"Did you mean to beat that guy?"

Bai Ye smiled, but raised his finger and pointed at Superman's back.

At the same time, a violent roar and unparalleled vibration came.


Clark, Bruce Wayne, and Diana all turned their heads sharply. In the distance, the fire was shining into the sky. In the deep pit of the ruins, a monster that was much taller, bigger and stronger than before, climbed up.

Doomsday's upper body and lower body are almost separated, but silky.

And at the break, there is a continuous flow, connecting together, and slowly reuniting the upper body with the lower body! "How is it possible!"

Clark was stunned even if he was a superman. He had never seen such a monster before. Although he claimed that the Iron Man is not bad, if he was injured so badly, he would definitely die! "The monster is evolving, it's terrible, When the previous U.S. missiles hit him, it was like this, if they didn't kill him, they would continue to absorb energy and become stronger!"

Bruce Wayne paled.

Even if he is one of the smartest people in the world, such an incredible monster at this moment cannot be calm.

As for Diana, her face was even paler, she couldn't help but took two steps back and bumped into the white night behind her.

"Don't worry, I won't be able to make any waves in this monster."

Bai Ye's gentle voice came, Diana's heart couldn't help but calm down, she couldn't help but look up, but when she looked behind, she found that Bai Ye had disappeared.

"Friend, come back soon, we should discuss countermeasures together, don't be reckless!"

Hearing Bruce Wayne's voice, he looked up and saw a high-speed moving figure, moving in front of Doomsday almost instantly.

What a fast speed! Superman's pupils shrank, and this speed has far exceeded the supersonic speed. Even if he feels that he is a little difficult, this man is so affectionate.


It seems that there is only anger in the emotions, and at the moment when Bai Ye came to Doomsday, Doomsday broke out with Zhongtian's thorough roar, and even the air burst into riots.


The evolutionary ability has allowed Doomsday to simply say some words. His body has been repaired, and his body has become stronger. It is close to 10 meters! A more terrifying aura than before emanates from him! The power of the sea is mixed with powerful The wind pressure slammed towards Bai Ye ruthlessly.

"Haha, have you already started to hate me? Interesting, then let me see your ability! Unlimited raw stone power!"

In the first battle in this world, Bai Ye's eyes showed a strong will to fight.

He punched and collided with Doomsday's huge fist! Boom! The world was destroyed, the ground collapsed and dust was flying, and the surrounding high-rise buildings fell into pieces: Take, if the mushroom cloud actually appeared at the intersection of the two The place! Boom! The mushroom cloud first shrinks, and after reaching the peak, it explodes with a bang.

The gravel mixed with the powerful wind pressure scattered around with unparalleled force. Some collapsed buildings had not yet fallen to the ground, but were crushed into pieces by the strong wind pressure and flew out! This scene is like a nuclear bomb. Outbreak! "Hide behind my back!"

Clark's face was solemn, he dodged to Bruce Wayne, and Diana was alive, he took a deep breath, his chest bulged high, and then he spit it out! Phew! The strong breath suddenly collided with the wind pressure! Breath, a thick ice wall was formed in front of Superman! This ice wall was enough to withstand the attack of intercontinental missiles, but under the strong wind pressure, it was shaky and cracked! Fortunately, after a few minutes, the explosion The rest of his prestige gradually calmed down, and Superman heaved a sigh of relief.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Looking at the center of the field and using the perspective eye, I could see the scene in the center of the field clearly, and my pupils could not help shrinking.

In the center of the field, the huge Doomsday knelt on the ground, and half of his body just disappeared.

"Yes, even if you can survive on the power of the infinite original stone, then you are infinitely close to the level of the heavenly father."

Bai Ye looked relaxed, put his pockets in his pockets, and looked coldly at the gasping monster in front of him.


Doomsday's eyes burst out again, and the huge body swelled again! Lu

Chapter 314 The Death of Superman (Part 5, please subscribe)

The broken half body, the cells are constantly multiplying, but they grow again in a short time! At the same time, his body becomes taller and stronger again!" Stop him, give him a fatal blow, this guy is getting stronger again already."

Clark shouted wildly, as a superman at this moment, he also felt a little bit of fear! He had a hunch that if the evolution of Destruction really succeeded this time, then even he, the invincible Superman, couldn't stop this Dude! And Bruce Wayne and Diana couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Interesting, you deserve to be one of the big villains in the world, then let me see where your limits are."

In a few breaths, Doomsday regained his body again, inflating several times again.

"If it's here, I'm afraid this city will be flattened by you, come on, let's change place, mirror world!"

I saw tedious procedures in Bai Ye's hands, followed by the flow of mana.

Suddenly, the whole world turned upside down, and a world that was exactly the same as before was instantly surrounded by the root of the sun of destruction: the white night.

It's just that here, everything is the opposite of the original world, the mirror world! But Doomsday doesn't care about these.... He is like a savage ox, with an incomparable The power rushes towards Bai Ye's smash! "It's good, then let me see how powerful your power is, and it can be compared to my wireless rough!"

Bai Ye was also fighting intently, and with his bare hands, he rushed towards the Doomsday. The two people, one big and one small, were completely disproportionate. In front of the Doomsday, Bai Ye was like an adult, just like a newborn child.

