"You should understand that this is still too early for the earth and for... human beings. The universe is far more complex than you think."

"Perhaps you will bring disaster to mankind because of your actions today, I think you should be clear about this."

Bai Ye did not agree directly, but he did not refuse either.

"Maybe, but it's also the hope of mankind, isn't it?"

Nick Fury said something calmly, and after hearing his words, Bai Ye took a serious look at him, and saw a green light flashing away, and the spaceship that had been completely destroyed turned out to be restored to its original state again. .

Today is destined to be a day to be remembered by history. The human spaceship set sail again with the help of the earth's patron saint Bai Ye, and in this regard, the earth has opened the era of the big universe... At the same time, it has been in the depths of the universe. The annihilation at the place showed an inexplicable smile.

Time flies, and it has been five years since humans set foot in the universe. As time goes by, the Avengers also continue to have families and businesses.

During this period, something happened between them. The Hulk was exiled by the other Avengers, and the reason was because during a certain operation, the Hulk seriously damaged Las Vegas. .

So some of the strongest heroes on earth captured him and banished him... On the other hand, Bai Ye also found something wrong while everyone was acting, but he only felt it. , As for what was wrong, Bai Ye couldn't explain it.

The time is still the same, but in the white night in Hawaii, I feel more and more irritable.

Marvel's world has its own timeline, and everything has its own rules, but now this rule has been disrupted, and more strictly speaking, the timeline of White Night has been disrupted. .

"Is this what you call a gift?"

After all, Bai Ye is not a fool. He already understands that he is in the means of annihilation. As an existence that can change the dimension of the universe at any time, Bai Ye was unknowingly annihilated and brought into other dimensions of the universe.

And the reason why Bai Ye found out that something was wrong was because that fellow Annihilation had already planned to plot against Bai Ye.

Hulk World War, this is the progress of the current cosmic dimension timeline, which would never happen in the white night dimension.

Hulk knew his wife because he was exiled, but because of this, the spacecraft carrying his wife and unborn child exploded by accident.

Hulk's wife and unborn child were killed, so the bloody plot came, Hulk fell into anger because of this, he thought all this was done by the Avengers, so he took revenge with infinite anger.. ....in just an instant, Bai Ye has already read all the timelines of this dimension.

However, because this is a means of annihilation, Bai Ye did not choose to directly break open this world and return to his own universe. He chose to face hard steel... Lu

Chapter 312 Doomsday!Chapter 312 Doomsday! (No. 3, please subscribe)

With the ripples in the space, Bai Ye stepped into the space passage, followed by the smell of gunpowder smoke, and a familiar feeling.

"here is......"

In the distance, the fire is shining into the sky, and the city is full of high-rise buildings. It is a modern city, with a building towering in the center of the city.

Niuyue! But it's not the Niuyue of the Marvel world! "It turns out that I came here, but it seems that the infinite original stone, as well as chaos magic and various spells can be used in this world."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, and the surging energy in his body was restrained as much as possible.

Another city not far from New York, but the city center has been reduced to ruins, smoke is everywhere, and from time to time bursts of explosions are constantly heard from the city center, like an earthquake! A monster 7 meters high, naked , standing on top of the ruins in the city's open space, with a ferocious look in his eyes, his muscles bulging, exuding a terrifying aura.

Like a high-speed flying machine constantly shuttling beside him, countless bullets poured out of his muzzle, bombarding the monster! "Mr. Bruce, we expect the damage to be only a dozen, I suggest you give up with this The act of monster confrontation."

A man with a bat hood on his face, gritted his teeth fiercely.

"I don't want to stop anyone to stop Ah Fu, don't say it."

Bruce Wayne pressed the counterattack again, and the reloaded cruise missiles shot out, heading for the Doomsday bombardment, with a whistling sound.

Boom! Two loud bangs came, and the city center was like an earthquake again, with smoke and dust everywhere.

"Did you kill him?"

As soon as the voice fell, Bruce Wayne's pupils shrank, and a figure in the smoke flashed up into the sky, jumping thousands of meters into the sky with the smoke and dust destroying the sun.

Boom! Doomsday outrageously punched with a powerful punch that cut off Swayne's bat fighter directly! Bruce Wayne jumped without hesitation, worthy of dodging the fatal blow.


Doomsday roared, jumped again on the ground, and the ground collapsed into the sky.

Seeing that Bruce Wayne was about to be brutally murdered, suddenly a figure flashed and slammed into the Doomsday in the air.

Boom! The blue figure brought Doomsday to dozens of high-rise buildings in a row, and finally fell on the ground in the center of the ruins, smashing a big hole.

However, soon the figure smashed out at a faster speed and fell heavily on the ground in the distance.

"Can you handle this guy?"

Ruth Wayne walked beside Clark with a rare trace of anxiety in his eyes.

For this man, he is hailed as a superman of God by the people. He is omnipotent and powerful. Even when he is against this monster, he is at a disadvantage! "The monster is so scary, I have never seen such a pair."

Clark gritted his teeth, it was so terrifying, he didn't bother with Bruce Wayne anymore about their previous holiday.

It's their job to stop this monster from destroying the earth! "Roar!"

The Doomsday roared, and the body as big as a hill rushed at high speed, making loud noises like an earthquake.

