It's dead! This is Mela's only thought. If hundreds of lasers hit her, even a god will not be spared! But she closed her eyes in despair.


A soft murmur, like the sigh of a god, was not loud, but it penetrated the entire seabed.

Boom! The powerful magic turbulence blasted out from Bai Ye's body, and the magic airflow with a thickness of tens of meters, spanning a distance of thousands of meters, instantly came to the front of the world-destroying battleship.

Before their soldiers could react, with a puff, the World Destruction Battleship pierced through!

Chapter 317 Am I the Sea King? (No. 8, please subscribe)

With one or two clicks, the constant flow of magic poured out from Bai Ye's body. Now Bai Ye has already surpassed the level of a supreme mage. Even without gestures and incantations, he can instantly activate magic! Thousands of magic shots are almost blinking. Instantly pierced the World Destruction Sword! Boom! With a blasting sound, the shell of the battleship that could withstand the nuclear bomb was already pierced by the white night! The roaring explosion sounded, and the original mighty behemoth instantly resembled the Titanic. Usually it sinks directly into the deep sea.

"How is this possible? This is a weapon that can destroy a country. Even if Superman makes a move, it can't be so neat and tidy."

"Impossible, this is a super weapon that we Tlantis have studied for thousands of years!"

"The god of death this guy is the god of death!"

Originally, the arrogant Atlantis soldiers now have numb scalps, and their souls are flying.

The Atlanteans have a very long lifespan. The weapons developed for thousands of years were destroyed by this guy in an instant, and there was no resistance at all! It simply collapsed them and collapsed their worldview! "You... ...who are you!"

King Aum was trembling all over, angry and afraid that the most high-end technology that had been researched for thousands of years in his clan would be destroyed. …”

Bai Ye raised his head, the indifference in his eyes was like frost.

Go, you have to go! A strong sense of crisis pierced the background of King Aum like a needle, he turned around and ran without hesitation, but at the moment when he turned around, an extremely indifferent face appeared on him in front of.

"Excuse me..."

Pfft! Before King Aum opened his mouth to beg for mercy, his body suddenly swelled, and with a bang, it instantly turned into blood mist.

"I said that if you die, no one will be able to keep you!"

The silence of death! All the soldiers of the sea race were stunned. Their king died, and it was an instant kill. You must know that their king is the strongest in the sea! It is also ranked on the entire earth. No! It's actually dead now, and it's an instant kill! At this moment, everyone feels that they are in a dream, and even the surrounding marine life stops. It seems that they are infected by this deadly atmosphere and dare not move half a minute.


Mela was also stunned at the moment, she couldn't even feel the pain in her body, and the Atlantis king who had plagued their race for thousands of years was killed in an instant... "Does that mean our race is saved...? could it be... Mela couldn't believe it, but her eyes kept reminding him that it was this man who killed their biggest hidden danger and powerful enemy.

"Are you still going to fight?"

An indifferent voice came from Bai Ye's mouth, and as soon as these words came out, all the races in the sea were covered in a burst.

Soldiers of Atlantis, look at me, I see you can see the fear in each other's eyes. After a while, they all put down their weapons, and then they all bowed in the direction of Bai Ye.

"I won, we won!"

Mela's soldiers raced and rejoiced, tears of joy flowed from their eyes, and Mela wept with joy, and hot tears kept streaming down her beautiful face.

In addition to the disappearance of the previous queen of Atlantis, you have been slowly eroding Bell, the surface is friendly but always rubbing, constantly.

The war finally broke out today.

The strength was originally very different, but no one thought that there would be a strong person like Bai Ye, who is simply... Zebel's savior! "King! King!"

Deafening cheers continued to sound. First, Zemela's soldiers looked at Bai Ye with admiration in their eyes, and then Atlantis' soldiers had to shout.

In the deep sea, if you can kill the opponent's king, then you have the qualification to inherit the king! Although the rules are not very clear, but hearing the cheers of these soldiers, Bai Ye has guessed these things...  ...

With a wry smile, he didn't expect him to come to the sea king, but instead he himself became the king of the ocean.

"Respected king, please come back to the palace with me..."

Mela walked over, bowed slightly, and said to Bai Ye with a blushing face.

"My name is Bai Ye, not... your king..."

Bai Ye said helplessly, but Mela smiled slightly.

"You have to explain this to them."

Mela pointed at the surrounding soldiers, Bai Ye looked up and saw the enthusiastic look of the surrounding soldiers, knowing that anything was in vain.

However, to find the sea king does have to use the strength of Mela and the others.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye returned to the palace of the Sea King with them.

The palaces of different marine tribes on land are in a very modern city. The same as the cities on land is that they are in the sea, and they are very high-tech.

The roads and various high-rise buildings all look very rich and advanced.

In the center of the city, there is a palace with a height of several thousand meters. It is brilliant and golden. When you walk into the palace with the white night, it is like a small city.

In the center of the palace there is a huge throne that originally belonged to King Aum.

