"Not only that, he is more terrifying than the legend. I have seen him before. Ten years ago, his body was nearly 10 meters high. At the beginning, because of a blow, I couldn't move for half a month. , this is still under the circumstance that he is merciful..."

Even Atlana, the noble queen of Atlantis, thought of that scene, and she couldn't help but look terrified.

And Mela was also a little dazed.

You must know that as the queen of Atlantis, Atlana is not only first-class in wisdom and strategy, but also superior in force! It is normal to say that even two of them can't beat Atlana.

But that monster actually injured the queen with one blow, and it was still merciful! How terrifying is that monster! Mela hesitated and stopped, even the legendary queen could not stop a monster, Then what would be the effect of him going... Then at the moment of hesitation, the mountain suddenly shook, and a strong shock wave erupted from the cave.

A tentacle with a thickness of more than 10 meters burst out from the cave, with thick scales on it, exuding a strange luster.

"It was Carlason, how did he come out? Didn't he swear to protect the king's tomb all his life!"

Atlanna, looking terrified, did not expect this to happen at all.

"Great Karason, why did you break your oath! Did you forget the promise you made to the first king!"

Atlanna grabbed the trident in her hand and stabbed the huge tentacle fiercely.

Kara! The more sour metal friction sound, accompanied by the sound of sparks, a trident made of precious metal suddenly broke off.

A powerful force came from the trident and threw Atlana violently.

"What about the stupid Atlanteans, you are the ones who broke the oath of the ancestors, you dare to bring outsiders to the tomb of the previous king, you should be punished!"

The sound of explosions came one after another, and ten tentacles burst out of the cave and stabbed towards Atlanna in unison.

Boom! A violent explosion sounded! However, Atlanna, who should have been bruised and bruised, was intact.

A thin figure appeared in front of Atlanna, not tall, but full of endless majesty.

Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent, and in front of him was a magic circle hundreds of meters high.

Steadily blocked Carlason's 10 tentacles! "Hmm"

Karasson made a puzzled sound, then retracted his tentacles and pulled them out again.

Pop! Like a ruthless iron chain slapped on the magic circle, a strong shock wave erupted from the intersection of the two.

The surrounding caves are already crumbling, shivering, and the magic circle is still intact.

"Lower human, you've pissed me off! I want you to know how invincible the great Carrathan is."

As the angry roar sounded, a huge body swayed along with the earth, crushing the cave completely.

A monster with a height of several hundred meters and a terrifying aura appeared in front of them.


Chapter 322 Call Me Master (Chapter 13, please subscribe)

This is a monster with a dragon head on its upper body and octopus tentacles on its lower body.

The whole body is covered with thick armor, the scales on it exude a metallic luster, and there are four eyes, staring at Bai Ye and them.

"This...this is the legendary Karason..."

Mela raised her head and turned pale as she stared at the monster in front of her.

Although she knew that this monster was terrifying, Mela only understood how helpless this fear was when she looked directly at Karas.

Then in front of the huge monster, anyone can feel their insignificance, as if they are facing the whole world.

So helpless, desperate! "Take your queen behind, I'll meet this little guy."

The warm touch came from Mela's shoulder, and when Mela turned back suddenly, she saw Bai Ye's relaxed face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth.

How could he laugh out that Mela was going crazy, he knew that Bai Ye was very strong, but he was too arrogant in the face of this ancient giant beast Karasen.

Facing such a monster, even a world-destroying battleship would not be able to penetrate his armor in the slightest.

But strangely, seeing Bai Ye's smiling face, Mela was unusually quiet.

Quickly ran to the queen's side and helped Atlanna.

"Her Majesty is here, let's go first."

Atlanna looked bewildered, looked at Mela, and then looked at the white night ahead.

"But this friend of yours..."

Mela, after hearing the words, first looked at Bai Ye, then at the terrifying Karas, and finally said through gritted teeth.

"We must trust her Her Majesty."

In the end, that was the one who grabbed Atlanna and rushed out of the cave.

"Okay, now that they're gone, I can play with you, little guy."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, followed by a flash, and the whole person suddenly floated into the air, looking down at Carlason.

"Stupid and low-level human, you dare to look down on the noble Karas, courting death!"

Callas was obviously provoked by Bai Ye's behavior, and his body taller than the Empire State Building rushed towards Bai Ye.

Although Carlason is huge and looks very bulky, his speed is not slow at all.

Almost in an instant, he rushed in front of Bai Ye.

