Bai Ye sneered, and following his order, the hundreds of guards around him all turned their spearheads in unison, and then pointed at the elder above the seat.

"What are you doing? You are violating the laws of the Seven Powers!"

"How dare you!"

Seeing the Imperial Guards approaching towards them, these elders' expressions changed drastically and they panicked.

They had no idea what method Bai Ye used to get these loyal guards to turn their spears on them.

Mei La next to her was even more shocked, but Mei La beside Bai Ye noticed a detail. Bai Ye's fingers trembled slightly with the hands of the Janissaries, like a control puppet.

Taking a closer look, Mela was surprised to find that Bai Ye's hands were actually composed of strands of magic, which precisely controlled each of the Janissaries.

There are hundreds of Guards, how much magic power can it control so many Guards! It is not bad to know that a good mage can control one, but Bai Ye can control hundreds at once, And she looked relaxed! At this time, Mela knew what kind of existence Bai Ye was. Although she knew Bai Ye was very powerful when Bai Ye killed King Aum, she didn't know how powerful it was! The elders roared again, But in the face of so many janitors and the existence of Bai Ye, these elders could only be imprisoned in prison.

Afterwards, Mela's subordinates had already occupied the palace of Atlantis.

"I had absolutely no idea that I would be in this position one day."

Mela couldn't believe it.

For thousands of years, Zebel has been oppressed by Atlantis.

Even if King Aum is not defeated this time, he will be married to him by his father.

This is definitely not what Mela wants to see, so he led his soldiers to resist King Aum, and that's why Bai Ye saw that scene.

Chapter 319 The Queen's Position (10th update, please subscribe)

Sitting in his seat, he was very excited.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I don't know how to thank you."

Mela was very excited and wept with joy. Seeing Mela's appearance, Bai Ye waved her hand.

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort, now you can take me to Arthur."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Mela naturally nodded.

"This is natural, but Mr. Bai, what are you going to do with Arthur? He basically lives in human society now, and basically doesn't care...

It's about our ocean."

After Bai Ye finished listening, repeat what Ruth Wayne was going to tell him to Mela.

"There is actually such a thing. Recently, I also feel a little flustered. It feels like some kind of catastrophe is coming. Thinking of the strong people among human beings, I also feel the same way."

Mela lowered her head and whispered slightly.

Just when Bai Ye was talking to Mela, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then, a general Atlantis in armor with a majestic face rushed in.

"Vico, why are you here?"

A difference appeared on Mela's fair face.

Vico is the right-hand man of King Orm, but only Mela knows that his allegiance is actually to Arthur's mother, the queen of the previous generation.

"Princess Mela, I have important information to tell you."

After speaking, Vico turned his head to look at Bai Ye next to him, and then looked at Princess Mela.

"It's okay, Mr. Bai Ye is his own."

Mela immediately understood what Vico meant.

"Well, Princess Mela, we have found the trace of the previous queen, and he is not dead!"

"What, you know this is no joke!"

Mela immediately.

He stood up and stared at Vico.

"Vico doesn't dare to deceive you about such a big event."

Vico said respectfully, he was shaking all over at the moment, obviously this news was also very exciting to him.

"Where is the queen now, since she knew where he was, why didn't she bring him back, Atlantis is now leaderless, and needs his leadership!"

"His Royal Highness is not because we don't want to bring the queen back, but he is now in the trench clan..."

Haigou people! Mela's delicate body was shocked, and her eyes showed a strong inconceivable.

"How could it not be a place of exile? No one has ever come back alive from there! There are a bunch of monsters that drink blood with fox fur."

Before Atlantis sank, the Trench tribe existed. They were a group of extremely terrifying monsters. They were not human, but they were not fish. They had sharp claws and teeth. It can be said to be a place where ten lives and no life! "Your Highness, you know what that place is, and now we can only respond weakly, and we must send rescue immediately, otherwise, I am afraid that life will be in danger in the future.

Vico stood up and said anxiously.

"Okay, we'll do it right now..."