There are several seats next to the throne, and on the seats sit a few old men with white hair and old faces.

Seeing that Mela and Bai Ye walked in, several old men stood up suddenly with wide-eyed eyes.

"Meila, why are you here in the palace of Atlantis?"

"And who is this guy, King Aum?"

Several elders frowned, and Mela stepped forward and bowed deeply.

"Respected elders of the Seven Nations Alliance, King Aum attacked me Zemela without authorization. With the help of this… gentlemen, King Aum has been eliminated by us. According to the laws of the oceanic international powers, this gentleman is qualified to serve as a new the king."

As soon as these words came out, those old monsters who had lived for hundreds of years were all dumbfounded and turned their heads to look at Bai Ye.

"How is it possible that King Aum is actually dead?"

"Impossible Mela, you must be lying, how could King Aum die!"

"Yes, we are the strongest people in this ocean country, and one of the powerful people on this planet, how could it be possible..."

... Several elders still wanted to quarrel, but Mela directly raised an item in his hand. It was a broken hand in his hand, and in the middle of the broken hand was a ring.

The ring of the king of Atlantis! Several elders seemed to be strangled and generally speechless.


"This will convince the elders that this gentleman is the king of Atlantis."


Chapter 318 Vico (9th more, please subscribe)

Mela's words made all the elders in the room with their faces ashen. On the throne! "No, absolutely not!"

After a while, a tall and dignified elder stood up.

Seeing this elder stand up, Mela's heart suddenly flashed a little something wrong. This elder has the right to speak among the elders, and his attitude is extremely tough.

"Elder Clinton, everything I said is in line with the laws of Atlantis. Do you want to violate the laws that we have inherited for a long time?"

Mela didn't show weakness and was tit for tat.

"Humph! Exit: Mela, you're nothing more than Zebel's princess. It's not your turn to do anything about Atlantis. If it wasn't for the cleverness of the old man, you'd be forced by you!"

Elder Clintton snorted coldly and stroked his beard.

"What's the matter, Elder Clinton, please tell me."

Seeing that things were turning around, the surrounding elders all spoke up.

Although their elders belong to the Alliance of Seven Nations, they should have a neutral attitude, but in the decades when the Atlantis family was dominant, they had already tied their interests to Atlantis for a long time. Together.

"It is indeed said that if you invade other countries, then the person who can kill the invader is qualified to become the new king! But don't forget, the person who can become the king must be a member of our deep sea tribe. And this kid is obviously not!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was shocked, and the surrounding elders also reacted and criticized them one after another.

"That's right, this kid looks like... a person from the land, how can he become the king of our Atlantis."

"Isn't it...? I was almost fooled by this guy. Maybe this guy is... the spy sent by the guy from the mainland to invade our deep-sea clan!"

"I see, that's right, it must be a spy, the people on the land are really sinister, I think King Aum is... killed by this land person, together with Mela! Mela betrayed us, what should I do? Get it! Someone!"

...for a while, with the elder's order, hundreds of guards swarmed around them, all wearing golden armor and holding sharp spears in their hands.

He swam over quickly, lined up neatly, and surrounded Bai Ye and Mela! The momentary change caught Mela by surprise, and a trace of panic appeared on the beautiful face.

"I am the princess of Zebel, you dare to do anything to me!"

"What is there to dare, even if King Aum violated other United Nations laws, we dare to lock him up and do it!"

Elder Clinton snorted coldly, his face filled with pride again, he waved his hand, and the surrounding guards, one step at a time, forced them over.

"It's a rhetorical argument, the Confederate country takes you!"

Melas bit her lower lip, tears oozing from her big watery eyes.

Seeing the crowd of soldiers around, Mela absolutely couldn't escape.

Although on the land, the general existence can be an enemy of a hundred or a thousand. It is a citizen of the deep sea tribe, and each of them has a stronger physical quality than the people on the land.

The soldiers among them are even more ordinary hero-level existences, not to mention these...... elite guards.

In the face of such hundreds of guards, even the sea king Arthur in the comics can only drink his hatred on the spot! "Hahaha, you should leave this sentence in the prison."

Several elders laughed, their faces filled with happy smiles.

In the Ocean Kingdom, they are... gods, they can do whatever they want! Even King Aum should be afraid of them, and now King Aum is dead.

They are... the absolute existence of the country! The elders laughed, very arrogant, but a disdainful laugh interrupted them.

"Want to send me to prison, do you deserve it?"

Bai Ye's voice was not loud, but the whole palace heard it, and the voice of the first elder stopped abruptly.

"Look for death! Take him down for me!"

Following the elder's words, the surrounding janissaries quickened their pace, but when they were about to walk around Bai Ye, they suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, why did you stop and hurry up, put this guy in jail."

Several elders froze for a while, then roared wildly.

But these... The Praetorian Guards couldn't move at all, instead they looked panicked.

"Elder Clinton, we can't move."

Many of the Praetorian Guards were panic-stricken, and hearing the words of these Praetorian Guards was a bigger eye.

"Give them to me."

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