"It's good, then let me try your power!"

"Mirror World!"

Bai Ye's hands formed a seal, and a world opposite to the truth suddenly appeared around him, wrapping him and Karason together.

With the confrontation between him and Karas, such a cave could not bear the aftermath of their attack at all, and it collapsed directly and then spread to Mela and Atlana.

"Power Gem!"

Bai Ye's eyes burst with excitement, and Kara's large body and strong impact were not afraid at all.

At a faster speed, he rushed over! The bodies of the two are not comparable at all.

Like a tadpole hitting a... blue whale! But the result is the exact opposite! Boom! Almost instantly, the two collided, and a huge shock wave exploded from the place where the two collided, and even The surrounding mirror world trembled slightly! The screams sounded, and Carrason's huge body suddenly flew backwards at a faster speed.

Like an octopus, dense rules appeared on the scales on Karasson's forehead.

"Carlason hurts!"

Familiar and unfamiliar pain came from Carlason's forehead. She had lived for thousands of years and had not felt pain for thousands of years.

Even if he felt pain, only the yearning of Atlantis thousands of years ago made her feel a little pain.

That kind of pain was just like a mosquito bite, it couldn't compare to the damage caused to her by the white night today.

It's a pain in the head of being hit by a giant hammer, it's a severe pain! "Bastard, kill you, kill you!"

Although he was on the way back, Karas's body was not slow at all, and he saw the tentacles on his lower body, like an octopus, rushing towards Bai Ye.

There are thick suction cups on the tentacles, enough to smash the most advanced submarines directly.

But Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"Hehe, more than hands? Thousands of hands are illusions!"

Countless clones emerged from Bai Ye's body, but in the blink of an eye, tens of millions of Bai Ye floated on the water.

At the same time, a dense web formed, instantly including Carlason.

Huh...!! Tens of millions of Baiye's movements are uniform, and a long whip composed of mana is directly shot from the hands of tens of millions of Baiye, and it is directly tied to the 10 tentacles of Karasen! "Hoo! Let go... Karason, you lowly human!"

Carlason's huge body struggled frantically, but no matter how hard he struggled, the whip in Bai Ye's hand bound him like a steel wire.

"Haha, you dare to be so arrogant when you are tied up, you deserve to be the palm of the ancient beast!"

Bai Ye sneered, and tens of millions of clones continued to bind Karasen's body, but stepped out and walked in front of Karasen.

In the blinded eyes of Karassen, Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and a huge palm made of mana appeared in front of Bai Ye.

The palm transformed by magic was as big as Carlason's head, and before Carlason could react, he only saw Bai Ye wave it lightly.

Clap! The crisp sound resounded for several kilometers, the earth was shaking, and the surrounding waves were surging.

I even felt a burning hot spot on my face, and then my whole mind went black, and it took a few minutes before I came back to my senses.

"Despicable human, how dare you slap Karasen in the face to court death!"

Karason roared angrily, but to no avail.

"Hehe, it seems that I still don't have a long memory!"

Bai Ye sneered, then stretched out his huge palm and slammed it down again.

Bang! There was another wave of shaking, Carlason's head was twitched this time, and it took 10 minutes for him to come back to his senses.

"Bastard, what the hell are you trying to do? Are you going to humiliate the great Carrason?"

Karason didn't scold Bai Ye's lowly human anymore, but he was greeted with another slap.

Pop! "What do you want..."

Pop! "I..."

Slap! Carlason didn't say a word, Bai Ye just... slapped him a dozen times in a row.

Cadson reacted again, looking at Bai Ye's eyes full of fear.

The guy is just... not a human, but a devil. Bai Ye's strength was well controlled. Although Carlason was injured, it did not let him die.

Controlled at the limit of Karas, he can't survive, and can't die.

Chapter 323 Mother Box (For Subscription, For Full Order)

"Dear sir, what exactly do you want me to do..."

Carlason finally lowered his noble head, shrank his neck and stared at the white night.

Bai Ye raised his hand slightly, but just this action made Carlason shrink his neck in fright.

"I'm so scary I just grab a haircut."

There was a smile on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth. Hearing Bai Ye's words, Carlason didn't know how many times he scolded him in his heart.

You're not scary, you're just... a devil, but Carlason didn't dare to say these words at all, he could only nod and laugh.

"It seems that my education has not been in vain, at least... You know how to respect others, but for me, don't call me Mr., but the master!"

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