The power of Bai Ye is to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. The two terrifying guys punched to the flesh. Every time, Doomsday's body was blown away in half. However, due to the rapid recovery speed again, he recovered and was not afraid of death. rushed over.

Boom boom boom! Really loud noises came constantly, and the mirror world looked at being attacked by two terrifying monsters. The powerful force shook the whole world again and again.

Although this mirror world was created by Bai Ye himself, at this moment his power, and the aftermath of the attack when the Doomsday collided, also made the whole world crumbling.

If it was outside, the real world would have been razed to the ground by these two terrifying monsters! Just like the battle between Superman and Zod, the entire New York City almost went back to dress up, and the battle between Doomsday and White Night was able to bring The whole city was in ruins.

Roar! With a loud bang, the mirror world collapsed suddenly, Bai Ye's power was not under control, and the aftermath of his battle suddenly shattered the mirror, destroying the sun, and smashed it into the pit from the mirror world.

And at this moment, Clark's figure suddenly appeared, and he hugged Doomsday in an instant.

At the moment of destruction, he was beaten to death by Bai Ye. Although the cells in his body were still recovering frantically, he was extremely weak.

Pfft! Superman has a ferocious face, holding it in his hand, and at the top of the long hair is a 1 green shiny gem.

Kryptonite! The nemesis of superman is also the nemesis of destroying people! Within the surrounding area of ​​this stone, two people will become: extremely fragile, just like ordinary people.

"This is the only way to kill him, forgive me Louis!"

Clark stubbornly drilled into Doomsday's body, Doomsday was a roar of pain, at the same time, raised his right hand and plunged into Superman's body fiercely.

Originally an invincible superman, but within the range of this stone, if he is pierced, he can only accept death like ordinary people.

Bruce Wayne and Diana in the distance rushed over after seeing it.

The death of this Superman, Bruce Wayne's heart is full of emotion.

"Didn't think it was still like this?"

When he walked out of the portal, at the moment when the mirror world burst open, he used the energy bound by law, which prevented the energy in the mirror world from bursting out and destroying the real world.

But I didn't expect that Superman would be so decisive, sacrifice himself, and destroy Doomsday, exactly like the plot in the movie.

"Contact his family, and the government, the government."

Batman's expression was bleak, and Wonder Woman next to him was not feeling well. Although they had only just met, the friendship of fighting side by side was still there.

"If that's the case, it's nothing to do with me."

For... all this in front of him, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent.

I just came to this world, although I have heard of Superman, but I don't have any deep feelings for Superman.

"Wait... This gentleman, are you free or where are you going, if you don't have a place to go, can you come and sit with me?"

Bruce Wayne quickly recovered from his emotions, turned his head and looked at the white night.

And the look in Bruce Wayne's eyes, Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"Why do you want to study my weakness?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Bruce Wayne's expression froze, showing an embarrassed look.

Yes, he really wants to make this idea, Bai Ye is too powerful, stronger than Superman! The battle just now looked like this. As the smartest people on this planet, and the most vigilant people, Batman is absolutely not allowed to exist beyond the scope of human beings.

Such an existence is malicious to human beings, it is definitely a destructive existence, so we must definitely formulate a strategy against him! Just like when he found Superman's weakness at the beginning! "How can it be? After all, you are helping us, just want to make peace with You are just a friend."

Batman gave an embarrassed smile.

"Hehe, okay, anyway... I don't have anywhere to go. Since the richest man invited me, how can I not go and enjoy it?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"You're serious."

Batman couldn't believe his ears, he didn't expect Bai Ye to agree.

Bai Ye smiled, and Batman thought that if he could find his weakness, he would not be Bai Ye.

And soon, after superman was settled, the troops of the U.S. government rushed over and came to the scene, and found Superman's body.

In the past few days, grand funerals have been held all over the United States to mourn the passing of Superman.

After all, Superman has a very good reputation in the United States, and many people regard him as a god-like existence, or God himself.

On the day of the funeral, all U.S. citizens, including the U.S. commander and military, came to Superman's funeral.

Chapter 315 Help me find them (Chapter 6, please subscribe)

Superman's funeral was held very grandly, and after the funeral, Bruce Wayne and Diana came to Superman's grave.

"With such a huge momentum, I didn't expect it to be just an empty coffin."

Inside Superman's coffin, it was empty, with only a few weeds lying there.

"After all, his body is too strong to be studied by the military of this country, otherwise it will be a disaster."

Diana just sighed and looked aside.

Beside the big tree, a thin, handsome young man leaned on the side and hugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Bai Ye, what action plan do you have in the future..."

I don't know if it was Bruce Wayne's illusion, but he found that Diana's eyes looking at Bai Ye had some dodge.

But he didn't care about this kind of thing, and turned to look at Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye will come back to my villa with me of course. Diana, come too. I have something I want to discuss with you."

"I have something to discuss with you.

The crisis here has been resolved, so I should also leave."

Diana frowned slightly, he has lived incognito in human society for decades.

Because of the war a hundred years ago, she didn't actually have a good impression of human beings, he just wanted to live quietly in this society.

"You have to help me, and it is related to the safety of the entire human race. I hope you will help me find someone like you."

Bruce Wayne, walked aside, beside him was a luxurious silver sports car that cost a lot of money.

"people like me"

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