By the way, he is also very excited. He only saw the queen when he was a child, but he has a very good relationship with the queen. At this moment... Immediately.

stand up.

However, before taking two steps, Mela seemed to remember something and turned her head to look at Bai Ye, showing an embarrassed look.

Seeing Mela's beautiful face with tangled eyes, Bai Ye smiled.

"It doesn't matter, anyway... I only want to get the support of Sea King, as long as I can command the entire ocean."

Mela showed relief, sighed in relief, and smiled gratefully at Bai Ye, who knew that Bai Ye just didn't want to embarrass her.

After all, he promised to take him to Arthur.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai Ye, as long as you find the queen, I will promise you anything you want."

Mela cast a grateful look at Bai Ye, and at the same time her face was slightly red, and immediately after this sentence.

Turning his head and walking outside, he was not afraid that Bai Ye would see his face.

"Do you promise anything..."

Bai Ye's mouth curled into a smile, he touched his nose, and then He Meila walked out.

"The coordinates are in the desert. We have prepared the battleship, Mela. This is the only clue."

Vico took out a 1 steel ball and stuffed it into Mela's hand.

"It turned out to be in that desert. With our current technology, it will take at least half a day to get there. It's too urgent."

Mela looked embarrassed, and there was no other way at the moment.

"Are you here? Come with me."

Bai Ye glanced at the map in Vico's hand, then flicked his finger, and when he reached the portal, he instantly appeared in front of them.

On the other side of the portal, this is a golden desert scene.

"This...His Royal Highness Mela, the... next to actually a mage, and there are mages in human society now! If you can use teleportation magic, I am afraid you have reached the realm of an archmage!"

Vico was frightened, the mages in the human world are very powerful, but they have known each other for a long time, and I didn't expect to see them here now.

Mela was also frightened. He only knew that Bai Ye was a mage, but he didn't expect that he could even teleport magic, and it was so easy.

"Mr. Bai Ye, how much surprise do you want to bring me?"

Mela Jiao let out an anger, but soon realized that her tone was a little too ambiguous, and immediately corrected her face.

"Let's go."

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, and stepped into the portal first.

The scene changed, and Mela and Bai Ye suddenly appeared in the desert.

Mela took out the blow that Vico gave him from the backpack, and the two quickly came to a place along the instrument.

"What's going on here is also a desert, can't go wrong?"

Mela looked at the golden desert in front of her, and she had some doubts as far as the eye could see.

"Since the entrance: not on land, then..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ye suddenly stepped on his feet, and the dust flew up, and a hole appeared in the place where he was standing.

Mela screamed, hugged Bai Ye instinctively, and the two instantly slid down the empty passage.

Like a slide, the two continued to descend along the passage, and when they were about to reach the ground, Bai Ye suddenly changed his body shape and embraced the quilt in his arms.

Bang! Bai Ye landed firmly on the ground, and in his arms, Mela's face was blushing.

Feeling the hot man's breath on Bai Ye's body, Mela couldn't help but soften, but she quickly reacted and struggled to fall from Bai Ye's body.

He turned his back, pretended to be calm, and walked forward.

"I didn't expect this to be the palace of the late king."

Looking at the statues of Atlantis around, Mela said with emotion.

In front of the statue is a casting table with a three-pronged scissors-shaped groove on the table.


Chapter 320 The Trench Family (11th, please subscribe)

Above the groove, there is a circular groove.

"Give me the ball."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and Mela obediently put the steel ball in Bai Ye's hand.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be here."

He gently placed the steel ball on the groove, and then Bai Ye gently rubbed his fingers, and the water element in the air suddenly gathered on his hand to form a ball of water.


When the water droplets landed on the steel ball, the sound of countless gears turning suddenly sounded, and then a tall and handsome man projected in front of the statue.

This is the original King of Atlantis.

"Transfer to the Seagod Trident, Atlantis can restore its glory!"

The majestic voice of the king of Tlantis sounded, and then a bottle appeared on the casting material.

"The bottle will show you the way, only a true monarch can get my rights."

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