"You come to contain this monster, I will find a way!"

Bruce Wayne's eyelids twitched and he flicked to the side quickly.

Clark's face was solemn, ready to take the blow.

Right here is a graceful figure, appearing behind Doomsday, he flicked the whip in his hand, hooked Doomsday's soles, and pulled hard.

Doomsday in high-speed motion suddenly stumbled, but after all, it is a world-class monster. Doomsday first smiled and then his legs flexed.


Anna screamed and was pulled by the giant force to the front of Destruction. At the moment when she got close, Diana instinctively raised her shield.

Boom! Suddenly there was a loud bang, but then... there was a numbness in the hand, the wind howled, and Doomsday smashed Diana to the side of Clark with a punch.

"Is she with you?"

"I thought it was with you."

Bruce Wayne and Clark looked at each other, their eyes bewildered.

"There is no time to discuss this now, I am Diana of the Amazons, and I will fight this monster with you!"

Diana rolled her eyes, held her shield and began to charge towards the Doomsday, and Clark, not to be outdone, followed closely behind.

The two powerhouses rushed towards the Doomsday at high speed, and a loud bang continued to bombard the eardrums of the surrounding residents. The battle between these three people, countless high-rise buildings continued to collapse, and bursts of explosions came.


Batman is no longer able to intervene in the battle. As a wise man, he quickly left the battlefield to help the residents escape.

But the moment he came to the residential area, he was surprised to find that there was no one here, and a thin young man was looking for something in every possible way.

"Young people, leave quickly, it's dangerous here!"

Batman shouted loudly, but then... the young man turned around in a careless manner, not only did not leave, but walked towards Batman leisurely.

"Damn, are young people so rebellious now?"

Batman cursed secretly, and was about to rush over, when suddenly, the sound of breaking the air sounded high in the sky.

Batman raised his head sharply, followed by a chill in his heart.

High in the sky, Superman was hit in the chest by Doomsday, blood spurted wildly, and hit the ground.

Anna screamed, her graceful body was tightly grasped by Doomsday, and the body of the god was suppressed! At this moment, Doomsday grabbed Diana and fell to the ground at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

If it is smashed to the ground, the terrifying power of the Doomsday and the super high speed, even if Diana is the body of a god, she will definitely die, crushing the meat pie! It's a really interesting thing, Chaos Magic!"

At this time, Batman suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and a dazzling energy fluctuation came from the side.

Immediately afterwards, the destroyed body seemed to have been hit by a heavy object, wailed, made a loud noise, broke through the sound barrier at a very high speed and smashed it in the other direction! At that moment, Batman actually saw Doomsday. , Half of the body seems to be torn directly! How is it possible! Who is it! Such a terrifying monster, even Superman and Diana can't suppress him together, he was torn in half by a single blow! The most advanced weapon, Can't do it! Batman's mind was blank, and cold sweat broke out from his back, but a voice suddenly came in front of him.

"Beautiful lady, are you alright!"

Batman turned his head and saw that the young man just now appeared in front of him again, and Diana slumped weakly in his arms.


Diana's face was crimson. At that moment, he almost felt the breath of death, and fear covered his whole body. The moment he faced death, he felt that he was not a goddess, but just... an ordinary girl.

When she thought she was going to die.

In the blink of an eye, the Asian young man in front of him saved himself! A long-lost and familiar feeling filled Diana's brain, making her heart beat faster and her breathing short.

Chapter 313 The Power of One Punch (Part 4, please subscribe)

"That's good, after all, if a beautiful girl like you gets hurt, I'll be very distressed."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth evoked a sinister smile, and slowly put Diana down.

"Thank you......"

Leaving Bai Ye's arms, Diana felt a little lost for some reason, but she was a goddess after all, so she nodded to Bai Ye reservedly.

"What was that just now? That monster was shot down by you"

Bruce Wayne, unable to hide his surprise, came up.

There was a trace of surprise on his face when he saw Diana and Bai Ye.

"That...is it a monster? In this world, it should be considered a demon, right?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly, but did not answer Bruce Wayne directly.

It's better to keep your eyes wide open. Last time I looked at Bai Ye, the guy in front of me was very young, he looked like he was only 20 years old. In Bruce Wayne's worldview, he was just a child! It was really this child who did it! "Cough Cough, what's the matter, Diana, are you all right?"

Clark clutched his chest in the distance and stumbled towards this direction.

"Clark, how is your injury?"

This is the first time Bruce Wayne has seen Superman vomit blood.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury...cough...Diana, did you kill that monster just now? Is he dead?"

With that said, Clark still sat on his brows and covered his chest in pain. In the last moment just now, Clark saw the Doomsday split in two and smashed into the ground.

"It's not me, it's this gentleman..."

As if remembering the horror of Doomsday just now, Diana shivered, then turned her head to point at Bai Ye.

"Sir, you beat Doomsday why I've never seen you before..."

The moment Clark turned his head and saw Bai Ye, he was also surprised.

Bai Ye is really too young, over 20 years old... and looks like a student.

However, although he didn't know Bai Ye's true strength, Clark could feel the faint aura on his body, which was very terrifying! Even he couldn't see through this kind of aura, and it also made him very uncomfortable. Surprised, such a strong man has never heard of it before, and logically speaking, it should not be unknown.

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