir, I am here."

Ultron's voice was still full of magnetism, but he probably already knew that Bai Ye had something very important for him to come, so when his words fell, Ultron's three-dimensional image was also projected in front of Bai Ye.

Seeing this respectful artificial intelligence, who would have thought that it almost destroyed the world not long ago. "This is a good thing, I will give it to you, I hope you can make good use of it."

Yes, to combine the symbiote with Ultron, this is a more interesting idea that Bai Ye came up with, and hearing Bai Ye's words, Ultron also fell into thinking.

As the top artificial intelligence, Ultron already understands what kind of existence the symbiote is. After all, as long as Ultron thinks, it can invade any network on earth in an instant.

It is not the first time that the symbiote has appeared. Although it has not really been shown to everyone, in fact, many organizations are already studying it.

"Sir, are you sure you want to give me the symbiote"

This is the first time that Ultron has questioned Bai Ye's words, since it lost to Bai Ye, it has never talked to Bai Ye like this.

"Of course, what I said must be true. I'll go first. I look forward to the day when you merge with it."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he left here, but before he disappeared, a gleam of light flashed in Bai Ye's eyes...... The days still passed day by day, during this period, he never paid attention to it. Having lived with Ultron and the symbiote, he seems to have forgotten that there is such a thing, and he is still living a life that he admires with Diana and Wanda.

The earth is still at peace, and under the joint protection of the Avengers and Ori, the countries of the earth are in a stage of rapid development.

The potential of human beings is endless. In the past, they used this potential for infighting. Now, with everyone's awakening, they have realized that the earth is not the only living star in the universe. to step into the universe.

"Good morning, friends, today will be a day that history will remember, because today, the spacecraft jointly developed by the most powerful countries on earth is about to lift off."

"This time is not a moon landing, but a real human visit to the universe..."

The live news in the morning caught the attention of the whole earth, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... and other countries' secret organizations have acquired a lot of alien technology over the years.

Now, these...Technology has bloomed beautiful flowers, and human beings are finally going to take that step... But the reality is always cruel, especially in the comics This is especially true in the world of Wei, the powerful force in some cases also indicates that the earth is ready for advanced warfare.

As Thor said at the beginning, backward planets don't attract powerful predators, but if your technology develops to a certain level, it will be different... The first group of gods appeared , the appearance of the Eradicators is almost certain that this is... a killing in itself.

Huge body, holding a scepter like a hammer, the arrival of the eradicator is so sudden... Bai Ye can bet, for the appearance of the...

None of the organizations expected it, and they didn't even think about the consequences of their actions.

However, just when Bai Ye planned to directly kill the eradicator, the mutation happened again... "Boom..."

A loud noise suddenly sounded, and the huge body of the eradicator was slammed into the air in an instant, and then with the flash of black light, the eradicator was almost instantly cut into two pieces. ..."So strong."

This is what Dr. Banner said. As one of the top scientists on earth, Dr. Banner has almost absolute authority on gamma rays.

And this research is very important for the long-term survival of the spacecraft in the universe, so Dr. Banner also participated in this action plan.

Looking at the eradicator who was killed in an instant, Bai Ye's eyes also burst into light, because he has already seen who the shot is, it is an existence that ordinary people will never see in almost a lifetime, annihilation.. ....the five creation gods are not too mysterious for Bai Ye, and he himself has already reached this level.

It is also a multiverse-level powerhouse, and Bai Ye can even be said to surpass some of them in combat power.

Of course, Bai Ye will not be arrogant enough to think that he is stronger than the five gods, because there is such an existence in the five gods as Annihilation... Annihilation, the smallest of the five gods is recognized as the strongest one. It is said that he does not have any physical properties, just like eternity and infinity, and his existence itself violates the common sense of today's earth.

However, the power of annihilation is unquestionable, he can arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all the axes of time and space in the multiverse.

To put it simply... he can easily change any shape of the universe, such as turning the universe that is three-dimensional and three-dimensional into one. This is a very terrifying ability, and it is far from all of him. .

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not the first time Bai Ye has met Annihilation, and the two sides are not enemies or friends at present.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Annihilation, Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly. From a personal point of view, Bai Ye is more inclined to fight Annihilation at this time, but since this is the Earth, the battle between the two is likely to cause the Earth to fail. Unable to restore the damage of the level, he is still relatively restrained...

Chapter 311 The means of annihilation (Part 2, please subscribe)

Chapter 311 The means of annihilation Chapter 2, please subscribe to "White Night"

"I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

At this time, Annihilation was all wrapped under a black illusory coat. If it wasn't for his unique breath, I'm afraid even Bai Ye wouldn't be able to recognize him right away.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to appear in front of me so quickly."

"What, did that guy on the ground take something from him?"

Bai Ye is not a fool, and he does not think that the most mysterious of the five gods, Annihilation, will kill for the sake of killing, but then again, it is not the first time that Annihilation has hunted and killed the gods.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the first firmament last time, I'm afraid a war would have broken out between Annihilation and Eternity. Hearing Bai Ye's words, Annihilation didn't lie. In fact, for beings of their level, they all disdain to lie.

The red energy body is like a soul, this is what Annihilation obtained from this eradicator.

"System, analyze the energy body in the hands of annihilation."

Bai Ye said in his heart, and then a dark red light appeared on his right hand.

The journey of human beings in the universe must be ended. The spacecraft built by gathering the wisdom of all human beings is so fragile in the face of the annihilation of one of the five gods.

Just the aftermath of the annihilation, this spaceship carrying the hope of mankind has become a pile of scrap metal.

At this time, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent, as if he no longer needed to use words to stimulate the other party, fighting was always the ultimate way to solve things, and it was also the fastest way to understand everything.

Looking at Bai Ye, who was ready to fight, the corner of Annihilation's mouth also rose slightly, "It's not the time to fight with you, if this guy is not very important to me, I wouldn't even plan to come to Earth at this time."

"But I've prepared a wonderful present for you, and I hope you'll like it."

Annihilation is not a planet devourer, and his mind is obviously more calm. When Annihilation finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

On the other side, Bai Ye did not pursue, in fact, Bai Ye never planned to have a hearty battle with Annihilation on Earth.

Of course, things won't end there. With the disappearance of annihilation, Bai Ye whispered: "Are you there, Ultron?"

"Of course, my sir."

As Bai Ye's words fell, Ultron's voice also sounded beside Bai Ye. Today, it is full of various modern equipment, and these things are undoubtedly the best carriers of Ultron.

"The symbiote should be fused together.

Get on him, follow him, watch him."

Bai Ye said calmly and indifferently, but when his words fell into the sky, they disappeared in an instant.

The two sides have officially made a move.

The appearance of annihilation is very abrupt, but it is also reasonable.

As mentioned above, every strong man has his own quirks, and gods are also creatures, and they are always chasing a certain habit of their own race.

As for these...... habits are good or bad for other beings, it depends on the positions of both parties.

......Today is indeed a moment to remember, the most advanced spacecraft built by mankind was completely destroyed by an accident that was not unexpected.

And as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., Nick Fury appeared in front of Bai Ye again, he was pleading, begging Bai Ye to restore the spaceship to its original state, he knew Bai Ye had this ability, so he said... "Please. "

Nick Fury only said three words, but these three words were as heavy as a thousand words.

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